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As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

Checkout this Youtube Video:  In Minute 17:00, the German convert to Islam is taught that Ali is the CONTROLLER of Paradise.

This video is one of the MANY videos on youtube, which I've linked their channels at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum,

For the reader, please visit the following links to see the hundreds of STUNNING Scientific and Numerical Miracles that testify to the Glorious Quran's Divinity:

There insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty), you'll see everything you need to see about this Great Miracle.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


I have removed the F words that you wrote in Arabic.  Don't do it again please, or else I will be forced to ban you.

As to what you wrote, you're either IGNORANT, or you're a LIAR!  Countless Youtube videos are given to you of countless top shia scums from the shias' two holliest cities, Qum and Najaf.  You have video and audio that demonstrates what the filthy shia religion is.  And you come here very boldly claim that none of this exists. 

If it doesn't exist in your circle of people, then why are you getting so personal about it.  This is not about IRANIANS.  This is about SHIAS.  I haven't attacked Iranians.  And I know that half of Iran are anti-Islam anyway.  You're Islam-hating Persians, and Iran is using the Arab Shias as toilet papers for its own agenda, almost exactly as the zionist Jews use the neo-con Christians as toilet papers to serve their agendas.  With their blood and their wealth they serve the zionists' evil agendas.  The same is happening to the non-Iranian Shias.  So cool your jets and don't spew F words garbage here.


im sure no (true) sunni would say that, however, i am merely stating that some terms that were originally good things have been corrupted.
PS Not all shia say ali is alive, most say he died n 661 and muhammad al mahdi is alive

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Zulfiqar,

Yes, Shias not only say Ali is alive, but he is also AMIR AL-KAWN (The Prince of entire Universe).  And Fatimah is a godess.  Allah Almighty even consults her before HE MAKES ANY DECISION!

This garbage is on Youtube and by Najaf's and Qum's TOP SCHOLARS!  Watch the many videos that were uploaded.  No Sheikh in Makkah (Mecca) would dare say anything like this and remain accepted and not get expelled from the Scholars' Community.  Yet, all kinds of blasphemies get spewed left and right and on TV and in public by the Shias.

Shiism is a poison.  I gather from what you say that even many Shias don't know what the hell this poison shiism is.  They're just Shias by name, which is ridiculous for grown adults to be like.  I can understand youngsters wanting to stick with their parents' ways, but adults should be different.

If Shiism is not a filthy and corrupt version of Islam, then we wouldn't have Najaf's and Qum's top scholars come on TV and spew blasphemies.  These are the Shias' two holiest cities along with Karbala and maybe a few others.  But the RELIGIOUS CAPITAL CITIES (THE MECCAS) OF THE RELIGION OF SHIISM are Najaf in Iraq and Qum in Iran.  No two would argue about this.

As to Mahdi being alive, again another empty Shia claim that has no bases in Islam.  Shias claim that Mahdi is alive and is here on earth in flesh and blood, but hasn't come out of his hiding yet.  And how do they "prove" or justify this empty claim?  Here this:

Shia Justification:  You Sunnis claim that Jesus Christ was lifted up to Heaven in his Physical Body.  It's been more than 2000 years and he is still in that body.  Also Noah lived for 950 years in his body here on earth.  So how can the Mahdi not be in a physical body here and hiding?

Sunni Response:  These are Prophets of Allah Almighty that Allah Almighty Chose to have them live for as long as He, the Almighty, Willed for them to live.  But no where in our Islamic texts does it say the Mahdi is alive today in a physical body and is hiding.  We believe that he will come someday.  He will be born from a father and mother.

The Shias' claims are based on empty sources.  They are sources that were written 500 to 600 years after Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of GOD Almighty.

As to Ali and seeking him.  If you seek Ali in Supplications or Prayers to help you, or aid you, or protect you, or have mercy on you, or guide you, then you are an idol worshiper.  You are supposed to go directly to Allah Almighty and Speak with Him.  This speaking with dead people is an Shia invention.

Shias bring a Noble Verse about one of the Prophets asked his father to ask Allah Almighty to help him.  Having a pious person make a Supplication for you is different from seeking the dead, or constantly relying on someone and constantly seeking someone to be between you and GOD Almighty. 

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

To Osama Abdallah and other commentors: I agree that some Shia do worship ali, however, the majority sects, or at least the doctrince of those sects, such as the twelvers, zaydis, and some ismailis, are agaisnt that worship.

As'salamu Alaikum dear respected brother Zulfiqar,

Thank you for pointing out few points.  I would like to respond to them in the following:

1-  Regarding "Shiat Ali" (Group of Ali), why is this even a valid name then today?  Do you find any Sunni on the face of this earth, today, dare say that Muawiyah is better than Ali, or even is even with Ali, peace be upon him?  No.  Now this doesn't mean Muawiyah is an infidel.  He made his horrible mistakes and he and everyone in that Age and Era is in the Hands of the Judge of all Judges.  You see, what bothers me from the Shias is that just about EVERYTHING about them violates the Holy Quran.

-  Did you know that according to the Holy Quran you are forbidden from calling yourself Shia?

-  Did you know that according to the Holy Quran, you are forbidden from DWELLING in the past and dramas of the people before you?

Visit: to read the Noble Verses for yourself, akhi.  I am not making this up, people!

-  Why the Shiat Ali title?  Is Ali, peace be upon him, still alive today?  Is he relevant to anything or anyone today?  Now, here the thing that exposes Shiism's polytheism, idol-worship and blasphemies:

Shia Answer:  Yes, Ali is alive and is living among us today, in spirit.  We seek him in person.  We call unto him by the name and in person.  And we seek his guidance, inspirations and protection.

Sunni's Response to this:  This is a lie from Hell against Islam, for no such ideology is supported in Holy Quran or any where in Islam.  Ali is DEAD and has no connection with any one here on earth, today.  I didn't say this.  Allah Almighty Said it in the Glorious Quran.  THE BELIEVERS ARE ALIVE IN HEAVEN "WITH ALLAH ALMIGHTY", and enjoying the Bliss of Allah Almighty.

If Ali were here on earth, then Allah Almighty would have to "SEND HIM DOWN" to us as He the Almighty Spoke about sending down the Holy Spirit and Angels to the Believers.  No mention of any humans being sent down here again, except for CHRIST, peace be upon him.  This is a reincarnation hindu theology that has no place in Islam.  Please visit:

And what makes shiism more ridiculous is that they don't consider CHRIST ALIVE WITH US TODAY, which is true.  He is not with us here on earth.  He is up there in Heaven until Allah Almighty Sends him down again to fight the anti-Christ.  But when it comes to Ali and Ahlul Bayt, they're all over the map!  A very empty religion with empty claims that 100% clash with everything about the Holy Quran and Islam.
-  Did you know that the poison that is called Shiism IS A MAJOR BLASPHEMY in just about everything about it?

Shias love to deceive the Muslims by simplifying the problem to Muawiyah VS Ali.  They shrink Islam and all of their blasphemies into this silly point.  This is the trap that Sunnis often fall into.  The Shia pits the Muslim in the position of being against Ali.  The Muslim then feels wrong about it, and the Shia declares his silly and pathetic victory.

The Truth is that neither Ali nor anyone from that Era matters today when it comes to defining what is Islam, and what makes a Muslim.  We are TOO DIFFERENT.  We are TWO RELIGIONS.  We are not One Religion.  Shiism is a lie.  The sects that you mentioned all of them seek Ali and Ahlul Bayt for:

1-  Mercy.
2-  Guidance.
3-  Inspiration.
4-  Forgiveness.
5-  Protection.

This nonsense about calling yourself "Shiat Ali" doesn't fly my dear brother.  I AM 10000000000000% FRICKEN PERCENT Pro-Ali!  And so is every Sunni on this planet.  And I say it again and again, just as Jesus and Mary are innocent from the polytheist trinitarian pagans, so is also the Prophet and Ahlul Bayt are innocent from the shia liars and the idol-worshipers.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum dear Brothers and Sisters,

Personally, I firmly believe that while our Hadiths collections contain much Truth in them about the Prophet and others, but I also believe that they contain conspiracies and lies inserted by the enemies of Islam from within.  These are the hypocrites and the liars.  Stories such as the following I personally completely reject because they also go against the Glorious Quran:

1-  The Prophet got bewitched and lost his memory for a whole YEAR because of it.  The bewitchment happened by a Jew stealing a piece of hair from the Prophet, cursed it, and placed it under a rock.  And as a result, the Prophet lost his memory and started speaking nonsense for a whole year?  I mean come on EVERYONE!  When was the last time you've heard of such crime being done on people TODAY??  Go ahead and try it on me or on yourself.  Steal a piece of hair from me and try to do it on me, and let's see what happens.  This also goes against all of the Noble Verses where Allah Almighty assured that the Prophet was not delusional and crazy and mad.  More on this coming up, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

2-  Aisha used to breast suckle adults.  This whole suckling of adults is a SICK LIE invented by the hypocrites.  Since they couldn't defeat Islam as a whole, their best attack was to inject poisons of this kind into our Hadiths.  The Glorious Quran is CRYSTAL CLEAR ABOUT BREAST FEEDING being allowed only for babies, and is compulsory upon the mother (if she has milk for the whole period) for two full years.  Please visit:

The infidels say in our narrations that MISSING VERSES FROM THE QURAN allowed for the suckling of the adults.  This was a Law, but the goat ate the scroll that contained these verses.  Here is the refutation to this:

1-  It was COMPULSORY upon all Muslims back then, as it is today, to memorize and preserve as much of the Holy Quran as possible.

2-  It is compulsory upon every Muslims (if he or she can) read the entire Holy Quran at least once during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

3-  It is compulsory upon every Muslim Imam to read the ENTIRE QURAN during the five daily sets of Prayers in stages or portions.

Here is where you can easily detect a lie injected into our narrations collections:  When you hear garbage such as a verse used to say such and such was part of the Quran, but no longer is, know that this is a LIE FROM HELL!  The reason for this is these infidels never give the actual text of the alleged verse!

WHAT DID THE ALLEGED VERSES SAY ABOUT SUCKLING OF ADULTS?  DOES ANYBODY HAVE THEIR TEXT?  No.  Just empty claims that they used to exist, but were eaten by the goat.  But the Muslims were massively big, as they are today in the Muslim world, on memorizing and preserving the Holy Quran!!  So how could any liar just make an empty claim?  It's clearly a conspiracy and a lie injected.

If you want to defeat the polytheist and zionist shiism and the other infidels' attacks on Islam completely, then you MUST FIRST remove the invented garbage from the vast collections of Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).  Otherwise, it's the same old cycle.

It's amazing that we have a great collection of amazing Prophecies by the Prophet, peace be upon him, and wonderful wisdoms and morality in his Hadiths, and at the same time, we have this poison injected by the infidels on him and on some of his companions.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Hmmm...  So basically, I have mis-answered the whole entire thing!  LOL ;D.  Good thing I didn't include the Shias in this one.  I was very close to mentioning them right in "...since deception is a religion and a way of life for them...." hehehehehhe  ;D.

Honestly, I only responded by very briefly looking at the name of the article in the URL and doing a quick top-down look of the article :)

Thank you dear brother Egyptian for the valuable response.  I will insha'Allah add it to the website tonight.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

The article is called

"The Days of creation in the Quran, Literal or indefinate periods of times" from Answeringislam.

This seems to be a response to answering-christainity's article about this.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Thank you for the link.  If you go to this link:, and find Response #23, you'll find plenty of responses by several brothers.

Furthermore, the infidels have missed the Time Relativity Scientific Miracle that exists in the Glorious Quran.  They either missed it entirely, or they act like ignorant fools, since deception is a religion and a way of life for them.  This is how their pagan trinity stands on:

1-  False mistranslations.
2-  Deceptions and lies and deliberate mis-interpretations.

The Time Relativity Scientific Miracle in the Glorious Quran is found in the Main Section of the Scientific Miracles and Research:  The following links in the section should further help you, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing):

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

Checkout this beautiful and growing and desperately needed research for humanity: The Future of Prosthetics: Mind-Bending Robotic Arms.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

I will also be going into Medical School in October

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Perhaps you should get into this beautiful and growing and desperately needed research for humanity: The Future of Prosthetics: Mind-Bending Robotic Arms.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

I was browsing rebuttals on the sub-atomic particle miracle, and some people say God did not use the word Atom, but he used the word 'Ant'. How do we adress that?

I will also be going into Medical School in October, how can i be of use to this cause? What can i do to assist or help or research.

Is it possible to know how long it will take to learn Arabic - and can normal arabs understand the Quran, or do they need to do courses in Classical Arabic?

Lastly brother, as much as i agree with you on some of the scientific miracles, the big crunch miracle is not one i can agree with. It's not established science. Dark energy and the latest science says the universe will expand forever. Should we really attribute that to Allah swt.?

 May you be rewarded for your time (don't feel obliged to answer this right away, i understand you are doing good work and have other duties)

As'salamu Alaikum dear Brother,

May Allah Almighty bless in your future career and make you a very successful Doctor.  Ameen.

As atom and ant, that is a lie that the infidels made up dear brother.  Dharrah means atom.  Namlah means ant.  Dharrah was used, not Namlah.  You won't find "ant" in any English translation for Dharrah.  And by the way, I never myself used Dharrah as a Scientific Miracle.  I know some Muslims get ridiculous and want to turn everything into a Scientific Miracle, which ends up harming the cause.

As to the Cosmic Crunch, I believe this is a well established theory among Scientists.  Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran that when Judgement Day comes, the entire Universe will be folded as the paper scrolls are folded.  Please visit:  Now, whether we want to call this Cosmic Crunch or not, the name should be irrelevant :).

As to helping Islam with your career, I recommend reading Dr. Keith Moor's books on Embryology.  They're taught in Universities, and he is a renowned scientist.  He also wrote a book or booklet (it's a small book and I have it) on the Embryological Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  Please visit:  I have also scanned and posted several of his images that he referenced.  So perhaps, you can further expand on this research, dear brother, insha'Allah.

The following links should also help, insha'Allah:

As to Arabic, I believe your college should have courses on it.  Like any other language, dear brother, it requires time and dedication.  If you can learn to at least read Arabic, then insha'Allah you'll find my research in this article very valuable, because 7 dictionaries were used, and ample definitions in Arabic were provided that demonstrated the words' meanings and uses.  And the Arabic was translated into English for the reader to be able to follow.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care dear brother,
Osama Abdallah

I think most of us, if a random person came up to us and said "What is your religion?" we'd all reply "Muslim".

And Allah Almighty responded to this in the Glorious Quran, dear brothers Tanveer and Reza:

[006:021]  And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against ALLAH or treat HIS Signs as lies ? Surely the unjust shall not prosper.

[006:022]  And think of the day when WE shall gather them all together; then shall WE say to those who associated partners with ALLAH, `Where are the partners you spoke of - those whom you asserted ?'

[006:023]  Then they will have no excuse save that they shall say, `By ALLAH, our Lord, we were not idolaters.'

[006:024]  See how they shall lie against themselves. And that which they fabricated shall fail them.

[006:025]  And among them are some who give ear to thee; but WE have put veils on their hearts, that they should not understand, and deafness in their ears. And even if they see every Sign, they would not believe therein, so much so that when they come to thee, disputing with thee, those who disbelieve say, `This is nothing but fables of the ancients.'

[006:026]  And they forbid others to believe in it and themselves too they keep away from it. And they ruin none but their ownselves; only they perceive not.


Noble Verse 6:25 makes it clear that these Noble Verses are speaking about pagans AND MUSLIMS (fake Muslims that is who make partners with Allah Almighty).  Just about 90% of shias today don't directly call unto Allah Almighty directly.  Their false cult and religion would crumble into its own self, and self refute itself, if it's not different from the real Islam, which is our Islam.  And yes, the Prophet was a Sunni Muslim.  As a Muslim, it is compulsory upon you to not just following the Holy Quran, but also the Sunnah of the Prophet.

You've all seen above how this satanic and zionist shia religion has even its own Kaaba.  Karbala is Mecca (Makkah) to them.  And like I said, they don't call unto Allah Almighty directly.  Their top scholars ON THEIR TV CHANNELS clearly say that by the wholesale!  Visit the links below and watch the videos.

All Muslims have to wake up and reject shiism.  It's a zionist religion, and its latest and greatest UPCOMING MAHDI book is now being prepared in Tel Aviv.  And their false mahdi will soon appear from Iran.  These people ARE FAKE!!  They're not Muslims.  Stop this garbage about that if a person says he's Muslim then who are we to judge.  The Holy Quran is clear that actions speak louder than words.  He can bark "I am Muslim" all day long.  But if his actions are polytheistic, then he is not Muslim!  Most Shias are not Muslims to me, and shiism as a whole is a zionist conspiracy.  All objective Shias must leave and reject AND FIGHT this false religion.

Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

sometimes i see on TV that Palestinian Muslims are still praying towards Masjidul Aqsa

didn't Allah(SWT) ordered all the Muslims to pray towards Mecca?

They don't.  They never did and never do, dear brother.  I also happen to be a Palestinian myself.  All Muslims (polytheist shias excluded; they're not Muslims) Pray to Allah Almighty in the direction of (not to) the Kaaba, which is in Mecca (Makkah).  The polytheist shias have their own Kaaba in Karbala.  Here is a video of it:  This is another proof and reason why the filthy Shias are poison to Islam.  They're not just enemies to Islam.  But they're also poison.  They insist on corrupting everything about Islam.  All Sunni Muslims, who are the real and Mainstream Islam, MUST WAKE UP and flush the zionist shiism down the toilet where it belongs!

Muslims are the Original Believers of GOD Almighty.  Islam is the Original Faith of GOD Almighty.  All of the Bible's Prophets, including Jesus, also Prayed to GOD Almighty the Muslims' way.  Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

May Allah swt forgive me. Brother can i ask you about the Cattle miracle i.e modification ? I was reading tafseer on that verse and apparently, the verse only talks about the idolators slitting the cattle to offer them to Gods or make them Gods(forgot what it was) but the tafseer did not mention and GM process.

How can we be sure the verse is not talking about that, and is talking about people actually changing the creation of Allah genetically, rather than just slitting their ears to offer them to Gods or as a pagan worshipping ritual?

I was browsing rebuttals on the sub-atomic particle miracle, and some people say God did not use the word Atom, but he used the word 'Ant'. How do we adress that?

Excellent question and topic that you raise, dear brother!  I get this nonsense from Sunnies every once in a while, and it goes similar to the following:

"If Ibn Abbas (or ibn Kathir, or Jalalyn, or Nawawi, etc...) didn't interpret the Noble Verse like you did, then what makes YOUR interpretation valid?  Why should we believe you??"

My Response:

1-  Let us stop being computerized robots and use our GOD-given brains.  This time is our age, and the Holy Quran NOW belongs to our time, and not the time of the pious people of old, who lived 1000+ years before us.

2-  The Noble Verse Itself gives the clear Prophecy about satan and his battle with mankind.  Let us read It:


[004:119]  `And assuredly I will lead them astray and assuredly I will arouse in them vain desires, and assuredly I will incite them and they will cut the ears of cattle; and assuredly I will incite them and they will alter ALLAH's creation فليغيرن خلق الله.' And whoever takes Satan for a friend instead of ALLAH, he certainly suffers a manifest loss.

Question:  Do you see any pagan rituals mentioned in this Noble Verse?  No.  The pagan rituals was an interpretation by the pious Scholars of old, may Allah Almighty send His Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon them all.

Notice the Prophecy:  ALTER ALLAH'S CREATION (فليغيرن خلق الله)!  Ask any Arab, Muslim or non-Muslim about the Arabic Word here (فليغيرن).  If he denies that the Word means to fundamentally change or modify something, or to make a big alteration, then know that he is a liar from Hell!  The context is crystal clear, and the magnitude of the Word is also big:

(a)-  To alter the creations of GOD!  The alteration here is not minor.  It's major!  Otherwise, Allah Almighty would not have spoken this Noble Verse in this context.

(b)-  The alteration of GOD Almighty's creations is an encompassing one to many if not ALL of the creations of GOD Almighty that humans have control over.

(c)-  Why is the statement encompassing and vast?  Because it says "TO ALTER THE CREATIONS OF GOD!".

Cloning Today:

I don't wish to elaborate too much on this point here, because I've done this very thoroughly at:  I just want to make the following brief points:

1-  Cloning did indeed start with the slitting or cutting of the cattles' ears.  That is a confirmed fact from Western Government and Scientific Websites that I quoted and posted in the article.

2-  The ear is the favorite part of the body for extracting somatic cells for cloning.  This is what the Western Scientists said, and not me.  AND GET THIS:  This is the part that they used to do their first clone!

3-  Man has indeed successfully cloned cattles (ALTERED ALLAH'S CREATIONS), and he did it with the slitting of the ear.  And it's going to get worse and worse from here on. 

4-  Satan wants to mock Allah Almighty's Human-Creation.  The reason for this is because WE were the cause of his curse and his doom.  His rejection to bow down under our feet is what doomed him.  So in return, he wants to make a complete mockery out of this very creation that caused his doom.

I ask you and ask everyone here in the Holy Name of GOD Almighty, what does Ibn Abbas' and Ibn Kathir's interpretations have to do with our age today, and with the Quranic Prophecies that are being fulfilled before our naked eyes in our age today?  They existed well beyond 1000 years before us.  Why do the deniers and the slaves of these people (and these pious scholars are innocents from them) insist on denying the Glorious Quran's Miracles and Prophecies, today, when they are indisputably Miraculous?

Again, please visit: to see the Great Miracles of the Glorious Quran.

The Miracle is clear.  This one example here is a STUNNING Prophecy that had been fulfilled.  It was made for US today.  And I believe It is an End of Time Prophecy.  It's a Sign for the Hour, from among many many Signs that were told in the Glorious Quran and the Hadiths.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

And one more point.  I am concerned about your statement that the guy's video (a very shallow and absurd video that didn't even give one example) has casted doubts in your heart.  Instead of being a weak leaf that gets tossed and shaken by any wind, why don't you strengthen your Beliefs by digging deeper into this topic and settle this for yourself once and for all?

I mean, if this absurd video shook you, then you have a problem, my dear brother.  I am not trying to insult you.  I am only advising you.  Please visit: and see the Miracles for yourself.  And believe me, this section will only grow, insha'Allah.

And instead of listening to people speaking general nonsense with not one single example, like the guy did in his video, why don't you, dear brother, post specific questions and specific examples that we can all examine and grill and test to see whether Islam is True or false in it?  That will be much better for you, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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