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Messages - mclinkin94

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« on: July 06, 2013, 04:45:51 PM »
Hey everyone, this is my first Ramadan ever: I have been looking online and at my mosque for information about the duties and I feel like I can do it. Do you have any advice for me?

I sincerely thank Allah for guiding me to Islam through Answering-Christianity, and I will always be grateful to Osama for his work. May Allah reward him grant him peace and blessings.

It started out with me looking for excuses to deny Islam and Answering-Islam was the site I would always visit to keep me from Islam: everytime I felt my faith in Christianity was weak, I look at anti-Islamic sites to make my faith in Christianity stronger-and it worked for a while. Suddenly I found myself at the rebuttals in this website and I got myself a Quran and within a year, I converted to Islam officially. Its kinda Ironic I converted to Islam from anti-Islamic websites. And I sincerely thank Allah for taking me on this journey.

I will be observing my first Ramadan, hope everyone has a great month!

Also, "theislammiracle" is another youtube channel that 'debunks' scientific miracles!

It even uses the tactic of numbering the miracles. For example one of the videos are called, "Quran miracles debunked 22 of 50". Very deceptive. ACTION NEEDED!


Its a request for Muslims who know Quranic Arabic! Brother Osama is best for this though  :D

Thank you brother Farhan and Egyptian for that clarification.

Since this website was created for rebuttals and defending Islam, I thought it would be best to tell you about this youtuber who primarily focuses on debunking scientific miracles in the Quran and he has been getting a lot of support lately.

If your faith in Islam is not as strong as it could/should be, I would suggest not watching for now. We need people who really understand the Quran and Arabic to make a rebuttal to this guy!

This guy seems to be a bigger threat than Answeringislam..


Also, "theislammiracle" is another youtube channel that 'debunks' scientific miracles!

It even uses the tactic of numbering the miracles. For example one of the videos are called, "Quran miracles debunked 22 of 50". Very deceptive. ACTION NEEDED!


 1580s, "the whole world, cosmos," from Old French univers (12c.), from Latin universum "the universe," noun use of neuter of adj. universus "all together," literally "turned into one," from unus "one" (see one) + versus, past participle of vertere "to turn" (see versus). Properly a loan-translation of Greek to holon "the universe," noun use of neuter of adj. holos "whole" (see safe (adj.)).


Brother I think al-kawn is an old Arabic word but it's application is totally new.Now it's used to refer universe but the word universe emerged not more than 600 years ago.

Allah knows the best

Take Care

Hi, Thanks for your help so far: But I am still not entirely convinced :(

Do you think the word 'Al-Kawn' has the same origins as the English word 'Universe'?

Aslamu Alaikum!

Can anyone find out of Al-Kawn is a new word in Arabic and didn't exist in the time the Quran was revealed? 

Thank you brother egyptian, thatmuslimguy and Farhan.

I'm very sorry but I don't know Arabic as well. If the word for universe "alkawn" exists, would that word be a better one for the universe? But there is a possibility this word didn't exist so Allah used the word heavens for that word. Also another possibility is that 'heavens' didn't mean universe and Allah wanted them to mean sky.

If the only word for universe that could be used in that time was 'samawat' and that was the closest word, that would make more sense. If the word "alkawn" did not mean universe at the time, that would mean 'heavens' is the closest word to it and 'heavens-='universe'.

Also, I wanna ask a question about this verse:

Quran 41:11) Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."

"Assuming Heaven means universe"^So this verse is saying that he directed himself to the heaven and he said to it AND THE EARTH, to come together. Some people say this is a scientific miracle because earth was smoke and then it collapsed on its mass and made the earth. Why did the verse say 'and the earth'--if the earth didn't exist? So it seems like this verse is talking about the sky (the smoke in the sky) forming on Earth (which was already there).

^please clarify brothers


[Quran 20.6] To Him belongs what is in the Heavens and what is on Earth and what is between them and what is under the soil.

^Doesn't this imply that the heavens and the Earth is the Earth and the sky? The verse says that is in between the heavens and the Earth and what is under the soil.


     Brother, the synonym of Heavens is Universe. If you don't believe then you can search it in "OXFORD DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS."

 Well brother, we still don't know much about our vast universe. Scientists admit that they only know less than 5% of the total universal facts. Brother, the early Muslims believed in Quran by their heart. They didn't reject any of the verses. That's why still our Quran is uncorrupted. But due to lack of knowledge about the universal facts Christens, Jews corrupted their books by omitting the sayings of Allah and adding their own ideas. I think the early Muslims also got confused with the scientific verses but still they believed them by heart, they didn't reject them. On the other hand Kafirs rejected them terming them as errors. I think The early scriptures also had these facts but due to ignorance the followers of those scriptures omitted those. If we consider the matter from this perspective, the disbelievers knew or heard about these facts from their scriptures, but due to ignorance they rejected and omitted those scientific facts. Now almost no scientific fact is seen in Bible or Torah because of this. That's why Allah says, "Have not those who disbelieve known"


Take Care.

Thanks, but how do you know 'the disbelievers' are referring to the Christians and Jews and not the Arab pagans?

If God wanted to say universe, why didn't he explicitly use the word for universe الكون and why did he use a synonym?

ty, but if God wanted to say universe, why didn't he use the word for 'universe'-الكون?

and the verse i mentioned said "have the disbelievers not known"-this implies that they already knew this and not scientific miracle?


    Brother please read the article given bellow:

Take Care.

The link doesn't show how the 'heavens' mean 'universe' and not 'sky'

The verse they use is this: (Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, and thenWe parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?) [Suraat Al-Anbiya/21:30]

The verse says, "have not those who disbelieve known'', that means the verse is talking about something they already know...

And how can we know for sure, can you post some verses and analyze them?

Because some of the scientific miracles are derived from this, and if it is not talking about the whole universe, the scientific miracles with regards to this are invalid.

Like, the heavens and the Earth were once connected and then God stitched it etc.

it still raises a question to the Christian that thinks this verse is a contradiction. And that question is "why would Allah make you believe in something that he recognized is corrupted, isn't this a contradiction in the Quran?"

I don't think it is a contradiction .....


2:285 The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from Lord, and [so do] believers; everyone believes in God and His angels, His books and His messengers. We do not differentiate between any His messengers.

The noble verse described the muslims as the ones who believed in God and His angels, His books and His messengers.

but are the prophets before Mohamed still alive in persons?  no.

it means we believe in them as they WERE prophets ,and it is not conditional that they must be alive in order to believe in them.....

Second: not only is the case of the prophets but the case of the scripture itself, it is not conditional in order to believe in a revelation ,that it must be present fully as it was originally revealed ,eg;

Holy Quran: SAY: "We believe in God and what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants, and what was given Moses and Jesus, and what was given the [other] prophets by their Lord.

what was sent down to Abraham?

So remind, if the reminder should benefit;He who fears [Allah] will be reminded.But the wretched one will avoid it -[He] who will [enter and] burn in the greatest Fire,Neither dying therein nor living.
He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself,And mentions the name of his Lord and prays.
But you prefer the worldly life,While the Hereafter is better and more enduring.Indeed, this is in the former scriptures,The scriptures of Abraham and Moses.
 Qur'an 87 (Al-A'laa), ayat 9-19

no scrolls of Abraham survive till today ,yet the Quran described the muslims as they already believed in that scroll.......   so how that could be?!

the answer is simple, the quran has the core of the teachings of the previous revealed books, it means if you already believed in the quran ,you automatically believed in the previous scriptures as originally revealed ....

Can anyone also explain verse 2:113 where it says:

(The Noble Qur'an, 2:113) The Jews say: "The Christians have naught (to stand) upon; and the Christians say: "The Jews have naught (To stand) upon." Yet they (Profess to) study the (same) Book. Like unto their word is what those say who know not; but God will judge between them in their quarrel on the Day of Judgment.

^Does this mean that both their books are good and uncorrupted?

The verse means ,that both the Jews and the christians each read their scriptures and each infer that the other have no ground to stand on.  .

Thank you very much brother egyptian again :). May Allah reward you, I still have a few other questions, but I'll ask then later :)

You have cleared up a lot in this post!! Thank you! Alhamdulilah!

The statement that cleared it all up is:

"By believing in the Quran, you automatically believe in the previous (un-corrupted) scriptures"

^this clears up everything. THANK YOU SO MUCH EGYPTIAN!

This article is making speculation about the Quran and how it is preserved in a tablet and that God promised to preserve that tablet. No, God promised to preserve the Quran. Who would God have to guard the tablet from? Angels? Angels don't have free will, so they cant tamper with it.

And the numerical miracle argument. Perhaps that verse was added there on purpose by God to point to something we haven't yet discovered. Like for example, there are verses in the Quran that don't have Bismillah in the beginning, and when you number those verses in order, you get a number divisible by 7--> So what was initially thought of as a mistake, was on purpose. This could be another one of these things.

But I don't have enough information to explain this fully. Perhaps Osama may know.

I have found some links that will help you:

Also, I took this from a book:

Who was Dr. Rashad Khalifa, and why was he so controversial?
In 1982, a biochemist by the name of Dr. Rashad Khalifa wrote a book entitled “Quran:
Visual Presentation of the Miracle”, in which presented a theory about the Qur’an’s numeric
miracle which, according to him, was entirely and solely based upon the number 19.
Although some of his numbers were correct, it soon appeared that not only were many of
his results inaccurate, but that he even fabricated and manipulated numbers to fit his
calculations and went so far as to claim that he was a messenger of God!
In short, this man based his book on the idea that certain Qur’anic letters and words are
repeated in the Qur’an a number of times that is always a multiple of 19. One of his main
examples is found at the beginning of his book, and is a useful summary of where he went
right and wrong.
According to him, each of the four words making up the Qur’an’s opening verse, the
Basmala, is repeated an exact number of times, and each of these numbers is a multiple of

His own calculations revealed the following results:
1- The first word )بسم(, meaning “In the Name of” originates from the word )اسم(, which
means “name”, and is repeated 19 times in the Qur’an.
2- The second word )هللا(, or “God”, occurs 2698 times in the Qur’an, which is a multiple
of 19 since 2698 = 142 x 19.
3- The third word )الرحمن(, which means “The Most Gracious”, is found 57 times, a
multiple of 19, because 57 = 3 x 19.
4- The final word )الرحيم(, or “The Most Merciful”, is repeated 114 times, and 114 is a
multiple of 19 since 114 = 6 x 19.

After a significant amount of time and research (and manual counting!) I concluded that
these results were mostly incorrect. These were my findings:
1- The first word in its various forms3
occurs 22 times and not 19 times as he claims.
Strangely, although he does point out that this word has a precise spelling in the
)بسم( and )باسم(, which both mean “In the Name of”, as well as )اسم(, which means “name” and)االسم(, which
means “the name”.

2- The word )هللا(, meaning “God”, is repeated 2699 times across the Qur’an, not 2698
times, and it is quite peculiar how he was only one word short of the right number!
The number 2699 is in fact a prime number; that is, it is only divisible by itself and 1,
and in this, perhaps, is an interesting reference to the uniqueness and Oneness of
God Almighty.
3- The third word in the Basmala is )الرحمن(, or “The Most Gracious”, and according to
him, it occurs 57 times in the Qur’an. This number is absolutely correct.
4- Finally, he claims that last word, )الرحيم(, meaning “The Most Merciful”, occurs 114
times in its various forms4
. It is in fact repeated 115 times5
. The additional mention
of this word which he doesn’t count is towards the end of Surat al-Taubah, where
God Almighty states:  Go to page 11

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