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Messages - AMuslimDude213

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Lol,just proves how dumb christians are from their essence.

« on: March 16, 2017, 02:28:28 PM »
Ask them this,why did he spare someone who caused all this?- Abu Sufyan,who became a muslim.
why did he spare Hind,the one who ate Hamza livers?
why did he spare almost 90% of his captives,10% who were killed were people who were obviously trouble to muslims.

« on: March 16, 2017, 07:16:27 AM »
Probably a glitch,

« on: March 15, 2017, 08:04:15 AM »
A christian debater told me: My God is a loving God and also a Just God.

The old testament doesn't define my God as an angry and Jelouse​ God. He is described figuratively as a jelouse God but i bet you have no clue what this means. You've probably never even studied the old testament before.

My God is a Just God and jelouse God and the wages of sin is death.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. Your questions aren't even genuine, I'm better off investing my time on someone else.

Swallow your pride and study the old testament for yourself. Don't just base your knowledge of it on randomly cherry picked verses and hearsay. Only after an extensive study should you have a final verdict on anything. Don't you think that's a reasonable approach?

Let us learn to take our lives a little bit more seriously​. Time is ticking you know. There's no time for fun and games.

Salvation is individual. At the end of time you'll have to stand before God on your own.
The nature of God is beyond human comprehension. If your God can be fully explained by pen and paper he is a false god.

This further proves that the Doctrine of the trinity is divinely stipulated.

Man never creates a "God" he cannot understand. There is no other God like Jehovah.

The doctrine of the trinity does not contradict itself when properly understood.

Whilst our finite minds will never be able to fully comprehend it we can still understand it.

And when i linked to this site this is what my debater said
+Beez Games​ Of all the websites and philosophical objections you could choose from you decide to go for answering-christianity(.)com? Honestly? Is this a joke or something?

Osama Abdulla! 😂😂😂

Have you ever even read any of his fallacious articles​ or watched any of his debates? Give me a break!

actually Yemeni Jews believed that Ezra was the son of god

Im "Beez Games" let me smoke this fool

Quote to hi  Malachi 3:6 and ask him why does thd trinity contradict the bible.

Some people just cant handle the truth.

Omg,what kind of a muslim even is your debater,present to her this verse
"This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."(5:3)

And Quran is t guidance.
"This is the Scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of God, who believe in the unseen…” (Quran, 2:2-3).

Even the hadith says Islam is perfect.

« on: March 11, 2017, 12:51:32 PM »
Baha'ism is long gone and dead,its 2 Million followers dropped to like 500,000 since Bahaism has error in its teachings,and people are realizing its teachings were stolen from Christian trinity

What? Theres no such hadith hes deceiving you notice how he said he forgot.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / 5 Common Missionary escapes.
« on: March 09, 2017, 01:25:01 PM »
These are excuses common Missionary/Christian debaters do to run away.
1. Claim all your sources are biased. For e,g in a debate i linked articles to this site,they ignored and claimed it as biased
2. Out of the ordinary Name calling,for e,g I had someone who told me he will Pray God curses my family
3.Silence for atleast an hour,then replies,which means the opponent is running out of ideas.
4. A instant ban/block from their chat.
5. Targetting your personal info,etc such as age,etc after this they usually ban or block you,or kick you out of a certain chat.

The only Mention of Jesus by Early Muslims,was in Muhammad SAWs hadeeth about Prophets before him,and also in Jafar(R.A)s speech to An Najashi.
and also in the recitations of the Quran,specifically Surah Maryam.

« on: March 02, 2017, 05:11:05 PM »
Muhammad SAW said that just keep clean he never said "Dont use this,or that,or this",he just said keep your self clean,Wahhabi superstitions are just too hilarious

« on: March 02, 2017, 05:05:34 PM »
Yes Abdulwahab made up his own set of hadiths and sunnah,and called Muhammad SAW imperfect and a mere human,Naozubillah,Muhammad SAW is the perfect figure,even if he was a human,he was elevated to a high rank(As the last and final Messenger and Prophet),Muhammad SAW says in hadith on and on,Donot hurt a disbelieving minority,while Abdulwahab and his gang of Salafi satanists kill Disbelieving Minorities,I would put Salafi alongside with those disgustful Ahmadiyyas and Bahais and Khojas,Salafists are just as disgusting as they cause Bidah,Salafis respect Muhammad AbdulWahab so much so,that some of them ignore Muhammad SAW completely,and focus on the creator of Salafism,
they are different in their hadith  collections and different in their views of the Prophet SAW,different in many cir-cumstances,They tried to Christianize Islam,tried to make Muslims kill scientists just like how Christians did,But Sunnis rather added up to science,because Of Quran,it had such scientific miracles,that people researched it and found it was true,also because of the word Iqra (Learn,also means to Read),while Wahhabis have done nothing but divide Islam and make Sunnis fight Shias,they are to me Satanists,as Osama said,they are "Horn of Satan",they try to use their own interpretations,and try to mend the religion into what they like,rather Islam is clear that Bidah is wrong, and mending the religion to what you want is wrong since Allah has made this religion perfect,its simple,pure and every belief a man needs,A man believes in Science,Quran has it,a man believes in Purity,Quran has it,A Man believed in Equality Quran has it,and a man believes in Logic and Truth,Quran has that.Salafism is mostly centered on the interpretations of Quran and denial of its Miracles,while Quran made it clear that God  has shown us signs in this world,we just need to search them.
I'd rather stick to being Sunni rather than Salafi or Wahhabi,or whatever.Sunni is widely followed and it is simple,Believe in the Quran,God and his last messenger,try to pray all your prayers,follow atleast 1 or more of the Sunnah,and follow the obligatory five pillars,and keep high Iman,Salafis try to make a huge fuss out of the religion and make it complex,while it is very simple,with a message of serenity,logic and truth.

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