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Messages - Black Muslim

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You know something , I got tired of this ! All you do is bring us a weak allegation after allegation without bothering to think if it's logical or not . You made Islam a pack of misunderstandings which needs to be explained , nothing more . Come on already , what's the point if you don't want to think for yourself a little ? And if your knowledge is so little that you can't response to these farces then WHY KEEP GOING TO THESE SITES ?
As for the idiots who go this low , ask them : What's your evidence that they are not ? JUST LIKE THAT !

Look, just admit you're wrong alright?
My , and I thought I had weak debate skills ! And yes , one of the many types of Atheists is the type that got bitten by an ant and so they whined "Why all this evil in life ?! There is no God !" That's one type , and there are unending answers to the other types .
to mclinkin, yea, there's a possibility that religious texts were written by a secret society that drives the world.
Now children , see what opium does to you ? Keep away from drugs ! I'll give you one day to discover the madness in these words of yours . If you can't , I'll just spill it out .
Wahabis in Saudi Arabia,
I live in Saudi Arabia and I tell you that THERE ISN'T A FREAKING THING CALLED WAHABIS ! I don't care about Saudi Arabia and I don't defend it but I don't like hypocrisy and farces . That's just a name they put on anyone following the teachings of Islam in order to make others hate them and view them as terrorists .
And spare me with Marx and his madness . I don't know the guy that well and I don't care who is . And if you bother look through world war 2 you'll discover that Atheism killed numbers more than what all religions killed through history . What , they didn't work with the right teachings of Atheism ?
What a farce !

« on: July 22, 2013, 02:47:53 PM »
I never noticed this "Shaddah" anywhere . But if someone did put it then it might be because they thought it stands for a rule of "Tajweed" which is "Idgham" meaning to fuse a letter with another . In this case the و might sound like it is "Mashdoodah" . And spare me already . Missionaries using this to attack Quran ? Even if someone did a mistake , we have the original text to return to and grab them by the ear saying "Don't do it again" . So where's the original script Christians return to in order to determine which of the over 9000 - Just for the internet meme :) - versions of Bible ?

See what drugs do to you ?! How am I supposed to reason with someone who's ready to say he doesn't exist and that we live in a matrix ? And YES , the Matrix movie !

Are you kidding ?! I once read about this when someone wrote an article thinking this hadith is authorized and therefore it contains a miracle ! I just can't remember where did I read it but there is indeed water in deep levels under ground with lava above them . But no , we won't say it's a miracle because the chain is not authorized . This is to the loons who say Muslims twist the meanings of verses and such to make miracles out of them .

« on: July 11, 2013, 12:54:25 PM »
If you bothered read the biography of the prophet peace upon him - And you clearly didn't - then you'd know that these caravans attacked by Muslims were of the pagans who have stolen their belongings before . So how come taking back what's yours is called "Thievery" ?
I could swear that you read some Islamophpbic sites and thought you became a genius who knows everything about Islam . So here's my advice : Read about Islam from its own sources and judge yourself . Just don't read while you have the thoughts "Violence , terrorism , errors ... etc" in your mind .

Zackariah Butros is gay :

Zackariah Butros sleeps with a dead woman :

Zackariah Butros craves a baby :

Abdullah the son of Abbas - God be pleased of him - exposes Butros :

To Christians especially : Read this thoroughly and then tell me "Do you really take this man and the ones like him seriously ?"

You're being annoying really . You have the whole site . LOOK through it !

To cut it short
Muslim (DOESN'T EQUAL) Arabian

I always wonder why would someone desperately try to prove that he came by chance and lives with no reason and dies to perish forever  ???

And let me add something , you desperately try to prove that God isn't merciful - Exalted he is from your allegations - so let me ask you : Does this mean he doesn't exist ? You're no different than someone seeing the American and French and other governments invading lands and killing people so they go saying "They're evil ! Therefore they don't exist !" does that make sense ?

I agree with Mclinkin

« on: June 10, 2013, 06:03:47 AM »
Thunder 11 ((Allâh will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allâh).))
Because the Muslim world is separated upon tribes and small nations they can never prevail . Don't blame God for what's happening to you , blame yourselves for going astray from unity and path of God .

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