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Messages - mclinkin94

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I've heard the objection to this Surah, that Muhammad (pbuh) was venting at Abu Lahab so he wrote this Quranic Surah. The objection also states that Allah has a sadistic and angry mentality.

The objection is read as:

"Here Allah abuses a Puny Human Abu Lahab..
Now wud God curse a Human??.. wudnt he just destroy him??
This Chapter proves that Quran is written by muhammad,, and he was venting out his anger on Abu lahab in this chapter..
Also who is this Abu lahab?? does thequran tel anything bout him?? ..NO
So u hv to ely on hadiths..the Final revelation by GOD neds man-made boks to be understood..
Now try to refute this my dear"

The Surah Reads as:

(111:1) May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he.

(111:2) His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained.

(111:3) He will [enter to] burn in a Fire of [blazing] flame

(111:4) And his wife [as well] - the carrier of firewood.

(111:5) Around her neck is a rope of [twisted] fiber.

^Can anyone verify on the purpose of this Surah?


His only argument was that Judaism came from Islam.

He said things like:

Islam does Jewish customs more perfectly than Jews
Islamic philosophy is extremely powerful
Once a person converts to Islam, its hard to make them Jewish.

In this video, he shows how the Hijab is a Jewish custom adopted by the Quran!
-Wouldn't it make sense for Allah to uphold such a custom?

I ask everyone to put it in context and reflect:

1.) Which religion is more corrupted, Christianity or Judaism?
2.) Of question #1, does it make more sense that Islam is closer to Judaism?

Just a general question :)

What is your view of evolution and evolution in the Quranic Context?

May Allah bless you all.


 Today again I tried to download the book from but failed. It's not working. I have been trying to download it for last 1 month.

  Please brother ThatMuslimGuy and Abdullah help me. I want to read the book. I'm really interested to read it.

Here brother try this:

It should be embedded in the page, if that doesn't work try this:

Who's this man named "Muhammad" ? Your friend ? Maybe your brother ? Behave when you talk about the noblest of mankind , prophet Muhammad all peace and blessings upon him .

Okay. But how do we know the hadiths are what the prophet said? Muhammad didn't say anything from his own tongue, sure, but the people who wrote the hadiths probably did. We have seen many hadiths that clearly contradict the Quran. That tells us a lot.

Contradiction my foot ! Just because you couldn't understand it then it doesn't mean it's wrong . Don't think that you discovered what people through 1400 years didn't discover . There is a whole science called "Science of Hadith" . How much do you know about it ? How do you declare if one saying is correct or not ? And here's a note : There is a type of Hadith called "Maoduu" , it means "Fabricated" . There are ways to know a fabricated saying before you were even born ! The difference is that they don't just say "All hadith is invalid" like you .

Millions of Muslims all over the world have been brought up to believe that the collections of hadith by Bukhari and Moslim provide the authentic words and teachings of the prophet Muhammad. These two collections have been labelled "sahih" (authentic).

Yes , and there is a reason for that . Because those two were the most strict and accurate among the scholars . You need to understand something : The sayings in Bukhari and Muslim are not authorized because they were told by them . No , Bukhari and Muslim gained this status because what they told was the most accurate among the scholars . The evidence is that even in these two there are around 20 weak sayings which were deemed so due to the science of Hadith , not due to personal preference .

The majority of these hadith portray a chain of narrators in a chinese whispers fashion attributing sayings to the Prophet (e.g. A said that B said that C said ....... that G said, that the Prophet said). Often the chain extends to seven names or even more, yet for some reason the hadith advocates still deemed these hadith to be the authentic and genuine sayings of the Prophet!

Uh huh . So mister genius here - who doesn't know the first thing in the science of Hadith - thinks this is Chinese whisper simply because he couldn't understand ! And I still don't see what's your objection about the chain going to 6 or 7 - let them be 100 ! - making it a wrong way ! You have a better way maybe ?

With an extremely naive type of logic. It is assumed that every person in the chain, not only was totally honest, but that he had a super human memory to enable him to narrate accurately incidents that took place one hundred or two hundred years earlier.! How did they come to this conclusion?

Maybe , just maybe , when you stop putting words in people's mouths you'll see what it really is ! For the 9476349 time : There is a whole science for Hadith ! It investigates about every single man in the chain . It investigates if he met the one he claims heard it from and if honest or not and whatsoever . If you think that this way is "Extremely naive" then just throw ALL history in the dumb because you'll never find a more accurate way than this .

Ok, brothers. Can you give more info of the science of hadiths? I am very skeptical of them. Some of them contradict reality and it does not sound like something Allah/Muhammad would say. Have you ever done an activity in grade school where you whisper a story the teacher told you to the next person and the chain goes on. How often is the final transmission the same as the first one?

Yes, I agree the Quran tells us that Muhammad didn't say anything unless Allah wanted him too. Okay. But how do we know the hadiths are what the prophet said? Muhammad didn't say anything from his own tongue, sure, but the people who wrote the hadiths probably did. We have seen many hadiths that clearly contradict the Quran. That tells us a lot.

Millions of Muslims all over the world have been brought up to believe that the collections of hadith by Bukhari and Moslim provide the authentic words and teachings of the prophet Muhammad. These two collections have been labelled "sahih" (authentic). The majority of these hadith portray a chain of narrators in a chinese whispers fashion attributing sayings to the Prophet (e.g. A said that B said that C said ....... that G said, that the Prophet said). Often the chain extends to seven names or even more, yet for some reason the hadith advocates still deemed these hadith to be the authentic and genuine sayings of the Prophet! With an extremely naive type of logic. It is assumed that every person in the chain, not only was totally honest, but that he had a super human memory to enable him to narrate accurately incidents that took place one hundred or two hundred years earlier.! How did they come to this conclusion?

"Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?" 6:114

"You will find that the sunna of Allah is the only sunna" (33:62....35:43.....48:23) --The ONLY sunna!

"These are God's revelations that We recite to you truthfully. In which hadith other than God and His revelations do they believe?" 45:6
-What hadith other than God's do we believe?

"Which hadith, other than this (Quran), do they uphold?" 77:50
-Which Hadith other than the Quran do you uphold?

"These are God's revelations that we recite to you truthfully. In which hadith other than God and His revelations do they believe?" 45:6

"Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless hadith, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution." 31:6

"God has revealed herein the best hadith; a book that is consistent, and points out both ways." 39:23

"Let them produce a hadith like this, if they are truthful." 52:34

"Therefore, let Me deal with those who reject this hadith; we will lead them on whence they never perceive." 68:44

^All of these verses are clearly pointing that the Quran is the ONLY hadith to follow! The ONLY sunna to follow? So how can we accept Hadiths that slightly contradict the Quran? How?

All of the hadiths that make our beloved prophet (pbuh) look bad even the authentic ones! How can we say we are to follow them? The Quran prohibits it. The prophet himself (according to those hadiths) said NOT to:

"Do not write down anything of me except the Quran. Whoever writes other than that should delete it" (Ahmed, Vol. 1, page 171.....also Sahih Muslim )


peace for all

I have a scientific question before elaborating the answers in the thread.....
the muscles of the embryo wrap a cartilage that as a whole has the same hardness or may be some of the cartilage harder than the others?

The skeletal model of bone actually has a perichondrium which is very dense and this perichondrium is on the outskirts of the skeletal model of bone. The perichondrium is also on the cartilage that are joints.

So think of it as a skeletal 'model', and the inside is made up of hyaline cartilage with something to hold it there (perichondrium).

So, no its not necessarily harder than the others.

So the word used should be 'Ghurdoof' (cartilage) rather than 'Idhaam' (bones). Do you know if the word for bones encompasses cartilage too? That would immediately solve the issue.

Yes it does. Actually it's defined in arabic dictionaries as idham with specific characters i.e pliant, can be eaten,so The word adhm includes hard bones and soft cartilage.
 سنحتكم إلى معاجم اللغة العربية لنعرف هل -في لغة العرب- يعد الغضروف عظم؟ :

(المعجم الوسيط) : الغضروف : كل عظم لين رخص في أي موضع كان.
(المحيط في اللغة) : الغُضْرُوْفُ : كلُّ عَظْم رَخْصٍ.
(الصحاح للجوهري) : الغُرْضوفُ : ما لان من العظم، وهو الغُضْروفُ أيضاً.
(لسان العرب) : الغُضْرُوف : كلُّ عَظم رَخْص ليّن في أَيّ موضع كان.

Islam haters are the worst kind of ignorant liars out of blind hate.

Thank you very much Sama! That cleared it up.

So 'Ghurdoof' is a type of 'Idhaam' that is soft. So Idhaam therefore encompasses Ghurdoof. Just as Cartilage encompasses hyaline cartilage, for example.

Alhamdulilah and God bless you, Sama!

Assalamualykum, idk man but I think brother Osama can elaborate on the issue as I have little knowledge in classical Arabic. Btw I think it's more of a linguistic issue rather than a scientific issue. If idham can be shown to include ghurdoof than the issue can be easily resolved. Also if that's the case then I believe Allah chose idham rather than ghurdoof so that earlier generations wouldn't be confused.
Also, I think brother Osama should write an article on this issue if he has the time.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

Eid Mubarak for you and all of your families!  May Allah Almighty's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon you and upon your families.  Ameen.

In regards to this topic, I've covered it in great details on the website at:

There are images that further clarify this in the articles.  Among the books that I used, and captured images from is: The Qur'an and Modern Science, Keith L. Moore, Abdul-Majeed A. Zindani, and Mustafa A. Ahmed, Pages 37-39, 46-47, ISBN 0-9627236-0-6.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Asalamu Aliakum brother Osama and Eid Mubarak!

The Articles on the website do not cover the questions raised. In the article as well as Hamza's paper, you say 'Bones' form after the Mudgah stage. The question raised is that it is not a bone per se, it is cartilage model of skeleton. Meaning the components of the cartilaginous model of skeleton is the same as the components of hyaline cartilage (the ones in joints). So the word used should be 'Ghurdoof' (cartilage) rather than 'Idhaam' (bones). Do you know if the word for bones encompasses cartilage too? That would immediately solve the issue.

Sorry brother just checked the forum. I will reply when im on p.c.

Thank you so much with your help on this so far, brother!

May Allah bless you and your family and Eid Mubarak!


The Claim

Another  contention from commentators is that at this stage there are no real bones. It is argued that the apparent bones are mere cartilage as ossification is incomplete and, therefore, the Qur’an is inaccurate. They further assert that the Arabic term for cartilage, ghurdoofshould have been used instead of  ᶜidhaam.

Although a valid contention is it misplaced for the following reasons:

1. The Arabic word for cartilage refers to a type of cartilage that is not a precursor to bones, but rather remains as flexible connective tissue. The skeptic replied by saying Hamza provides no evidence for this claim. But he does. He quotes Lanes Arabic lexicon which defined it as any soft bone like the bone in the Nose. The Nose only ever remains a flexible connective tissue. So Hamza's statement is correct.

2.  The  word  ᶜidhaam encompasses the cartilaginous form of the bones as the skeletal framework is put in place. For me this is the biggest point is that Idhaam encompasses the cartilaginous bone.

3. The use of the word  ᶜidhaam is more accurate because it also carries the meaning of  “bone, but properly applied to the bones of the hands and feet, or of the arms and legs, of an animal, upon which is the flesh.” Since flesh - in other words muscles and tendons - is subsequently formed around the limb bones of the developing human, the use of the word  ᶜidhaam is more apt as it encompasses the description of limb bones that have flesh upon them.

4. The process of ossification begins by the 8th week,and continues on after birth. The ossification process completes around puberty. As Barry Mitchell and Ram Sharma explain. From this perspective, it would be a medical absurdity to assume newborns or young teenagers do not have bones simply because they require ossification, especially  since ossification completes at the end of the growth-spurt of puberty.

5. The biggest point is for me is the connotations of the word ᶜidhaam allow for an all-encompassing interpretation because the “cartilaginous models of the various bones”are included in its meaning.

6. The Quran is not a science book.

7. Ghurdoof, as was defined by lanes Arabic Lexicon, specifically refers to the cartilage of the Nose or Ears so it would be innacurate to use it when describing the Embryo. Also if Allah did use this it would be confusing for the Companions and later generations as they understood this word to refer to only the bones in the Nose and Ear.

So in my eyes Ghurdoof would be erroneous if it was used. Due to it refering to the bone in the Nose and Ear which is nothing like the Cartilage in the Embryo and would be confusing to Arabic speakers. So Allah used the word Idhaam which encompasses this type of soft Bone. Also Idhaam is better as it refers to the bones of the Limbs, which begin to develop at this stage, unlike Ghurdoof which refers to soft bone in the Nose and Ear. Alhamdulillah that Allah picked this word. Anyways hope this helps in sha Allah brother Osama can write something.

Thank you very much brother for that detailed response!

 But Ghurdoof means any soft bone as hamza states but it is a applied to the nose and ear, right?

Also, do you have a source that Idhaam encompasses this type of soft bone?  Because this absolutely ends the difficulty :)

I think I have an explanation that might work, the word "idhamm" means any bone, while "ghurdoof" means any soft bone. So the word idhamm still encompasses the meaning of ghurdoof, its just that ghurdoof is more specific. Well, one might say why doesn't the Qur'an say ghurdoof, the more specific term. I would reply with
1. The Qur'an is not a science book
2. The companions of the prophet, and the later generations understood ghurdoof to mean only the bones that are in the nose and ear therefore it would have been very confusing to them.
3. Ghurdoof was specifically meant for the ears and nose, so it wouldn't have been accurate for types of bones in the embryo because the bones in tge embryo contain osteoblasts while bones in the nose and ear do not.
Hope that helps. Let me know if yall agree or disagree with my explanation.

Thank you brother, I agree: But the Quran could have just said Ghurdoof and not mentioned bones at all. Or just say he made Ghurdoof and then Idham after.

The thing is osteoblasts DO exist in the hyaline cartilage before ossification and DOESN'T exist in 'ghurdoof' or hyaline cartilage in an adult. The reason why I say osteoblasts exist int he hyaline cartilage model of bone is because they secrete things which causes the primary ossification center to form.

I would like more info in the Arabic too. Bones in the nose contain chondrocytes and the early embryo cartilage also contains chodrocytes. Its probably a problem with the Arabic.

I have an explanation that may work:

The Quranic usage of 'bone' is much better than 'cartilage' because at the stage mentioned there are osteoblasts (which are bone cells) and they are contained within the cartilage. This makes the cartilage with the osteoblasts different from the cartilage without (the one in joints). So 'bone' in the Quran is trying to show you that it is different from the cartilage. This 'bone' has bone cells-Osteoblasts that will ossify.

But the problem with that is that BOTH cartilage in joints and embryonic cartilage contain the same cells-Chondroblasts and chondrocytes. So the Arabic word for cartilage seems to be a better word.

But, i would like a second opinion.

Does anybody have a refutation to that article I posted in my previous post? There are other points I am finding difficulty with.

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