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Messages - AMuslimDude213

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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / The cancerous Atheist community
« on: November 06, 2017, 05:38:37 PM »
I've been noticing how atheists have been acting recently and I'm just annoyed,I'm in a mood for a rant but the issue is, Whenever you rant or point out issues in atheists they just cry out arguments,etc and when you refute them,most of your videos are crawling with atheist haters or even your account in facebook..

You can't ever criticize atheists because these are mostly sensitive teenagers under 18 going through an confused emotional crysis,and its true,most of the atheists in the world are mostly children-teen,very rarely there are adults-old,and literally,whenever an atheist finds out you have a religion or follow a certain faith or philosophy,they just burst in anger,they cannot handle that we believe in God,and this only proves to us God exists,because God says in the Quran Atheists will be angry once they realize the truth or see you in religion,and this only proves Allah even more true, and they are happily fulfilling the Quranic desc of a disbeliever.

And it really annoys me,how Atheists keep stalking,and following you around because you are a believer in religion.

Again,the bible is something different,Ibn Kalbis book is something different,you're changing topics which proves you cannot defend your case.

And you're definetly an atheist,not a muslim.

Again you'd have to explain the Letters,etc and not be ignorant of History,and also explain Ibn Kalbis book of Idols which is a Pre-Islamic book referencing nabatean Gods and I provided my proof and you only provided a video only cherrypicking from the Quran.

Oh and just to add up,theres more proof than just this Muhammad SAW was in Mecca,there were narrators and letter-writers of that time who spoke of Muhammad SAW in Mecca. And even people like Ibn Abbas and A'isha R.A after Muhammad SAW who seen him.

And this too destroys your whole points.

Are you a Quranist?

The same old stupid claim remade,first of all there is textual and archaeological proofs of Mecca from Infact even before 4th century

As for your second one there is proof it was a trade route,in those times
Claudius Ptolemy was a Greco-Roman writer of Alexandria, known as a mathematician, astronomer, geographer; is another person, centuries before Islam who makes mention of Makkah. He uses the name ‘Makoraba’ for Makkah.

In the Book: ‘The New Encyclopedia of Islam’, written by Cyril Glassé says that Ptolmey, in the second century mentioned Makkah. Here is what he wrote,

“Mecca (Makkah al-Mukarramah, lit ‘Mecca the blessed’). For thousands of years Mecca has been a spiritual center. Ptolemy, the second century Greek geographer, mentioned Mecca, calling it ‘Makoraba’. Some have interpreted this to mean temple (from Maqribah in south Arabian) but it may also mean ‘Mecca of the Arabs’.” [5]

Ilya Pavlovich Petrushevsky (1898–1977) was an Professor of History of the Near East at the University of Leningrad for twenty years, he also makes mention that Ptolemy in the second Century mentioned Makkah:

“On the caravan route from Syria to the Yemen, in the Hijaz neighbourhood, lay Mecca. Ptolemy, the Greek geographer, mentions it as early as the second century calling it Makoraba, which is derived from the south Arab word Maqrab meaning ‘sanctuary’. [6]

It was a trade route between Syria and Yemen and this is a historian speaking,not some average Muslim.
Infact let me quote a Christian  saying it existed in the time of Patriarchs which was very ancient,btw

Reverend Charles Augustus Goodrich a Christian, was an American author and Congregational minister comments on Kaaba and Mecca, although, he is not fond of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), but he is sincere in admitting that Ka’bah existed at the time of Patriarchs. He writes:

“Among the variety of fabulous traditions which have been propagated by the followers of Mahomet, concerning the origin of this building, we find it asserted, that its existence is coeval with our parents, and that it was built by Adam, after his expulsion from paradise, from a representation of the celestial temple, which the almighty let down from heaven in curtains of light and placed in Mecca, perpendicular under the original. To this the patriarch was commanded to turn his face when he prayed, and to compass it by way of devotion, as the angels did the heavenly one. After the destruction of this temple by the deluge, it was rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael on the same spot, and after the same model, according to directions, which they received by revelation; and since that time, it has continued to be the object of veneration to Ishmael’s descendants. Whatever discredit we may give to these, and other ravings of the Moslem imposter concerning the Caaba its high antiquity cannot be disputed; and the most probable account is, that it was built and used for religious purposes by some of the early patriarchs; and after the introduction of idols, it came to be appropriated to the reception of the pagan divinities. Diodorus Siculus, in his description of the cost of the Red Sea, mentions this temple as being, in his time, held in great veneration by all Arabians; and Pocoke informs us, that the linen or silken veil, with which it is covered, was first offered by a pious King of the Hamyarites, seven hundred years before the time of Mahomet.” [1]

Also,as for Al-Lāt,Al Uzza and Manat,Read Ibn Kalbi book of Idols, it proves in Mecca there were these idols,Infact it proved your whole argument wrong,Mecca did exist,it was a trade route,and it was a place of worship for the pagans before Muslims, and in conclusion your argument has been destroyed.

So this is basically like inverting the argument towards atheism and making it towards faith and saying faith is only for comfort,
But this is a dumb argument,because in faith,you have to pray 5 times a day,and put up with all days,fast,etc,etc and follow a Moral rule,so if Religion was for comfort,it would have never given out any orders,but in Atheism there is no Order,order does not exist in Atheism,so therefore Atheism is actually the Comfort-zone and the Mental Cushion,not religion,not belief in God,and this argument tries to dodge anything put against it,because its the "True atheist argument" and it is completely abhorrent because its over-used by some atheists.

And as for the rest of it,its baseless and embarassing because it ignores religious teachings,what religion is in life,what moral basis is,etc.

Science can NEVER deny God as atheists claim,go to any MASTER in Science or Philosophy of Science and ask them,can Science deny God? They'll say NO,

Lets use this analogy:

You are in one room,you know you're living in this room,and you dont know whats in the other rooms or whats living in the other rooms,so therefore you conclude that there is Noone in those rooms. So denying God is a fallacy in itself, in that it uses Presupposition rather than an actual witness.

And in this conclusion we say,Atheists nor do their ideology of atheism have any idea of what Metaphysics or Islamic theology or Philosophy of God is,  so they just yap on to try and use big words to seem relevant and when we rephrase those big words into basic english we just get insults.
And also some stupid Presuppositional Conclusion towards God,and also Insults towards your Faith rather than the belief in God So at the end of the day Atheists are in error and know Nothing about God but want to seem smart and impress their atheist friends or Any atheist they're behind but they fail badly.

So you know Science is the Basis Atheists deny God on, and also they use to try and disprove faith,etc,etc

but what If i told you everything in Science is not a fact,its true,Science can change,Something true in science today,is false tommorow,some people in the scientific community say PARTICLES dont exist,some say this doesnt exist,or that doesnt exist

Science is also Unstable on its basis,its basis can break into many parts,Biology,physics,chemistry,etc,etc so thats why Science therefore is not credible to prove or disprove something,thats philosophy or Logics job,not the job of science, Sciences job is to understand the universe and make a conclusion of whats going on within the universe,a HUMAN conclusion,so that conclusion can not always be true.


GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: are all animals in communities?
« on: November 02, 2017, 11:51:12 AM »
Man atheists are annoying,when you challenge them,they respond with petty insults and alleged contradictions in your religion rather than proof against God or anything.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Any Good response to a Nazi?
« on: October 24, 2017, 02:39:43 PM »
Where does it say the slave was arab?

So now he is back with even more stupidity and his own interpretation and interpolations against islam,his newest being Jizya

There are two articles which refuted this

Now we wait for even more stupidity and incoherent material until Asadullah Ali Al Andalusi knocks his channel and beats it back to the grave where it was for over an year now.

Hopefully he accepts,he's usually been running away from Muslims like Aqil Onque,etc,etc

So basically I've been away a while,so I argued with an atheist just recently,but blocked him due to his sheer stupidity
First of all He said Quran claims earth is flat,so what I did is that I proved him wrong with 39:5 and the word "Yukawer" which means wrapped on a ball,so what he did is that he called me "the dumbest muslim" he's ever seen,he's called me an "Imbecile with no brain",etc,etc many insults
So he used evolution I asked him ONE question "Okay if evolution is true,how come the same apes dont evolve anymore today"? He addressed the question but never answered it but insulted me with "This person is probably the most dumbest Muslim I've ever seen" I told him hes using an ad hominem fallacy,he dodged that AGAIN and said "Ad hominem is something your dumb brain cannot comprehend" And again I said Ad hominem and he insulted me saying "This person doesnt know what an ad hominem fallacy is"
Hold on a second? let me quote what it is
Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is where an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.[2]

So calling me the dumbest Muslim,an imbecile,calling me dumb,stupid,etc Is not ad hominem but somehow an attack to my argument instead of me?
Lets be honest,these Atheists NEVER have an argument,they only have insults to share and BS to fly at your faces to seem "Relevant" atheism and the atheist ideology is irrelevant now it was only relevant back in 2016,but I've noticed atheists lessened,around me, and around the world, and now they want to seem relevant again by trying to call to atheism which is literally nothing,
And when you question their call they respond with what I've said above,
I swear the insults in his comments are packed,etc and very wannabe intellectual behaviour aswell.

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