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A bit off topic but i heard that salafis are literalists which means they actually believe that allah literally has hands and feet because in the quran he uses such figurative language. Am i correct?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

I keep hearing this exactly ridiculous argument by Shias, and now it had spilled over to Christians.  The argument goes like this:

The Salafies declare that Allah has literal hands and feet.  This is a limitation to Allah.  It is blasphemy!!

Ok, well let me now refute this stupid argument.  The following points will do the job, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing):

1-  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran spoke about His Hands and His Feet.

2-  Allah Almighty is THE LIGHT of all the Universe.

3-  Allah Almighty encompasses ALL, and He is infinite, and He has no beginning and no end.

The Glorious Quran declares these things.  So what of the Hands and Feet of Allah Almighty?  They are LITERALLY HANDS AND FEET OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY THAT WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT! 

1-  Are they flesh and blood hands and feet like the humans' hands and feet?  No.

2-  Are they flesh and blood hands and feet like the frogs' hands and feet?  No.

3-  Are they flesh and blood hands and feet like the elephants' hands and feet? No.

4-  Are they flesh and blood hands and feet like the cats' paws and claws?  No.

Ok, so what type of Hands and Feet are they?  THEY ARE ALLAH ALMIGHTY'S HANDS AND FEET.  They simply can't be explained.  Why is this too difficult?  But The Almighty, nonetheless, DOES HAVE HANDS AND FEET!  The Almighty Said it in the Glorious Quran, and I accept it.  That's it.  We can hardly explain anything in the World of the Unknown and the Invisible:

[017:085]  They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"

The problem sometimes is that humans try to force their limited logic and explanations upon interpreting the Unknown World.  This is where ridiculous conflicts start building up.  You just don't try to explain the unknown with your limited world, limited brain and little logic.  It won't work.  Here is the best interpretation to the Unknown World:  We simply do not know!  How hard is that to say?

But to answer the question about does Allah Almighty have Hands and Feet?  Yes, He the Almighty does.  Are they flesh and blood and physical.  No.  But He does literally have Hands and Feet, because the Almighty Said so in the Glorious Quran.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah, dear brother.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

i made a quick research and found that ''Hz.'' or ''Hazreti'' means he who is not affected by time and place, meaning those who can be anywhere - anytime. Something like that. i suppose in Turkey we are using a wrong prefix before our prohet Muhammed sallahu aleyhi ve sellem. But the word ''hazreti'' is arabic, so i leave the job of enlightening us to brother Osama insallah :-)

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Koray, and dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

The z sound that many Muslim nations use is really a Daa or Dhaa sound.  For example, Dhul-Qarnayn is usually spelled and pronounced as Zhul Qarnayn, or something along this line.  Hazrat Abu Bakr is really the Arabic Hadarat Abu Bakr, for example.  It's just a different pronunciation of certain letters.  Like for example, many of the folks from India (Muslims and non) pronounce the "W" as "V", as in "Ve" instead of "We".

Hadarat (hazrat) is derived from the Arabic word, Hudoor, which means coming and/or attendance.  Hadara means came or attended.  However, in Arabic there is also an expression of respect.  The chief of a group, or a leader or Amir of a group is given an expression of respect.  This expression goes as something like this:

"We sat in the Hadarat of such and such person."

Hadarat here means Council that such and such person was the head of.  Hadarat here is a title of honor for the elder or the chief.  Similarly, in the Court of Law in the Arab world, the judge is usually addressed as: "Hadarat Al-Qaadi".  Qaadi in Arabic means judge, and "Al" is the English "the" article.  So Al-Qaadi means "the judge".  And when the judge is addressed, he is addressed as "Hadarat Al-Qaadi", which is basically addressing him as the Chief of the Counsil or Sitting that is taking place.

So Hadarat Caliph Abu Bakr, or Hadarat Caliph Omar, or Uthman or Ali are titles of respect.  They don't mean that they are currently attending anything.  Also, Hadarat is only a title of respect that the slang Arabic uses.  In classical Arabic, they're not addressed as such.  In other words, it is not common for you to find an Arab saying Hadarat Khaleefa Abu Bakr.  Hadarat is rarely used by Arabic-speakers, and it by no shape or form means that a person is currently present.  May be the deviant shias have some inventions that they made, but we don't believe any dead person is present and giving inspirations.  And Allah Almighty made this clear in the Glorious Quran about the Martyrs and Pious people are in Heaven with GOD Almighty after death.

Please visit:,650.msg1523.html#msg1523.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

i heard from my history teacher that Allah's name was known amongst the pagan arabs before islams  arrival and he was worshipped as the creator of all things supreme deity. i searched from wikipedia and the west is maintaining that idea too.

Brother Osama can you enlighten us about that issue?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Koray,

It doesn't matter what the pagans named their gods.  One thing that no polytheist trinitarian pagan can dispute is that ALLAH had always been the Supreme GOD Almighty of the ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and all Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew speakers even before Judaism was born!

Please visit: (the "im" is a Hebrew majestic plural for GOD Almighty, and the "e" and "o" are deliberate LIES by the English translators, because both should be "a")

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

A Muslim brother emailed me and asked me this question.  I therefore feel it would help all Muslims to answer it in public, insha'Allah.  Feel free to join in.  Here are some facts that no Sunni or Shia disagrees on:

1-  After Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) death, Ali was busy burrying the Prophet and making the necessary preparations and setup service for the Prophet's grave.  Our Sunni sources also say that Ali isolated himself from people for 6 months and just wanted to be away from people and to be all alone.  The Shia sources say that Ali was upset from Abu Bakr for this period for rushing the elections during Ali's absence, and never gave Ali the chance to get elected.  They also say that Ali for the sake of keeping Muslims united finally gave his Bay3a (vote) to Abu Bakr to be the Muslims' Caliph after 6 months.

2-  Our Sunni sources say that the reason why Abu Bakr rushed the Bay3a was because the Muslims of mecca and Madina (with their pre-Islamic tribal mentality of Ignorance or Jaahiliyyah) had disagreements or issues on FROM WHERE the next Caliph should be.  A good support for the Sunnis claim is the fact that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, chose to live his days in MADINA and not MECCA after the liberation of Mecca, despite the fact that his beloved city was Mecca and not Madina.  The Prophet made the leaders of Muslims be from Makkah, while he gave himself as a gift for the Madina Muslims.  And he indeed died in Madina.

So Caliph Abu Bakr did what he did to destroy the tumult among the Muslims.  As a human, it is also possible that he had desire to be the next ruler.  No shame in that.  I mean, who wouldn't really.  But it wasn't his TOP PRIORITY.  I don't believe it was.  The Shias disagree with us on this, but our sources have much stronger evidence than what they have.  And my evidence above is just one from many.

Here is where I believe Ali should've been the first Caliph:

1-  Ali was to Muhammad as Aaron was to Moses, peace be upon all of them.

2-  Ali was from Ahlul Bayt, who we send Peace and Blessings to in every single Prayer in our 5 daily Prayers.

3-  Ali was never part of the Bay3a (election).  He should've been given that chance even after Abu Bakr was elected.

But Ali was above any worldly gain, because he was really a pious and purified Believer as the members of Ahlul Bayt were, as Allah Almighty mentioned in the Glorious Quran.  Ali didn't really care much about being a Caliph.  But NONETHELESS, he should've been at least given the opportunity.

Here is another point that destroys the Shias:  Ali and his sons had always served Islam under Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman!  They took orders from them, traveled to distant lands to spread Islam based on their orders and commands, and served Islam and Muslims under the rulership of these three rightly guided Caliphs.  And when Ali became the Caliph, Ali never declared himself to be an Imam, nor did Hasan nor did Hussein, and neither did any of them declare that there are a total of 12 Imams.  In fact, Shias themselves disagree in the number of Imams.  Some say 4, others say 6, but the majority say 12 Imams. 

And like I said before, their top Scriptures such as AL-KAAFI (their equivalence to our Sahih Bukhari and Muslim) and other similar books were written even hundreds of years after our Hadiths Sahih Collections.  So their religion is a religion of doubtful and absurd narrations, and nothing more.  They have absurd things that they strongly believe in such as the sky rained blood for 3 days when Hussein died, and the soil of Karbala became the holiest soil on earth by Allah Almighty's Command, and so on.

But none of this would make a Shia a polytheist to me as a Muslim.  The reason why Shias are polytheists is because they seek members of Ahlul Bayt for:

1-  Guidance.
2-  Mercy.
3-  Help.
4-  Protection.

They literally pray to them and seek these things from them.  Plus, we see the ridiculous brutal and bloody beating with swords, knives, rocks and even shoes every year done by them to themselves.  These blasphemy and an idol worship of Ahlul Bayt.  It is 100% outside the fold of Islam.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


i really and honestly love brother Osama as my own brother
i visit his website everyday
his website helped me alot to defeat the christian missionaries
my Allah(SWT)reward him with Janna

i hope he forgives me also if i said anything to him

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Reza,

Thank you akhi for your open mind and heart.  I appreciate it, dear brother.  And I am sorry again for offending you akhi.  I thank Allah Almighty that I was able to be of a help for you.  I will insha'Allah always continue to strive in this path, and I encourage all Muslims to contribute heavily to the propagation of Islam to mankind, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

Please always feel free to share any concern that you have here akhi.  Insha'Allah, you'll get your thorough and satisfying answers here.

May Allah Almighty bless you!  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Egyptian and everyone,

Thank you dear brother Egyptian for the nice rebuttal.  I have added a link to your post in Sam Shamoun's rebuttals section, AI's general rebuttals section, and Rebuttals to all of the alleged contradictions in the Noble Quran section.

May Allah Almighty bless you akhi.  If you dear brother, and this is for all brothers and sisters here, have more refutations that you want me to link to the site, then please don't hesitate to let me know.  I don't get to read all of the posts, unfortunately.  So things might slip from me.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

where in the Quran it is written that if you kill 5 shias you will go to Janna?
i have seen many people keep saying that,that Wahabis say if you kill 5 Shias you will go to Janna.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Reza,

I am sorry for offending you.  I didn't mean it.  I hope you accept my apology.  Sunnis are always consistent, by the way, in not generalizing all Shias.  There is a difference between the zionist shiism and the people who call themsleves Shias.  May be in Iran it's different, for I know you guys have a beef with Arabs because of the fall of Persia by the Arabs (Muslims) :), and not for any member of Ahlul Bayt, peace and blessings and mercy be upon them all.  But the Shias in Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Lebanon, the Gulf are different, plus also some in Iran as well.

As to your comment that I quoted above, I have never heard of anything such as this.  Perhaps this is a lie that was invented in Iran on the Sunnis.  We don't have silly things like this (kill 5 Shias and you'll enter Heaven).  But we do find Khomainie giving plastic keys to children to strap bombs around their waists and blow themsleves up on Iraqi soldiers and tanks.  Your quote above sounds like an Iranian-invented lie, and its language sounds like Iranian Shias type of statement (lie).

So no my dear brother, we don't have that.  And I agree with you that we are only Muslims.  But like brother 'Black Muslim' pointed out, the Sunna of the Prophet is also a must, and therefore it's no problem to call yourself a Sunni Muslim.  After all, we are commanded by Allah Almighty to also follow the Prophet's commands.  Plus I want to add to that by saying that it is VITAL for every Muslim TODAY to distinguish himself or herself from the shias.  So yes, among ourselves we are ONLY MUSLIMS.  But outside, we are Sunni Muslims.  I refuse to be mixed in the same category with any shia.

Plus also as the Prophet, peace be upon him, prophecied in the Hadiths, the Muslims will be divided into many heretical sects, but only one of them will be saved, and that group will be those who adhere to the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah, and they will be the majority among all Muslims!  So alhamdulillah (all thanks are due to Allah Almighty), I belong to the one group that is also the Mainstream Islam.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


I don't understand why you got mad at me.  If the people whom I attacked are ones that you disown and have no association with, then I don't see why you should be offended.

Also, your Islam is between you and your Creator, Allah Almighty.  Your statement about driving non-Muslims away from Islam is quite ridiculous!

I don't know why you call yourself a Shia if you're not part of that zionist cult.  If you believe that Ali should've been the first Caliph, then let it be known to everyone that many many Sunnis believe this already, and they're not Shias and they despise shias.  And I am one of those Sunnis.  But I don't create fitnah (trials and tumults) among Muslims for this.  All of the characters of that era and age ARE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!  They are with the Judge of all judges.  Their drama and stories are irrelevant for us today, and no Muslim has the right to create divisions over them.  The dispicable shias disagree with this, and they thrive on creating divisions among Muslims.  And they beat themselves with swords, knives, rocks and shoes.  This is both blasphemy and idol worship.  Visit: to see ample videos about them.

If you believe that there should be 12 Imams, then that is a lie from Hell that was invented on Islam.  And Ali and Hasan themselves, when they ruled, neither one of them ever declared to be the number #1 or #2 Imam, nor did they declare that there are Imams.

If you are a Shia by name only, then instead of getting mad at me for pointing out the blasphemies and poison of this satanic and zionist religion, why don't you instead educate yourself and be more responsible?  Again, your statement about not going to propagate Islam to disbelievers and you'll advise them to stay away from Islam is quite offensive and ridiculous!  It is also very irresponsible.

Hope you take this advise without getting offended.  And you're welcomed to stay on this board.


Jazakallahu Khaykan, brother! May Allah(عز و جل‎) reward you for the work you are doing to Islaam and the Muslims!

Thank you dear brother, Yaakob.  May Allah Almighty bless you akhi.  And welcome to the board!  Notice how I quoted you hehehehehhe :).  It's a cool feature.

Your brother,
Osama Abdallah

Black Muslim

Rasulallah was not a Sunni or a Shia as i told you,he never said i am a Sunni.
He was Just a Muslim.
Shia's are muslim also,they are not kafer,it is their Scholars who are bad not the poor people
it is their shcolars to blame
that doesn't mean all Sunni are good or all Shias are bad

it is those nasty scholars of sunni and shia who makes this hatred and lie about both of them

As'salamu Alaikum Reza,

I can tell you're a Shia.  Ridha or Reza is a Shia name, even though Muslims do also name such names.  The titles aren't important here.  What's important are the blasphemous practices of the Shias.  Your religion stands and falls on cursing people who of old that existed 1,400 years ago.  This is the only way you can justify beating yourself with swords, stones and shoes.  I say please do Islam a MASSIVE FAVOR and just stab yourselves to death and be over with it.  Seriously.  The ENTIRE MUSLIM WORLD is just about sick and tired of the shias.  You adulterate Islam, associate partners with Allah Almighty, and you don't consider the Holy Quran to be uncorrupt.

Shiism is a poison.  It's not Islam.  It's a dispicable cult that we must get rid of.  And its "Holy Scriptures" are books that were written even HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER SAHIH BUKHARI AND MUSLIM.  The only reason why you lived for this long is because Muslims WERE SO IGNORANT ABOUT YOU BY THE WHOLESALE!  Thanks to the advanced Media from Youtube and Facebook and the Internet in general, your filth got exposed and your foul stink is smelled by all.

Everything you need to know is located here:

I agree with you that not all Shias are disbelievers.  There are ignorants among them who are associated with this cult by name only.  But you have a moral obligation, as a Shia, to disown this cult.  Otherwise, you remain one of them.  And you would then be a bad influence and a bad source.  Shiism is a blasphemy.  The shia scholars are disguised zionist rabbis.  Your next MAHDI BOOK is now being cooked in Tel Aviv!  Shias are now speaking about the coming Mahdi will come very soon.  Ahmedinajad also said this at the UN.  This is one main reason why your "scholars" don't have to be scholars of the Holy Quran!  It's far too difficult for them to read It and memorize It in Arabic.  This is 100000000% opposite from the Sunni Scholars.

The zionists plant dictators to serve them in the Sunni world, not Islamic Scholars.  But in your cult's case, it is your RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS and government who are the planted zionist agents.  Your Ayatolla Khomanie came from Paris to Tehran on a zionist airplane.

Shiism is a zionist poison!


As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

This is another post that I will link on this blog's main page, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

How to convert a THREAD to simple HTML and Printable Format:

1-  Simply click on the "PRINT" button at the top of any thread.  It is located right above the thread's title.  It is also located at the bottom of the thread.  This will take you to a page that will display the entire thread's posts in simple HTML format for easy printing format, and also for easy copying and pasting to your website's articles using an HTML Editor software or MS-Word or any other similar tool.

2-  To print the article, you need to print the thread from your internet browser's File -> Print menu.  Do this after you click on the "PRINT" button of the thread to be taken to the simple HTML page.  In other words, print the article from the simple HTML page.  It's much easier and better for you.  But you could also print it from the regular page.

Please feel free to post a reply if you need more clarification, or have more thoughts.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: May 06, 2013, 01:34:04 PM »
I want to know more about Corruption of Torah. ""Using ancient scrolls  to prove its corruption,will be appreciated""

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Arif,

Welcome to the board.  I ask Allah Almighty that you'll find your satisfying answers thoroughly provided here.  Ameen.

The following links will answer your question, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing):

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

Checkout this article:  Stress causes your hair to turn grey, and the solution to to fixing it is being less stressful, and eating more beans and strawberries among other delicious varieties of food:

New Study Finds a Cure for Gray Hair—Finally

PostsBy | Healthy Living

An April 2013 study will no doubt leave the hair dye industry seeing red.

According to a joint group of researchers at Germany's Institute for Pigmentary Disorders at E.M. Arndt University of Greifswald and the UK's Centre for Skin Sciences at the University of Bradford, they've come across a cure for gray hair.

First, a mini science lesson: Gray hair is the result of oxidative stress that causes hydrogen peroxide to accumulate in the hair follicle. In response, the hair strand then essentially bleaches itself, from the inside out.

MORE: The Science of How Hair Grays

In the study, the process appears to be thwarted with the application of a topical complex called PC-KUS, which converts hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. The research also revealed that the compound worked similar magic for a group of 2,411 patients with the skin condition known as vitiligo, which is marked by white patches on the skin caused by pigment loss.

Could it really be true-finally, a cure for gray hair?

Quite possibly, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Medical Center's department of dermatology.

"The idea that loss of pigmentation in the hair and skin are related is extremely interesting on a basic science level," he says. "The traditional treatment of gray hair with hair dye is cosmetic and doesn't get to the root of the problem," he explains. "A treatment that prevents or reverses the underlying graying process would revolutionize our approach to hair care."

MORE: Our Pick For an Instant Gray Root Touch-Up

While the news may have blondes, redheads and brunettes of every tone rejoicing worldwide, the news is also groundbreaking for patients who suffer from vitiligo, a common condition that significantly impacts quality of life, says Zeichner.

And the findings once again show how oxidative stress plays a role in many diseases, from cancer and heart disease, to wrinkles and now even gray hair.

"The role of oxidative stress in depigmenting conditions further reinforces the need for antioxidants, both topically applied and ingested through a healthy diet," advises Zeichner.

Luckily, there's no deprivation here; antioxidants are an often deliciously sweet and energizing diet addition. Simply serve up another helping of super antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries, strawberries, Red Delicious and Granny Smith apples, cherries and green tea. If you're a fan of beans, red, kidney and pinto varieties pack the most antioxidant punch.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

assalam alaikum brthers

As Black Muslim said:

We want to expose their lies not to make propaganda for their misleading sites. Maybe if this site didn't link to answering islam, much fewer people would even know about it.
you can say: islam hater says "quote", without even naming him/her !
wa Allah A'alam

As'salamu Alaikum my dear beloved brothers and sisters in Islam,

I humbly and respectfully disagree with you for one simple reason:  If you go to GOOGLE right now and type "Islam", you'll find the "Answering Islam" website on the #1 page.  I've already explained this in every single recently new entry in the page.  These people are linked heavily by many websites out there.  This is why I call upon all Muslims to heavily link to on their blogs and websites.  Instead, you'll see them propagating my website as a heretic one, which I don't know where they continue to get this garbage from.  Yes I've had heretic beliefs before, and I researched, learned and changed.  Yet, the same garbage is still out there by many websites.

I know that my site is heavily linking to the Answering Islam website.  But so is their website too heavily linking to this website and COUNTLESS other Muslim websites.  And really, the solution isn't to try to run away from them by unlinking them.  If they don't break you, they'll make you much stronger.  Believe me, I've doubted Islam before because of them, and it forced me to research and read and write tirelessly.  Quite frankly, I strongly doubt that I would have had a website like this without them.  And I fell and got up before from them many times.

My philosophy is actually this:  Let all of the top anti-Islamic arguments be refuted here.  I want this website to be the leading website in thorough Rebuttals.  Linking or unlinking a site is really irrelevant, because it will still be very very popular on the internet with us or without us.  And also for objectivity's purpose, it is healthy to show the source.  We're not scared of them.  I am not scared of them.  Let them grill Islam to death!  Islam will always come out victorious.  And these people will only make much stronger and passionate and stubborn Muslims, like yours truly.  We need Muslims of this kind.  So let them have it their way.  And always remember:  If it doesn't break you, it'll make you much stronger!  Believe me on this one.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah dear brothers and sisters.  Honestly, even if I unlink them, they'll still be as popular.  I say let's take them head-on and destroy their arguments!  If you have an argument that is bothering you, then please post it here.  It'll get thoroughly refuted with Truth, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

See also how to post images in my posts:,1515.msg5947.html#msg5947.

Update: The Message Board now accepts the special characters.  Characters such as the following are ok: .   Read more...   

As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

One new member asked me this exact question: How do I post my comments on the forum?

The following steps will answer this, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  I will link this post to the main page for all to see, insha'Allah:

1-  You first have to visit:

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5-  Once you login, you'll notice Main Sections which text is colored in orange.  Currently, I've created the following Main Sections (displayed in Orange color on the Main Page):







Again, you'll notice that they're all colored in Orange.  On the Main Page, click on any one of them.  You can also click on the blue link (either it says "Click here", or it says some other text) that is under each one of them.  I put those links there to further make it easier on you.

6-  Once you've clicked on a Main Section (an Orange link), then you will see a button that says "New Topic".  Click on the button to create your own new post, or click on any of the existing posts (links of topics) to REPLY to an existing post.

7-  To post a reply, you can either click on the "Quote" button, which is located on top of every single post in every thread, or you can click on the "REPLY" button for an existing thread, if you scroll down a little you'll see the existing posts with "Insert Quote" link on top of each one of them.  If you click on the link, it will copy inside your reply-text-area the post that you wish to reply to.  It'll look like the following once you're done:

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Please email me if you need any more help.  Also, feel free to reply with any questions or thoughts here.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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