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Messages - AhmadFarooq

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The souls did not commit any sin (at-least as far as we know).
First the souls accepted the test, after which the memory of this was wiped from them, then they were given physical human bodies and after that they started committing good deeds and bad deeds.


Muslims believe that at this point, God was addressing just the souls of the people; the physical bodies came later.


It is up to God, whether to punish us for it, either in this life or the next or just simply to forgive us.


What I am saying is that, although that is a possibility, we don't know for certain. We have not been provided with the information to make such a claim, at-least as far as I know.

Exactly what are you basing that answer on?
If there was the fear of Hell on one hand, then there was also the Hope of Heaven on the other. Who knows which was more.

There is a difference between someone "needing" something and someone "preferring" or "liking" something.

As far as I know, no information is provided in this respect.
However, some can argue that the very idea of a Heaven and Hell implied that some were going to succeed and some, fail.


Whatever we know about God comes from the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, if those sources tell us that God wants us to worship Him, than that is what Muslims believe in.
God gave us free will in order to test us, this was the agreement that was made.


Who said God withheld the information?

I don't know where you are getting your facts from, but Muslims definitely do worship God.

God not requiring worship does not mean that we shouldn't worship Him.
We worship God because He commands us to and it is in our best interests to do so.


So, by your interpretation shouldn't we be worshiping literally everything since everything is a part of God?

There are different ways with which classical and modern Muslim scholars have answered questions like these.

The Qur'an is considered as a reflection of God's eternal word, not as God Himself. Muslims don't believe that God can be divided into parts and then some parts of God can die. If God is supposed to be immortal/eternal then logically speaking no part of God should be able to die, otherwise, all of God can also die.

Check out this video from Simply Seerah, the first 6 minutes are related to this issue in a general way, and the rest with regards to the Christians who believe that Jesus was human and God at the same time:


The following is from my own understanding and knowledge which could be faulty.

As I mentioned before, this was the test that the humans (and I suppose Jinns are also included here) accepted. God of course knew that some will follow Him and others will disobey Him, but (according to the Islamic doctrine) humans chose this test out of their own free will, they were not forced into it.

He does not "need" our worship, but He would be pleased if we succeed in our tests.

Everything we know about God, comes from the Qur'an and authentic Hadiths. They along with some other attributes of God do talk about the pleasure and displeasure of God. Therefore, these cannot be denied (although there are some groups of Muslims who try to give metaphorical meaning to clear statements from scripture about such attributes, but from what I know that is not the majority opinion).

Regarding whether such attributes can be related to any human like emotion, from what I understand, we just don't know. Like the eyes example I gave before, we just have not been given enough information to say much for certain.

All we can say with certainty is what Islam tells us, which is, that God is pleased by those who follow Him, and displeased by those who disobey Him; exactly what is the nature of that pleasure and displeasure or what accompanies them, if there is anything, is not certain (although "crying" is, I suppose, definitely something beneath God).


There is another interesting quotation regarding this discourse:

'Allamah Al-Alusi, the author of the famous Tafsir. Ruh al-Ma’ani has reported an episode from the court of Caliph Harun al-Rashid where a Christian physician entered into a debate against the scholar 'Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Wiqidi challenging him that his Book (the Qur'an) has a particular word which indicates that Sayyidna 'Isa (as) [i.e. Jesus] is a part of Allah. And as a proof, he read out the verse [4:](171) which carries the words: [Arabic for: ruhim-minhu] (a spirit from Him). 'Allamah al-Wiqidi came up with a rejoinder and recited another verse (45:13) of the Qur'an: [Arabic text of verse] (The meaning of the verse is that everything that there is in the heavens and the earth is from the same Allah where the word - minhu: from Him - serves to attribute everything to Allah) and said: 'If (ruhim-minhu: a spirit from Him means, as you think, that Sayyidna 'Isa (as) is a part of Allah, then, the verse I have just recited would mean that every thing in the heavens and the earth is also a part of Allah?'

Mufti Shafi Usmani, Tafseer-e-Maariful Quran (English), Volume 2, Pg. 638

God does mind devil's sins, because of which he will also get punished in the afterlife. His punishment is just postponed.

The devil asked for some time from God to try and lead the humans astray and thus, in such a way was formed the basis of the test for humans (i.e. to not follow the devil) which they have to pass to get into heaven.


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