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Its possible

I hate to admit, but I hope so  :)

I'd love to see Jesus before the final event happens, I have so many Questions!

I'd especially love to be in the presence of Allah afterwards.

If you think there is a contradiction in the Quran, then ask the following:

Have I made any unverified assumptions?
Have I considered all possible definitions of the words?
Have I considered all possible translations of the words?
Have I considered all grammatical syntactic definitions/renderings?

If the answer is no to the first one and yes to the last 3 and there still is a contradiction--you have found a contradiction.

If you wonder why verses in the Quran are vague and don't 100% show God, consider these logical premises

Premise 1: God created humans to test if we worship him without proof of his existence
Premise 2: If God created humans to worship him without proof of his existence, then he has to give us sufficient evidence.
Premise 3: If God has to give us sufficient evidence, it cannot be a strong enough evidence that automatically 'proves' God. The evidence has to be  there, but it cannot be too strong.
Premise 4: Therefore, God gave sufficient evidence for those whose hearts are open, unbiased to show his existence, but that evidence is sufficiently vague so it doesn't compel those whose hearts are closed.

Imagine the Quran was a strong miracle that was 100% compelling and there was no vaguness in it and it was direct. Imagine the Quran listed scientific phenomena so clearly that in the future everyone knows its divine. Does that make sense for God to do that given the fact that our purpose in life is to worship him without 100% proof? If he gave us really strong proof of his existence, then our purpose in life is violated. We all believe in God and life is no longer a test--because everyone saw the undeniable proof.

Life is a multiple choice test with many choices. If you pick the wrong choices throughout the test, you will be punished; if you pick the right choices throughout the test, you will be rewarded. The test is going to have many tricks in it to see your answer. This is life. Make the right choices. If the Quran was presented with unvague, clear 100% proof of God, then everyone passes the test. Its like the professor decides to give everyone the answers to the exam--Whats the point of the exam?

If you think that the Quran sounds like it was written by a 7th century Nomad consider the following premises:

1.) If God were to give a revelation to 7th century nomads it has to compel them and has to give them things to reflect upon so they believe in the scripture
2.) If that revelation is the final revelation and is supposed to compel people of the future, then that revelation cannot contradict reality that future humans will discover
3.) Therefore, the Quran MUST affirm 7th century belief without contradicting science.

And it must be sufficiently vague (read my past logic)

So yes, you find that in the Quran many words are purposely avoided or the Quran used alternate words so it could affirm 7th century beleif without contradicting (but supporting) science. So the Quranic scientific miracles have to be vague enough so they don't compel those whose hearts are closed and has to NOT contradict 7th century belief.

Imagine Muhammad directly told everyone at the time that the Earth is round and that you are standing off of the middle so you won't fall off. People at that time would have considered him "idiotic" and "unscientific" and would have never considered Islam. So what did God do? In the Quran, there isn't a single verse that says the Earth is flat and there are many verses that hint at the Earth being round. Those have to be sufficient enough to compel those whose hearts are closed AND not contradict 7th century belief AND support modern science.

So why does the Quran sound so basic and why didn't the Quran cover extensively the complex scientific topics?

God kinda patronizes us in the Quran. He knows we are only limited to understanding certain things, and that is what he utilizes. So of course the Quran has to give 7th century people something to reflect upon. Its like me trying to explain the theory of relativity to a 2 year old. I am going to sound like I am 2 year old. Right?

I just wanted to let everyone know that through this logic, I have converted to Islam and seen the rationality behind my decision. I hope it helps others inshallah.

I was arguing with an Atheist (who left Christianity very recently) about how Muhammad was not wrong to marry a 9 year old woman because it was accepted in his society at the time--so he cannot be held accountable for doing an immoral deed. This atheist did not want to even look at Islam because Muhammad was a pedophile.

This was my logic: (you don't have to read)

Premise one: People married young because of the way society was based
Premise two: When the way society is based changes, people considered marrying young immoral
Premise three: Therefore, age in marriage is based on the way society is set up at a certain time
Premise four: Therefore, It is morally acceptable to marry young based on the way ancient society was based and it is NOT morally acceptable to marry young based on the way modern society is based.

So this is good an all and the Atheist accepted this but then he said and I quote "Fine, thank you for showing that the profit was just a child of his time and environment, and NOT a role model for ALL ages to follow
So now we know that 7th century ideas/ideologies were ok for the 7th century and we've moved along
We're in the 21st century can we plz live accordingly?
Can we relegate Islam now to its rightful place? To the history pages?"

I responded to that by saying that: "Where does the Quran say he should be a complete role model? The Quran said to listen to him. The Quran is your role model--that's the book you follow and you should accept it and can accept it for ALL ages to follow.

Muhammad was a mere human being, we should follow how he followed the Quran and how he worshiped God, NOT his personal life. The Quran commands that. I don't have to eat date stalks and grow a beard like Muhammad and completely live as if I was in his personal life"

Now excuse me for saying this, but this is what I really believe, my question is am I wrong? Can you give me Quranic or authentic hadith verses that say we are commanded to do exactly as Muhammad does? Was I missing something.

I know a sunnah is just something we do to respect Muhammad (pbuh) , but is it really required? I don't eat dates, nor have a beard nor marry young...

Zul quarnain is NOT Alexander the Great, This article assumes he is. I fail to see why.,468.0.html

As far as babylon and Samairtons go, Haman is a name--it may exist many times in history. We found that Haman is the name actually discovered in ancient egypt hyroglyphs.

About the birth of Mary, you cannot show a contradiction in the Quran by a means of the bible. That is circular logic and stupidity. The fact that Mary shook a palm tree tells you that Jesus was born in the summer as many many Christians come to realize.

About Abraham and Ishmael, yes it is not historically documented that he built the Kaaba :/, Just like it is not historically documented he offered the sacrifice in the first place. It was too long ago for historical documentation. Its documented in the Torah/bible, but not in authentic history.

And the the article starts quoting people who have  testimony and then talk about the response. Wow, they must have really disproved the Quran. Why not take the testimony of people and their opinions. Mythical stories? Prove they are mythical.


 [Quran 56.75-77] I swear by the locations of stars, 76 it is a great swear if you knew, 77 it is a noble Quran...

 Brother in above Ayah, does Allah swear by all the stars?

 And if so, then does every star even our sun has a location of singularity?

 It seems like Allah didn't swear by any specific stars, but by all the stars. Isn't it?

 And brother thanks for defining the meaning of "Setting". But can you please provide any reference from any online dictionary or any other thing. Because when I'll face the critics, they might ask for some references to my answer. Please do this for me brother.

 Take Care.

Take Care.

1.) Yes every star has a location of singularity, the Big bang developed from a singularity and through the cosmic crunch the universe will return to the singularity. Why does the Quran reference stars instead of the universe? Because stars really are everything that's in the universe! They make up the elements from hydrogen and they have hydrogen in them. I really don't know much about that verse. But it is definitely not talking about constellations because there is another word for that. So it is pointing at something else and it is a great oath.

2.) The definition of setting is :


  Brother one Question, will the calculation remain the same after 1 or 2 billion years if the earth exists till then? If so, can you please mathematically prove it?

Hello, Good question--I asked this myself when I first found it. NO, the ratio would not always be the same, but I realized it was irrelevant.

[Quran 7.54] And your Lord, Allah, who created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then settled on the Throne...
Those six days are on the Throne; so the frame of reference for creation is the Throne, not Earth.

[Quran 41.9] Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days?...

Also those two days are on the Throne. The frame of reference for creation is still the Throne, not Earth. When God says that He created the Heavens, Earth and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN (including you and me) in six days this means that He is referring to the period of existence. Earth has been in existence for 2 days (out of 6).

So according to God's throne-at the time of Muhammad- The universe has been in existence for 6 days and the Earth in 2 days.

The Universe and the Earth were created simultaneously and their process of the creation is still not complete (God says he is still expanding the universe-that means its creation is still having a process-so at the time of Muhammad God's throne experienced 6 days of creation of the universe).

 So this only works for the throne at the time of Muhammad :)

Yea, so what? Islam always existed you know. And there were prophets sent to all parts of the world.

I realize this, but when in a debate with a non-muslim--I don't think they will accept that (they will consider it an excuse). Is there a better explanation?

The article says that the idea of Humans were created from Clay were found in many ancient pagan writings, for example:

For example: Greeks:

Ancient Greeks
Prometheus shaped man out of mud, and Athena breathed life into his clay figure.[7]

Ancient Egyptian
Khnum, the ram-headed god of Elephantine, the potter, fashioned men on his wheel, making use of the clay in his locality as his basic material.[3]

The Cheremiss of Russia, a Finnish people, tell a story of the creation of man which recalls episodes in the Toradjan and Indian legends of the same event. They say that God moulded man's body of clay and then went up to heaven to fetch the soul, with which to animate it.[9]

Thanks for clearing that up everyone!!

That was perfect  ;)



^Please watch critically. I am sure that verses 41:9-12 are talking about Earth's atmosphere. Here is my little explanation (watch the video please  :)

Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds."

And He placed on the earth firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance in four days without distinction - for [the information] of those who ask.

^After the Earth was created he put mountains/volcanoes over its surface and through those activities in the mountains, the creatures on the Earth could have sustenance!!!!

Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."

^After it talks about mountains, it mentions SMOKE!!--Volcanoes! That is how the Earth's atmosphere was created, through volcanic emissions. Through those emission the atmospheres could develop!

And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.

^It doesn't say the nearest haven has 'lamps', it says it was adorned or decorated with lamps. So the lower heaven is adorned with the beauty of the stars and not the stars themselves!

Think about it: The Quran is discussing the creation of the Earth in the first verse. It does not say the Earth was created and then the universe (heavens), it says the earth was created and then the atmosphere (heavens can also mean sky)--Which is scientifically accurate. MOREOVER, the QUran says that through mountains--smoke developed and made the atmosphere which was competed therefore creatures could have sustenance. Without the atmosphere, the first life forms could have not evolved.

^I love this video! Alhamdulliah I have found it--It cleared up so much!

I hope it does for you,

Now my question is: When the Quran said that God created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days, is it referring to the universe or the atmosphere?

Stars will eventually die. They will either directly collapse on themselves and become black holes or their remnants will merge with other stars that will eventually become black holes, or if external mass falls into those remnants they will blow up and leave black holes... So black holes are the destiny of most stars. Actually our solar system formed out of debris of a stars 100 times more massive than our sun that exploded and became a black hole. At the center of black holes (collapsed stars) lies a location called the Singularity. An observer far away from a black hole sees the events near a back hole in slow motion. If he shines a beam of light into this black hole he will have to wait forever but still this beam of light will never reach the singularity. The singularity is a location in the future of stars where gravity goes so mad that space and time become indistinguishable. From general relativity we know that this is a location where the structure of spacetime becomes singular (hence the name singularity). However singular (Ahad in Arabic) is one of God's 99 names. In the Quran God swears by the locations of stars which turned out to carry His own name:

[Quran 56.75-77] I swear by the locations of stars, 76 it is a great swear if you knew, 77 it is a noble Quran...

Here God swears not by the stars but rather by their locations (mawakeh in Arabic). Today we know that the future of those locations is singular, that is they carry God's own name: "Ahad".

Okay, you asked, why didn't Allah swear by the star's singularity? In that verse it says: Then I swear by the setting of the stars,

What does setting mean?
Setting: The place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place

So God is referencing the positions of the stars and then he tells you it is a great oath. So the position of the stars has some strong significance, the interpretations can be about (and not limited to):

-Constellations (Perhaps they have a scientific reason for being in those spots) But Why didn't it mention constellations directly with the word for it?
-Singularity (As I stated above)
-Another significance of the way the stars are positioned (We cannot assume that stars are randomly positioned, perhaps their is something about their positioning in which we haven't discovered yet.

As far as singularity goes (read what is in green above). The Quran didn't directly refer to singularity because maybe it was pointing to different things all at once (Verse has many accurate meanings). By swearing by the location of the stars--and not the stars themselves-may nor may not refer to a singularity. I think it leans more towards singularity.

This is from a website:

It is very clear from the Qur'an and scientific observations that the moon makes rounds around the earth. The Qur'an mentions the sun and the moon in such a way as if they are following each other
[ Qur'an 13:2 mentions Allah subjected the sun and the moon, each pursuing an appointed course ]
There is only one moon and one sun in the entire Qur'anic universe. The position of all these celestial bodies within this universe are clearly described in the Qur'an. For example, the heavens are above the earth, and the sun and the moon are within the heavens, and the earth and the stars are below the lowest heaven to beautify it.
[ Qur'an 71:15-16 - Have you not seen how Allah created the seven heavens one above the other, setting in them the moon as a light and the sun as a lantern? ]
The Qur'an mentions heavenly bodies traveling in their own orbits, but so do the concepts of day and night. None of the bodies are supposed to run into each other.
The heavens are firmly held in place lest they move from where they are and fall on the earth.
[ Qur'an 2:22-29, Qur'an 35:41, Qur'an 21:104, Qur'an 2:65, Qur'an 17:92, and Qur'an 34:9 ]

According to the Qur'an, the supposed course of the sun:
is clearly visible.
is (almost always) compared to the Moon's course.
is repeated regularly.
is to be used by the Muslims for timekeeping.
has a destination. Beginning in the east, it goes up to a high point, then goes down to the west.

The Quran did that in many places. Why doesn't it reference the Earth in it as well? Non-muslims keep telling me the Quran references the geocentric model of the earth many times. How are they supposed to accept islam if they see what they call a scientific absurdity>

Can anyone provide evidences and hints as to how the Quran does NOT support the geocentric model even though it constantly references the Sun/Moon having an orbit and doesn't mention the Earth.

Now some people say that in one verse it says "all [celestial bodies] are travelling in an orbit", but why does it not just explicitly state that? Why does it have to be a vague reference? Others will be extremely skeptic of this interpretation because when you weight the number of times the Quran hints at the geocentric model against that one time--it will not show the Quran supports the geocentric model.

Help please.

« on: July 13, 2013, 11:44:02 PM »
Don't judge Islam by what a muslim has done, rather, judge the scripture.


  Brother, verses 1,2 and 3 of Chapter no-56 do refer to "Pulsar Stars". And "Pulsar Stars" are obviously piercing stars. The Gama rays emitted by this star can penetrate through anything.

Please read the following articles:

May Allah The Most High Bless you.

Take Care.

Thank you for correcting me Farhan. Could there be any chance those verses talk about both black holes and pulsars. Because both of those pierce and knock in a sense. I'm not sure. It is an amazing verse though!

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