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Messages - QuranSearchCom

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« on: November 18, 2013, 04:09:33 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Farhan,

Jazaka Allah Khayr for the good explanation, akhi.  Your interpretation is certainly possible, and is certainly encompassed in the following broader explanation, which I will update the article tonight, insha'Allah:

1-  The Noble Verse that brother Mclinkin94 raised is 55:37.

2-  We actually have to look at the full context, which starts at Noble Verse 55:33.  Here are Noble Verses 55:33-37:

‏55:33 يامعشر الجن والانس ان استطعتم ان تنفذوا من اقطار السماوات والارض فانفذوا لاتنفذون الا بسلطان
‏55:34 فباي الاء ربكما تكذبان
‏55:35 يرسل عليكما شواظ من نار ونحاس فلا تنتصران
‏55:36 فباي الاء ربكما تكذبان
‏55:37 فاذا انشقت السماء فكانت وردة كالدهان

[055:033]  O you jinns and humans, if you can penetrate the outer limits of the heavens and the earth, go ahead and penetrate. You cannot penetrate without authorization mighty authority (سلطان sultan).  (See also Sheikh Yusuf Estes' explanation on this Noble Verse).
[055:034]  Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny?
[055:035]  You get bombarded with projectiles of fire and metal, and you cannot win.
[055:036]  Which of your Lord's marvels can you deny?
[055:037]  When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint.

It is clear in the context of these Noble Verses, that

(a)-  Man could ascend up in space, once he has the "mighty authority" (Sultan) with him.  This is further proven by the fact that Allah Almighty did speak about lack of Oxygen and Constriction of breathing as man ascends higher and higher into the Heavens:

(b)-  If man tries to pass through the Heavens, he will bombarded with space rocks and metals.

(c)-  Man could actually see already-disintegrated Heavens that resemble the shapes of roses.  And this is true.  Our advanced space telescopes have already shown us ample pictures of disintegrated systems that look like roses and are painted like roses: "turns rose colored like paint".  Visit:

(d)-  By the way, the penetrating the Heavens may not also necessarily be physical.  Allah Almighty could be here also be referring to the Space Telesscobes that we have that capture Galaxies that are many many light years away from us.  And indeed, when we established this penetration, what did we see?

1-  We saw exploded star systems that resembled roses and looked like "rose colored like paint":

Doomed Solar Systems:

All of them look like "rose colored like paint":

2-  We also discovered the complex Clusters, Cosmic Webs, Gama Rays Bursts, Dark Matter, Black Holes and so much more that the Universe has out there.  Please visit:

3-  We saw the trillions of Space Rocks and Metal Asteroids that are near and far away from our solar system.  For ample more Noble Verses, please visit:

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: November 18, 2013, 09:57:45 AM »
The verse in question is: [055:037]  When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint.

This verse was applied to a nebula and how it appears like a rose like paint. The problem is, a nebula is a Star exploding! Not the universe/sky breaking.

Why is this verse attributed to nebula. I can't see the connection.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Please visit this article:  There you'll get your answers insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


 Brother Osama please verify whether the sayings of the above article is true or false. It is really confusing me as I don't have sufficient knowledge in Arabic.

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

Dear brother, what's to verify?  As always, these clowns write opinionated articles.  They are no more than human-brainless copy machines and printers.  They follow fatwas that only belong in the garbage.   Did you see one dictionary reference in his article?  No.  In my article, which brother Mclinkin94 already gave you above, I provided ample references from several dictionaries, and gave ample examples of Arabic words that use "dah", and they refer to either spherical objects, rolling or moving objects.  Again akhi, please visit:

Another point worth mentioning here is that Allah Almighty used Daha to refer to the expansion of the earth in a spherical and rotating mode.  There are other Arabic words that Allah Almighty could've used that could've referred to the expansion of the earth.  But Dahaha is indeed Miraculous and Perfect, because indeed, the earth didn't just expand.  The earth expanded while rotating and traveling in space.

Furthermore, Allah Almighty did use stretch (madda) in the Glorious Quran for an End of Time Prophecy about the Earth:

I'd like to see these clowns that write shallow articles disprove any of this.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


Call me Richard Akhi!

Welcome dear brother, Richard.  May Allah Almighty protect you.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum,

May Allah Almighty bless you both, dear brothers Isa and Muslim.  May Allah Almighty continue to strenghten your Faith in Islam, and to keep you in this precious Deen and Light.  Ameen.

Your brother,
Osama Abdallah

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

These verses are thoroughly answered here:

And also in the following debates:

Dr. Zakir Naik also thoroughly destroyed the crucifixion lie from the very New Testament itself.  Find his debate in this 14-section article.  He's in section #10:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Assalam alykam check this out and the rest of his videos

do you know of this clown

he used to be a Muslim 

here is one video of his as a muslim   how did he get so misguided ???

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

I would answer him with the following:

1-  Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32 & Proverbs 30:5-6 throw much of the "Bible" out as man-made lies and corruption.  Notice that I didn't say all.  In this verse, GOD Almighty Commands all of the Believers to not add any word to His Divine Revelations, nor subtract from it.  Yet, in the Bible, we see false history, man-made alterations and writings, and even fights among the Disciples, where Paul was even called a false apostle by some of them.  Christians say that all of the Bible is Divine Revelations.  So does this mean then that GOD Almighty was fighting with Himself?  Here are the verses' text:

Deuteronomy 4:2
Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.

Deuteronomy 12:32
See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.

Proverbs 30:5-6
5 Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
6 Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

Yet, you have a Bible.  At least we Muslims have it 100% right.  We do not mix the Holy Quran with anything!  Not even with Prophet Muhammad's Hadiths (Sayings).

2-  The direct Commands of GOD Almighty, such as "Thus saith the LORD....", and the Sayings of Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him, are closest to the Truth.  Notice I didn't say Absolute Truth.  There are also older Books of Jesus' Sayings in the Didache and other early writings.  Yet, the Didache isn't part of the "Bible".

All of this is thoroughly demonstrated in this debate:

It is also very important to know that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was thoroughly prophesied by GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old and New Testaments, and also in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

And last and not least, the trinity is a lie.  Prophet Jesus was created Miraculous (raise the dead, walk on water, be born from a virgin, etc...), because he needed to be a match to Melchizedek, who was the Jews' highest priest, who had no father and no mother, and no beginning and end according to both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.  Nothing about Christ proves that he is our Creator.  Not even his own mother nor anyone from his family believed that he was their Creator.  Watch my trinity debate here:

Visit: for ample more articles and proofs.  Also, these main articles:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Allah Almighty Alone.  Just wanted to pass to you that I have successfully acquired:

So why the "t" at the end?  It's because in Arabic, the word is spelled with the "t" at the end of it, and the letter is silent.  It's similar to the "w" in "know" for example.  The "w" at the end here is silent.  Also the "k" is silent as well.  Arabs know well that Aljazeera is not the correct transliteral spelling.  It's Aljazeerat.  So who knows, many might explore this spelling of it and end up running into this website, insha'Allah :).

I am on a roll here and on a mission.  Acquiring strategic premium domains is something I am going hard on.  It'll either help me break through my way into massive Islamic Propagation, or it'll break me.  In either result and in all cases, and always, all Praise and Thanks and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone for everything.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: October 24, 2013, 08:56:12 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

Just wanted to let you know that I have purchased  So who is Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal you might ask?  He is one of the world's top wealthiest men. 

This was a bit of a gamble from my side, because the domain wasn't cheap at all.  I am hoping to reach the right people that could give me the necessary massive push to launch a massive massive campaign to spread Islam to the West via the Media and Mail.  I am currently working on big projects for my website as well.  If Prince Al-Waleed reads this, then I want him to know this:

1-  Any amount he contributes to the website is forbidden upon me and my family.  Not even the money that I spent I want back!  Allah Almighty is a Witness on my words that 100% of his contribution will go to the Islamic Propagation Project that I want to launch.  In fact, I would love to just have him hold the money and have me send his dedicated staff the receipts to pay.  That would be best for all of us, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

2-  If he reads the main page of, then he'll insha'Allah understand how and why we have a very big chance to spreading Islam to the West just by having them see the Miracles and Prophecies of the Glorious Quran, and the Prophecies about Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

3-  No matter how high or low our ranks in life are, eventually we will all die and turn to dust very very soon!  Please do something that will tremendously help the cause of your beliefs in the West.

4-  And last and not least, I need your help in also translating my website into the world's languages.  I will write a PDF book that will put the entire website in a capsule and translate that PDF book, insha'Allah.  I will post it in HTML format on the website, insha'Allah.  It will be all free for all people.  No money do I seek.

Please consider these points brother Al-Waleed, and help Islam spread in the West.  We urgently need it!

I ask Allah Almighty to help me reach everyone who could help.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Rebuttals to a few Quran "errors":

Did the Sun set in a Muddy pool according to the Quran? (Quran 18:86):

Is the Universe contracting according to the Quran? (Quran 41:11)

Re: Quran Scientific Error - Night Time Cold is Caused by the Moon (Surah 76:13)

Re:Quran Scientific Error - Mountains as Pegs/Stakes? Do Mountains have roots that resemble pegs/Stakes?

Clarifying Issues - Heavens and Earth created in six days?

Check them out and leave any feedback if you wish!

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

I will take a look at your blog this weekend insha'Allah.  Please let me know if I could be of any help.  All of my work and all of the brothers' and sisters' contributions to the site are online on this site.  Please feel free to use my site as you need.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: October 23, 2013, 03:32:30 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

On the topic of evolution, should we not qualify what type of evolution are we talking about?  There is usually a mix on what the word is meant to be by the person.  From my experience, there are two meanings that the word implies when used by people:

1-  Humans have changed throughout the ages.  They've always been humans in essence, but they've changed and transformed as time passed. 

2-  Humans originated from animals (fish, monkies, etc...).

For #1, Islam supports it 100%.  Please visit:

By the way, we are witnessing our bodies evolving in our age today.  The reason why you pluck out your wisdom teeth is because your jaw is no longer big enough to house all of your teeth.  We will eventually be naturally born without them.  This of course may/will take millions of years.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: October 22, 2013, 02:32:10 PM »
Assalamualaykum brothers
I need help finding the complete definition of the word yukawer. I have been trying to find it online but I have had little luck, maybe one of y'all have access to a lexicon and can help me out.
JazakAllah wa khairan

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Abdullah,

I gave detailed analysis and definitions on the Word at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: October 22, 2013, 02:21:11 PM »
Jazakallahukhayr brother. Can y'all help me understand ayah (88:20). It says the earth was sutihat which means to spread out something to become flat.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Abdullah,

Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: October 22, 2013, 02:20:37 PM »
What are the answers dear brother Kareem??  You got me excited :)

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