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Messages - AMuslimDude213

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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Christian claimed this.
« on: September 01, 2017, 02:47:40 PM »
1 Is absurd and stupid,
If A'isha R.A was 6 explain the historical maths

If we look at the undisputed, well-documented historical facts, we can immediately deduce that A’isha was NOT a child when she married the Prophet [pbuh]. She was actually 16 at the time of her betrothal (engagement) to the Prophet, and 19 when she married and moved in with him.

A chronological documentation of major events in A’isha’s life is as follows:

A’isha was born before Islam was revealed in 610, and accepted Islam shortly after it was revealed.
The Hijra occurred in 622
A’isha’s older sister (of 10 years), Asmaa, was 27 at the time of Hijra, making A’isha 17 at the time of Hijra.
A’isha was betrothed to the Prophet two years after the death of Khadijah, or a year before the Hijrah.
A’isha moved in with the Prophet a year or two after the Hijrah, or two to four years after her betrothal. (Various reports are unclear, but all agree as to the general time frame.)
A’isha was involved in the battles of Badr (624) and Uhud (625), in neither of which was anyone under the age of 15 allowed.
A’isha was widowed in 633
A’isha died in 672 at the age of 67. (We know that her older sister, Asmaa, died at the age of 100 in the year 695, which means she was 77 at the time of A’isha’s death.)
So again, based on the timeline above, we can conclude that A’isha was 16 at the time of her engagement to the Prophet [pbuh], and 19 when she married and moved in with him.

Now you will ask where did this come from?

All of the reports that say that A’isha was 6 at the time of her engagement, and 9 at the time of her marriage, come from Iraq.
Most of these reports come from Asmaa’s grandson, Hisham bin ‘Urwa (born in 683).
None of the reports come from Mecca or Medina, where Hisham bin ‘Urwa spent the first 70 years of his life.
Hisham spent the last 15 years of his life in Iraq, where all of the reports come from.
It is reported that as he became older, Hisham’s memory suffered quite badly.
When we look at this information, we learn some very interesting facts. Hisham bin ‘Urwa (who was born after A’isha died) spent the majority of his life in Madina, and yet no one else from Madina ever confirmed his reports about A’isha’s age at the time of her marriage.

One of Hisham’s most well known students was Malik ibn Anas, and even he objected on the narratives of Hisham which were reported by the people of Iraq.

So essentially what we’re dealing with here is a false hadith which was misreported by an elderly man with a bad memory. That’s understandable, but that brings us to the next question: Why wasn’t this hadith checked, double-checked, and triple-checked? Especially since it is included in Sahih Bukhari, the most widely accepted hadith collection!

Okay,now number 2
He is for all times,thats why A'isha R.A was 16

NOT 6 and now most countries marry at 16,infact this argument is again absurd,because the problem is he doesn't focus on the other wives,
he ignores them and uses biased explanation,

So if we were to see the age of his other wives we see there are many different examples NOT just A'isha R.A.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Desperate anti Islamists.
« on: September 01, 2017, 12:41:07 AM »
Not really it definetly was Modern mecca he mentioned in the article he visited in like 2000s
Probably 2009.

« on: August 31, 2017, 09:15:57 PM »
Anti Islamists are so damn desperate that they have false news over at

So basically this guy has made so many lies about Hajj and Mecca that I can't even count let me give a refutation to them since gullible idiots believe him.

Number one:Zamzam being very thick and dirty water,he has not provided any proof or picture of the well or anything rather than just a google pic of the Kaaba,number one problem.

Number 2:Whipping people in Medina,
Again NO PROOF,he's just speaking gibberish and wants people to believe him and just to give it a spice he tells people not tell his irl name,wait a minute if he changed his name to Mustafa they literally take your picture,so they WILL find you by the picture if what you say about us were true,didn't think about that huh?

Number 3:Streams of urine,etc in Mecca

Again no proof he's just fabricating lies,and literally everyone I met who went to Hajj even the doubting Muslim or the convert,has never told me such thing and just told me that the place is very clean,even the ones on edge of their faith.

Number 4:Stealers in Mecca,what I don't get is he speaks about stealers in Mecca,yet he again has provided no proof,but lies again,a blind kid asked for charity and he suddenly starts to call it a hoax? Is this how desperate he is that he will make fun of a condition of a child?
Literally no proof again,he told us he bought his camera for gods sake,they livestream Mecca and no such case happens.
Maybe he lost his Sandal he was complaining about in the crowd.

Number 5:This problem gives the whole article a huge blow to the throat and defeats it,the zam Zam well,the streams of water,rivers,the Kaaba itself,and mount Arafat are all live recorded,and none of what he said can be found and we find no instance of what he says in any live stream or recording.

Number 6:The last thing, is he says that we leave Goat bodies,etc to rot on the roads after slaughtering,ANOTHER LIE FOR GODS SAKE,they also show the Slaughter area and the bodies are clearly carried with bags and taken away.

"Hajji Mustafa" has not provided a shred of proof, again,

Number 7:The cleaning after defecation with water by hands,false again
In Arab and Asian countries we have a mini-shower to clean up not a handful of water.

This man just seems to be painting Islam in a anti Islamist way to make us look backwards.

Number 8:The big lie is that he claims he visited Arabia,Jeddah is a city alright,everyone knows this
Yet he claims its a desert,even his geography and knowledge of the place is so low how can anyone with a straightforward,truthful mind take this man seriously?

I noticed no one refuted this article so i refuted it myself
If any idiot believes the Hajji Mustafa article to be true,he is probably retarded.

« on: August 28, 2017, 03:00:00 PM »
Oh For Gods sake,Alright.
More dumb atheist claims

First of all:Know that it is our MINDS that THINK these are contradictions,they aren't contradiction this is the mind that believes

Second of All:If there was no free will,no test,everyones on the right path.
But Allah wanted to test us so therefore,there is free will,thats why we have Disbelievers and Believers,so yeah.

Christian Deceptionaries have been using this allegation for quite a while now,deceiving young Christians in their safe spots,so the allegation that goes is this:

"If Every Prophet did a miracle as a sign of their people everyone saw,How come no one witnessed Muhammad SAWs miracles?"

Well this allegation is false,completely it is used by someone who probably never opened sahih

This is a miracle which exists in authentic hadith resources such as Bukhari, Muslim and narrated by Hazrat Anas. Hz. Anas narrates:

“Along with the apostle of Allah, we were in a place called Zawra with about three hundred companions. He ordered us to make wudu for the afternoom (asr) prayer but we could not find any water. He ordered us to find a little water; we found and brought it to Him. He dipped his blessed hands into this water. I saw that water was flowing from his fingers like a fountain. Then, three hundred people who were there came and made wudu and used that water for their needs. (1)

Another miracle is narrated by Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah:

The people were left without water on the Day of Hudaybiya. A group of people came to the Apostle of Allah PBUH) while he was making wudu from the pitcher. The Apostle of Allah asked them:

“What happened to you?”

They answered: “We are ruined O Apostle of Allah! We are ruined O Apostle of Allah!”

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“You will not be ruined when I am among you!”

“O Apostle of Allah! We have no water left for making wudu or drinking other than the pitcher you have!”

Upon this, the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) put his hand over the pitcher and said;

“Here you are, In the name of God”. Water was flowing from his fingers like bubbling from a well-spring! Muslims both drank water from it and made wudu.

Jabir b. Abdullah was asked:

“At that time, how many people were present there?


“We were a thousand and five hundred! (2)

• “…The Prophetﷺ was told that Ali (RadiAllahu Anhu) was suffering from eye-trouble, so he applied saliva to Ali’s eyes and invoked Allah to cure him. He at once got cured as if he had no ailment.” [Bukhari]

‘Uthman ibn Hunayf relates:

A blind man came to God’s Messenger and requested him to pray to God to recover his eyes. The Messenger said: “If you desire, I’ll not pray-being blind may be better for your afterlife-or I’ll pray.” The man chose to be relieved of blindness and the Messenger told him: “Go and do an ablution. Then pray two rak‘as and say: ‘O God! Surely my appeal is to You and I turn toward You through the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy: O Muhammad, surely I turn toward God through you, that He uncover my sight. O God, make him my intercessor.’” The man did what the Messenger told him and his sight was restored.6

As another example, Jabir relates:

I was with God’s Messenger during a military campaign. When my camel became exhausted and left behind, God’s Messenger prodded it slightly. This made the camel so fast that I had to pull on the reins to make it slower so that I could listen to the Messenger, but Iwas unable to [slow it down].8

So as we see there were witnesses,so how many times will Christians lie now?

« on: August 27, 2017, 03:58:45 PM »
Arab Christians are the worst type of Christians because they manipulate any text to fit their agenda

« on: August 25, 2017, 01:58:47 AM »
"EX-Muslims" have used these to conclude Islam contains ancient myths and so have some Atheists

So  let me do a step-by-step refutation to this

First of all the evil eye,in Islam isnt a jinn possession or anything,it isnt anything superstitious,in Islam the evil eye means Jealousy,it is caused by the envier.
So it isnt really superstitious.

Now what is the evil eye then if it isnt what the Bible says it is?
well the answer is:
The evil eye is the name for a sickness or misfortune transmitted, usually with or without intention, by someone who is envious, jealous, and covetous or even a pious person from among man or jinn.

Primary symptoms of evil eye are feelings of physical and/or emotional tiredness, unexplained bad luck or un-favorable incidences and illness. It is thought to cause drowsiness, drooping eyelids, listlessness, fatigue, weariness, lack of concentration, restlessness, discomfort, cramps, convulsions, headaches, hiccoughs, clumsiness, stomachaches, dry coughs, diarrhea, itching, hair loss, dry skin vomiting, the drying up of the milk of nursing mothers and livestock, problems with the blood and eyesight, impairment of sexual activity, impotence, sterility, disorders in menstruation, problems in pregnancy and childbirth, deficient breast milk, mastitis, and among babies and young children, incessant crying and fretting, a baby’s refusal to suckle or drink milk and other symptoms include lack of rain, the drying up of wells, the withering of fruit, sudden loss to business, and so on.

And now Al-Jinn according to pagan mythology,before Islam Jinns were not what we as Muslims think it is,Jinns were thought of as a Goblin,a Pinched-ear creature,etc,etc,so they weren't really what Islam says they were
we believe they are immaterial,they are made of Smokeless fire.
This will need a long answer though:
You aren't going to find physical proof of Jinns, because Jinns don't manifest in the physical world like human beings do. It's important to know that the secular world only recognizes what can be physically proven to exist. So if someone is possessed or inflicted by the jinn, then only the physical symptoms would be recognized by the secular world. The person inflicted by jinn might even be considered schizophrenic or have some other mental disorder or just be regarded as crazy. Take the case of Pazuzu Algarad, here's a man who had people murdered and buried in his backyard and performed animal sacrifices. Neighbors spoke of his strange behavior and and his whole house was filled with trash, symbols, animal carcasses, images and cryptic writings. To me, it seems very clear that this was a case of a person who was deeply involved with Jinns. But to a secularist, this would probably be considered a crazy, mentally-ill person who was on drugs. If the secularist saw a video on YouTube of a person who is actually affected by a Jinn, he would just regard it as acting or someone with serious mental problems. Some Muslims at times will falsely jump to conclusions about the appearance of Jinns or spirits when they don't know what's going on.
Looking for physical proof of Jinns won't work, just like looking for physical proof of Angels. Jinn also go various different names in different cultures (spirits, demons, ghosts, etc) and are said to appear in more isolated places. A lot of movies today in pop culture are based on the phenomenon of Jinn.

But if you're really really eager to see a Proof of al-jinn(and since you probably dont live like me in Arabia in a desert-area where there are sightings of shadows,paranormal activities(AKA jinn Activity) and there are alot of cases of Ruqya that are observable)

Ask anyone in your Muslim community if there is a Ruqya specialist. Then, ask him if you could join in to watch a session or two. However, you should be aware that the Ruqya specialist should not be doing any funny stuff, meaning only recitation of the Qur'an and what is allowed in the religion like dry spitting, blowing air. You should also be aware of his character and religion before you do anything with him. He should at least be someone that everyone in your community knows about his piety. I'm saying this because there are liars out there that claim to be Ruqya specialists when they are actually magicians.
I believe this is the best way to affirm your faith.

Donot fall into haram stuff that is impermissible though since trying to contact the spiritual world in a manner of Shirk is extremely fatal in the eyes of Allah SWT,and can get you to hell completely,its even in the hadith that Allah SWT will NEVER forgive the black magician.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Enough posts on Abdullah Sameer.
« on: August 21, 2017, 06:57:53 AM »
After reading through horribly aid-filth-filled blogs of Abdullah Sameer,that people think are "Brilliant"
Im done with this guy,all of what he said A-Z is just the same claims made by Sam Shamoun,etc,etc in a Different manner so he can seem smart.

I've refuted some of his works,rest of which have already been refuted by others,
and literally he's just looking for fame, he hasn't even told us any VALID reason he left Islam
rather than quoting a book by Richard Dawkins,or Sam Harris to prove a point,and these books have been refuted by Muslims.
and he himself Knows he's just self-deluding himself for fame and money,the way he is in his videos just shows it all,he's working for the fame,not for knowledge,not for teaching,he wants those ad revenues.

And literally he hasn't targetted Islam at all, all he has done is point towards spiritual sides of Islam and blame anything he can find,which shows he's running out of errors,

I can list a few examples which have been plagiarized from Christian apologists and already refuted:
The story of Zainab and Zaid
Muhammad SAW in Petra or Mecca?
Islam copies other religions
Embryology has an Error in islam
Abrogation Myth
Trying to make something like the Quran
Ibn Ishaq's book
Divorce in Islam.
Islam is the cause of Violence(seen in his interviews),etc

Therefore Abdullah Sameer is a Number one plagiarizer,a liar,a troll and a useful idiot who doesn't prove his points
rather just lives in his own ignorance and apparently just left Islam because "It was too strict"
Not because of Flaws.
I think his ignorance has already been exposed enough,after watching his videos and comparing anti-Islamic material to his sayings,Its all clear that he is plagiarizing and just watching Anti-Islamist videos to prove a point.
And theres proof in his own VIDEOS,he literally forces to watch The Masked Arab,etc,etc.
There's no proof of his claims rather than just sayings he mocks instead of researching,so by this we see,he really has no argument,He also is very close-minded.
Rather than searching for what is the TRUE RELIGION he just sits there and blames God for it.
rather than searching he just sits there,making videos,ignoring the teachings of Islam,just using unauthentic books like Ibn Ishaq,etc
doesn't use the Quran in context,uses weak hadiths,etc to prove a point to his gullible followers,so therefore
we see that Abdullah Sameer is a huge liar and he has no arguments and it makes me doubt,was he ever a Practising or researching Muslim? Or he just went and did Da'wah for no reason?

And on the issue of Black Magic,evil eye,Jinns,etc,etc
People have witnessed it first-hand like me,this is the Non-physical side of Islam,if the Physical side of Islam is completely true therefore the Non-physical side instantly becomes true,so we see that Islam has not even be challenged by Abdullah Sameer,he's just recycled arguments,copied the Masked arab and other youtubers,and just heavily cherrypicks from the Qur'an.
And we conclude:
Abdullah Sameer is no different than Bill Maher,Sam Harris,Richard Dawkins,Sam Shamoun,Brother Rachid or any of these people,his arguments are just gonna eventually fade away like mist due to how bad they are,infact in his blogs comments,people have already REFUTED HIM,and literally he told them to Screw off,and was being rude to them like every Atheist,one person got banned for refuting him, and the others who refuted him SILENCED him,he never responded to the ones who refuted him,he only responded to those who asked Questions,so this just shows the Ignorance of this man.

Aghhh Why the hassle for all of this?
If the case is Muhammad SAW fought for his people and himself,therefore he is a false prophet,therefore MOSES IS A FALSE PROPHET TOO
because he fought for himself and his people Against the Amaleks!
And so is Jesus a false prophet,since he will come back and fight for himself!
Infact he told people to kill who donot accept him as king
See Luke 19:27

« on: August 18, 2017, 05:47:54 PM »
Respond to them with Quran 60:8 and tell them its a Madini Surah,so it isnt abrogated.

« on: August 08, 2017, 11:40:39 AM »
Problem is the Kaaba is a holy shrine

Not the black stone the black stone was only there so Muslims can follow Muhammad SAW's Sunnah.

Nothing else,relate this hadith:


Volume 2, Book 26, Number 667:

Narrated 'Abis bin Rabia:  Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said "NO DOUBT, I KNOW THAT YOU ARE A STONE AND CAN NEITHER BENEFIT ANYONE NOR HARM ANYONE. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you." 


Book 007, Number 2914:

Abdullah b. Sarjis reported:  I saw the bald one, i. e. 'Umar b. Khattib (Allah be pleased with him). kissing the Stone and saying: BY ALLAH. I AM KISSING WITH FULL CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE FACT THAT YOU ARE A STONE AND THAT YOU CAN NEITHER DO ANY HARM NOR GOOD; and if I had not seen Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) kissing you. I would not have kissed you. The rest of the hadith is the same.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Can I get a answer to this?
« on: August 08, 2017, 09:09:35 AM »
His argument was that the Whole bible is authentic as it was,and I need a proof that the Bible is changed.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Can I get a answer to this?
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:58:46 PM »
You're question is irrelevant. We already know for a fact Jesus was atleast a real man. And these letters they you really think they just made this stuff up. These are letters that were sent out to christians that were passed down.

« on: August 07, 2017, 04:57:26 AM »
If its yes It doesnt defeat the name of the merciful and Just,first of all,why does it defeat the name of Al Rahman and the just?
Have you forgotten Allah SWT CHOOSES to be merciful as he says in the Quran?

Allah chooses to merciful and Just,but

Allah can be unmerciful and unjust, but that would defeat his own purpose,to be the most merciful most Just,so he stays Merciful and Just.

« on: August 06, 2017, 07:00:38 AM »
Alhamdullillah,good to hear she's recovering

May Allah heal her,Ameen.

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