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Messages - AMuslimDude213

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I have seen more Sam Buffoon supporters spew out more lies,now about their own bible,saying all its contradictions are metaphorical,when that is clearly untrue,since historical christians believed in that seriously,their bible interpretation has just come into play after 18th century,while our Quranic tafseer have been there since the time period of Ibn Abbas,who was a companion of Muhammad (pbuh),The bible is constantly disproven in science,History,Geography,it failed to be a book of god,and contains hell lots of contradiction,which is pointed out as "Metaphorical",90% of their bible is metaphorical basically,you throw anything at them,they will say its metaphorical,ignoring in History it was considered true by Christians,besides it wasnt muslims who used to draw flat maps,until some dude in the renaissance discovered it was spherical,this is indeed not the bible of Jesus,but the Bible of Paul,then we have more dumber form of christians i have met in reality,Arab Christians,who claim the bible doesnt contain those contradicting verses at all,and also isnt written by Paul.till now i have received not even one historical documents showing Jesus said he was son of god,or his disciples teaching that,rather i have seen spewed out lies from Sam Buffoon and David Weed concerning our religion when they cant even pick up the Quran for themselves ad read.

What the explanation is you can have sexual intercourse with the slave,but however you need to MARRY the slave first,and when you do,you need to free the slave and give the slave what the quran tells you to give your wife,money,etc

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: weird question on verse 18:108
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:35:29 AM »
Lol,easy question by then the earth will be destroyed all there will be is heaven and hell.

« on: January 16, 2017, 06:47:56 AM »
Salam alaykum,Im also Pakistani,from Lahore living in the gulf :)

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Is false the Quran Challenge?
« on: January 14, 2017, 01:20:12 PM »
Notice in his Arabic pic of the video itself i found a wording contradiction he says alal before a word its Al not Alalhad
And also is ending all words with "La",The Quran never repeafs "La" in the end of its wordings

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Is false the Quran Challenge?
« on: January 14, 2017, 01:12:18 PM »
I mean all the verses use only one set of word from the Quran just Nay,nay,nay nothing new like the quran.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Is false the Quran Challenge?
« on: January 14, 2017, 12:59:51 PM »
LOL,It doesnt sound like the Quran at all,first of all it doesnt At all use Classical Arabic,2nd of All,its constantly repeating the same message what the Quran doesnt do,3rd it isnt proving anything,it isnt telling us the future,etc which the Quran beautifully explains.The Quran starts "In the Name of God" not "In God We seek help",
4th it is just another Atheist attempt to disprove the Quran when it sounds like the Bible,
Most of his sayings doesnt make sense,he isnt swearing upon anything,also isnt telling us about the Science,etc.and mentioning modern day words like didn't,etc when the Quran says did not.
And also sounds like a story more than trying to produce a Quranic verse,
And not only that it is targetting a religion and a religious book it has one target when the Quran switches targets and has more complex words,while this production this "Ex Muslim" made has many slang words in the middle and short terminology,also contradicts in his wordings.

« on: January 14, 2017, 12:15:29 AM »
That is now dumb as hell,There is no proof it was in Petra

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: understanding verse 89:9
« on: January 13, 2017, 09:26:54 AM »
Al Shaytan is not mentioned in any verse,even if  there is Al Shaytaan,It is in Arabic,in arabic people put Al behind names or titles,like Al Khwarizmi,Al Muhammad
Al Tariq,etc

No,there is no saying of 'Ali r.a saying there are interpolations for no.1 never heard that,and
2.the Birmingham Manuscript which is,read page by page and proven that it is the same Quran of Today,which is even older than Marwan himself,
Remember never to believe in a false prophet like Rashad,He is just a seed of Dajjal.

TBH,Tripurasura mostly matches with that false prophet.Mirza,only Ahmadiyyas believe in heaven and hell on earth.

The site is historically,geographically,and in every way wrong.

1.)Muhammad SAW never went to river sindhu which is in India,he never stepped foot out of Arabia
2.)King Bhojaraja was in 1100s,not 500s.
3.)No Muhammad SAW did not meet kalidasa.
4.)No,muslims donot scream or be loud.
5.)No,muhammad saw never bathed an idol.
6.)No,we are strictly forbidden from wickedness.
7.)There were no muslims in gandhar or shath at the time,only in Arabia,
8.)Baltic Sea isnt even close to Arabia,but to Asia.
9.)We donot cut our genitals,we cut a part of it,even jews and christians do,it is good for health,if
Your geetah cannot coincide with science it is not our fault if it really does mean  a part.
10.)We donot preform a ritual?! WHAT is Eid Ul Adha for?!
11.)Musulmans own THE WHOLE of Sindhu river,93% belongs to Pakistan,get your facts straight we arent on the other side.
12.)Muhammad SAW was born in the tribe of Quraysh not in the order of bali,which is in Indonesia.
13.)Medina doesnt look like a ghost or Bhuta,what are you spewing sir?
14.)Muhammad SAW never acted like a ghost,he met people,spoke with people,had a wife,and a daughter,also had a job,he was like any Human being,the only difference was that he was pure from sin and perfect.
15.)Muhammad SAW never stood infront of Bhojaraja at Night,infact after in night no Arab would even get out of where they were,it was a dangerous place.and Bhojaraja didnt even exist.

« on: January 11, 2017, 12:43:17 PM »
First Adam A.S built it,but then it rubbled away and broke down,and then wayyy later ibrahim a.s built it.

Then the Maitreya never came which is basically disproving their own religion.

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