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Messages - Sama

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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Please explain these hadith
« on: January 08, 2018, 09:07:55 AM »
Here is the hadith in arabic and "sex with a slave girl "is not mentioned:

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Please explain these hadith
« on: January 08, 2018, 08:58:08 AM »

Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, "If she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her.

Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636

You are referring to this Hadith, which is quoted in Musnad Ahmad, Musnad abi Ya'la and al-Kabeer of Imam at-Tabarri etc. The major problem here is the main route and known narrator of the sirah ibn Ishaq who is considered as not reliable in hadith matters, even the son of Imam Ahmad said quoting his father: لم يكن يحتج به في السنن Nobody used his narration when it commes to sunnah/hadith as an argument.

So scholars tend to say the hadith is da'if (weak) because hadith of ibn Ishaq isn't reliable if there's no similar narration of any other on the matter, which is the case here all the scholars who compiled this hadith have ibn Ishaq in the narrator chain.

An other narrator who is not reliable in the chain is Hussayn ibn Abdullah ibn Obaydallah ibn 'Abas حسين بن عبد الله بن عبيد الله بن العباس : he was a known narrator of manakeer.

Two major scholars have qualified this hadith as dai'f (weak): Sheikh Shoayb al-Arnaout in his examination of Musnad Ahmad and Sheikh Hussayn Salem Assad in his examination of Musnad abi Ya'la. (See also this thread in Arabic on the matter)

An other note on the hadith matn, assuming it would be accepted: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) only said that he would marry her if.... if she reached the right age for marriage, so this doesn't have nothing to do with desire, but could be related to strengthen the relationship to al-Abbas as he did with Abu Bakr and Omar (May Allah be pleased with them). So this hadith shows the position of al-'Abbas and his ranking by the Messenger of Allah.

And Allah knows best.

To comment further about this specific Hadith, we need to look at Hadith history. Was it possible that Jews, hypocrites and other enemies of Islam united together and tried to include fabricated Hadiths, to mislead the Muslim community? Yes of course. The proof that an attempt had been made by the enemies of Islam with introduction of false Hadiths is the fact that out of seventeen books of Hadiths only six were accepted by our religious scholars. More than 65% were rejected as being fabricated and misleading.

Was this Hadith Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636 part of the 6 books that was accepted as authentic Hadiths? NO, it was not!

As mentioned above, two of the narrators of this Hadith were proven to be unreliable. Further to that the main narrator Ibn Ishaq was pointed out by his contemporary, the early traditionalist and jurist Malik, of unequivocally being "a liar" and "an impostor" "who transmits his stories from the Jews".  Malik explained his condemnation of Ibn Ishaq saying Ibn Ishaq made a point of seeking out descendants of the Jews of Medina in order to obtain from them accounts of the Prophet's campaigns as handed down by their forefathers. Malik and other Jurists rejected Ibn Ishaq’s stories in the strongest terms!

Proof of him taking this story about Ummu’lFadl from the Jews is shown by the peculiar choice of her age being 3 that narrators attribute her age to be. Why not 2, 4, 5 or some other number?  Why 3? It is because 3 is the age identified in Jewish scriptures numerous times as permissible to have sex with. Here are some references taken directly from the Jewish Talmud:

MISHNAH: A girl of the age of three years and one day may be betrothed by intercourse … (Niddah 44b)

Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. — Sanhedrin 55b

There was a certain town in the Land of Israel the legitimacy of whose inhabitants was disputed, and Rabbi sent R. Romanos who conducted an enquiry and found in it the daughter of a proselyte who was under the age of three years and one day, and Rabbi [Judah the Prince] declared her eligible to live with a priest.

Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki adds in a footnote: "I.e., permitted her to continue to live with her husband." — Yebamoth 60b

GEMARA. … It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest, (2) for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, (3) and Phinehas (4) surely was with them. And the Rabbis? (5) — [These were kept alive] as bondmen and bondwomen. (6) If so, (7)  a proselyte whose age is three years and one day (8) should also be permitted!

Dr. Daiches tells us that, according to the Sages, the hymen of a girl younger than three literally grows back again. "If they had sexual intercourse before they were three years and one day old the hymen would grow again, and they would be virgins." V. 9a and 11b and cf. Nid. 44b and 45a.

The above are all explicit references to having sex with children in the Talmud. There is no interpretation or unknown weak narration involved as there is in the references made to Islam. They have tried to charge Islam with something their scriptures are guilty of.

Hadith 25636 and others narrated especially by Ibn Ishaq and also Tabbari are havens for Islamophobic websites whose whole purpose is to demonize Islam and steer people away from the religion. The fact that most good Muslims who adhere to the authentic Hadiths in the 6 books of Hadith don’t even know about these Hadiths that are quoted so much by haters of Islam is proof that these false Hadiths don’t form the basis of our religion. The fact that these false Hadiths are so well known by Jews, Islamophobes and haters of Islam shows a passing down through the generations over time the false Hadiths that was introduced into Islam by these same enemies of Islam. They know exactly what they tried to include in the religion to demonize it and have passed it on through time only to surface again today. Students and truth seekers should beware of this and not be deceived.

This screenshot shows how the"mods" who run anti-islamic sites are actually very poor in knowledge about Islam and just driven by blind hate

The don't know about "Al-Jamii' Assaheeh"   :D

This video shows how the Qur'an corrects the Bible when it comes to the stories of the Prophets.

This video is based on the book "Jesus: Man, Messenger, Messiah".

« on: December 31, 2017, 04:24:35 PM »
Did you ever have a look at the link
I am sure you didn't.

Have a look here too:

« on: December 31, 2017, 01:36:36 PM »
I suggest you spend your time reading how muslim sites refuted their claims rather than watching the false propaganda without sufficient knowledge. This sites has hundreds of articles refuting the enemies of the religion of Islam.

« on: December 31, 2017, 06:53:01 AM »

Jesus told me to convert to ISLAM
Al-Qurtubi said in at-Tadhkirah fi Ahwaal al-Mawtaa wa Umoor al-Aakhirah (29-30):

It was narrated from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) that when a person is dying, two devils sit with him – one on his left and one on his right. The one who is on his right appears in the form of his father and says to him: O my son, I care for you and love you; die following the religion of the Christians, for it is the best of religions. The one who is on his left appears in the form of his mother, and says to him: O my son, my womb was a vessel for you, my breast gave you to drink and my lap was a pillow for you; die following the religion of the Jews, for it is the best of religions.

This was also mentioned by Abu’l-Hasan al-Qaabisi in Sharh Risaalah Ibn Abi Zayd, and something similar was mentioned by Abu Haamid in Kashf ‘Uloom al-Aakhirah

But what al-Qurtubi mentioned was not based on any evidence from the Qur’an or Sunnah, because there is no proven hadith to that effect. Rather this is one of the reports that some scholars transmitted in their books, but they are not to be found in the reliable books of hadith.

« on: December 31, 2017, 06:45:20 AM »
Different surah  :o Is this a Joke ?

« on: December 27, 2017, 06:13:27 PM »
From "المختار من كنوز السنة النبوية"

Taken from

« on: December 27, 2017, 04:55:31 PM »
To the contrary, Islam encourage people to explore, know and use mind.

Regarding the type of questions prohibited this included 2 types of questions:
1- Matters of the unseen.
2- Matters of Ibadat that were left easy.
 God has kept certain matters unknown to man, or He might have expressed certain matters in general terms. It does not harm people to leave such matters in the form God has left them. To question these at the time of the Prophet might have provided them with distressing answers, or might have overburdened both them and future generations. Hence, God tells the believers not to ask about certain matters which if revealed might be harmful. He also warns them that should they ask about these during the Prophet’s lifetime, when the Qur’ān was being revealed, for then they would have their answers, but these would impose on them obligations that God did not originally make binding: “Believers, do not ask about matters which, if made known to you, may cause you hardship. If you should ask about them while the Qur’ān is being revealed, they shall be made plain to you. God will forgive you these; for God is Much-Forgiving, Forbearing.” The verse carries a clear instruction not to inquire about matters which God has left out or stated without details in order to keep duties lighter, as in the case of pilgrimage.

    Ibn Kathir writes, "This Ayah means, "If you ask about a matter after it is revealed, it shall be duly explained to you. Therefore, do not ask about matters that have not occurred yet, for they might become prohibited, due to your questions.... The Messenger of Allah was asked about a husband who finds another man with his wife; if he exposes the adultery, he will be exposing a major incident; if he is quiet about it, he will be quiet about a major matter. The Messenger of Allah did not like such questions.''

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Alleged errors in the Quran
« on: December 27, 2017, 04:13:40 PM »
3- Until the middle of the 20th century it was commonly believed that the Samaritans originated from a mixed race people living in Samaria at the time of the Assyrian conquest (722 BCE). In a similar vein, the Christian missionaries and apologists have claimed that the Samaritans as a distinct people only emerged after the exile of the northern kingdom of Israel and the resettlement of the area under king Sargon II after 722 BCE. Based solely on the evidence of II Kings 17, the missionaries and apologists claim the Qur'anic mention of the name al-Samiri sometimes translated as "the Samaritan" (Qur'an 20:85, 87 and 95) during the time of Moses is a historical contradiction.

Contrary to these claims, specialists in Samaritan studies have noted that the use of the term shomronim in II Kings 17 tells us nothing about the origins of the Samaritans. Shomronim means the "inhabitants of Samaria" and it has nothing to do with shamerin, "keepers" or "observers" of the Torah, which the Samaritans use for themselves. Furthermore, the narrative in II Kings 17:18-24 claiming the population of Israel in its totality was deported by Assyrians and exchanged to an alien population is unsupported by archaeology. This historical discrepancy severely undermines the veracity of the biblical claim concerning Samaritan origins. Consequently, modern scholars have conclusively rejected II Kings 17 as a source for the origins of Samaritans.

In recent years, research based on a more careful study of the Chronicles of the Samaritans has led to a re-evaluation of their origins. Specifically, with the publication of the Samaritan Chronicle II (Sefer ha-Yamim), the fullest Samaritan version of their own history became available. A historical analysis of this chronicle reveals that the Samaritans are the direct descendants of the Joseph tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh, and until the 17th century C.E. they possessed a high priesthood descending directly from Aaron through Eleazar and Phinehas. The common ancestry of both the Jews and Samaritans was also established by recent genetic studies, going back to cohen or the Jewish priestly family. This study also validated both local and foreign origins of the Samaritans.

Ignorant of the Samaritans' own version of their history as well as recent scholarly investigation and critical analysis, the claims made by William St. Clair Tisdall continue to dominate Christian literature on the subject. Unfortunately, Tisdall was also not fully cognizant with the Chronicles of the Samaritans or the extant archaeological evidence; consequently, the missionaries and apologists make claims contrary to recent historical investigation. As we observed in this study, the Qur'anic mention of the name al-Samiri sometimes translated as "the Samaritan" (Qur'an 20:85, 87 and 95) is consistent with modern investigations into the origins of the Samaritan sect.

And Allah knows best!

« on: December 26, 2017, 01:23:14 PM »
When the Prophet (PBUH) was instructed to go out and deliver the message, he was told that one of the main characteristics of this message of Islam is that it establishes equality between all people, regardless of their colors, backgrounds, languages, or socio-economic status in the society.

That was actually one of the challenges that faced the Prophet since the early days of Islam. The polytheists of Arabia refused to be associated with their slaves, who, at that time, were very much downgraded and ill-treated in society.

The very concept that they and their slaves stand on equal footing in terms of treatment and religious liability was very annoying to these arrogant Arab idolaters. That was probably one of the main reasons that led them to reject the emerging call of Islam and see it as a threat to their false sense of “dignity” and discriminatory policies.

In the Muslim community, there was no shame at all for some great Companions who were, just some time before this, in leading positions in Makkah to sit with a black slave like Bilal ibn Rabah and learn from him.

Bilal was even called “our master” by the Prophet’s companions, referring to his great status which he gained by merit of his knowledge, dedication, and sincerity.
Any incident, gesture, or hint that could annoy this brotherhood was taken seriously by the Prophet. When The Prophet’s Companion Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari unintentionally annoyed his brother Bilal by calling him the “son of a black woman”, the Prophet  took it very seriously and was alarmed at that instance that such a phrase was a threat to the well-established brotherhood.

Therefore, he did not let it pass. Rather, he turned to Abu Dhar and said: “Are you calling him by the color of his mother? You are a man who still has traces of pre-Islamic ignorance.”

That instance was so alarming to Abu Dhar who, realizing his mistake, rushed to seek forgiveness from his brother Bilal and placed his head on the ground asking Bilal to step by his shoes on his face as a way of making him feel, to some extent, the offence he has directed to him.

Yet Bilal, who realized that Abu Dhar had understood the lesson, and that the insult was completely unintentional, took his hand and hugged him in a brotherly gesture.


Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 11:

Volume 1, Book 11, Number 662:

Narrated Anas:

The Prophet said, “Listen and obey (your chief) even if an Ethiopian whose head is like a raisin were made your chief.”

Here in this hadith he is focusing on the issue of obeying your chief/leader whoever he is. Infact he is advising all whites to obey the chief even he is black, thus trying to force home the point to some of the Arabs who may have been prejudicial that all men are equal regardless of colour. By pointing out the outward appearance or external features of an individual, one does not commit a crime. Especially at that time where the Arabs felt they were superior to the Ethiopians, what the prophet said was groundbreaking. If you had to describe someone of similar appearance with one word, what would you use? Are you going to criticize the prophet because he did not share your vocabulary?

By bringing up this issue the anti islamists have in fact shown that the prophet was a man who saw no boundaries based upon race, but was someone who tried to bring equality amongst all colours

If he was a racist and wanted to call them raisin heads, he would’ve called them raisin heads without saying Ethiopian. He was referring to the shape of a raisin, as we all know there are golden, purple, red, BLACK raisins, so to assume the use of the word raisin is racist is entirely wrong.

Lets not forget what the prophet said in his last sermon:


    خرج ومعه أصحابه فثقل عليهم متاعهم، فقال: “ابسط كساءك”. فبسطته، فجعل فيه متاعهم ثم حمله عليَّ فقال: “احمل ما أنت إلا سفينة”. فقال: لو حملت يومئذ وقر بعير أو بعيرين أو خمسة أو ستة ما ثقل عليَّ

    Narrated by Mahran: The apostle of God (ﷺ) and his companions went on a trip. (When) their belongings became too heavy for them to carry, Muhammad (ﷺ) told me, `Spread your garment.’ They filled it with their belongings, then they put it on me. The apostle of God (ﷺ) told me, `Carry (it), for you are a Safinah/ship.’

    Even if I was carrying the load of six or seven donkeys while we were on a journey, anyone who felt weak would put his clothes or his shield or his sword on me so I would carry that, a heavy load. The prophet (ﷺ) told me, `Carry, for you are a ship”‘.
Here, it is alleged that the Prophet (ﷺ) made his black slave work overload and was unfair to him. The ending of the narration appears to have been cut deliberately. Mahran ends his statement saying [ما ثقل عليَّ] i.e. without any weight/without any heaviness/burden; so his complete statement would read as: I carried the load of six or seven donkeys without even feeling it. He does not narrate this incident to complain of injustice being done to him but to state the miracle that he experienced where he carried the load of six or seven donkeys alone without even feeling it.

Arabs had a custom of giving nicknames and they did so very frequently so much so that a single person would have numerous nicknames and at times, one or two would become more popular and stay with the person as if they were his real names. Some of the beloved people of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had nicknames which would translate as ‘father of dirt’ or ‘father of cats’ and to a lay non-Arab, these may seem strange and perhaps even offensive; however, there is nothing strange or offensive about it. Furthermore, these names would come forth at the moment and likewise, the nickname of Mahran came out as ‘ship’ at the moment due to the event that took place.

Another point to note here is that the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions were coming back from somewhere, most probably a battle as the companions who got tired and felt weak would put their shields, swords and belongings for Mahran to carry because of the miracle that took place at that time. Furthermore, dividing duties amongst the people is an efficient way of managing tasks. Slaves and freed slaves are exempt from fighting in wars and battles and hence, Mahran was most likely very fresh and active due to which he was allocated the duty to carry the load and at the same time, helped by Allah to carry it easily without feeling any burden.

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