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Messages - shaad

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I'm gonna try to fix the quotation first....

"The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: O Ali, you and your Shi'a will be in Paradise"

 Many Sunnis are confused by the hadith, since they are not from the Shi'a of Imam Ali (as).

 So, many of them have declared the hadith weak. However, it is either ignorance or dishonesty. This is because the hadith is not just sahih, it is mutawatir! Inshallah, I will set out now to prove that.

 First, what is a mutawatir hadith? Well, any hadith narrated through a minimum of 9 or 10 Companions is accepted as mutawatir, and thus absolutely authentic.

 Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani has some more words: For a mutawatir hadith, the reliability or justice of the narrators is irrelevant. Its authenticity only depends on the multiplicity of narrators, to a number that clearly removes the possibililty of any collusion to lie. Al-Isabah, Vol. 2, p. 252

 Imam al-Haskani in his Shawahid Tanzil, Vol. 2, p. 461, has recorded the hadith through a chain from Ibn Abbas. Al-Khawarizmi too in his al-Manaqib, p. 323, has recorded it from another chain from Sa'eed ibn Jubayr from Ibn Abbas. Al-Khawarizmi again has recorded it through another chain from Anas ibn Malik in his Manaqib, p. 319.

 Ibn Maghazili too has narrated from him through a chain in his Manaqib Amir al-Mumineen, pp. 183-184. Ibn Maghazili al-Shafi'i, in his Manaqib Amir al-Mumineen, pp. 157-158, cites a chain leading up to Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansar.

 Imam al-Tabarani, in his Mu'jam al-Awsat, Vol. 7, p. 343, has narrated it through another chain from Abu Hurayrah. Al-Khawarizmi again has narrated it through a chain from Imam Husayn (as) in his al-Manaqib, p. 317. Al-Haskani, through a chain, has recorded it from Abu Barzah al-Aslami in his Shawahid Tanzil, Vol. 2, p. 463.

 Imam al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak, Vol. 3, pp. 174-175 has narrated from Mayna ibn Abi Mayna through a chain. Ibn Asakir in his Tarikh, Vol. 42, p. 333 has narrated it, through a chain, from Umm Salamah. Al-Haythami too, in his Majma al-Zawaid, Vol. 10, p. 21 (Egypt) has narrated it through another chain from her.

 Al-Hafiz Jamaluddin al-Zarnadi, in his Nasm Duroor al-Simtayn, p. 24, has narrated it, through a chain, from Ibrahim ibn Shaybah al-Ansari. Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, in his Muwazzih Awham al-Jami' wa al-Tafriq, Vol. 1, p. 43, records it, through a chain, from Bibi Fatimah al-Zahra (as).

 A huge number of Sunni scholars have narrated it through several chains from Imam Ali (as). Among them are Ibn Asakir in his Tarikh, Vol. 42, p. 332, al-Dawlabi in his al-Dhurriyat al-Tahirat, p. 121, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in his Tarikh, Vol. 12, p. 284 and others.

 The hadith has been narrated from ELEVEN Companions. It is therefore absolutely authentic and must be accepted as proof, being a mutawatir tradition. Imam Ibn Hajar records in his 'Nuzhat al-Nadhar' page 10: "Verily one must work with the mutawatir hadith without checking its narrators"

 Sunni scholar and a teacher of university of Makka Allamah Ahmad bin Umar bin Salim records in Al-Muqtareb fi Bayan al-Mutareb, page 10: "The tawattur do not require checking of narrators, verily one must work with it without checking because it is acceptable"

Present day Salafi scholar and one of the students of Shaykh Bin Baz namely Abdulkarim al-Khudhair (born in 1374 H) records in Tahqiq al-Raghba fi Tawdih al-Nukhba, page 44: The mutawatir: Traditions that should be believed because they are absolutely true, there is hence no need to check through its narrators

 We read the aspect of a mutawatir tradition in Tadrib al-Rawi by Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti, Volume 2 page 173: "Hence one must work with it without checking the narrators."

Any good answer brother Osama?

Sorry for the messed up quotation, it is infact exactly as it is... apparently the shia copied it from a website...that's exactly the Hadith by the way

Assalamualaikum guys,

I really need some help right now can you guys please help, there's a hadith which is generally believed to be fabricated but a shia tried to to prove it is authentic, i have absolutely no idea how to answer's his argument...


This hadith is generally thought as fabricated but a shia tried to prove it is authentic...can you please verify this? Can you please do it as soon as possible? I'm gonna quote it for you,

"The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: O Ali, you and your Shi'a will be in Paradise Many Sunnis are confused by the hadith, since they are not from the Shi'a of Imam Ali (as). So, many of them have declared the hadith weak. However, it is either ignorance or dishonesty. This is because the hadith is not just sahih, it is mutawatir! Inshallah, I will set out now to prove that. First, what is a mutawatir hadith? Well, any hadith narrated through a minimum of 9 or 10 Companions is accepted as mutawatir, and thus absolutely authentic. Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani has some more words: For a mutawatir hadith, the reliability or justice of the narrators is irrelevant. Its authenticity only depends on the multiplicity of narrators, to a number that clearly removes the possibililty of any collusion to lie. Al-Isabah, Vol. 2, p. 252 Imam al-Haskani in his Shawahid Tanzil, Vol. 2, p. 461, has recorded the hadith through a chain from Ibn Abbas. Al-Khawarizmi too in his al-Manaqib, p. 323, has recorded it from another chain from Sa'eed ibn Jubayr from Ibn Abbas. Al-Khawarizmi again has recorded it through another chain from Anas ibn Malik in his Manaqib, p. 319. Ibn Maghazili too has narrated from him through a chain in his Manaqib Amir al-Mumineen, pp. 183-184. Ibn Maghazili al-Shafi'i, in his Manaqib Amir al-Mumineen, pp. 157-158, cites a chain leading up to Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansar. Imam al-Tabarani, in his Mu'jam al-Awsat, Vol. 7, p. 343, has narrated it through another chain from Abu Hurayrah. Al-Khawarizmi again has narrated it through a chain from Imam Husayn (as) in his al-Manaqib, p. 317. Al-Haskani, through a chain, has recorded it from Abu Barzah al-Aslami in his Shawahid Tanzil, Vol. 2, p. 463. Imam al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak, Vol. 3, pp. 174-175 has narrated from Mayna ibn Abi Mayna through a chain. Ibn Asakir in his Tarikh, Vol. 42, p. 333 has narrated it, through a chain, from Umm Salamah. Al-Haythami too, in his Majma al-Zawaid, Vol. 10, p. 21 (Egypt) has narrated it through another chain from her. Al-Hafiz Jamaluddin al-Zarnadi, in his Nasm Duroor al-Simtayn, p. 24, has narrated it, through a chain, from Ibrahim ibn Shaybah al-Ansari. Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, in his Muwazzih Awham al-Jami' wa al-Tafriq, Vol. 1, p. 43, records it, through a chain, from Bibi Fatimah al-Zahra (as). A huge number of Sunni scholars have narrated it through several chains from Imam Ali (as). Among them are Ibn Asakir in his Tarikh, Vol. 42, p. 332, al-Dawlabi in his al-Dhurriyat al-Tahirat, p. 121, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in his Tarikh, Vol. 12, p. 284 and others. The hadith has been narrated from ELEVEN Companions. It is therefore absolutely authentic and must be accepted as proof, being a mutawatir tradition. Imam Ibn Hajar records in his 'Nuzhat al-Nadhar' page 10: "Verily one must work with the mutawatir hadith without checking its narrators" Sunni scholar and a teacher of university of Makka Allamah Ahmad bin Umar bin Salim records in Al-Muqtareb fi Bayan al-Mutareb, page 10: "The tawattur do not require checking of narrators, verily one must work with it without checking because it is acceptable" Present day Salafi scholar and one of the students of Shaykh Bin Baz namely Abdulkarim al-Khudhair (born in 1374 H) records in Tahqiq al-Raghba fi Tawdih al-Nukhba, page 44: The mutawatir: Traditions that should be believed because they are absolutely true, there is hence no need to check through its narrators We read the aspect of a mutawatir tradition in Tadrib al-Rawi by Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti, Volume 2 page 173: "Hence one must work with it without checking the narrators." Allahuma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa ahlihi wa shi'atihim ajma'een."

I'm in a tough spot right now...

« on: October 18, 2017, 07:04:10 AM »
Brother Osama,

It was about Genesis 3:8, the translation is incorrect and trinitarians rely on that sometimes...You're right by the way, they are too close minded and indoctrinated to care about context, we should be straightfoward with 'em...

« on: October 18, 2017, 01:23:55 AM »
Most of the time Trinitarians will take everything out of context and on top of that they will rely on English translations to prove their point...for example the Original Hebrew Text refutes the Targum counter argument used by's a third answer i received by the way, it's from

"Shalom Shaad,

The Hebrew word in Genesis 3:8 that you are referring to is, "kol." This does NOT mean, "word." It has several meanings, the meaning referenced in this context is, "sound." G-d created a sound because he wanted Adam and Eve to sense His approach. G-d does not actually "approach," since G-d is everywhere, but this is the experience He wanted Adam and Eve to have, and so He gave it to them.
Be very wary of translations. They are often used to sell false ideas. Everywhere and throughout history there are salesmen looking to peddle whatever they are peddling, and all too often, they do not let truth stand in their way."

This proves how translations can be dangerous sometimes...By the way, Thank you brother Sama and Osama as well...

Here's an interesting quote of the author...

"it is good to know Islam is not an enemy of a true Christian who follows only what Jesus teaches. Islam is an enemy instead of the false view in Christianity that Jesus is God which Jesus never claimed to be true."


Mohammad Saif, Osama...

Here's the link...

It's a Unitarian website by the way, most Unitarians i know accepts Paul as an apostle but this one is different, the author rejects Paul due to some legitimate reasons which he express in many of his articles...

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Just wanted to share something...
« on: October 16, 2017, 08:58:31 AM »
Assalamualaikum guys,

Today i was reading articles on a christian website and i found an article about Islam....I always thought that all christians(even Unitarians) had a negative view about Muslim beliefs of Jesus but i was basically the article is quite long but to keep it short, they were trying to prove that as long as a Muslim believes in the Quranic Jesus, they can be considered as Ebionite Christians and brothers in faith....

« on: October 16, 2017, 08:12:58 AM »
Assalamualaikum guys,

I tried searching for counter arguments on this subject and i found one which was pretty much intriguing and i asked some questions to to our Jewish Brethren more precisely some Rabbis about their view...

Well basically i found some christians trying to prove that the "Word" is a different entity by quoting passages from the Targum...for example

Genesis 3:8

"And they heard the voice of the Word of the Lord God walking in the garden in the evening of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from before the Lord God among the trees of the garden."

At first glance it doesn't seem to be a strong argument in my opinion...anyway i got some interesting answers by the Rabbis

A Rabbi from says...

"Actually, the word in Hebrew is not the word of God but the voice (kol). The meaning is that God's Divine Presence (Shechina) came to the Garden to rebuke and punish Adam and Eve for their failing (while first giving them a chance to confess and repent). Although God Himself is infinite, He sometimes makes His presence more felt in one place, which is the notion of His Shechina."

Another one from a different website says...

"In the original Hebrew the term that is used is "kol" (קול) which is more properly translated as "sound" or "voice". The meaning is that God revealed to them his presence through some sort of sound. The term walking is used in reference to sound in other places in the Bible such as in Jeremiah 46, 22."

These types of conversations can be very irritating sometimes especially when the antagonists keep insulting you...i mean it's really hard to control your anger...the only thing that i do in that situation is that i take all my time to write a sarcastic answer and i keep reminding him that he couldn't refute my arguments and believe me this would make him angry as well and he may even start typing nonsense or maybe start being nice a bit...

I would really like to see Sami Zaatari debate with Shamoun on challenge number would be great to see them face to face again in my opinion, i was still a 15 yo teenager when those debated about the "deity" of Christ and Sami's patience really inspired me a lot...

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Textual criticism of the Bible
« on: October 11, 2017, 02:51:18 AM »
Assalamualaikum guys,

Can someone please recommend me some good books about textual criticisms of the bible?

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: List of works of islamophobes?
« on: October 09, 2017, 11:59:01 PM »
You mean the popular ones?

« on: October 06, 2017, 09:59:38 PM »
Exactly brother Osama....

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