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Assalam alykam can some one with good knowledge refute this

We have seen all of these points before. That article brings nothing new.

I will respond to SOME of his arguments just in case. I will not respond to any Hadith nonsense. Hadiths are false by definition.

The Qur'an cannot be trusted because it contains numerous "divinely inspired" contradictions.  If God has a history of abrogating (changing) his own revelations as is done in the Qur'an, then how can we be certain he will not abrogate it again in the future?  If Allah can abrogate his eternal speech, how can you trust him with your eternal soul? 

There is not a single contradiction in the Quran.

Allah does abrogate his own revelations and his laws. Hello? The bible came with Jesus changing the law...

In ALlah's eternal speech is that he would abrogate scripture. So if he says that new prophets will come and abrogate scriptures, then that is exactly what is going to happen.

I trust Allah with my eternal soul. If in any event, Allah wants me to cease to exist--I will remain in submission.

Islam claims that Allah is the same God who was revealed in the Bible. . . .  then if the Bible and the Qur'an have differing views of God, then Islam's claim is false.  Don't forget that Muhammad claimed in Suras 2:87, 29:46, 32:23, 5:44, 6:154, 6:155 that Allah confirmed the Torah (Taurat) and Christian Gospel (Injeel) (Surah 2:87, 5:46, 5:68, 29:46 and 43:63).  So, if the Torah and Gospel are correct, all the errors in the Qur'an shown below make the Qur'an false.

Allah is also the same God who has sent numerous messengers during humanity BEFORE the bible. Then, people corrupt his word. That happened in the bible.

The disturbing thing to notice is that it is coming from those who claim to be reading the Quran "carefully". Lets get one thing out of the way, since their claim mirrors the Orientalist's claim that Quran does not say that previous scriptures are in a corrupted state, let us see what the Quran actually says.  Here is the verse which clearly says that the Children of Israel يحرفون twist/distort/corrupt and forgot the words of the Dhikr and if we read the very next verse it says exactly the same thing about the Christians.

So for their breaking of the covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard. They distort (يحرفون) words from their proper places usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded. And you will still observe deceit among them, except a few of them. But pardon them and overlook [their misdeeds]. Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good. Quran 5:13

So what exactly is the Dhikr in both Quran 5:13 and 5:14 which was forgotten and whose words were moved from its places?

And Quran 5:15 just nails it :) Quran 5:15 O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.

If concealing and rearranging parts of the scripture is not corrupting it then what is?

 After the above verses are brought to one's attention, if one still keeps on insisting that these verses are not enough or the more illogical position that they are not referring to the Towrah and Injil just because the words Towrah and Injil are not used then it will be easy to conclude that it is nothing but a case of intellectual dishonesty, especially when the whole narration has to do with Children of Israel.

Actually you don't need quotes from the Quran to prove that the previous scriptures are tampered with and thus corrupted. As far as evidence of Quran being the very word of God goes, there is plenty. Just because somebody hasn't taken the trouble to discover it doesn't mean it is not there by the truckload. Both positions can be independently verified by applying the test of non-contradiction, a Quranic standard.

Its clear that the Quran is referring to the real Torah and the real bible (Nt).

   Even after Allah confirmed the Torah and Gospel, Islamic Mullahs and Imams have tried to sell the lie that the Christian Gospels and Jewish Torah have been corrupted.

We don't need Islamic Imams to tell us the corruption. The evidence speaks for itself. No two manuscripts are the same....The NIV removes verses from the bible that they found out are corrupted. If we don't have all the ancient manuscripts, how do we know that the corruptions are accounted for?


Muslims should note that nowhere in the Qur'an there is even a suggestion that the Christian Biblical text has been altered or corrupted. The word "tahrif" is never used with reference to the Christian Gospels (Injil). The Qur'an occasionally accuses the Jews of altering their Scripture (like in Surah 5:13); but it never levels this accusation at Christians. It in no way implies that the text of the Gospel of Jesus (Injil) has been corrupted.  In fact, the Qur'an attests to the validity of the Christian Gospels, Zabur (Psalms)  and the Torah.

Intellectual dishonesty alert.  Never levels the accusation at Christians? It should be noted that the people of Israels religions include Christianity and Judaism. So the Quranic verse refers to both religions.

The Quran attests to the validity of the original Gospels, Zabur and Torah.

The Qur'an is not an authentic book or revelation.  Much of the Qur'an was copied from early Christian texts.  Mr. Luxenberg has traced the passages in the Qur'an dealing with "paradise" to a Christian text called Hymns of Paradise by a fourth-century author. Mr. Luxenberg said the word paradise was derived from the Aramaic word for garden and all the descriptions of paradise described it as a garden of flowing waters, abundant fruits and white raisins, a prized delicacy in the ancient Near East. In this context, white raisins, mentioned often as hur, Mr. Luxenberg said, makes more sense than a reward of sexual favors.

1.) I'd like to see that evidence, but irrespective of it:
2.) Indeed the Quran brings forth previous things in which Allah has revealed. Remember that Allah has sent revelations to many nations and he has therefore disclosed information from them. So does it make sense that some things in the past revelations come again in the Quran? Of course.

Muslims have no choice but to believe in the Christian Bible and the Apostles who wrote it.  The Qur'an forbids anyone, on pain of shameful punishment, from making distinctions between the authority of the apostles and prophets of God, or from choosing between God's words. No one is permitted to believe in part and reject a part. Those who presume to do so, it says, are infidels in reality (Suras 4:150-152; 2:89; 42:13-15; 29:46-47).  See Christian Bible references to who Jesus really is: here

Who is he talking about?

This Surah below shows how Muhammad had a complete misunderstanding of the Christian Gospel, and what the Trinity is.  Apparently, Muhammad is referring to Christians.  But his error here is that both Christians and Jews believe there is only One God.  Muhammad also mistakenly thought the Trinity was the Father, Son and Mother (Mary).
- Surah 5:73-75, They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three...   

Quran 4:150-152 Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allah and His messengers and say, We believe in some and disbelieve in others, and wish to adopt a way in between. Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. But they who believe in Allah and His messengers and do not discriminate between any of them - to those He is going to give their rewards. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.

Common sense: The Quran tells you that the Quran came to restore the original message and remind (Dhikr) you of the original message and it explicitly told you that the previous scriptures are corrupted. So what does that mean? That means the Quran contains the message of those prophets in this book. It restored the message.

This verse here is clear that you cannot disbelieve in Allah and his messengers as per Quran and say we believe some parts of the Quran and disbelieve in others. In fact that is what Jews and Christians do when they debate. They both share scripture, but they say I believe in this and I don't believe in that...

Further, there are Christians who worship Mary....Catholics. Also the  <--the Choloridians also worshiped Mary...

You deny Jesus when you do not follow His teachings, such as He is the only way to the Father and salvation.  You deny Jesus when you do not make Him the center of your life.  Jesus of Nazareth is the Jewish Messiah foretold thousands of years before His arrival (see here) by numerous Prophets of God.  Jesus led a sinless life.  And only Jesus, the Son of the Father is the awaited Christ and mediator between you and the Father.

Are we who is denying his teachings or are you, the one who is following a corrupted scripture.

Jesus is NOT and will never be the center of my life. Allah is and will forever be. Jesus himself glorified God. That means he wants you to glorify God, not Jesus.

Muslims are wrongly taught about the Trinity.  The Trinity has nothing to do with how many gods there are. It only has to do with Gods nature and the three persons/natures that make up the one God.  Christians know there is only one God, but this God has 3 persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).  This is a mystery.  Can a dog understand the nature of man?  Likewise, we only have proofs of God's three natures.  God is spirit and light.  God's Holy Spirit is present in all places at once.

The trinity is not biblical. It is a doctrine fueled by excuse making.

Even the jews caught you on this nonsense:

Muhammad didn't do a miracle therefore he is not a prophet

The Quran is a miracle of the prophet. indeed the prophet was nothing more than a Human.

  In many places, the Quran alludes to the fact that the earth is flat and its mountains are like poles which create a balance so that the Earth does not tilt. See Qur'an, Suras 79:30 (And the Earth after that He(Allah) FLATTENED it.; and 18:47 (and you will see the earth a leveled plain).

This has been shown MANY times in many sites to be false. Not even worth my effort

It is He Who made the sun to be a shining brightness and THE MOON TO BE A LIGHT, and measured out stages for her; that you might know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise did Allah create this but in truth. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand." The Arabic word Qamara means Moon and NUR means LIGHT. Al-Qamara means The Moon. Surah 10:5 CLEARLY says ALLAH MADE THE MOON A LIGHT.

In this verse, Allah calls the sun a lamp.  Meaning it uses fuel to generate light. It says the moon is just a light. Is the moon a light when you look at it, yes. It reflects photons therefore it is lit. Not a hard concept to understand.

The Qur'an teaches that the sun sets into a Muddy Spring on earth.

This was covered extensively, I don't even need to address it. Just re-read the verse, you don't need to be a genius. "He found it", he perceived it, he saw it setting in a muddy spring. If this verse said the sun set in a muddy spring, then it is contradiction.

In the Qur'an where Allah speaks, he says We, Us, Our over 100 times!... Showing again and again that God is not a single person, but several persons in one divine being:

Ignorance to a new level. Its called the royal plural.

Conclusion: I'm sorry for not going over everything. Its not worth my time nor anyone else's time. Ignorance is to a new level and arrogance is to a new level in this article. Much intellectual dishonesty displayed here. This article brings nothing new.


Brother Isa, please post anything that gives you a problem/misunderstanding with the article and we could clear that up for you!

« on: November 19, 2013, 12:32:42 AM »
Thank you everyone for clearing that up.

Brother Osama, through the context, I now understand what you mean.

Thank you very much!

I also have a question about 5:33, does it really translate to the "Outher limits'' of the universe? Or does it just say pass through the regions/vastness of the heavens/earth?

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Everything created in pairs
« on: November 19, 2013, 12:20:42 AM »
Well Allah created everything in the first place, so creation is in pairs.

I also wanted to point out that science testifies to this. Every particle has an anti-particle. If things are made of particles, then those particles have an anti-particle and therefore are in pairs:

^There are many more links

Theoretically, for every known particle there is an anti-particle. But bosons are their own antiparticle. So if a particle isn't in a physical pair it is still its own antiparticle--in pairs.

This is actually an interesting topic. Its amazing.

« on: November 17, 2013, 11:57:12 PM »
The verse in question is: [055:037]  When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint.

This verse was applied to a nebula and how it appears like a rose like paint. The problem is, a nebula is a Star exploding! Not the universe/sky breaking.

Why is this verse attributed to nebula. I can't see the connection.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 17, 2013, 10:50:26 PM »

Why do you keep forwarding me to this website? I checked it again, all I saw is you posting everything I said here to get a second opinion. But I didn't see much relevance to Evolution. All I see is that you are stuck on hadiths again...As if the interpretation of the Quran is dependent on Hadiths. Has the Quran (the complete authority) said that it wasn't clear enough so that hadiths are needed for understanding? NO! The Quran said quite the opposite.

Indeed the Quran tells us of people like you:

[Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.

Are the hadiths you uphold baseless, why?

1.) The majority contradict Science and reality (unless you wanna say that you should dip your fly in the drink twice or that on the 6th day of Friday afternoon Allah created humans).
2.) The method of hadith collection is not a perfect science (We have seen mistakes in Sahih hadiths in which we now say are not from the prophet)
3.) Internal contradictions exist within ''sahih'' hadiths (We all testify to this)
4.) The Quran tells you to not follow any other hadith except the Quran. (MANY MANY times did the Quran tell you that it is the only truth).

Do they divert others from the path of God?

Yes they do, because people understand the fact of evolution in which hadiths contradict. Muslims then force a hadith interpretation to the Quran that is rather contradictory to the Quran and reality and is dishonest. A fair and honest reading of the Quran brings you in support of evolution. Excuse making brings you in support of the hadiths.

Indeed the Quran tells us to obey the messenger. But what is the messenger's SOLE duty:

"And obey God and obey the messenger and be cautious; but if you turn back, then know that the sole duty of the messenger is the deliverance (of the message)" 5:92

"And obey God and obey the messenger, but if you turn back, then upon Our messenger is the sole duty of the clear delivery (of the message)" 64:12 deliver the message.

Here is the logic:

Premise one: We must obey the messenger
Premise two: The messenger's sole duty is the deliver the message (the message is in verses of the Quran as the Quran also states, the Quran does not say the message is also the oral hadiths)

Conclusion: Therefore we must only obey the message (Quran) in which the messenger has came with.

"Say (O Muhammad), "What is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is witness between me and you that this Quran has been inspired to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches." 6:19

This testimony which God describes as "Akbar Shahada" (the Greatest Testimony) commands Muhammad to testify that He received the Quran from God. This testimony speaks of only one revelation received by Muhammad from God which is the Quran. If Muhammad truly received other revelations from God (other than the Quran), would we not find any mention of it in the Quran? Would God hide the fact that He gave Muhammad a revelation independent of the Quran and then command us to obey it?

You see that: A completely honest interpretation of the Quran. No excuse making, nothing but the Quran explaining itself. If Allah, the all knowing, all mighty creator wanted you to follow those Hadiths, why didn't he specifically tell us to follow things outside of the Quran? Why did he tell us exactly the opposite.

I bring you the last point, when Allah says that he created humans in stages, it means that he created humans in doesn't get any more of an honest translation.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 16, 2013, 05:01:55 PM »
We've already gone through that and I'm not doing it again considering that I kept posting certain points over 5 times and you never addressed them . When it comes to evolution , it is you who fails to show a single sign in Quran supporting this ideology . Trying to push your way through saying I'm dishonest and that the signs are "clear" means nothing . Otherwise , you really need to check your eyes so that you can redefine "clear" .

I'm not sure what points you are talking about. I addressed all points until I decided we will go back to discussing Hadiths after evolution.

Not only were you dishonest in saying that I have failed to show a single sign in the Quran, you deny your own dishonesty.

There is no debate here. In fact let me just post another verse from the plethora of verses I have to support my point. Indeed Allah, the creator of the worlds, has put those verses in the Quran for a reason and that reason is that those verses be understood once science progresses. Here is one:

Quran 82:7 O Mankind....Who created you, then proportioned you, then balanced you? (Remember that the proportioning and balancing ALSO applies to Adam as other verses say it does)

Look at that. It is summarizing and separating 3 major stages in creation. This verse is further supporting the Quranic verse that states creation is in stages ((Quran 71:14)  God created you in diverse stages) . Look at how it mirrors the basic idea of Evolution. Then you say that Evolution is not supported in the Quran.

But, no. You like to spread the falsehood that diverts those from Islam and say that the Quran contradicts evolution. You are harming the religion of God despite its clarity. There is a reason those verses were worded that way.

I hope you can address my points. We seek knowledge and truth, we do not seek to say that "I am right and you are wrong". I seek truth. I don't see that in your arguments.
A big bluff really . Look who's talking . I do this because I won't stand aside while someone tries to alter what's in Islam in order to please his personal liking or that of others . The matter with you is "I'm right and the whole Islamic nation ever since it was founded is wrong" . No room for comparison really .

You are altering what is in the Quran in order to please your personal liking. Hello? I'm simply posting Quranic verses and you are making excuses. And I keep showing you that those excuses are invalid. This is incompetence to a new level, not only that you say things like "I've already discussed" even though we both know you didn't and neither have you discussed well. The evidence in the Quran is too strong. It only takes dishonesty to deny such clear verses. An honest and straightforward interpretation of the Quran brings you to believe in Evolution.


Further, you commit the fallacy of appealing to tradition and the appeal to popular belief.

Think about it for a second. Allah is all knowing and he puts a Quran to 7th century people. It is obvious and understandable that they would interpret the Quran differently than we would because they don't have the scientific knowledge to apply those Quranic verses to. But, you appeal to that 7th century ignorance, you appeal to the fradulent way in which they understood the Quran, even as I show you how its true. 

Your tactic so far is this;

1.) I present a Quranic verse showing evolution
2.)You make an excuse
3.)I refute your excuse in light of other Quranic verses
4.) then when I ask you to refute my arguments, you say "I already addressed it".

This isn't a rational way to debate. This is incompetence, this nonsense needs to stop.

I still urge you to address my arguments.
I seek knowledge and you should too, I do not seek anything but the truth. If this is a bluff to you, then I'm sorry for being to reasonable for you to handle.

Stop spreading this falsehood and stop diverting people from the path of God. This anti-evolution nonsense needs to stop. The Quran is not against and there is WAAY more than just a casual reference/hint to evolution in the Quran!

« on: November 15, 2013, 07:10:42 PM »

  '' It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming.''(36:40)

 Okay, why Quran says ''It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon...''? Sun can't only overtake moon but also Earth and other planets. Does it mean that sun and moon's orbit is same? And what's the meaning of night and day orbit? Both take place on Earth. They don't have any orbit.

 In some translations I find ''''....but each, in an orbit, is swimming.....'' while in some I find, ''...but each travelling in its own orbit.....''. Which one is correct?

Because the physical laws in which Allah has put in place for the sun and moon do not allow them to intersect in their orbits.

The verse simply means that the sun and the moon are in an Oribit--and they are. If the Quran has said that they are in an Orbit around the earth that is a contradiction, isn't it amazing how the Quran avoided that so that it simultaneously supported 7th century ignorance as well as modern understanding? Its AMAZING!

Side note: Remember Allah creates a self-sustaining universe with laws, this therefore makes him the sustainer

(Quran 41:10-11) and He blessed it and determined therein its sustenance in four days without distinction - for [the information] of those who ask. Then He directed Himself to the heaven and it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being]

^In here you see that Allah has determined all the sustenance of the Earth to be 4 days, then (after he determined the sustenance) he made the heavens and the earth to come into existence. So here is a case in which the sustenance of the Earth was determined before the creation of the Earth. In other words, Allah created a self-sustaining world which therefore makes him the sustainer of the world.

Here is another verse that nails it:

(Quran 7:54) He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!

^Everything is governed by Allah laws. This Makes Allah the Sustainer. He set the laws in motion in a self-sustaining world and therefore he is the sustainer. This verse clearly says that whatever exists in the universe is governed by laws under his command and because of that Allah is the sustainer of the worlds.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:02:16 PM »
Case closed . I really hoped that you would have some humbleness and admit even one mistake of what you make . But your overconfidence and glorifying of yourself seems to be a difficult obstacle .
((And he turned away from them and said, "O my people, I had certainly conveyed to you the message of my Lord and advised you, but you do not like advisors."))

Same goes to you.

I have made mistakes, but, in this debate I know I have provided great reasoning with great Quranic support.

You did indeed correct me on a few things, lets not forget them:

1.) That we are not to blindly reject Hadiths as they may have some truth
2.) The word "ahsana" can be translated as "good" as well as "better''.

The verses you post can be used to talk about you as well :)

I have not seen a good point in which the Quran rejects the idea of evolution. In fact, this was your weakest argument. You have made good arguments when it comes to hadiths that I hope we will address later, but the evolution arguments were very weak with tons of excuse making.

I hope you can address my points. We seek knowledge and truth, we do not seek to say that "I am right and you are wrong". I seek truth. I don't see that in your arguments.

This website is a really strong and really valid website in which a unitarian Christian wrote! He is a genius and is very knowledgeable. His work is beautiful and it is rational!

If anyone will debate a trinitarian, this website provides you with other things you may have missed or didn't address!

Also visit his youtube Channel he does a FINE Job!


GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 14, 2013, 08:28:32 PM »
I already told you linckin , I did what I have to do . Your last post only repeats the last points . And none is better than Quran in saying this :
((And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve."))

If you wish to remain stubborn in a clear Quran, then Indeed I will let you disbelieve in the Quran.

It was not repeats of the last points, it was clarifying your misunderstanding and a provision of different other points to further bring out my points. The Quran is clear, I simply don't like it when you use a rhetorical gain. So to relive this gain, I will summarize the debate:

Here is the summary of our debate:

Your points:
-Evolution is a lie not supported by the Quran because:

-The hadiths say otherwise (even though they reflect 7th century ignorant interpretations of a Quran)
-Quran 32:7-9 is not taking about steps of human creation (although it is clear)
-Quran 32:7-9 uses the word Ahsana which doesn't have to mean "better" and could mean Good (I have shown you that it doesn't matter because the context of the verse says the same thing and can still mean better and in fact applying it to Quran 40:64 makes more sense to use 'better', even the sahin international translation even supports the translation 'better')
-Even though the Quran says that we were created in stages, that only applies to embryology (It doesn't, as science and the Quran itself has told us how Adam's creation was not instant and involved stages)

Do you get why I don't support your view? It is because of All of your excuse is because of you forcing a hadith interpretation of the Quran despite the contradiction it creates with the Quran and reality.

« on: November 13, 2013, 01:59:31 PM »
Thank you for your efforts bro!

May Allah increase your faith and happiness in the hereafter.

I love the blog, I think it would be beneficial to include some misunderstanding about a Quranic verse

Many misunderstand and misrepresent this verse:

Quran 3:106 On the Day [some] faces will turn white and [some] faces will turn black. As for those whose faces turn black, [to them it will be said], "Did you disbelieve after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you used to reject."

No here is the problem brother.

There is no Dajjal as per Quran. Why would hadiths have something else besides the Quran once the Quran has told you it is fully detailed in religious matters?

How did this Dajjal story get into the Hadiths? By ancient Jewish/Christians who converted to Islam.

You have hadiths telling the fradulent biblical story that Eve was created from Adam's rib...You have hadiths telling the fradulent biblical story that Allah created humans on Friday and on saturday he did something else. These are not Quranic. Those are based off of the bible. Its a shame that biblical corruption has reached Islamic teachings.

The whole point is to not trust hadiths. They may contain some truth in them, but you simply cannot accept hadiths that deviate from the Quranic saying.

As for the book of revelations and many bible prophecies, Christians have been saying many many things about it. If there is a dajjal/antichrist, then this person applies to any leader. For example, some say that Barack Obama is the anti-Christ. It is just nonsense upon nonsense.

Imam Mahdi? Seriously, biblical corruption is so much like hadith corruption. Imam Mahdi will come and we will follow him. Lets imagine that Hadiths can get corrupted (they CAN, we have seen it), why wouldn't someone like Satan corrupt them and make Imam Mahdi be the good guy for example? The Quran is the book to follow.

SO which side do I take, biblical or hadith? Neither. I take the Quran and I follow whichever leader supports my book. Leave it at that. None of that end of the world dajjal nonsense which originates from Christianity. Perhaps some Christian Hypocrite may have even wanted to make Imam Mahdi purposely the Christian version of the Anti-Christ and corrupted Hadiths...How can we know if hadiths have so many contradictions.

Its because of Hadiths we get the 72 virgins lie. It is because of hadiths we get 6 literal day creationist Muslims. It is because of hadiths we get evolution deniers.

[Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.

[Quran 39:23] God has revealed herein the BEST HADITH; a book that is consistent and points out both ways (to heaven and hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for God's message. Such is God's guidance; he bestows it upon whomever He wills. As for those sent astray by God, nothing can guide them.

Lets take a look at this:

[Quran 4:82] ............If it were from other than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions.

If Hadiths were from God in their present state, we wouldn't find numerous contradictions. Yet we have contradictions among the sahih hadiths. Take a look:

Bible has contradictions in its present state = present state of the bible not from God.  Simple as that.

Muslim Creationist origin:

"Sahih" Muslim book 39 hadith 6707

Abu Haraira reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) took hold of my hands and said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, created the clay on Saturday and He created the mountains on Sunday and He created the trees on Monday and He created the things entailing labour on Tuesday and created light on Wednesday and lie caused the animals to spread on Thursday and created Adam (peace be upon him) after 'Asr on Friday; the last creation at the last hour of the hours of Friday, i.e. between afternoon and night.

Light was created after plants...hmm...where do we find this nonsense...Oh,yeah, the bible!

Why doesn't the Quran have this nonsense? Isn't that a strong thought? Yet Muslims blindly accept this crapshoot. Hadiths would remove the sect scene. No more shia, sunni etc. All Muslims unite in following ONE hadith--the Quran.

Quran Alone. God Alone.

Important note: Some hadiths may contain truth into them even through they have been passed down through generations orally. In which case, it is important to note that we should not blindly deny hadiths either. We should take them with a grain of salt and not base our faith in them. We must say that there may be some truth in them. If you have a hadith that completely supports the Quran and says exactly what the Quran says--you accept them. If you have hadiths that contradict the deny them. If you have hadiths that have something deviant from the Quran or says something 'new', you do not accept them, you look at them with a grain of salt!

Assalam alykam

christians try to disprove Muhammad's prophet saying there was no witness to him seeing jibraeel

how can i answer them

here are the verses they bring up

Matthew 18:16
But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'

Matthew 26:60
But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Finally two came forward

John 7:51
"Does our law condemn a man without first hearing him to find out what he has been doing?"

John 8:17
In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true.

2 Corinthians 13:1
This will be my third visit to you. "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses."

1 Timothy 5:19
Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses.

Hebrews 10:28
Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.

Of course no one witnessed the prophet seeing Gabriel. What exactly is their logical point?

That if no one witnessed it, it didn't happen? NO!

What people witnessed is that the prophet went to cave and then walked out speaking the miraculous Quran. That was a large witness and a big reason why many became Muslim. The miraculous nature of the Quran has been witnessed by many and is still being witnessed today. Now, Jesus' alleged crucifixion. Who was it witnessed by? 2-3 people 40-70 years after the event?? Is anyone witnessing it now?

Remember Allah does NOT give proof of his existence to people. He gives signs to people. Allah gives proof to the prophets because the prophets have a duty to share the message. People are here to get tested, prophets are here to give the message. ( I will explain later once I complete this blog:

No one witnessed God talking to Moses on Sinai and giving him the law.
No one witnessed Gabriel's talk to Mary before Jesus' birth.

Further, in the bible a few people are said to witness the crucifixion. So anyone could just have easily went and lied...

Watch more:

So how are we to know that the prophet Muhammad and Gabriel met? By observing and reflecting upon the Quran. We did not directly witness such an event. So we observe through the Quran. That is how science works. How do we know that macro-evolution occurred if we didn't directly witness it? We observe the signs and the evidence in nature and we make that derivation. How do we know the big-bang happened if we didn't directly witness it? We observe the signs in the universe and the evidence points to that. So how do we know the prophet and Gabriel met if we never directly witnessed it? We observe the signs in the Quran and how it cannot have been written by the prophet and we therefore say that it is miraculous and the prophet is a messenger and he met Gabriel. Further did you see the intense numerical accuracies in the Quran, please look that up.

Next: How do Christians know that Jesus got crucified? By observing and reflecting upon a historically corrupted bible that has many inconsistencies and has a huge major flaw:

Are they saying that there is no such thing as false witnesses? We have seen direct evidence of manuscript corruption in the bible.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 09, 2013, 08:10:51 PM »
After reading through most of your posts i favor brother Black Muslim. Brother Mclinkin94 you almost got me into thinking that Quran supported evolution. Brother Black Muslim your latest reply was perfect. Keep up the good work. But you guys should seriously consider keeping replies a bit short. It though for most of your readers to read Encyclopedias just to keep up with whats going on. Other than that you guys rock. All of you! Thank you.

You can choose which ever side you pick. I'm not forcing anyone to believe in evolution. But in order to keep your title as Muslim, you must say that Mankind (including Adam) was created in stages or through a process, not an instant creation.

All it really takes is one verse. As you know "Thumma" in Arabic means "then".

Quran 7:11 And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], THEN given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.

We were created in one form, THEN, Allah gave us human form. Don't forget this Applies to Adam. If the Quran wanted to say that Adam was created isntantly, as BlackMuslim pushes for, why would it say we and Adam were created then proportioned into shape? Further, if the Quran supports instant creation why would it say this twice:

Quran 40:64 Formed you then made your forms good/better.
Quran 64:3 Formed you then made your forms good/better.

Allah many times in the Quran has told us many types of creation and how everything was made through a process (Quran 32:7-9 is one example we used) on how the creation of the universe took 6 periods involving stages on how Allah spread out the creation of the universe and how Allah spread out the Earth and how Allah has given us stages in our embryological development. Why would Allah all of suddenly stop forming things by stages and decide to make humans instantly and without stages? Everything that was created was by stages, except humans? What exactly is your answer to that?

Even Jesus's creation--A miraculous birth similar to Adam (Quran 3:59)--involved stages.

How about the fact that the Quran has made it plainly clear that humans were created in stages:  (Quran 71:14)  God created you in stages and how the Quran highlights those stages as being embryology and evolutionary  (Quran 32:7-9, 35:11 etc.)

All of this this further proves the Quran when it says:
(Quran 71:14)  God created you in diverse stages

Indeed Allah is never short of words. When Allah says he created us in stages, we were created in stages..simple as that.


The worst part is, Islam supports evolution and mainstream Muslims don't. You have clear Quranic support of evolution and you have immense scientific evidence and support for evolution, yet mainstream Muslims deny...

This is an embarrassment to Islam, this is an embarrassment to the world. This is JUST as bad as 6 literal day creationists and the flat earth believers! And the worst part is, the Quran supports creation in many different stages involving improvement of species onto higher level organisms like humans!

Imagine all to potential faith seekers who were investigating Islam and then they are told  the lie that Islam does not support evolution and they stay away from religion. You divert them from the truth, from the true religion by making excuses to remove the Quranic support for evolution.

How can we look at the Quranic verses that say that we were formed and then our form was made good/better, , or that humanity succeeded others in the Earth or that humans grew from the earth progressively or how Allah has said that he began the creation of humans from the earth and highlighted the stages of human development or that the creation of humans involved different stages and then say that the Quran is against evolution....

You deny evolution with Quranic support and the immense scientific evidence pointing to it. This is nothing short of an embarrassment.

You divert others from the path of Islam by making this lie. If it weren't for those fradulent hadiths, we wouldn't have this problem. The Quran even addresses this nonsense mainstream Islam is adhering to:

[Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.

Muslims are diverting others from Islam (the path of God) without knowledge and uphold baseless hadith which has been thoroughly refuted by science and maintain no scientific support.

Shame on us....

Many people seek Islam, many people see the path of God..then when one fundamental scientific fact is denied by Muslims..they leave the path of God.

Shame on us...

May Allah forgive us all.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: November 09, 2013, 07:59:14 PM »
I'll make it quick and clear . The verb "Ahsana" in no world means to make something better where it's mentioned in Quran . If you ridicule the example of the sandwich , here's an Arabic one . "يا ولدي أحسن صنع هذه الجرة" = "O my son , make good this jar" . Your explanation is completely wrong . If the verb here means to be good at making the jar , or to make the jar in a good way . The jar doesn't even exist yet . He's "Yuhsinuha" while making it .

2 problems with your statement. First, explain why sahih international translated "Ahsana" as 'perfected' rather than good? Secondly, I have shown you in my previous post that irrespective of the translation the next verses either way show you that creation was made good through a process.

Further, look at the embryology verses:

(Quran 23:14) Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah , the best of creators.

This, "new" creation, what is it compared to the others? IT was perfected, it was made better, it was proportioned.

So if you said: Oh brother, make good this jar. It could mean improve it, or build it good. But if you say: Make good this jar and begin its creation. Then you should put the molten glass into a tube and then wet the tube to make the jar and cover it up with the lid. What exactly just happened? You made the Jar good through a process.

What if I say, that I have made the sandwich then I have made it good (as compared to how Allah said in 40:64 and 7:11). What did I do to that sandwhich? I made it better than its original. Now imagine, the word for 'made it good' can be validly translated as 'made it better' (as we have seen the Arabic word 'ahsana' can mean both). Which translation would you chose? Which translation makes more sense?

Indeed , I made a wrong choice of words . Father Adam - and not your buddy "Adam" - was formed out of the clay of Earth . STILL , I won't let you jump the gun and act like I admit evolution . The story of creating father Adam peace upon him is clear through Quran and Sunnah . Allah made him first of dust , then out of mud - dust with water - then out of clay - solid dry mud . And then a soul was poured into him . Iblees was ordered to bow down to him but refused out of arrogance . So he was cursed for and driven out of paradise . Father Adam and mother Hawwa peace upon the two of them lived in paradise comfortable and were ordered to not go near a certain tree or a type of a certain tree . Iblees provoked them into disobeying Allah and we know the rest . Nowhere is evolution mentioned .

We are debating whether humans were created gradually or not, read my previous posts. If the Quran says that humans were created gradually, then you can say that the basic idea of evolution (Gradual creation) is supported in the Quran. Then you could say that the Quran does not contradict evolution and you can be a Muslim believing evolution. Then you examine the science of evolution and determine whether it makes sense--you do this knowing that the Quran supports its basic idea.

 But, good you are getting closer to the truth. But you also missed my point. Adam was also proportioned..meaning he was made through a process...AFTER sexual reproduction. Re-read 32:7-9. Adam was proportioned AFTER Allah created sexual reproduction. That was my point that you completely overlooked.

Now, there is no Quranic indication that Adam was first made of dust then! Clay and dust are metaphorical, they both symbolize basic compounds from the earth. Allah uses clay and dust and earth interchangeably to denote the same thing. That hadith interpretation is just what the Muslims back then thought. Further you forgot many other points in the creation of Adam. Adam was proportioned.

But you missed another point of creation. Adam was also proportioned/created in a process.

(Quran 7:11) And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], THEN given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.

Further, you also missed a large mistake in one place:

(Quran 35:11) And Allah did create you from dust; then from a reproductive fluid; then He made you in pairs

We were made in pairs after reproductive fluid. That means that Adam and Eve the first pair, were made out of what?

Further you forgot another point:

(Quran 71:14)  God created you in stages

Stages explained at:

Quran 32:7 Who made good everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay.

This verse is linking the process creation being made good/better to the creation of mankind. This is implying that mankind was formed in the same manner. A process of making creation good/better (ahsana). Not only that, that verse also uses the word for "BEGAN", this further implies the process of making everything Allah created better. So the creation of man from earth began and Allah will make it better to complete the human

Quran 32:8 Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained..

The verse right after says that AFTER the beginning of the creation of man, sexual reproduction formed. This is an improvement. A process of making creation better.

Quran 32:9 Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.

After sexual reproduction, you got further proportioned (MADE BETTER!) and given higher consciousness (MADE BETTER!).

Remember, you just agreed that Quran 32:9's proportioning applies to Adam. So you must say that Adam was proportioned after sexual reproduction by sexual reproduction because Quran 32:9 used the word "then". In this case, you testify that Adam had a father. If Adam had a father and Adam is the human that resembled us in species and the first of our species, then you testify that Adam's father is not of the same form as Adam. His father was slightly different. If this is the case then you have just agreed with science!

(Note: Adam would be the father of the last group of humans who got sexually isolated from the other hominids).

Side note: the Quran affirms the existence of other hominids on earth before US!

Quran 10:13-14 And We had already destroyed generations before you when they wronged, and their messengers had come to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe. Thus do We recompense the criminal people. Then We made you successors in the Earth after them so that We may observe how you will do.

^This verse is addressing ALL of mankind. We ALL were successors after those criminal people in the Earth. To further prove this point:

Quran 2:30  when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successor[/u]

These two verses are complementary. Who were we succeeding in Quran 2:30? Other generations of hominids.

This is also further reiterated in this verse:

(Quran 6.133)  If He wills, he can do away with you and give succession after you to WHATEVER He wills, just as He produced you from the descendants of another people.

So in the end Quran 32:9 makes it clear that Adam (we) descended from something as he was born through sexual reproduction.

Further this verse explicitly calls Adam a descendant.

(Quran 3:33-34) "Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the worlds. DESCENDANTS, some of them from others. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing"


One may be inclined to question why no commentator of the Qur'an had in the past
written about any generation of "Mankind" living upon this earth before the creation of ADAM, in reference to the above quoted verses number10: 13 and 14 of the Qur'an?
"For every (revealed) tiding there is a term set for its fulfillment
and in time you will come to know." Qur'an 6: 67.

"Now they have denied (the Truth); but there will come unto them tidings of the reality whereat they used to scoff." Qur'an 26: 6. 
A reader who is influenced by the age old traditional beliefs and/or by the popular Biblical Story of Creation that has found its place within the HADITHS (e.g. a questionable narration attributed the Prophet and compiled by Muslim under #039.6707 which records; Allah began the creation with clay on Saturday and ended it with Adam on Friday after the noon-prayer), may reject all the earlier presented arguments and claim; Allah had Created ADAM at the same time or rather in the same week, that He created every thing on this Earth. He/she may have no interest in pursuing scientific discoveries which in reality Glorify the Qur'an and conclusively prove that the Qur'an is not a copy of the Jewish/Christian Testaments.

So when 40:64 says" Allah formed you and then made good your forms, it is absolutely referring to Adam as well.
Considering how I explained what "Ahsana" mean , this point holds no value .

I have already shown you that others say that Ahsana means to improve and I have shown you the lexicons and everything. But not only that I have even went with your translation to even show you how it even means. Fine, lets go with your translation (although I don't like it). Creation was made good...through a process. Still evolution was being pointed at.

So Quran 40:64 is IMPORTANT Because Adams form DID involve a process and WAS made better as I keep showing you verses about it.

I wasn't wiggling, I was demonstrating the problem with the english language not using the word "good" as a verb.
Fair enough . What would you say about the Arabic example ?

I say it doesn't matter, although I still like the translation of "better" better than "good". Either way, creation was made good/better through a process.

Further, irrespective of the translation, the verses after talk about HOW Allah made humans good--through a process. This is clearly showing that Allah is starting creation and then making it good/better. Quran 32:9 is the 'good' part. And it was better than the state of Quran 32:8 and that was a better state that he state of clay in 32:7.

Still with the fruit and tomatoes problem I see . I made my refutation to the underlined part . As for the rest , it's the same with sign 7 . You take it as that Allah couldn't make something perfect and needed to "evolve" it . Sign 8 says that the lineage - posterity - was later made out of measly water which is sperm . Evolution isn't mentioned here in anyway . All what the sign says is that after creating father Adam and mother Hawwa peace upon them , their children were then made to be born through the mentioned way . And if you try to oppose this and say "But the sign after it says that a soul was then blown into human so it can't mean the children" I'll need to correct you . It can . It can mean that after Allah made us to be born of the aforementioned way , we were to have souls poured in us and given our senses . And if it still means father Adam , still no evolution in the way you desire . It simply means that during forming father Adam - the way Quran and Sunnah say - Allah made his lineage to be formed in a different way than his own creation . In the end , no evolution .

It doesn't matter what Allah could or couldn't do, Allah creates in whatever manner he chooses and according to the Quranic verses, his creation involved a process. .

Further, this is an attempt from you to make the Quran conform to your pre-suppositions governed by hadiths. We have established that not all hadiths are true and we are to eliminate those who go against the Quran. So hadiths are constantly in question, we are not to just blindly abide by them. So please pretend you have never read any hadith before continuing. After all the Quran says it is fully detailed.

Yes verse 32:8 does say that posterity was made from semen. But you disregarded the verse right after it (Quran 32:9). AFTER sexual reproduction happened, we (including Adam) were proportioned and given higher intelligence. So this verse CANNOT be interpreted by saying that Only Adam's posterity was made from sperm. NO! Adam himself was made from it too! Notice the word THEN in Quran 32:9. After sexual reproduction, Allah then proportioned Adam/humans and given us higher intelligence.

Why do I say that Quran 32:9 also applies to Adam, because Adam was proportioned and given form and given hearing and sight and (as you said earlier) given part of God's spirit! That is what Quran 32:9 says. There is simply now way out of this. Proof that Adam was proportioned and given a soul:

(Quran 38:71-72) And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: I am going to create a human (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud. So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him.

(Quran 7:11) And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], then given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, Prostrate to Adam; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.

So you must conclude that Adam was created after sexual reproduction by sexual reproduction. Do you get it, sorry for the bad wording! I hope you can see my reasoning.

So in the end, yes, evolution. It was in-fact beautifully worded and it was perfectly ordered. That is exactly how it happened! Humans were formed from the Earth, after a while creatures were able to sexually reproduce, through sexual reproduction more variation was able to form and thus this allows the higher improvement of the creatures so that it develops higher intelligence! How ACCURATE this is is absolutely amazing! And you are desperately trying to take this miraculous verse and give it a different meaning besides its clear implication!

Allah BEGAN (bad'aa) the creation of humans. What does that by itself apply? By itself-it says that humanity was not an instant creation and involved stages! Further, I have researched this some more, many many arabic speakers even classical lexicons continue to agree that Ahsana used as a very means improved upon/perfected. Further it makes sense in the context of those verses. But I say again, irrespective of whether it means good/improved upon, it says that creation was made in stages.

Further there are many many verses that show that Humans (Adam included) were created from semen/embryo. This further proves my point:

(Quran 16:4) He created man from a sperm-drop;
(Quran 96:1-2) Recite in the name of your Lord who created, Created man from ALAQ

Is Allah ever short of words? He is clear, All of mankind was created from semen and ALAQ. This includes Adam.

Another point that proves my point:

(Quran 35:11) And Allah did create you from dust; then from a reproductive fluid; then He made you in pairs

Humanity was made in pairs AFTER reproductive fluid creation. Who was the first pair to be like us? Adam/Eve. They were created AFTER and from a reproductive fluid.

To further prove my point the Quran says that:

Quran 3:59 Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.

Was Jesus created instantly? NO. Even though Allah said "be and he was", Jesus was formed in the womb and developed as a baby. If this is similar to Adam, then Adam was created in stages too. Further, we also assert that Adam was also created in a womb. Further, we may also assert that Adam may have not had a father intervention. But either way, they were both created in stages.

So what does Allah mean in this verse when he says "Be and he was"? It seems to point to some kind of event happening at the womb, perhaps a genetic event, a mutation maybe? I'm not sure. We KNOW that Allah works through science, we observe it everyday.

But my point is, if Jesus' creation is that of Adam, and Jesus was created in stages, then Adam was too.

So there are 2 ways of interpreting that verse (32:7)

1.) Creation is Good (this verse is saying that Allah's creation is Good)
2.) Creation was made Good (This verse is not only saying Allah's creation is Good, but that it was made Good from its previous state--So everything that Allah has created, Allah has then made it Good.)

The question arises, which interpretation is best?

    The context of the verse which deals with the steps of creation and how it was made progressively better than the preceding stage tells us that interpretation 2 is best.
    The other quranic verses which mention that humans were made in stages, each stage more complex and better than the next (be it embryology of evolution) show to favor interpretation 2.
    The fact that the Quran didn't simply state that creation is Good is also another favor to interpretation 2
    Quran 40:64 and 64:3 say that we were formed and that form was then made good also favoring interpretation 2 of that verse

This is my rationale.
I'd have to say that your rationale isn't rational really . I already explained .

By simply saying that you already explained and then insulting my rationale that I newly mentioned to you, you really didn't do anything. Its like you read it, and then you just disregarded it. Explain again. This thing you did is just to gain rhetorical power. It may be good for you or others, but not for me.

I also used my brother's account to ask this question in Y/A. Many have further said that 'Ahsana' means to improve upon. So this also favors interpretation 2  ;);_ylt=AqWOQY04Rbwt86LHC.jFbcjAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20131106110058AAj2o8h
If you were really honest and looked at the other guy's answer , you wouldn't have said this . First of all I told you , saying "people agree with me" doesn't help you .

I looked at all answers. I never said people agree with me, firstly I showed you that sahih international worded this verse in a way that also supports me. You keep crying 'ignorance' whenever I make a point, so I simply showed you that I am not. If you even read further, you would have seen me say that both interprtations that "ahsana" either means creation is good or that creation was improved are valid because they are both valid meanings of the word. Further, I have shown the translation does not at all hinder Quranic support for gradual creation.

I keep repeating that irrespective of the translation it does not matter. Creation involved stages, simple as that. Read the verses after 32:7

It can mean to do a task well/best/perfect

which is what you totally ignore . Another answer says

Yes, more or less you are correct.
it is used in the Quran over and over again with this meaning attached to it.
it also is used to mean "who is better" i.e. "waman ahsanu"
meaning that the person doing this (whatever action the verse happens to be referring to, lots of verses say this) is among the best of people.
which means to make something "Better than others" . As in doing what you do better than what others would do . And the example he used goes according to what I just said . So no , he wasn't in agreement with you . And the one before the last one says

Close but not totally correct, make something better would mean hassana (same root)
ahsana would mean did a good job or did it well
it can also mean who is better. It depends on the sentence
which is 100% not in your favor !


Now you said that some of them are 100% not in my favor. Nope. Only one of the answers are not in my favor: This one would be to "reform".

The other ones work in my favor. Go back to the link. The best answer works to my favor. User: Runformylife has said that it could be used as a superlative. user:الأحبار, said that I am correct more or less--you said he is not in my favor, what? User: Radroud: (he is a Lebanese non-Muslim-good because he is unbaised) says that it may mean who is 'better'. So I have no idea how you said they are all against my favor. They all testify (except one) that it could carry the meaning of "better" or "improved upon". Further sahih international has used another valid translation of 'Ahsana' which means to improve upon. So we are both right.

But, for the 6th time, It does not matter. But, just so that you don't think you walked out with triumph and start going throwing a rhetorical bomb claiming I am a Kaffir, nonmuslim, ignorant, I must show you you are wrong again.. Many in that said that it means to do good, to be better, to improve upon or to make well. That is what they all said. What does that tell you? It tells you that Ahsana is a general word that either means to make good or make better. And I keep saying that either way, the Quran supports creation with a process. Made good or made better, they are both valid. I feel that judging by the context, better is the best translation. But, again, it simply does not matter and we really should have not been spending this much time on the same topic.

There are Muslims who follow their desires too . They are the same who deny the marriage of lady Aisha Allah be pleased of her because it doesn't suit their "tastes" . And no matter how much you prove to them that it's scientifically and historically OK , they'd still deny it because it's simply not going with what they like . Another example is of those who say that Jews and Christians will go to paradise because Allah is merciful . So yes , just being a Muslim doesn't mean a person never follows what he desires .

Another example is BlackMuslim who denies the Quran supports that humans were formed in stages so that he could follow his desires when the Quran plainly says:

(Quran 71:14)  God created you in diverse stages
(Quran 71:17) And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a [progressive] growth.
(Quran 64:3) He designed you THEN made your design better/good
(Quran 40:63) formed you THEN made your form better/good

And the verse that shows that Adam was proportioned:

(Quran 7:11) And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], THEN given you [human] form. THEN We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.

And then you have Quran 32:7-9 making it clear that humanity's creation had a process.

And then you say I am the one following my desires.

Well that explains a lot . Like how you try to defend evolution at all costs . You wanted to believe Islam is right but you didn't want to think of a second that just "MAYBE" evolution is wrong . For that reason , you try to make it look like Quran and this ideology are matching . Yeah , I know the type and know what it's like although I wasn't an Atheist neither have I been anything but a Muslim since I was born . Back then , I would hear a slander and an allegation against Islam , and because I don't know how to respond , because I didn't want to think much , I would just say "You're lying , there is no such thing in Islam" even if it was of its basis . That way of thinking is what makes some people deny the forbidding of pork . They hear that "scientists" proved pigs are clean - yeah right ! - and that Islam is wrong when it forbids it .

That is what we are debating. You completely misinterpreted what I said. I didn't want to become a muslim. You accused me of following my desires adn I show you that I do not. I follow what is rational. If I wanted to follow my desires, then I would have never been muslim.

Further, you interpretation is factually incorrect. You think you know me better than I do.

Scientists have not proved pigs are clean, they have proved that pigs raised in cleaner environments are cleaner.

1-two things that say the same thing are complimenting each other on that thing
2-The Quran says that creation was made good through a process (in 32:7-9)
3-Evolution says that creation was made more complex (good) through a process
Conclusion: The Quran and evolution are complimenting each other.

Excuse the wording, its very late..
Well , you just repeated the same thing I said you do ! After all this explaining of the meaning of "Ahsana" and how that evolution isn't mentioned anywhere , you still go from point 2 as if I wasn't just talking about point one .

You still simply don't get it! Ahsana could mean BOTH of those things--creation was improved or made good. It doesn't matter anyway. I have presented my reasoning why saying it is better translated as "better" through quranic context, and you haven't responded.

You made like some kind of false connection here. You say that by proving "Ahsana" can ONLY be interpreted as meaning "creation is good" (which is wrong, I have shown you a scholar interpretation and other opinions of the varying meanings of Ahsana), but you say that that hinders the Quranic teaching of evolution! Wrong!

Lets say it means "creation is good", what do the verses after say? That creation BEGAN and Allah made it Good and made it more complex!

This one was my mistake indeed . Father Adam was formed . I already said so in this post . As for forming and creating out of nothing , I'll explain . In Arabic , the word is "Khalaqa" which means "He created OR He formed or shaped" . When it comes to forming , Allah forms and so do his creatures with his will . That's why in tactical battles we say "create an opening" . But when it comes to creating out of nothing , ONLY Allah can do this . That's why in our world we have the law of "Energy doesn't perish or appear out of nothing" . Translated from the Arabic law so it might differ .

Yes, thanks for pointing that out. But the thing you must agree with Allah creates and created Mankind (this includes Adam) in stages to continue to the scientific support of evolution.

Remember my core argument: "The Quran supports a gradual creation of all of mankind" And not: "The Quran supports and instant creation of all of mankind".

Once we have that settled, we have the Quran telling us that creation is made in stages, now what are those stages? That is where we turn to science and knowledge. Have we reached that stage yet?

Before that , I'll give you a note . When you talk about the best of mankind , prophet Muhammad peace upon him , it's vulgar to call him "Muhammad" as if talking about your little brother . The same goes to the rest of prophets peace upon them all including father Adam .

Allah knows best .

Yes, let that not give anyone a hint that I do not respect the prophet (pbuh) by calling him "Muhammad", it was just fast typing.

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