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Messages - AMuslimDude213

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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Closing the case on Abdullah Sameer.
« on: September 18, 2017, 07:40:50 AM »
This liar has gone for too long in his petty and childish takes against the Quran and Allah SWT
So Muslims have refuted and closed the case on him,he's disappeared for weeks ever since Muslims refuted him,don't know where he is now.

So let me make 2 last posts on him,
This post is on the proof of hell:

In order to prove Hell is real,we need prove that its description is scientifically ACCURATE.

"O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones..." (Quran 66:6)

Now the scientific explanation:
The word of “Hijaratu” in the verse refers to the sculptures and graven images. It is also stated that the word “Waqudu” (fuel) refers to the people and sculptures to be worshipped that cause Hellfire to kindle. However, there is no doubt that the word of “wal-hijara” includes a scientific explanation. It also informs that there are stones such as firewood and coal which kindle fire, which scientists say it is “bituminous coal”. (Elmalılı, Tafsir of the related verse)
The fire mentioned in the verse is the “fire” of Hell. It is thought provoking that this fire’s fuel is stones and man. Hundreds of years after the revelation of this verse, when people discovered the coal and lighted it, they understood that objects like stones are ignitable. Who knows what kind of stones the fuel of hell are? It is more appropriate to evaluate this stone fuel as an object which is unknown by earthmen and belongs to the world of Ghayb (the Unknown).

According to the hadiths, the fire of Hell is seventy times more scorching than the fire in the world. (Bukhari, “Bad’ul-khalq”, 10; Tirmidhi, “Hell”, 7.) Today, diamond is cut by lasers. It is also possible for the stones to be burned by fires whose true nature and severity we do not know. Even the thought of torture of a tender matter like human body in such a fire without dying and being exhausted is dreadful. As you see, the Holy Qur’an has been sent to people in order to save them from this fire and call them to the mercy of Allah (SWT), Paradise, and eternal happiness. (Diyanet Tefsiri, Kur’an Yolu: I/33.)

So this is accurate.

Now the color of the fire really proved Hellfire for me personally

It says that hellfire's flame will be black in Al Bayhaqi's hadith

Now there's proof there is a type of red fire

And also a white fire

Now if hell isnt on this world,then it must mean its out of this world as we can see

So therefore this means Hellfire is scientifically accurate,and therefore it is 100% likely to be true.

« on: September 16, 2017, 11:59:12 PM »
Even though he lied alot,he was misled,misguided,etc,etc
I still have respect for him for saying God is love,

But however I also have disrespect for him for lying about Islam,etc,etc

May Allah forgive him,since in the end of the day,Qur'an does say not only Muslims will be in Heaven.

« on: September 16, 2017, 09:07:03 AM »
Muslim comes from the word Islam,Islam came from an arabic word Salam,which means peace
Islam means submission
Muslim means submitter

Nowhere is Musaylimah there,infact Muslim has been used even before Musaylimah the Liar was even BORN

« on: September 16, 2017, 02:12:35 AM »
I will list out errors of atheism.
and how its beliefs are contradictory

1:The belief in God

when you ask an atheist why dont you believe in God? He will say God doesnt exist due to science(makes no sense,many scientists consider themselves theist and believe in God,rather than atheist,only the mainstream scientists are atheists,none else.)

but however ask him the question "How can nothing give everything" he will speak about a scientific nothing,when you ask him what is the scientific nothing?
He wont give an answer,just a bunch of curse words and red herrings and arguments that make no sense.

but if this goes the other way,and you ask him what caused the Big Bang? he'll say he doesnt know,
so how can you say God doesnt exist when you dont even know what caused any of this? doesnt it make sense that a creator caused it?

2:Issues of Morality

Many atheists speak about Morality,but however
if you speak factually and statistically many Sex Offenders are considered to be Atheists,
its a fact.
even Atheists themselves admit it:
Then they speak about Morals in Religion? that makes no sense.

3:Issue of prophecy and proof
When you list out Scientific proof of the Quran or a prophecy
they will

In the scientific proof they will start making excuses and find the most smallest thing to try and pick out,but when you disprove them with the arabic linguistics
they start cursing at you,and make fun of The Prophet SAW and Isra wa Al Miraj.

And on the prophecy
They say Prophecies are coincidence but when you tell them
"Okay so apparently things from 1400s years ago and almost 99% of them all coming is true is somehow a "Coincidence" makes no sense,Mathematically,not at all,so how can you call it a coincidence?"

And on then on they will again start using vulgar language. or maybe even just block you.

so the conclusion is:Atheists have no proof that God doesnt exist and we have proof, the proof is prophecy,Scientific miracles,the universe itself,and the probability of nothing making everything,etc,etc
so therefore it disproves Atheists completely
Atheists are just another group of faithless people who use vulgar language and make fun to seem "smarter" and "superior" when their IQ's are as low as probably 50.

and they even use the subjectivist fallacy alot.
So Atheism is just another anti-rational irrational disbelief and skeptic stupidity which doesnt look at the possibility of God rather than just insulting religion for its spiritual beliefs.

And with this we can say their beliefs are 100% full of errors,fallacy,vulgarity,and stupidity.

« on: September 14, 2017, 11:11:12 PM »
Answer it if you have an answer different to the one I found,I already found an answer to this question in the "Spine cell" article which also has scientific proofs,I should also tell him facts dont care about your feelings,I told him about the facts and he started to get all emotional on the fact of Incest,etc,etc

And all the time I disproved him,he really used the subjectivist fallacy I told him Eastern Muslims treat them like this he says "maybe for you guys its good,for them its bad" Which is a subjectivist fallacy.

and he kept BSing on the Noah story calling it a Genocide,when Noahs people were so evil that they would kill and ridicule anyone who disagrees with Paganism,

and he also started to tell me Noahs story is fake but its not fake,this is a interesting finding I found going through archaelogical research works and also Islamic websites,

Woolley's excavations are described by the German archaeologist Werner Keller as follows:

"The graves of the kings of Ur" - so Woolley, in the exuberance of his delight at discovering them, had dubbed the tombs of Sumerian nobles whose truly regal splendour had been exposed when the spades of the archaeologists attacked a fifty-foot mound south of the temple and found a long row of superimposed graves. The stone vaults were veritable treasure chests, for they were filled with all the costly goblets, wonderfully shaped jugs and vases, bronze tableware, mother of pearl mosaics, lapis lazuli, and silver surrounded these bodies which had mouldered into dust. Harps and lyres rested against the walls…

When after several days some of Woolley's workmen called out to him, "We are on ground level", he let himself down onto the floor of the shaft to satisfy himself. Woolley's first thought was "This is it at last". It was sand, pure sand of a kind that could only have been deposited by water.

They decided to dig on and make the shaft deeper. Deeper and deeper went the spades into the ground: three feet, six feet - still pure mud. Suddenly, at ten feet, the layer of mud stopped as abruptly as it had started. Under this clay deposit of almost ten feet thick, they had struck fresh evidence of human habitation…

The Flood - that was the only possible explanation of this great clay deposit beneath the hill at Ur, which quite clearly separated two epochs of settlement…217

Finally back on writing things on here,so this is a post about ex-Muslims again.

Issue is I've been noticing lately alot of Ex Muslims have been using the subjectivist and the emotional fallacies they make the problem at hand as exaggerated as possible to make it seem bad than it really is

Subjectivist is used by such people:Abdullah Sameer,IntrovertedSmiles,etc,etc

Subjectivist is that you dont care about the historical concept or anything,
you just claim it is good for someone,and bad for someone else,and this is an issue which disproves all these Ex-Muslims and they try to play brain games with you to try and make you doubt Islam as much as possible,

so really this ex Muslim BS is all fallacious and full of fallacies and issues that do with nothing with Islamic scripture or anything but with Muslims,I have not yet met one single rational "Ex Muslim" who actually brings forth a good argument.

« on: September 14, 2017, 10:30:02 PM »
This is my last question as I have seemed to silenced him on the issue of slavery,but this is a interesting issue he bought he asked me

That if Adams children were the only ones in the world does that mean they commited incest? and wouldnt that be some genetic diseases,etc?

AND he also said about the cloning one

Dear Beez,  ++ Allah actually CLONED ADAMS children.  --- Let me see if I understand this...
If Allah Cloned Adam's Children, that means all the clones would have identical DNA. 
If they have identical DNA, Isn't that incest?
Isn't that having sex with brothers or sisters.
Isn't that going to result in genetic diseases. 
For an all knowing god,
Allah seem to know very little about human anatomy
Allah seem to know very little about genetics.

All children at some point have told a made up story. 
The adults will ask the children to explain this, to explain that.
The children tap into their vast imagination and provide amazing explanation. 
The adults will ask to explain, the explanation. 
And the story grows ever more fantastical than it ever was

After a while ... all will realize ... that the story have become too silly.
Your explanation ... my friend .. is too silly.

My debater was saying this

++"ENSLAVING,enslaving is considered one of the detestable things that are permissible". 
---Notice your use of these two words detestable and permissible.  You are making a moral judgement that slavery is detestable.  You feel that if you were taken into slavery you will detest it.  You will fight to free your self. 

--- However the conflict comes when you think that
a god who should have your back,
a god who should protect you,
a god who should look out for you and
a god who should know what is best for you,
that god made it permissible.... 
that god made it permissible for people to take you into slavery,
that god made it permissible to take your offspring into slavery,
that god made it permissible to take your daughter, your sister in to sexual bondage.

Once again, what is the honest position here? Try to find excuses or acknowledge that this deity Permits slavery, and its wrong

« on: September 11, 2017, 01:44:36 PM »
Mystery babylon has been refuted here too

« on: September 11, 2017, 01:41:35 PM »
There are detailed articles on how New babylon is america aswell

« on: September 10, 2017, 01:45:46 PM »
When it says "Be! And It is!" It is speaking about the Soul and conciousness,when Allah breathed A Soul into Adam he told him to "Be!" and he became,likewise with Jesus.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Christian claimed this.
« on: September 09, 2017, 12:32:19 PM »
I would but the issue is I live in UAE where sites such as FaithFreedom are blocked.

We have pre-Uthmanic copies that validate the Quran,but I wanted to ask,where are the original Uthmanic copies?,I'm just being curious.

« on: September 02, 2017, 11:29:49 PM »
Actually,there are several problems with this hadith such as,if it was completely Sahih how come it doesnt appear in the Sahih books?

If it were to be true,how come Muhammad SAW himself was also a bedouin arab?

So therefore this hadith is problematic. and it cannot be true in a logical sense,I dont see a sahaba or anyone narrating this or appearing in the chain neither.

« on: September 02, 2017, 10:16:58 AM »
What do you mean?

If they're speaking about A'isha R.A,then that is a biased example you're trying to set why do you ignore the other wives of the Prophet SAW,hm?
They were 20+
So if you really are trying to use this argument,then you need to include the other wives aswell.

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