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Messages - mclinkin94

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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:57:17 PM »
@Black Muslim, here is my detailed Analysis of the Quran and here is why it, without question, supports creation of mankind involving steps.

I would like us to proceed without your insults, it would be easier for the both of us. I simply don't have time to drop by in all of these forums, manage my personal life, and working on my blogs. If we could do without you keep insulting me and saying I am not following he Sunnah, Quran nation etc. I present Quranic verses in light of other verses and science. Simple as that. If this is fraudulent, then I don't know how you made that determination.

Lets begin with the verse in question:

Quran 32:7-9 Who made good that which He created and began the creation of man from clay, Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained, Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.

What you did not get before is that irrespective of the translation of "ahsana" (wheter it means creation is good or creation was made good) the Quran says the same thing!

If you want to translate 32:7 as everything that is created is good. The verses after show the process in which Allah makes you good. So you were made good though a process

If you want to translate 32:7 as everything that is created was made good through a process. The verses after show the process and how creation was made good.

Both of them share one thing in common--A process of creation. Involving steps and stages. Just as the Quran says:

(Quran 71:14)  Allah has created you in stages

What are these stages? Those stages were highlighted in the embryology verses and in the initial creation of man verses like 32:7-9.

Further we have this:

(Quran 64:3) He designed you THEN (fa) made your design good.
(Quran 40:64) He formed you THEN (fa) made your form good.

^The question we answered before is why was "fa" used instead of "thumma" to denote then? Thumma is used when a long period of time is needed for a sequential event. Fa is used when it is a shorter period of time, so it is relative. In both of those verses above, if you notice it talks about creation of the universe or the earth right before. This means that compared to the time it took for the creation of the universe or earth to form, the designing then formation of humans was pretty quick. (Side note, if we were formed and then that form was made good, what happened to that initial form? It was made better.)

Further we have this CLEAR verse:

Quran 7:11 And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], THEN (thumma) given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.

The word Thumma (then) is vital for your interpretation of this verse. We were created, THEN we got proportioned/given form!

So again a process of proportioning was involved in the creation of Adam himself in this verse. So here you have a case in which creation was made better. Just like Quran 32:7 on how Allah makes everything he created BETTER. In 7:11, you have Allah creating us THEN making that creation good/better.

Side note: Who is Adam? Adam would be the father or first of the last group of humans who got sexually isolated from the other hominids)

Can anybody seriously start denying after this that the creation of humans did not involve stages?? Especially when Quran 7:11 clearly tells us Adam's creation itself involved stages.

It is clear here that the Quran has said that the creation of humans was not an instant creation, it was a creation that involved stages of proportioning. What are these stages? These stages are highlighted in Quran 32:7.

Now, I will respond to your post in my next post.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:07:30 PM »

Im a bit confused why Surah 32:7 is being discussed. It just says Allah made creation good???

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الَّذِي أَحْسَنَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ ۖ وَبَدَأَ خَلْقَ الْإِنسَانِ مِن طِينٍ

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Sahih International
Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay.
Muhsin Khan
Who made everything He has created good, and He began the creation of man from clay.
Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay;
Yusuf Ali
He Who has made everything which He has created most good: He began the creation of man with (nothing more than) clay,
Who made good everything that He has created, and He began the creation of man from dust.

It does just say that Allah made creation Good.

We are debating whether this means that:

Allah's creation is Good.
Allah's creation was made good after its initial design

Through support of other quranic verses and the contexts of that verse (read my previous post), I support the latter view that everything in which Allah has created was then made Good.

Further, the Sahih international translation you posted up there uses the word "perfected" so those scholars agree with the latter too.

We need to determine what is the more probable explanation, and in my defense, the context and the verses right after tell me that humans were made better. First there was a stage in which we were nothing more than an extract of clay (32:7), then we were sexually capable (32:8), then we were fasioned and proportioned and given higher consciousness (Quran 32:9). The later stages are better than the preceding ones, this also favors the interpretation that this verse is saying that Allah makes creation better.

Further, even if we look at the embryology, you see stages in which Allah makes humanity better than the preceding stage.

(Quran 23:14) Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah , the best of creators.

This "another creation" was it made better than its original forms? Yes, it was made better. This also supports the latter interpretation of 32:7. So Allah is he who makes everything he created better. Quran 23:14 shows you an example of how this happens and Quran 32:8-9 show you another example.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 06, 2013, 10:55:24 PM »
For the sake of time, I will only respond to Evolutionary points, All points on Hadiths can be saved for a later time.

I've looked back in my previous posts, and I never really noticed I was being rude and very Islamic of me. I'm trying to avoid as much rhetoric as possible, I shouldn't have insulted you in the first place and let this be my apology.

We will still continue evolution as this is an important topic since it goes to the origin of creation.

Quran 40:64 [Allah] formed you THEN (fa) made good your forms
Quran 64:3 formed you then (fa) made good your forms

The signs talk about embryology since it mentions humans all together . It also says Allah formred us which supports that more

The first sentence you made makes the assumption that Adam's form wasn't made good. you made the predetermined conclusion that Adam was not formed through evolution so you reach the conclusion that it is only talking about embryology. That is a fallacy. You cannot make that assumption, WE cannot make that assumption. We must interpret the Quran through the Quran.

You said that because Allah said "formed' Instead of "created" it is talking about embryology because Adam was not formed. Further, this statement is a factual error, Adam was formed or went through a process of formation:

Allah has created us and he has also formed us.

Quran 38:71-74 "(Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: 'Truly, I am going to create man from clay.
So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him.'

Adam was fashioned and was formed.

Quran 7:11 And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], and given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.

So Again, Adam was given form. So he is also included.

So when 40:64 says" Allah formed you and then made good your forms, it is absolutely referring to Adam as well.

So we must conclude that Adam's form was made better and made good from it's previous state. Notice how Allah in 7:11 differentiates creation from giving us form. This should be extremely significant to you because it contrasts creation from giving human form. Then the verse says that humanity was something primitive and then it was given form. After, Adam was given form, Allah told the Angels to prostrate. This is vital to your understanding.

In arabic (waaw) translates as "and". Thumma and Fa both respectively translate as Then. Fa also carries a meaning of 'thus'. So lets think about it. You were designed..Time lapse..then your design was made good.
The very beginning of your argument is wrong as I just explained , so there's no point in this .

No sir it is not. The Quran explains further in detail that Adam himself went through a process of formation.

In Quran 32:7 if Allah wanted to say that creation is good, why did he word it in that way implying that creation was MADE good through a process??
Only the ignorant thinks the sign implies this . We already went through this and it showed some horrible lack of understanding and horrible repeating altogether .

Then we will need to go through this again because I've asked innocently to many other Muslims and they tend to support what I first said. I did not bring up evolution though, I just asked for the general meaning. This is important in our understanding. Instead of screaming 'ignorance', state your reasoning. There is a reason why I repeated that statement, either I responded to your reasoning and you missed it/didn't get it or you responded and I didn't get it.

Nice attempt to wiggle out of it . And more and more , you prove that you're ignorant of every single thing we use to understand Quran and Sunnah .
The example I made and Quran as well say that Allah made good what he created . Now you as a biased evolutionist would reach for the far and unreasonable meaning that it made something good after it was bad - exalted is Allah from what you describe - but a quick glance at Quran and Sunnah both refute what you desperately want to prove .
And you can keep the word translator to yourself . Verb or not - and even if you make it with a font size of 1000 - it doesn't change a thing . I carry something , that makes it "carried" .

You talk about translators ? Here are multiple explanations and none of them say what you say :

I wasn't wiggling, I was demonstrating the problem with the english language not using the word "good" as a verb. Further, irrespective of the translation, the verses after talk about HOW Allah made humans good--through a process. This is clearly showing that Allah is starting creation and then making it good/better. Quran 32:9 is the 'good' part. And it was better than the state of Quran 32:8 and that was a better state that he state of clay in 32:7.

So there are 2 ways of interpreting that verse (32:7)

1.) Creation is Good (this verse is saying that Allah's creation is Good)
2.) Creation was made Good (This verse is not only saying Allah's creation is Good, but that it was made Good from its previous state--So everything that Allah has created, Allah has then made it Good.)

The question arises, which interpretation is best?

  • The context of the verse which deals with the steps of creation and how it was made progressively better than the preceding stage tells us that interpretation 2 is best.
  • The other quranic verses which mention that humans were made in stages, each stage more complex and better than the next (be it embryology of evolution) show to favor interpretation 2.
  • The fact that the Quran didn't simply state that creation is Good is also another favor to interpretation 2
  • Quran 40:64 and 64:3 say that we were formed and that form was then made good also favoring interpretation 2 of that verse

This is my rationale.

I also used my brother's account to ask this question in Y/A. Many have further said that 'Ahsana' means to improve upon. So this also favors interpretation 2  ;);_ylt=AqWOQY04Rbwt86LHC.jFbcjAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20131106110058AAj2o8h

Now, you are suggesting that the Quran says in 32:7 that creation is Good. If that was the case, why didn't the Quran simply say "Who creates everything Good" or "Everything is created Good" instead of saying "I have made good/better everything which I created" or "I have perfected everything which I created".
Shoot yourself in the head and maybe you can understand .

I still feel it is a valid point. Please address it.

Don't make my hate toward you reach the level of wanting to slap you . I really hate when someone puts words in my mouth . I hate more someone explaining Quran to his desires . If you're so blind as to see what deems you wrong as evidence for you , go to the nearest hospital to check on both your eyes and your brain .

I explain the Quran plainly by what it says. I do not have a 'desire'. I already said that if I was following my desire, I would have never became Muslim in the first place.

Put yourself in my older position, Imagine you are this happy Atheist with no restrictions and you feel confident about your beliefs. And then Imagine investigating a religion and finding out that it makes a lot of sense. Imagine going to anti-Islamic sites just to relieve your insecurity of Islam. This was me many years back. I had to tell myself that I must look at both sides of the argument and I have to be honest. That is how I structure all my beliefs.

Secondly, irregardless of what you believe about evolution, we are debating the Quranic support. Evolution science itself does not matter, does the Quran support it or not.
It doesn't .

I already know your position and you already know my position. We are both on a quest of knowledge in this debate.

Everyone can make a claim . But not everyone can prove them .

Like I said, we are not debating the science of evolution, I will gladly do that to you in a later time. Science debate is my favorite type, but, right now we are just doing Quran.

Now I don't know what to call this fallacy but I'll still explain it . It's the same as someone who goes :
1 - All fruits are yellow
2 - Tomatoes are fruits
3 - So tomatoes are yellow
Now , you refute point one , and he acts like you did nothing and so says "You're dishonest , tomatoes are fruits and so they are yellow" and even if you say it flat out that not all fruits are yellow he'd just repeat that all are indeed yellow .

I have dealt with this earlier.

1-two things that say the same thing are complimenting each other on that thing
2-The Quran says that creation was made good through a process (in 32:7-9)
3-Evolution says that creation was made more complex (good) through a process
Conclusion: The Quran and evolution are complimenting each other.

Excuse the wording, its very late..

How about the fact that the Quran has made it plainly clear that humans were created in stages:  (Quran 71:14)  God created you in stages and how the Quran highlights those stages as being embryology and evolutionary  (Quran 32:7-9, 35:11 etc.)
Have not I told you that your study of Arabic did nothing ? The creation in this one means forming . Evidence for that is the sign which says
So blessed is Allah , the best of creators.
And if we go with you , it will mean that other than God can create . Pure blasphemy .

I have dealt with this before. Humanity (including Adam) was created AND formed. I have demonstrated this earlier.

I don't understand how it will mean that other than God can create. I don't recall saying that.

I wrote all of this in a hurry . I'll return later - Allah wills - to make a detailed refutation to this and the next post you'll make so that - Allah wills - I can rest my conscience and leave no room that people may be fooled by it .

I look forward to it.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 05, 2013, 11:31:50 PM »

You can accuse me of running away as much as you like . We all saw how you didn't respond to the points I mentioned .

Which points? I responded to all of them except the ones where you are sarcastic and insult. Please post the points again.

Since you started making new misguiding claims , I'll have to respond again in this new topic .
First of all , you're not the one to tell us so . It is known before you or your 10th grandfather were born that whatever contradicts Quran in a way that cannot be explained is immediately discarded .

The claims were not misguided. Are you seriously comparing the authenticity of hadiths to the Quran?

Secondly, I love your next point, we should discard hadiths that contradict the Quran. Then we got a LOOONG way to go in discarding Hadiths. We can start with the Apostasy ones, the music ones and 'grow your beard ones' and of course the ones that go against evolution  :D.

And I would say that you don't really follow logic , you follow desire . You see something you don't like in Hadith and just decide to deem it wrong and corrupted while the problem actually lies in you . Anything you try to bring will prove this . So again , get over yourself . This arrogance you hold is deadly .

If I follow what I desire, I wouldn't have ever became Muslim. Trust me on that point.

I follow what is reasonable. Chinese whispers are not reasonable to follow.

Further Quran 19:101 has said Muhammad doesn't know who the hypocrites were at his time. Nowhere does the Quran say that Muhammad was successful at finding all hypocrites. And if by chance, he was, when the prophet died--how exactly did he fight off the new hypocrites that carry on the hadiths?? Ironically at least two Sahih Hadith in the Muslim's compilation confirm this by admitting to 12 hypocrites masquerading as companions and who's identities were never revealed.
You can never prove what's underlined . The sign says that the prophet didn't know them when the sign was revealed . And we have verses ordering the prophet to fight the hypocrites . So rationally , if he's going to fight them , he necessarily knows them . The story of Huthaifa the son of Yaman confirms this as the prophet told him about the their names and so he wouldn't pray on them the same way the prophet wouldn't . And Quran who's innocent of you says :

Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you, [O Muhammad], under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with an imminent conquest

The believers are only the ones who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then doubt not but strive with their properties and their lives in the cause of Allah . It is those who are the truthful.

Firstly, You have failed to show that Muhammad has dealt with all of the hypocrites at his time. Secondly, and even more importantly, you have failed to show that Muhammad has dealt with all the new hypocrites that came after he died.

What argument do you really hold? Just more excuses.

For the poor emigrants who were expelled from their homes and their properties, seeking bounty from Allah and [His] approval and supporting Allah and His Messenger, [there is also a share]. Those are the truthful.

Allah himself said he's pleased with the believers and calls them truthful . Enough said . And in the chapter of the people of Umran

Hypocrites =/= believers.

It says that Allah wouldn't leave people in their state until the evil is known and good is known .

So , considering the last points , the prophet did know the hypocrites because :
1 - Nothing says he never knew them until he passed away .
2 - There are signs saying Allah is pleased of the believers whom you hate so much .
3 - There's a verse saying that Allah will reveal the evil and good and tell his prophet .
4 - There are signs telling the prophet peace upon him to fight the hypocrites and to never obey them meaning that he must have known them .
Therefore , saying that the companions are hypocrites = A failing attempt to make us drop half our religion .

1.) Nothing says the prophet dealt with All hypocrites--he did do an effort of course
2.) Again, hypocrites are not classified as believers. People who fake being believers are hypocrites.
3.) Now, you bring up a good point here!  Indeed Allah does distinguish the good from the bad and he definitely has aided Muhammad and us, but again, I ask where does it say that all the hypocrites past, present and future have been dealt with. Especially the ones who write hadith?Further, this verse is probably better understood by saying that Allah will actively continue revealing the hypocrites to us. This is a continuous process! This shows that not all hypocrites are being dealt with at once, rather Allah has done so once in the battle of Uhud and he will continue to do so today. It is a continuous process. So all the hypocrites have not really been dealt with.
4.)Indeed there are some companions who were truthful and probably have said good things, but it is obvious by reason and the Quran that there are hypocrites among them.

Ironically your own sources, support my point

Ironically Bukhari's own report clearly points to this fact especially after his, Prophet's Pbuh demise:

Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, "Some of my companions will come to me at my Lake Fount, and after I recognize them, they will then be taken away from me, whereupon I will say, 'My companions!' Then it will be said, 'You do not know what they innovated (new things) in the religion after you."
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 76, Hadith 584

Did the disc brake or what ? "Unwilling , unwilling , unwilling , unwilling" . You think that just by saying this , you make a strong argument . Sure , I also describe you with what's actually in you but I do bring things to prove it . As for the site , it says "made good" . NOWHERE does it say "Made it better" as you lied about Quran and made a completely new verse . And when I mentioned the sandwich example which explains how you don't just misunderstand but insist on misunderstanding , you shoved it off as if it's nothing . So , Arabic is against you , English is against you , and mathematical logic is against you . What do you got ?

Unwilling really is the best word for this type of dishonesty.

Again, I have explained why it says "made better". IF you make good everything that you created, what did you do? You made it better--that is a simple line of reasoning. Further, you disregarded the verses after it that further demonstrate that creation was made..better.

Further I have given you 2 more verses that show this point:

Quran 40:64 [Allah] formed you THEN (fa) made good your forms
Quran 64:3 formed you then (fa) made good your forms

In arabic (waaw) translates as "and". Thumma and Fa both respectively translate as Then. Fa also carries a meaning of 'thus'. So lets think about it. You were designed..Time lapse..then your design was made good.

Was made good. Meaning made better than the initial. Its not rocket science. But it is "unwilling''.

In Quran 32:7 if Allah wanted to say that creation is good, why did he word it in that way implying that creation was MADE good through a process??

The sandwhich example was nothing more than an appeal to ridicule, I had no idea that you actually meant something like this. I cannot believe I have to even address it.

Firstly, if I say that I made the sandwhich then I made it good (as the Quran says about creation), That means I improved upon the sandwich.

The reason why your sandwhich Analogy fails is because you use the word "good" as a descriptive adjective! In the Quran it is a VERB. . You can verify it by going to the word for word translation.

You said "I made this sandwich and I made this sandwich Good". The word good you used here is an adjective. Rather the better sentence is that " I made better this sandwich".

The verb Better is defined as "to make good or to improve". The Arabic verb Ahsana means the verb "to make good", it is not an adjective.

The problem with using the word 'good' is the English language. Good isn't and cannot be a verb. A word that means to make good that is a verb is 'better'.

In fact, Sahih international translated 32:7 as Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay.

Perfected: Make something BETTER.

 Now, you are suggesting that the Quran says in 32:7 that creation is Good. If that was the case, why didn't the Quran simply say "Who creates everything Good" or "Everything is created Good" instead of saying "I have made good/better everything which I created" or "I have perfected everything which I created".

Personally, I feel like this verse is clear, in fact you should read the verses after, they describe HOW Allah has made humanity better! First Allah began the creation, then he made sexual reproduction, then he further proportioned us (made us better from the beginning state of creation mentioned in 32:7).

Keep this testimony of yours to yourself . I asked many religion and language teachers at my school and they all said that it means to make something good . When I asked them "Can it possibly mean to make creatures incomplete and then make them better ?" they denied giving me strange glares as if I just said a bad joke .

So it looks like they agree that it means to make something good/better as a verb. But they, like you, are raised denying evolution in their culture so they deny.

You need to drop these dangerous ideologies you hold . OR make a new sect for yourself where there's no proof of God and we still blindly believe in him , where this God has no characteristics , where the prophet of God failed to set the nation on the right path and it was lost in corruption until some genius showed up and discovered what it didn't , where there is no way for us to know a single thing about history since we dropped the only way to know it , a sect where we can't prove that there was ever a man called Muhammad .

I think quite the opposite, you need to make a new sect or redefine whatever sect you are in as "non-Quranic".

There is NO proof of God. I said before and I will say it again. The Quran does not give proof, it gives ayats!

Please read this: I'm still working on it, it has a lot more to God

There are things the prophet himself didn't know about the Quran. For example, its numerical consistency (esp. with the number 19) was never once mentioned by him anywhere. The Quran has things for people of the future too and not applicable to Muhammad.

The 99.9% non verbatim impossible to verify reports are the real issue.
They are only impossible to verify to you . This twisted way you follow also says to deny the entire history because we can't make verify anything at all . Anyone can claim that everything written in history was corrupted and made out of conspiracies . And because you follow your selfish desire , you only discard Sunnah which seems to oppose what you prefer .

Anyone can also claim that was written up in history is true and follow their selfish desire..

And no it is not a satisfactory state of affair to claim that dozens of "scholars" have declared these reports authentic. In a Taqleedy (to accept without questioning) system it is not difficult to cite dozens of scholars photo copying the work of each other.
Funny , I was reading a book talking about this mentality . What's more funny is that the writer was answering Richard Dawkinz . I guess it's true , similar birds are indeed attracted to each other .
In the book , he mentions how Dawkinz denies a certain incident witnessed by millions of people who saw the sun falling on Earth . He can't deny it . The ones who saw it passed it to the ones after them , and the ones after them passed it to the ones after them in a way that it can't be forged or conspired . Of course , what the people saw wasn't the sun literally falling on Earth , still , you can never deny that they saw the incident .
That's how it was with Sunnah , the prophet peace upon him passed his teachings to the companions whom Quran tells us were truthful and honest . If you want to ignore Quran here because it doesn't suit you , it's your own business . After that , the companions passed them on to the followers . Moreover , even during the time of the prophet himself Hadith was recorded by his order and then after he passed away . What scholars did was using the logical ways Quran mentioned to determine the right from wrong . They wouldn't accept even the slightest possibility that a person would lie even to an animal . Such a thing will make them discard him immediately . And you try to compare this study to a school game - O one who has no shame - and say that there is NO WAY these people remembered every word of what they were told . The simple fact that there are 5 years old during these days memorizing Quran proves you wrong . This is in our days , so what do we say about the prime of the Islamic nation when it wasn't difficult for anyone to remember a poem of 200 parts ? So when you try to make it look like some hypocrites showed up suddenly hundreds of years ago and decided to forge Hadith it's actually out of ignorance of what really happened or stubbornness .
Again , bluffing does nothing .

Its funny how far you went to avoid my point, rather than refuting them, you just called me a conspiracy theorist and said my mindset was awful.

Further, I deny things that are illogical. The sun falling on earth would not make the Earth survive, so I deny it. Simple as that.

No don't pretend to be angry answer the question. We are not insulting the companions; we are trying to identify the hypocrites among them
Yes you are insulting them and yes it's vulgar . Allah tells us that he's pleased of them and the prophet peace upon him favors a group of them for their faith and morals and willingness and you say that maybe they were "Kuffar" !? What would you feel if I say so about you ? I can easily do so and you can't blame me .

If you think what I said is vulgar, then you must think what the Quran said was vulgar too? Because I didn't say anything, the Quran did.

How did Bukhari go through 600,000 reports without making a single mistake?
First of all , just because you can't , it doesn't mean others can't . Talking about emotions ? Well , here you are rejecting this simply because you think it's not possible . Maybe you'd deny someone memorizing the entire Quran as well because you think it's impossible . Let me tell you this : It doesn't go the way you like or dislike .
Secondly , Bukhari did make a number of mistakes and so did other scholars . But to claim that they ALL didn't notice forged hadith or sayings , you're then trying to make fun of our intellect and of an entire nation going from the first day of revelation until now after over 1435 years . The entire nation cannot agree on something false .

Its not impossible to memorize the Quran. It is impossible for a human to not make mistakes.

They ALL probably didn't notice forged hadith sayings or mistakes in them because they came from companions they thought were good, but they were really hypocrites.

Why are these reports not verbatim if they were transmitted by the same people who gave us the 100% verbatim Quran?
The noble Quran is to be kept the same alphabet by alphabet . Allah says so . Sunnah on the other hand is the second source of teachings as it is also a revelation . When it comes to Sunnah , it is the meaning which is kept the same . And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that except for you . a few words with the same exact meaning can be different , a companion may have heard a part from the prophet but not the rest because he left or any other reason , a companion may have seen a part of an incident and the other saw another part and the third as well , nothing's wrong with that at all . If so , bye bye history . Forget history , we won't be able to claim that anything said about someone is true because the word "and" is missing from the story telling of a person and exists in the story of the other ,  or maybe the other one corrupted what the first has said and added "and" .

I think you would make a fine Christian. Putting excuses.

The bible was 'inspired' by God. The hadiths were 'inspired' by God. Although the bible has a lot of corruptions, its basic meanings are intact. Although the hadiths have had many corruptions its meanings are intact.

A companion may have also made a big mistake. Have you ever played the telephone game when you were younger? How often is the message at the end the same as the first?

Why are so few reports credited to the Prophet's closest companions?
Hold it , come again ? Either I misunderstood or you just made one big fat lie .

Not a lie at all.

Well , my little cousin used to look at me and say "Why do you tell me to eat with my right hand and you're eating with the left ?" and I answer "It IS my right hand ! It's only your left . If you come here and turn around it will become your right" and he does and then opens his mouth in amazement saying that I can never explain to him how this mysterious phenomenon happens . Guess what happened one year later . On the other hand , I have questions disproving your way which you haven't answered in two weeks or so . Compare this to me answering you right away . I'll copy them - again - at the end of this reply .

Post those questions I haven't answered again, I'm pretty sure I have addressed all of them.

And I proved to you time and time again that Quran has nothing to do with this ideology . So stop with bluffing , it's really getting ridiculous . We were one sign out of many which you misquote and alter and you still can't see how you brought what contradicts your argument . If this one single point was so fruitless that I keep repeating and you keep ignoring then a question rises about your honesty and your ability to understand outside what you're forced to believe because "Scientists" said it's right .

Here we go again. I have not misquoted, you did, I have shown earlier.

Secondly, irregardless of what you believe about evolution, we are debating the Quranic support. Evolution science itself does not matter, does the Quran support it or not.

Further, scientists didn't only say its right, they actually provided tangible evidence.

Quran , Sunnah , and science , all of them step on this hypotheses - Yes , I dared and called it so - and prove it wrong all the time . You fail to show a single sign supporting it , you fail to disprove Hadith which discredits it , and the entire gang of evidence-faking pseudoscientists fail to prove evolution and so they judge that whatever happens is because of evolution . 

Wow, extreme level of dishonesty here. Either that or just plain ignorance.

I swear with the almighty Allah the lord of the great throne and heavens and Earth and what's between them that's you are the one being either dishonest or lying or biased . I said it and I'll say it again : Bluffing does nothing . All these emotional attacks you make on me backed up by nothing are also nothing . I am being honest . The one who's not honest is the one who fears dealing with what contradicts what he wants to believe . Trying to make it look like I blindly follow scholars and say evolution is wrong because they say so is cheap . I believe it's wrong because I saw and keep seeing evidence it's wrong .

Good. I do not do emotional attacks that much, rather I reply to yours with like nature. .

Forget about the science of evolution for a temporary time. Investigate the Quranic support.

Yes I answered your false explanations both logically and literally . I showed you that "Make good" doesn't in any world mean "Make something better after it was incomplete" . You are the one trying to make his way through this by spamming "You're dishonest , the sign is clear , I give a word for word translation" . And since it's become so pointless to keep going like this , further repentance might make me stop in this subject and just focus on defending Sunnah from your allegations .

And you have not answered them logically or literally!

NO what you did was change the part of speech of Good!

If I make something that I made good. What did I do? Do I even have to repeat it?

Here is a pen. I created it. Then I made it good. What did I do to the pen?

at this point, I hope you aren't being dishonest. I will hope, just ignorant or ignorantly dishonest. A word for word translation is crucial. I didn't like how you just rejected it.

So if you are to say that the Hadith rejects evolution and we should therefore change the interpretation or meaning of the clear Quran to match Hadiths, then you are just plain wrong.
We don't need to change anything . It is you who needs to change his false ideology and abandon false interpreting of the noble Quran .

And that is what we will debate, If the Quran supports evolution--you have no choice but to discard those hadiths that reject evolution. I will show you. You need to present Quranic verses against evolution and I will continue with its support.


Let us begin


I have shown you already what Quran 32:7 has told us. Creation was perfected, improved upon, made better, made good. It is a form IV verb.

This is also demonstrated in 2 verses I have mentioned earlier

Ex. Quran 40:64 formed you then (fa) made good/better your forms. Further, the word fa here can be used denoting an brief period of time. So it seems as if this verse is telling us that quickly after the initial form of human creation it was made better. This seems to really correspond to our understanding of evolution becuase immediately once the first cell formed it goes through the mechanisms of evolution and thus the ones that survive or get more complex are made better. Secondly, fa can also be used as "thus" linking the two entities. So Allah formed you thus made your form better! This means that Allah has formed you initially in a creation that allows your form to become better/made good. This also seems to be a support for evolution as if we were formed through this process, it would allow us to improve in our creation. Thirdly many translate the word "fa" as And. Again, there is a thing with using 'And' as it separates formation from making formation better. It seems like it provides a time lapse. Why didn't the Quran just somehow tell you that your form is Good rather than implying that your form was made good after it was formed? If you would like to argue that the Quran could use different words to say the same thing, I would immediately say that saying it the way it did in 40:64 is very different from saying "creation is good", then I would say that this is repeated in another verse too (as demonstrated earlier)--so why did the Quran word the same thing the same exact way in two separate verses?! Obviously it wants to tell you that mankind's creation was made through a process.

You swore no dishonesty. I want to see your answer here.


Further, I just have a question to you. Allah many times in the Quran has told us many types of creation and how everything was made through a process (Quran 32:7-9 is one example we used) on how the creation of the universe took 6 periods involving stages on how Allah spread out the creation of the universe and how Allah spread out the Earth and how Allah has given us stages in our embryological development. Why would Allah all of suddenly stop forming things by stages and decide to make humans instantly and without stages? Everything that was created was by stages, except humans? What exactly is your answer to that?

Even Jesus's creation--A miraculous birth similar to Adam (Quran 3:59)--involved stages.

How about the fact that the Quran has made it plainly clear that humans were created in stages:  (Quran 71:14)  God created you in stages and how the Quran highlights those stages as being embryology and evolutionary  (Quran 32:7-9, 35:11 etc.)

Okay, so let us not resort to anything else. Not Hadiths, not even the scientific evidence for evolution. The Question is, does the Quran support the basic idea of gradual creation of humans. This answer does not depend upon hadiths nor modern science. It is purely Quranic.

So to make it even, empty your bais for Hadiths rejecting evolution and I will empty my bais for the scientific support of evolution. This should level everything out.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: The challenge of the Quran
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:37:57 PM »
Hmm, my question is rather; who decides the criteria? The quran is rather vauge is it not when it says "something like it"? This is just something i saw on ummah forum and could someone answer just the question? I have an answer myself but i wanna see what you have to say.

Hello brother,

Your question is "who decides the criteria". So you must reflect upon this! It must look like the Quran and it must sound like the Quran and it must flow like the Quran.

What do I mean by it must flow like the Quran? The Quran has many numerical aspects to it some that we haven't discovered yet and others we are in the process. Like the number 19 miracle and the number 7 miracle!

Please go to this page and read both books! They explain the complex numerical consistency of the Quran! These are newly discovered and we are still working on them in the process. If we don't know all of the numerical codes/patterns in the Quran..then how can we make a Quran like it?

Further, we are discovering new patterns in the Quran:

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 03, 2013, 12:39:43 PM »
Whenever the issue of the authenticity of reports ascribed to the Prophet of God Pbuh are raised, the sects keep bringing up verses of the Quran to try and prove that we are supposed to follow what the Prophet Pbuh said.

Why do they have to be reminded again and again that that is not the issue? There are no two opinions on this particular issue.

The 99.9% non verbatim impossible to verify reports are the real issue.

And no it is not a satisfactory state of affair to claim that dozens of "scholars" have declared these reports authentic. In a Taqleedy (to accept without questioning) system it is not difficult to cite dozens of scholars photo copying the work of each other.

And no it is not enough to say it is very complicated to explain how these scholar clones go about determining the authenticity of a report.

Simplify it.

Above all back the tall claims associated with these secondary sources.

How did the compilers of these reports for instance know which companions were hypocrites and which were not? Quran 9:101 is clear on the issue, not even the Prophet Pbuh knew.

No don't pretend to be angry answer the question. We are not insulting the companions; we are trying to identify the hypocrites among them

How did Bukhari go through 600,000 reports without making a single mistake?

Why are these reports not verbatim if they were transmitted by the same people who gave us the 100% verbatim Quran?

Why are so few reports credited to the Prophet's closest companions?

And a dozen other impossible to answer questions.


But the hadith story here is irrelevant. Leave that for another debate. The question here is: Does the Quran support the basic idea of evolution?

And through all the verses I provided, the answer is YES. Without a doubt. (If you disagree here, please post verses as to why and why I am wrong) Leave out ALL of the hadiths for now, leave out ALL of the rhetoric and fallacies. And just for a limited time, leave out your scientific reasons to reject evolution. Just present verses. If you cannot and every-time you do I answer you logically, I expect honesty! Nay, I BEG for your honesty! Then we can decide whether the Quran does or doesn't support evolution, irregardless of hadith or whether you think evolution is true. That is how we can remain honest. I swear to Allah that I have been and will continue to remain honest. I need you to do the same, swear here under oath. Allah does not like liars.   We both will be honest completely. Further, you need to drop all of the bias and just be unbiased and neutral to everything.  The Question is: Does the Quran support the basic idea of evolution?, This is to be answered irregardless of whether you think it is true or not.

Now, you haven't refuted those verses logically at all. Rather, you just claim that I am ignorant in the Arabic language despite giving you clear word for word translations to an Arabic speaker like yourself.

So if you are to say that the Hadith rejects evolution and we should therefore change the interpretation or meaning of the clear Quran to match Hadiths, then you are just plain wrong.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 03, 2013, 12:29:09 PM »
It is time for the father of Hanifa to rest his legs . I'll work with the advice of a teacher and stop this . I didn't do all this for you really . I did it because I was afraid for people to be fooled by this misguidance you preach .
The same as before , you haven't answered what kills your belief in rejecting Sunnah , neither did you answer me showing you and people how the site you bring works against you , neither have you answered me proving that the prophet did know the hypocrites .
Yes , I do know Arabic , that's why I keep saying that you fail to understand anything Quran says in a correct way . And if another native Arabic speaker so this , he will blame me for going this deep into trying to reason with you .
I did what I have to do .
Al-Kahf (Cave) 29 : And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve."

The same could be said to you. But I see this as you giving up. The evidence is clear and nothing will convince an unwilling person like yourself.

I have already answered you in everything, but to you they aren't good enough.

I and ALL Muslims agree that the Quran is divine and the Hadith is manmade. Therefore, if the Quran conflicts a hadith, you support the Quran irregardless of your emotions. You don't like this, I know....I know. But in the battle between emotion and reasoned logic. Pick logic!

Further Quran 19:101 has said Muhammad doesn't know who the hypocrites were at his time. Nowhere does the Quran say that Muhammad was successful at finding all hypocrites. And if by chance, he was, when the prophet died--how exactly did he fight off the new hypocrites that carry on the hadiths?? Ironically at least two Sahih Hadith in the Muslim's compilation confirm this by admitting to 12 hypocrites masquerading as companions and who's identities were never revealed.

Further, I have shown you how the site I bring doesn't work against me and works in my favor. I also broke down everything for you in little pieces, but evidence doesn't convince the unwilling. Further, you have not at all showed me how the word-for-word translation of the Quran goes against me, you just claim you have. I have responded to your points clearly.

I provide evidence, you reject the evidence. Its been like that the entire way. And the sad part is, you reject the evidence through fallacies and rhetoric.

Yes, you do know Arabic and you keep saying that I fail to understand the Quran without providing evidence or a reason. IN fact, I provided you with a source and a breaking everything down. Yet, you still deny.

Further, I have spoken to many Arabic speakers on the word "ahsana" they ALL said it means to make better.

Not only that I have shown you the verses in context.

What more do I need to do?

You have failed in every way possible. It is just ridiculous at this point.

Assalamualykum can somebody help me understand the alleged contradiction between surah 14 ayah 4 which states that all messengers are sent to the people of their language and other verses in the qur'an that say prophet Muhammad was sent to all mankind.

Firstly, there is no contradiction (and I will explain why).

Secondly, I completely disagree with black-muslim on this one. This verse did not specify whether it was before or not. This verse just says that all prophets that were sent were sent in a specific language to guide their nation, this verse includes Muhammad! Lets not be dishonest, we cannot be defenders of faith if we become dishonest like our Christian counterparts.

The Quran makes it clear that:

(Quran 3:3-4) And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel before as a guidance to mankind

(Quran 28:43) And We gave Moses the Scripture, after We had destroyed the former generations, as enlightenment for mankind and guidance and mercy that they might be reminded.

Conclusion: So even though Moses and Jesus were sent to their people initially, they were also sent to all of mankind. Just like Muhammad, he was sent to his people initially, but he is also sent to ALL of mankind.

So lets not add meaning to the verse:

Quran 14:4 And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for them

^All this verse is saying is that all messengers were sent in the language of his people to state clearly for them the message. The verses after talk about the previous messengers and how they were sent to their peoples. Do not add meaning to such a verse. 

Were the messengers sent to their people: YES (ALL of them were)
Were the messengers sent to mankind: YES (ALL of them were)
^So both statements are valid. Simple as that.

Side note: the Quran is also clear that the Torah and the Gospel are no longer a guidance to mankind and that the Quran is the new guidance because the gospel/torah were corrupted:

Quran 5:15 O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:24:08 AM »
Salam bro mclinkin
I already showed you the difference between the ahadith and the sunnah. The sunnah has been passed on by so many people in each generation tthat it is impossible for it to have been corrupted. Instead of refuting harun yahya try to refute the Christians over at they have much stronger points

I agree, some parts of the Sunnah have been passed down through generations...but unfortunately, parts of the sunnah are influenced by hadiths.

Also it is not impossible for traditions to get corrupted. All it takes is a few scholars with a disagreement, and you have 2 sets of people following different Sunnahs that deviate from the initial.

Further, thanks for that website--I will work on that too.

I want to refute Harun Yahya because Muslims source him every-time I debate evolution with them. As if he makes compelling points. So instead of dealing with everyone';s misunderstanding--I can just refer them to my article debunking Harun.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:48:58 AM »
I've ignored most of the rhetorical nonsense. I will respond only to the Quranic evolutionary points due to a lack of time.

Why do I feel like I'm dealing with a kid ? The same translator you brag about shuts your argument ! Are you really blind or what ?! And instead of ranting "I made an argument that you can never address" why not actually try ? And I DON'T care what kind of a translator you bring . On what basis do you say this site isn't biased or wrong at all ? You accused the first scholars of so and now you act like these are angels ?! What makes it worse is how you disprove yourself with what you bring ! There is no difference between this and saying that I should believe evolution because "Scientists" believe in it . The same way Atheists say we should be so because there are Atheists among scientists . 

First rhetorical statement denied. The translation I use did not shut my argument, in fact--nothing so far from you has.

Next rhetorical statement denied.

You should care what translator I bring. An arabic speak like yourself should be able to see the word for word translation. This thing with denying that translation is nothing more than a defense mechanism on your part. You are choosing to willfully deny the clear quranic basis for evolution. I'm not sure how much patience I have for this game.

Other rhetorical statements denied.


THAT'S THE POINT ! Do you really fail that horribly in understanding or are you acting like you don't understand ?! I bring you signs saying that the prophet DID know the hypocrites as Allah told him and I get this in response ? YES , you ARE accusing them all with hypocrisy since you say we can't trust any of them . The funny thing is , since we can't trust them , anyone can say they corrupted Quran . Another point killing your doctrine of rejecting Hadith and you still don't answer .

Muhammad did not get to know all the hypocrites. Not one verse says that. Muhammad with the aid of Allah investigated. That does not mean he was able to erradicate all hypocrites. Lets not change verse meanings here.

We have Quranic manuscripts, that's all we need to know.

Rhetorical statements denied once again.

You really need serious treatment . I don't know if it's blindness or madness of greatness - you wish - or something else . What logic are you talking about ?! The sun can be green with your logic ! I might lose my mind trying to reason with you !
Your line of thinking is completely misleading and twisting the meanings . Are you that much a coward not to answer a verse of the same book you - unjustly - claim to follow ? Quran itself says that Allah told the prophet of the hypocrites . So yes , Allah doesn't lie , but YOU LIE .

More rhetoric. I read a verse to you and you deny a Quranic verse? I don't like to deny the Quran.

You should be arrested for trying to make fun of people's intellect . Already explained , you don't just reject Sunnah , you even reject what you don't like of Quran .

Ironic coming from you.

I'll use your same logic and say that I don't trust this site - which actually works against your belief - because I can't know who's a Muslim and who's a hypocrite . How can we ever know that there are any Muslims ? Maybe I am one of the hypocrites . Maybe Osama is . Maybe you are . Of course , I'm just talking while standing from your point . Screw the translator . You rejected greater and more trusted sources . But of course , you'd do anything possible to prove this madness .

Look at that, presented with proof and you being an Arabic speaker. Willful ignorance. I hope you can see yourself through a mirror.

You are given clear proof. You speak Arabic to verify the proof. You refuse to acknowledge the proof. You neglect your Arabic ability. Ironically, that is the definition of dishonesty. Like I said, I'm not very forgiving of dishonesty.

Oh really ? How come you failed time and time again in bringing a single verse saying so ? I'll repeat , you bring what proves you wrong !

More dishonesty.

Seriously, how does someone interpret this: "(Quran 64:3) ..He designed you and made your design better.. (this is the literal word for word Arabic)" as Allah made our human design perfect. If this verses wanted to say that, then it would have said "He designed you good" Rather then "he designed you and made your design good". Do you get the difference? And then you accuse me of changing the meaning of the Quran? What?

We're not to interpret this because it's simply NOT from Quran . You just forge verses too !
"Hey Johny , make me a sandwich , and make it good will ya ?" Oh yes , if we go with you , it would mean that the sandwich evolved !!

Appeal to ridicule fallacy.

More rhetoric, introducing humor to a completely serious argument to reject the Quran. Dishonesty has reached a level worse than most anti-muslims. In fact, the team at Answering-Islam are less dishonest than you.

Lets go again:

(Quran 64:3) ..Formed you and made good your form..

Why didn't it just say, Allah made good your form. Rather it said, he had formed you and made that form good.

You need to be honest with yourself.

And again, the Quran repeated itself:

Quran 40:64 (He formed you and made good your form).

Now while you try to be honest, why would the Quran repeat the same thing exactly twice in the same manner. Why didn't it just say "Allah created us good". That is what you think it says, but it is clearly NOT.

Those verses are saying that your form was made good/better. But you like to reject the Quran, don't you?

Go to any Arabic speaker and ask what (ahsana) means. It means to make better, to make good from the original. But evidence doesn't convince the unwilling.

Indeed mankind was created in the best of moulds/stature. Through what mechanism? Quran 32:7-9 highlight it. Through the mechanism of making creation better.
Oh no mister . You see , Quran says Allah "Created people in best shape" . It just says creating . No evolution here . Of course , this isn't the main argument I stand on but just to show you how it gets when we explain verses in the way you do by cutting them and making them however one likes .

Is this a debate or are you just going to reject everything I say without some reason?

Can you create through evolution? Yes. That's it. Not much to it.

You make something simple, complex. Interpret this verse in light of other verses.

Well crack that make-up more pal . I would be more comfortable if you come flat out instead of all this acting . Ignorance , huh ? Says the one who refutes himself and still says that what he refuted is right .

You make a claim without evidence. So I deny it without evidence. I have not refuted myself. You haven't refuted me either.


Yes , humans are reminded over and over of how they are born and that they were nothing . It still doesn't change the fact that they were favored on the worlds . And trying to make it look like I refuse this myth because I think we're too high is a real cheap shot .

What exactly were you implying that humans were favored over the worlds? You obviously were saying that we are too high to have a common ancestor with monkeys.

Oh yeah ? they claim there is , so what do you say ? And to make it get to you , they mean that since the universes are infinite then they weren't created and there is no God . Of course , there is nothing to back this nonsense .
Quran talks about other universe yes , but you are not to witness them with your puny knowledge . If mankind and Jins could escape the heavens then let them try .

The Quran talks about other universes. Done. Nothing else to it.

Well , you also didn't study a thing in Islam , so you can't understand it . We only need someone to make a "You don't say" face here .
I do know of what you take as evidence for your doctrine . And I know enough to say that it's crap . The real dishonest person is the one altering Qruan here .

Factual error.

Noble or not , here we are arguing . And since you don't believe there is proof for God , go make your own religion !

We can debate this separately. I'm not fond of rejecting Quran like you.

This is your weakest part of the argument. Read the verse again.  I cannot believe you actually made that argument. If I make something good after I created it, what did I do? I made it better. that is exactly what the Quran says.
Oh lord , give me strength !! How am I supposed to make it reach your thick skull ?! You first believed and then based your view of the entire universe on that false belief . That's how you fake evidence . You just decide that it's right . And when something appears which you want an explanation for , you just say "evolution" . The same as worship of gaps . If I was a language teacher I would give you minus 10 !  Since you do understand some Arabic , read this . If you still don't understand , there is no hope !

Rhetoric denied. False accusations denied.

Why didn't you just refute my argument? The verse is clear, you know it is. You just have some kind of complex where you always have to be right. The insecurity that is displayed is intense. I present a verse and I show you the Arabic.

Here is a word for word. You tell me I don't know Arabic. Here is also a lexicon I found on the web.

"Ahsana" means good. Lets look at the verse again:

Quran 32:7 Who made good (ahsana) everything which He created and began the creation of man.

Everything which was created was made good. Simple as that. Lets not add or delete any meaning to that verse. But, you can't do that, can you?

You cannot just deny one part of the Quran and accept another. They all go together.
Say that to yourself in the mirror . You're the one who accused the companions thorough miserable explanation of one verse and STILL don't answer me bringing another verse blowing your argument .

You declined what I just said about evolution and you changed the subject to companions again. Why don't you address my arguments.

Did I accuse the companions or did the Quran. You know the answer. Leave this subject. Go back to evolution. Why are you reluctant to see the clear Quran? The divine Quran, not the man-made aspect of your faith.

The links I brought are literal word for word translations. You know Arabic and you know better. The word-for-word understanding is important.
Again, you change the subject. It seems to be a mechanism to avoid my clear points. Again, I know deep inside you believe I am right on this one, you are just unwilling.
Pathetic indeed . So they are word to word translation ? So what ? That doesn't prove them right . And again , you don't answer the fact that they are against you .
And allow me to slap you out of your lala world once again . I know deep inside that you're plain wrong . You're the deluded one who thinks that he's right and the majority of people are unwilling . You're the one who think he's a genius who discovered what the entire Islamic nation didn't for over a thousand years . So enough with the drama and try actually answering something .

You deny the Quran. That does prove them right, you know Arabic. You know what the meaning of the verb "Ahsana" is. I know you do. But you are reluctant. Evidence doesn't convince the unwilling.

Then you again demean the translation. Irregardless of the word for word translation, you know Arabic. The word-for-word that I provided was to ensure you didn't overlook anything. But again, you deny it. The verse is clear, creation was made better. Done.

Then you commit the "appeal to tradition" fallacy. So, I deny that argument.

That is the sad part. Denying a word for word translation of the Quran? You can go word for word. You know Arabic! Seriously, this is just dishonesty to a new level. This defense mechanism you use is simply not working for you, it does you no favor. Read the Quran word for word and translate it word for word. There are many lexicons you can buy, many websites you can use. The Quran is so clear on that, but you like you perverse it!
And what's your point after this wall of rant and whining ? Again - for over 9000 times - the same website you use is against you . And if we assume that it isn't , I won't trust it because there can be hypocrites among its admins . If you want to deem them as holy figures which never make mistakes or lie then you may just go worship them .

The same website is against, you! You have not shown me how this website is against me. You provided one verse that says humans were created in the best of moulds. And then you say that this verse denies another part of the Quran. You are implying that you believe that there is a contradiction in the Quran. I tell you that both those verses are accurate. Lets investigate again:

(Quran 95:4) We have certainly created man in the best of stature--Does this deny evolution? No. Does this deny 32:7 (if you say it does then you are implying a contradiction-but it doesn't deny 32:7)

By what mechanism was mankind created in the best of moulds/stature? By the mechanism of making creation better as detailed in 32:7.

And for this reason , for this headache , I stopped arguing with you before . I'm not even sure anymore if the most brilliant man on earth can ever make you understand ! A huge ego and arrogance alongside ignorance that doesn't lack in size as well . What a deadly combination ! I'll need a lot of aspirin if I'm to keep going like that . If the next post is the same avoidance of answering and ego boosting , I might just stop so that I can keep my sanity .

Yeah, the headache I give to you. I challenge your beliefs, and you like to hide from that. You are biased against evolution without evidence to back you up. You deny the clear quranic support by appealing to fallacies and more rhetoric.

Lets highlight it again and this time, I will present both the Arabic and the English. There cannot be any counterargument to a clear sentence. "If I say that cat is brown", Then I say that cat is brown.

Quran 64:3 وَصَوَّرَكُمْ فَأَحْسَنَ صُوَرَكُمْ ۖ

1st block: And he formed you
2nd block: And made good
3rd block: your forms.

That's it. We were formed and our form was made good. Denying this is dishonest. You know Arabic.

Not only did we get formed, but our form was made good/better.

Lets think one more time, If this verse wanted to say that Allah formed you Good, why didn't it just say "And Allah formed you good" rather than "ALlah formed you and made your forms good"?

Quran 32:7 الَّذِي أَحْسَنَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلَقَهُ

1st block: The one who
2nd block: made good
3rd block: Everything
4th block: He created.

That's it. Everything that was created was made good. Allah made everything he created good. If something that was created was made good. What was it made? Better, it was made better.

Not only that look at the entire verse!

Quran 32:7 Who made good everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay.

This verse is linking the process creation being made good/better to the creation of mankind. This is implying that mankind was formed in the same manner. A process of making creation good/better (ahsana). Not only that, that verse also uses the word for "BEGAN", this further implies the process of making everything Allah created better. So the creation of man from earth began and Allah will make it better to complete the human

Quran 32:8 Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained..

The verse right after says that AFTER the beginning of the creation of man, sexual reproduction formed. This is an improvement. A process of making creation better.

Quran 32:9 Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.

After sexual reproduction, you got further proportioned (MADE BETTER!) and given higher consciousness (MADE BETTER!).

Having to break it down to this extent for you to understand is just....I don't know what it is. The best word is your blind unwilling nature.

« on: November 01, 2013, 06:43:32 PM »
Actually the earth isn't a perfect sphere it is an oblate spheroid. It doesn't exactly resemble an ostrich egg, but it may resemble some roundness.

This link here shows you other definitions of Daha besides egg, I believe Osama did a good job at his dictionary search! .

But regardless of whether that verse was hinting at the shape of the earth or not, why does it matter?

Like we said before, the Quran must support 7th century belief while not contradicting our belief. So the Quran didn't directly tell you the earth is flat or that the night/day have an orbit--but it hinted at it to support 7th century belief, but it also gave hints in those same verses that do not contradict reality (our belief).

The same thing goes for evolution :), the Quran couldn't directly tell you that you are a primate as it would contradict 7th century belief and people would make fun of Muhammad (pbuh)!  So the Quran gives precise language in hints at it so that it doesn't contradict either belief.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 01, 2013, 06:22:47 PM »
I hope y'all realize y'all are going in circles. Brother Black Muslim, the only thing that is contradictory with the ahadith is human evolution, all other forms of evolution are not contradictory with the ahadith. Anyways the evidence for human evolution is extremely weak. As for bro mclinkin their is no point of refuting harun yahya as his points are extremely weak. Also why do u keep ignoring my argument for the 100% authenticity of the sunnah

Extremely weak is an understatement! The sad part is Muslims are sourcing him as some kind of proof.

I am not ignoring your argument, I am further examining hadiths as we speak. 100% authenticity is not a fact, not so far to my understanding. Its like Christians claiming their bible has 100% authenticity even though it has clear contradictions within it and rejects reality!

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 01, 2013, 01:17:13 PM »
The point was to have a discussion there . Well the , whatever .

I expect that you get your points. My Arabic is not as good as it should be, I am still learning. I've been taking Arabic classes for over 2 years. I've improved tremendously and it has helped me with understanding the Quran.

If you reject Hadith , the go make your own religion . I showed you from both Qura and Sunnah that your arguments are invalid .

You have not shown me from my arguments are invalid from the Quran. I showed you how your arguments are invalid from the Quran as I have even presented a word for word translation.

What points exactly ? The ridiculous theory of yours that all the writers conspired ?

Show me where exactly I said all the writers conspired.

Of course Atheists and people with mentalities of Atheists would agree . Truthful is the one who said that there is almost no difference between them and rejecters of Hadith  . And let's suppose I make this ad crap you repeat over and over thinking it makes anything , why not respond to the core ? Do you have the nerve say I didn't make any refutation at all ? And if you think about it , you're also making the same fallacy . The problem is that you have issues . Whenever there's something hitting your belief , you just whine and say that the other guy is a jerk who bullies you .

I have not made the same fallacy, i literraly present scholarly interpreations of the Quran to show my points. I don't agree with people, I agree with some of their points. Canadian Atheist made a good point.

I have responded to the core, and you have not made a refutation at all--I have shown you your mistakes through an irrefutable word for word translation. Are you going to deny such a translation. Or would you rather go with your own favorable translation?

Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you, [O Muhammad], under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with an imminent conquest

So I'll never accept someone to call the companions hypocrites ! Someone who says  we call others Kuffar and then does the same thing with those whom he doesn't equal their shoes !

So I guess you don't accept the Quran in 19:101. I didn't call all the companions hypocrites. You completely rejected my point on that thread. I said how would Bukhari know who the hypocrites were if Muhammad himself didn't know. Big difference from how you interpreted it.

And let me slap you out of this lala world where you live .You desperately clutch to the straw of accusing the companions . And you think that you understand the 101st verse of Tubah . Let me ask : If the prophet really didn't know the hypocrites at all his whole life , how come Allah orders him not to obey them and fight them ?

Again, you are over-reaction to a completely logical point.

Premise 1: The Quran is the word of God and the word of it does not lie
Premise 2: The Quran said that some of the prophet's companions are hypocrites and only Allah knows who they are.
Conclusion: Therefore, what the Quran said about the hypocrisy of some companions is not a lie. And some companions are hypocrites.

You weren't very happy with that Quranic verse. It seems to have bothered you. How could some of the guys you really trust be hypocrites? It must be really damaging to you.

And do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites but do not harm them, and rely upon Allah . And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.

So what do we call escaping from answering by using flashy terms ? Ad what ? [/quote]

Escaping from this argument. Nope, never happened. I have simply posted a quranic verse and showed you that there are hypocrites among the companions. These verses you posted just tell the prophet to fight against the hypocrites when he sees them. What's funny is this verse is also acknowledging that some companions are hypocrites. Are you saying that Muhammad was able to find all the hypocrites? No, because Quran 19:101 tells us that only Allah knows who they all are and Muhammad does not know.

Do elephants fly with their ears ?

What's that fallacy I'm thinking of?

And you have nothing to back this up . Just deluding yourself . You talk about logic and reason and evidence while you fail to show any of them . I also claim to have proof and evidence from both Quran and Sunnah . And if we correct your line , it would become that you support whichever belief that supports your own logic and what you personally see as evidence .

You have the nerve to say I have nothing to back this up while I gave you the direct word-for-word Arabic translation? Seriously? I have the Quran to back me up. This is completely reasonable.

I support whichever belief is reasonable. The Quran supports evolution, simple as that. I have demonstrated it time and time again. You like to perverse the Quran to make it say something it isnt.

Seriously, how does someone interpret this: "(Quran 64:3) ..He designed you and made your design better.. (this is the literal word for word Arabic)" as Allah made our human design perfect. If this verses wanted to say that, then it would have said "He designed you good" Rather then "he designed you and made your design good". Do you get the difference? And then you accuse me of changing the meaning of the Quran? What?


And once again , you demonstrate ignorance of the Quran which is innocent of you .

I presented a Quranic verse that deameans human character and then you attack me based on ignorance. You must really like to interpret the Quran the way you want it to say huh?

We have certainly created man in the best of stature;

And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.

Indeed mankind was created in the best of moulds/stature. Through what mechanism? Quran 32:7-9 highlight it. Through the mechanism of making creation better.

Now, I do have to admit that you are partially right when it comes to this. But you must realize that the human character is also not something as special as you make it. You say that humans are too 'high' on the throne to be created from monkeys. You say that humans are too good for that. And that bothers you. That is what I was attacking. So apologies for the misunderstanding.

Allah is absolutely telling us that humans are created in a good stature, but, he also simultaneously demeans human character at the same time. 


(Quran 76:1) Has there come on man a long period of time when he was a thing unremembered?

So what is the Quran revealing? That Allah created you in the best of forms/mechanisms and preferred you over a lot of other creatures. So you should be thankful for this gift. The Quran also simultaneously tells us that just because humans are created in the best form/mechanism and preferred over other creatures still does not mean that humans are anything really special.

So does this mean that we are 'too' special to be created form monkeys? Emotionally to you, yes. Logically, no. What is so bad about monkeys? What is so wrong about being higher than them? Whatever you think is wrong is entirely subjective.

So point stands, you have a hard time emotionally grasping that monkeys and humans are cousins--because you think humans are too good for that. The Quran has also demeaned human character saying that we are still not that special--we are still close to insignificant.

Yes , humans ARE special and favored on the rest of creations . Who obeys Allah is in a greater statue than angels whom creation makes them obey Allah in whatever he orders .
Yes , we are not cousins of monkeys . And yes , we won't just stand and watch while some claim that we are .

First re-Read what I wrote above.

Next: woah there. You got something wrong. We are not preferred over all creations. We are preferred over 'most' creation. Read the verse again.

Then you some how made a weird conclusion that we are not cousins of monkeys. Where does that come from? Humans must be so high on the throne, how can they be created by monkeys?

I don't like this emotional nonsense.

Can humans still be preferred over most of creation and created in the best form/mechanism if we descended from a monkey-like ancestor? Of course we can! We were made better and more successful than the early apes. Therefore, we are preferred over them and because of a mechanism of making humans better (Quran 32:7), we were made in the best of moulds.

Alright , I'll keep up with you and your Atheist buddy and say that this is a straw man fallacy if not mistaken . You just say "I proved , science proves , you're wrong . End of the story" . It would be good if you can actually back this up . And until now , I refute your point and you repeat them saying that they're right and I'm dishonest . So before you two accuse others of fallacies , look in the mirror .

So you say that science hasn't proved evolution? Factual error.

So you say that I didn't prove the Quranic support of evolution. Another factual error.

Just because you have seen a few cases of forged evidence, does not mean all the evidence is forged. You are simply too ignorant in biology to even claim a point in evolution. I suggest you study. The evidence is overwhelming.  Don't be like those who still believe the Earth is flat.
Maybe the next time you mention that ad thing , I'll bring all your attacks . The difference between you and me is that I show your lack of knowledge and say it AND actually show why you are .
Yes , just because some evidence was forged doesn't mean that all is . What makes me know that all is forged is not seeing any at all . Every single case I saw was forging or taking anything unrelated and forcing it as evidence . And yes , I'm not a scientist in biology neither did I study it that much considering that I'm in my last year of high school , old man . That doesn't mean in anyway I will allow you to fill my head with your beliefs . What is this fallacy called ? I also can say that you have no degree in Islam study and so you're no one to talk . Rather , I fire your poisonous arrow back at you - Yes yes , call me a terrorist - . I don't care if you have a doctorate in biology , it doesn't change a thing wither in evolution or in your false explanations to justify it .

Well looks like you haven't seen enough cases and of course you are not a scientist in biology. The ignorance you display reveals that. Nor are you understanding of the Quran, the ignorance you display reveals that to.

I don't recall saying that you aren't capable of making good points, I said that you simply don't know the fact in evolution and you let that ignorance deceive you into thinking that evolution is false.

Further, you say that I don't have a degree in Islam. Of course I don't. But, I look at scholarly interpretations of the Quran and I also have my own lexicon. I even provide you me sources. You just make statements on evolution and say that all the evidence is forged and make all of these excuses because you don't like the idea of humans being formed form monkeys. Humans must be too high on the throne for that?

How many times has the human character been demeaned in the Quran?

(Quran 5:18) But the Jews and the Christians say, "We are the children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins?" Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the [final] destination.

That was to say I won't just go with your "flow" of biased media and believe whatever it says . It also says that there are infinite multiverses disproving God , you don't see me believing their nonsense . Yes , I know for sure that evolution is a myth and clearly wrong . As for arguing about that , I'll just have to look at responses to your claims so that I remember them and then bring it .

The multiverse is not backed by evidence so I do not exactly believe we have completely understood it. I would say that Allah can create whatever he likes.  If the multiverse exists, then it doesn't at all disprove God.

Further, the Quran supports the idea of many universes:

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,

The Quran uses the word "heavens and the Earth" To mean the universe. The Quran uses the word for "worlds" to mean places beyond the heavens and the Earth.

A thief thinks everyone steals . The most dishonest calls others so . As for Harun Yahya , and despite his errors of doctrine , he actually does refute what you think as evidence of evolution well . Explains why he put a prize money for anyone bringing a single "real" fossil supporting it and no one ever got that prize .
And , you're the one claiming that evolution is true and that Quran supports it . So it's actually my job to disprove your points which we still don't see unless I missed them somehow .

Looks like you will enjoy my article refuting him? I'm about 25% done, It should be done by January.

The Quran does support evolution. I have shown you time and time again. I don't understand this unwilling nature of yours.

You mean the point where you say "I believe evolution is right and Quran says it's right . Just like that" ? Yeah , what a brilliant argument you're making .

I do believe evolution is right. And the Quran does say it is right. Just like that. Yeah. Its not necessarily an argument, it is a stating of fact. I have displayed my arguments later in that post  :)

Yet again "All evidence says I'm right , end of the story" . Yet again , similar birds are attracted to each other . And yet again , you act like a Christian pope saying that I cannot understand the trinity of evolution unless I study it .
Just one sec , layperson ? As in a secular ? Either I'm getting this term wrong or that you're not looking in the mirror or that you call me so because I "separate evolution from politics" .

You cannot understand evolution or the trinity or anything for that matter, unless you study it. Further, you cannot deny something you don't understand and call yourself honest.

Well back at you . It's really nonsense to talk about attacking others while doing the same . Indeed , Quran describes the likes of you well .

You are right, the Quran describes people who read and reflect upon the Quran to find Allah. Just like me.

Which is why you support his belief that there is no God as in that video of yours . Yeah , a lot of sense .

There is no proof of God. that is fact and the Quran mentions it. We can debate this at another time. It would have been better if you haven't blocked me from YouTube. How noble of you.

I do not see that insult. I see the genius!
Then go check your eyes .

Are you saying that Allah creation of the world is stupid? Take that back immediately and repent.

The word for word translation of that verse has the word "Fa-Ahasana". Which means "to make better". Here is a word for word translation just so that you understand:
Even when you try to forge , you fail horribly ! Even this page you bring says "and made good" . Where does it say "Made better" ?

This is your weakest part of the argument. Read the verse again.  I cannot believe you actually made that argument. If I make something good after I created it, what did I do? I made it better. that is exactly what the Quran says.

You are not just supposed to just read the Quran, but you are supposed to reflect upon it!

Quran 47:24 Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Nay, on the hearts there are locks.

Think about it this way if this verse wanted to say that our form is perfect as you claim, why didn't it just say "And we have made your form perfect" rather than "We have formed you and made better your form". Do you get the difference?
The simple answer is that it didn't . You just brought me the evidence that you're wrong ! And if you look at Surrah of Tiin , you'd find a verse saying so .

Exactly, it didn't. The verse said that we have been formed and our form was made better. And because of that process: Surah at Tiiin tells us we have been made in the best of moulds.

You cannot just deny one part of the Quran and accept another. They all go together.

This is refusal and unwillingness on your part. The verses are clear.

Secondly, you claim that I forged evidence again falsely. All you need to do is examine the verse word for word and think a little.
There is nothing else you need. Just a thinking mind!
Oh yes I do have a thinking mind and it tells me that you just brought what contradicts your argument ! ? The same as the last one .

But you haven't brought what contradicts my argument. By your logic, you have presented a verse that contradicts the Quran! LOL. Nope that is not what (Quran 95:4) was saying at all.

Quran 32:7 says that creation was made good after its initial design and that is how mankind was created. Quran 95:4 says that humans were made in the best of moulds/stature.

Now connect the dots.

1.) Creation and humans were made better than the initial design
2.) Humans were made in the best of mechanism/shape
 The connection: Through the process of making everything Allah creates better, humans were made in the best of mechanism/moulds/shape.

You interpret the verses together, you do NOT favor one verse over the other! That is wrong!

It again uses the word (ahsan) meaning to make everything better. Look at that link I just posted. Look at it twice. And read the word for word translation when it comes to verse 7. It SPECIFICALLY SAYS: "Allah has made good everything he created". That means everything that was created was made better/good. It doesn't really take that much power to understand this. Rather you say the human form is perfect. Again, if the Quran wanted to say the human form is perfect in that verse--would it have been worded this way?? Of course not!
I see the saying of Allah appearing in you :

It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them].

Other signs in Quran and Hadith make it clear . But you ignorantly take one sign at a time the way it suits your desire and explain it however you like . After all of this , I started to doubt that you lack knowledge in language , rather , you're just stubborn .

Again, you have failed to address me point! Why do you keep changing the subject?? I think you and I both know that I am right on this one.

That verse is clear:

(Quran 32:7) ...has made everything He created BETTER, and He began the creation of the human...

And then you say the Hadith makes this clear. Does the Hadith need to make this verse any clearer?

You again accuse me of ignorance even though I use a valid source that shows you word for word translations. There really is no debate here.
If we really go easy on you and say that the links you brought don't actually break your argument , how am I supposed to know that they aren't hypocrites and people conspiring . Even the companions had hypocrites among them so why should we assume that there aren't until now ? I'm just showing you what your line of thinking leads to .

The links I brought are literal word for word translations. You know Arabic and you know better. The word-for-word understanding is important.

Again, you change the subject. It seems to be a mechanism to avoid my clear points. Again, I know deep inside you believe I am right on this one, you are just unwilling.

Now I hope you see who is being dishonesty and forging evidence here. I have displayed word-for-word translations that there is no doubt of. But nice try.
Further, you keep saying I am ignorant. But, who is it that has really displayed ignorance now that you see the word for word translation?

Yeah , nice try hiding your failure through flashy words like "trusted , authorized , no doubt , no debate here , word for word , dishonesty , working mind" . Just a load of arrogance boosters .

You no Arabic. That is the sad part. Denying a word for word translation of the Quran? You can go word for word. You know Arabic! Seriously, this is just dishonesty to a new level. This defense mechanism you use is simply not working for you, it does you no favor. Read the Quran word for word and translate it word for word. There are many lexicons you can buy, many websites you can use. The Quran is so clear on that, but you like you perverse it!

In the end , you bring what kills your argument , so yes , no debate here !

Nothing killed my argument except your incompetence.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 01, 2013, 12:41:05 AM »

Here's what's happening.

Man observes and through evidence discovers fossils that link man with other species.
Man observes and through evidence discovers common DNA that link man with other species.
Creationists read the Bible/Quran and for no reason just blindly accept what it says over the observable evidence.

The first 2 points you made were good. The last point is half correct. You should cross out the Quran and replace it with "hadith". Adding the word "corrupted" before them also reveals a fact.

Creationists read the corrupted Bible/Quranhadith and for no reason just blindly accept what it says over the observable evidence.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 01, 2013, 12:33:05 AM »

Now you talk about forging excuses for not debating ? How many times did I tell you to come here  :

And how many times have I told you I went there and that I simply don't have the time to refute every single point for you. If you have a good point as you percieve it from that website, let me know. and I will gladly respond.

and you never commented at all ? I already made my argument wither it's where you reject Sunnah or where you claim Quran supports this dictatorial religion called "Evolution" . And my responses are right here :,1269.0.html,1295.0.html

In the evolution post link, you have not disproved any of my points rather you point to hadiths and reject Quran. Its not my style. In the hadith post, you are partially right. Still, you haven't addressed my points. Unfortunately, Canadian Atheist was right when it comes to Ad hominem attacks. The reason why I say that is because you need to hear yourself. I could direct you to that same link and tell you I debunked your points.

And seeing how you repeat things over and over , I found no use in wasting 2 hours of my day refuting you point by point .

I don't think it would take 2 hours.

You accused the companions who Quran reached us through with hypocrisy

Did I? Or did Allah?

Quran 9:101 And among those around you of the bedouins are hypocrites, and [also] from the people of Madinah. They have become accustomed to hypocrisy. You, [O Muhammad], do not know them, [but] We know them. We will punish them twice [in this world]; then they will be returned to a great punishment.

I am simply not tolerant to those who deny the Quran. It is simply disturbing to see muslims denying the Quran. Its ridiculous.

You accused scholars with no exception of corruption and forging sayings .

Was that not a reasonable accusation based on deductive reasoning and the Quran?

And ironically , you wanted to force your belief in evolution on everyone and even accused me of worshiping other than Allah himself . 

I support whichever belief is reasonable and ration. Whichever belief is supported by logic/reason/evidence.

And you still have the nerve talk about honesty ?! If you want to make a sect for yourself where you believe that we're cousins of monkeys and that there is no proof of a God - And therefore there is no God 

It looks like you don't like the Idea that you share a comman ancestor with monkeys. It seems to bother you and you are biased against it. It seems to insult you. You must think humans are something special when the Quran demeans humans:

(Quran 76:1) Has there come on man a long period of time when he was a thing unremembered?

My issue is both . Quran doesn't mention this nonsense and science keeps stepping on this myth day in and day out and evolutionists like you have nothing to do except forging evidence to support their belief .

You have committed 3 factual errors. I have proven that the Quran without doubt supports evolution. And you have science undoubtedly proving evolution. It takes a real deal of dishonesty denying evolution. A LOT of dishonesty.

Just because you have seen a few cases of forged evidence, does not mean all the evidence is forged. You are simply too ignorant in biology to even claim a point in evolution. I suggest you study. The evidence is overwhelming.  Don't be like those who still believe the Earth is flat.

And if you're really so sure of it , then why not debate about it with someone who knows well how to crush it ?

I have and continue to. This isn't the only forum I am involved in.

I personally do know evidence proving this thing wrong . The problem is that I'm not good at recalling sources and bringing them . That doesn't mean in anyway that I said evolution is wrong with no proof .

O.K. This does nothing at all to help your case.

What places ? It's one forum . I told you that if you're sure about evolution , then try to prove it where it is getting shot in the foot every single day . The place which Atheists and evolutionists despise so much .

Apologies, I thought you refereed me to the dishonesty haruyn Yahya and Quran and darwinism. I'm working on refuting them both as we speak. I don't like dishonesty and whenever I see it--I immediately display it.

Like I said about that forum, all you have to do is present points you thought were compelling. None were to me.

I am compelled to believe in the fact of evolution. Science has proved it and the Quran has implied it.
Yeah , right . And melons are tornadoes hitting tropical areas .

Wow, you have really disproved my point.

It seems we're dealing with the same type of a person who thinks that Baba Noel - AKA Santa Claus - is real . You have no idea of what happens around you , do you ? If it's really necessary , I'll just bring some tips of icebergs from a certain blog and see what you have to say . ALL evidence ? God wrecks the house of arrogance  You don't seem to know the shame evolutionists suffer with their fable getting exposed more and more .

Remember what the Canadian Atheist said about Ad hominem. Reflect upon what you just said.  All evidence we have supports evolution. , Simply, a layperson such as yourself will need to really understand evolution before commenting at it. I do not deny your points as I have not heard them all. But I ask that you truly and without bias search for answers.

But evidence doesn't convince the unwilling. , Allah does not love these kinds of people. He has given you intellect and higher intelligence. Many times in the Quran this is mentioned, intellect is important.
And now who's attacking the other instead of addressing the main argument ? That goes to both you and your Atheist buddy .

I don't consider that attacking you. I consider that showing you what the Quran says about people who act like you. Evidence needs to be examined.

As far as "my atheist buddy", I support whichever belief makes sense and is reasonable regardless of where or who it comes from.

You are ordered to reflect upon the Quran:
(Quran 47:24) Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?
So reflect upon these verses:
(Quran 64:3) ...He designed you and perfected your design...
(Quran 32:7) Allah is He who has made everything He created BETTER, and He began the creation of the human..
This is the answer for where you forge evidence .
 Allah perfected our design . And if you try to use this as an admission from me that you're right then don't you dare talk about dishonesty . I'll repeat what I already said . The reason you see evidence in this is your acrobatic explanation which comes from lack of knowledge about either mathematical logic or language . Perfecting something doesn't mean in ANYWAY that it wasn't perfect and then became perfect . You say I insult Allah by denying this myth ? Who's really insulting him ? Allah says in many places that he created creatures in perfect and fine forms and shapes . And now you claim he wasn't able to do so and needed "evolution" ?! I still can't understand how your mind functions when reading this . EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW understands that Allah created us in perfect forms and no one came out with the meaning that it's evolution . Even a simple speaker of Arabic - OR ENGLISH ! - can understand that it means perfecting something while creating it and nothing is mentioned about evolution ! That's why I keep saying you see evidence in ANYTHING to support your belief .
As for the second verse , it is a CLEAR evidence of you forging things . Either that or you took some wrong translation and just decided to believe it . Here :
NO translation at all says that after creating things , Allah made them better . And this one :
Says that Allah has already created man in best shape .

So I'm still convinced this is a myth and a dictatorial religion .

P.S You're blocked on YouTube . I'm already dealing with others there . If you have something to say , say it here .

After all of this time, you have finally at least attempted to respond to one of my points. Now this is how a debate should go!  :D

Firstly, I haven't forged any evidence as I will show you. The first thing you did is say that "perfecting" something does not mean that it was made better from the original and then you said this insults Allah. I do not see that insult. I see the genius!

The word for word translation of that verse has the word "Fa-Ahasana". Which means "to make better". Here is a word for word translation just so that you understand:

So that verse would say:

(Quran 64:3) He designed you and made your design better.

Without a doubt this verse is saying that you were designed and that design you had was made BETTER. There cannot be any doubt in that.

Think about it this way if this verse wanted to say that our form is perfect as you claim, why didn't it just say "And we have made your form perfect" rather than "We have formed you and made better your form". Do you get the difference?

The Quran in many places tell us that our form was made better than the original. There is a big difference from what you claimed. Reflect!


Secondly, you claim that I forged evidence again falsely. All you need to do is examine the verse word for word and think a little.
There is nothing else you need. Just a thinking mind!

It again uses the word (ahsan) meaning to make everything better. Look at that link I just posted. Look at it twice. And read the word for word translation when it comes to verse 7. It SPECIFICALLY SAYS: "Allah has made good everything he created". That means everything that was created was made better/good. It doesn't really take that much power to understand this. Rather you say the human form is perfect. Again, if the Quran wanted to say the human form is perfect in that verse--would it have been worded this way?? Of course not!

You again accuse me of ignorance even though I use a valid source that shows you word for word translations. There really is no debate here.

Now you mentioned Quran 95:4--It is true, Man was created in the best of stature or the best of moulds. But 'best' relative to who? The other creatures on earth. How exactly does this deny evolution or the quranic support of evolution? Instead ask yourself, man was created in the best of stature. Through what mechanism?

Obviously through the mechanism the Quran mentioned in 32:7, through making everything Allah created better.

Now I hope you see who is being dishonesty and forging evidence here. I have displayed word-for-word translations that there is no doubt of. But nice try.

Further, you keep saying I am ignorant. But, who is it that has really displayed ignorance now that you see the word for word translation?

Please excuse spelling. It is late when I typed this.

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