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Thank you brother Osama  :)  But there still is an issue:

You could also raise the issue that perhaps the author of the Quran did not know that on the poles sunrise to sunset could last 6+ months and therefore didn't mention it. Although it is true that you could sync the times in the North pole and South pole to match prayer times of a close city, the Quran did not say what we are supposed to do if sunrise to sunset lasts entire months. This makes it seem like the author of the Quran was unaware of such a phenomena of sunrise to sunset taking entire months.

That means if we are to observe Ramadan in the poles, we would die. That means we don't have to pray 5 times a day in the poles?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Yes, the Holy Quran does say that we can sync up with the nearest location that has the proper day and night cycles for Prayer and Fasting Timings.  Here is what the Holy Quran Says:

1-  Muslims are one Ummah (امة nation):

[003:110] Ye are the best of peoples امة, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.

[002:143] Thus, have We made of you an Ummat امة justly balanced, that ye might be witnesses over the nations, and the Apostle a witness over yourselves; and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Apostle from those who would turn on their heels (From the Faith). Indeed it was (A change) momentous, except to those guided by God. And never would God Make your faith of no effect. For God is to all people Most surely full of kindness, Most Merciful.

[021:092] Verily, this brotherhood امتكم of yours is a single brotherhood امة, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore serve Me (and no other).

2-  All land belongs to Allah Almighty.  And if a Muslim is living in a land that is causing him much fitnah (trials, unstable situations), then the Muslim is required to seek better solutions when he could:

[004:097] There are those who have wrought a wrong upon themselves. The angels (of death), would take possession of their souls and ask, "What was wrong with you?" They would answer, "We were too weak and oppressed in the land!" The angels will say, "Wasn't the land of Allah vast and spacious enough, so you could emigrate (and seek refuge) elsewhere?" Such ones would have an abode in hell. What a despicable destination!

[004:098] Except for the men, women and children who are weak and oppressed! They are unable to muster the means (to migrate), and (therefore) find no way out.

Now, while this Noble Verse is speaking about the Muslims who were suffering oppression from the disbelievers, but it would certainly apply today as follows:

1-  Either physically migrate from the land that doesn't have proper cycles of days and nights.

2-  Or set your time (migrate your time) to match a Muslim city or country that has the proper timing.  I personally vote for going with the nearest geographical city or country that has the normal day and night cycles, preferably directly south or north of you, which is on the same vertical time zone and line as you (see image below for why).  But other Muslims also say go with Mecca's timing.  Either way is perfectly fine.

3-  Noble Verse 4:98 clearly gives you the permission to stay in the land that doesn't have proper day and night cycles, especially when our Muslim countries are mostly corrupt today (this is also an Islamic End of Time Prophecy).  So the person would need to set their Prayer and Fasting times to a Muslim city that does have the proper times, and insha'Allah everything will be fine.

And to the reader, please visit my previous post, above, to see the Glorious Quran's Scientific Miracles that are directly related to this topic:,1379.msg5282.html#msg5282

And last and not least, I invite the reader to visit the following link to see the Overwhelming Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran in:

1-  STUNNING Numerical Miracles.
2-  Embryology.
3-  Biology.
4-  Astronomy.
5-  Geology.
6-  Mathematics
7-  Archeology.
8-  Prophecies.

Please visit:

And again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded the Muslims to make an estimate about the time of Prayer if they're not sure:

"...Thereupon he said, "No, but you must  make an estimate of time and then offer Salat (Prayer).''..." (Source  1,2)

Time on Earth is determined vertically:

Another point worth mentioning is that the time on earth, as we know it, is determined vertically.  This means that whether you're all the way north or all the way south, if you're on the same vertical time line, then time will be the same for you.  This is why I said above that it's best then to set your Prayer and Fasting Times on the time of the city that is directly south or north of you, and is on the same vertical time zone and line as you:

Advise to all Muslims:

Like I said in my previous post, please do not expect the Glorious Quran to mention everything about geology or astronomy.  The Holy Quran isn't a science book.  However, what you can and should and must expect from the Holy Book is for It to not negate or clash with or contradict an established Scientific fact.  That you would be correct on pursuing.  But to expect the Holy Quran to mention the North and South poles just wouldn't be fair nor right.  The points that I mentioned above, in this post and in the previous one, clearly demonstrate that Allah Almighty's claims about earth never negated nor are they in any contradiction with the fact that earth has North and South Poles, and that the days and nights do take much longer in those places.

The Holy Quran is crystal clear about the earth being Spherical, and having SUNRISES and SUNSETS (plural for both).  Allah Almighty Said about the earth that is:

1-  Spherical
2-  Is traveling in space.
3-  Is rotating around itself.
4-  Is speeding in space.

Please visit:

Also the moon's orbit around earth is S-Shaped:

To those who believed that earth was flat, and had one fixed point for sunrise and one fixed point for sunset, this statement from Allah Almighty is a contradiction to their false beliefs.

The doomed-to-Hell Islam-hating infidels have nothing on Islam.  All Praise and Thanks and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


 Brother, can we develop any new Qira'at? Qira'at only means recitation. So will there be any problem if we develop any new Qira'at?

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Farhan,

Our non-Arabic-Speaking Muslims had been massacuring the Arabic reading of the Holy Quran for centuries now, and they have developed their own Qira'aat :).  Example of this is the mis-pronunciation of the Arabic letter "Dha" and replacing it with "Zha".  This is where you find words in the English Holy Quran such as:

1-  Zul-qarnain.
2-  Zul-kifl.
3-  Zun-nun.

But no worries dear brother.  Non of this changes the fact that the Glorious Quran was sent in the Arabic Qurayshy dialect, and was perfectly preserved in Arabic, and is Miraculous and Divine:

Not only that, but the Glorious Quran's Miracle is also in Its Text.  The very Text of the Holy Quran is a Divine Miracle:

So having different variations of readings and translations won't change a thing.  Just like in English it won't matter if we pronounce "often" as of-tin or ofin.  The word is still the same.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Thanks brother Osama for your excellent answer. If I have anymore question I'll ask you then. May Allah bless you. Ameen.

Your welcome, dear brother Farhan :).  Anytime :).  May Allah Almighty bless you too, akhi.  Ameen.

mr abdullah First of all what u said doesnt makes any sense at all.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Mohammed,

While I agree with you that it is important to prove that the Bible is far from being the Pure Holy Word of GOD Almighty, but to many people this is a turn off.  I actually avoided this approach in my last debate (avoided going wild with the Bible's contradictions), and focused more on categorizing the Bible:,1319.msg5020.html#msg5020

Also visit:

Akhi Usama
I had doubted that there are some non muslims posing as muslims here and asking stupid questions to fool and confuse muslims.

My beloved brother, even at the worst case scenario it wouldn't matter in anyway, shape or form.  It's not the questioner that matters, dear brother.  It's the question.  Could Islam really stand on Its own and provide the answers?  And more importantly, could Islam prove Itself to be a True Divine Religion from GOD Almighty?  We welcome all questions here dear brother, from both Muslims and non-Muslims.

We do not want to slam anyone here, akhi.  Let people post their thoughts freely and openly.  Let them not be afraid or concerned to share their concerns here.  We're here to help everyone, insha'Allah.

If u think I hav a good point and u r convinced that this person abdullah or abdusshaitan whoever he is then u must ban him quickly.
What more do i need to say. See how he reacted when I said expose the pagan heretical cult of judaism called christianity. 


Whether brother Abdullah is a Muslim or is between Islam and another religion, again dear brother, the questioner is not the issue here.  Let the brother research and ask the questions and share his thoughts as he pleases, and as he sees best to him.  If one disagrees, then he/she should explain why.  This is an open forum, akhi.  Let the reader decide.  And frankly, the more questions the better.  This way, Islam is THOROUGHLY demonstrated to be a Divine True Religion from Allah Almighty.  We could make empty claims about Islam being the Truth all day long.  But when we thoroughly demonstrate that Islam is indeed the Divine Truth, then the matter becomes far different. 

All false religions out there make empty rhetorics for themselves.  We need Islam to stand out so that It can THOROUGHLY prove Itself to be truly Divine, and not another false religion.  This is why atheism (including agnostics. I am using the word more broadly) is on the rise.  People are just sick and tired of the traditions of the false religions and corrupted scriptures out there.  We need to prove to the world that Islam is different and that it is Divine, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

To the reader, please visit the following important links for starters:

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: December 18, 2013, 09:58:37 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Farhan,

Please visit this link akhi:,1384.msg5296.html#msg5296.  If you have more questions, then please don't hesitate to ask.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


 Thanks for clearing up the confusion. An excellent answer!!!!! Brother, the link which I have provided above is an anti-Islamic site. Yes it might look like a pro-Islamic site to everyone from outside. It's a fake Islamic site. I recommend the New Muslims not to visit that site. It may weaken their Iman.

 Okay brother one last question. As there're 10 types of Qira'ats, that means there're 10 types of writings also? But Qira'at means recitation. Then why we see hafs, warsh and other Mushafs? There should be only one Mushaf. Please answer this and that will crystallize everything ;D ;D

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Farhan,

Akhi, every language on earth has different Qira'aat (readings).  For example:

1-  OFTEN.  Is it read as OF-TIN or OF-IN?

2-  Sign, is it read as SINE or SIG-IN?

3-  Know, are the K and W read?  Or are they silent?

4-  SEAN, is it read as SEEN or SHAWN?

Got it akhi?  Arabia is big.  In land size, it's as big as half of the United States, exculding Alaska.  And this is not counting the North African Arab countries either, which historically they've always spoken Arabic along with other languages.  The nations that historically spoke and do speak Arabic today are near as big as the USA and China or Canada put together in land size.  And the Arabs alone are around 350 million in population size.  And Muslims world-wide are estimated to be 1.2 billion, and their lands put together are bigger than the USA, China and Russia combined!  So it shouldn't surprise you akhi that there are different dialects and readings for Arabic.

Please read the following articles:,1384.msg5268.html#msg5268

Then why we see hafs, warsh and other Mushafs? There should be only one Mushaf.

The Holy Quran was sent to one person, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.  And Prophet Muhammad and the people of Mecca spoke the Arabic in the Qurayshy dialect.  This is also why the people of Mecca were called Quraysh.  Back then, if you were to say Quraysh, then people would've understood it as you were referring to Mecca.  The Holy Quran was sent in the Qurayshi Dialect.  Therefore, everyone must bring themselves to speak the Holy Quran in Its Original Dialect.  This is also known as the HAFS reading. 

The Warsh reading is from far lands akhi.  Again, please read the following:,1384.msg5268.html#msg5268

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: mountains thrown into ground
« on: December 18, 2013, 07:17:27 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers Abdullah and Farhan,

Please visit:

Noble Verse 16:15 is demonstrated there.  This topic is one of the Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.

assalamualaykum can somebody explain his ayah surah 16:15 And He has thrown into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it shift with you, and [made] rivers and roads, that you may be guided,
according to the word by word quran dictionary alqa means to throw in the ground but we know from modern geology that mountains where not thrown into the ground

The Glorious Quran says Allah Almighty had SET (fastened is also correct as brother Farhan said) firm mountains IN THE EARTH to keep it stable:

[016:015] And He has set up on IN the earth والقى في الارض  mountains standing firm رواسى , lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that ye may guide yourselves;

‏16:15 والقى في الارض رواسى ان تميد بكم وانهارا وسبلا لعلكم تهتدون

Geologists have proven that if earth was completely flat, then it would've been in a constant vibration.  Mountains do stabilize the earth during its rotation around its own axle.  Earth is rotating around itself at a speed of 1,000 miles per hour!  It is not a slow motion:

"The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 25,000 miles. The Earth rotates in about 24 hours. Therefore, if you were to hang above the surface of the Earth at the equator without moving, you would see 25,000 miles pass by in 24 hours, at a speed of 25000/24 or just over 1000 miles per hour."


Again, please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: I have a tough question
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:16:55 PM »
Assalam alykam

i am diving into a deep question

the tittles father and son of God  and God used in the previous nations were permissible  and we know them to be symbolical or metaphorical   

my question is why would Allah  give room for these terms to be misused  ???

and start a whole new belief that Jesus is the son of God

I know and you know it means servant

There are passages in the bible when Allah speaks to David  now the word beggoten is used but in Quran Allah does not use this

what is the correct translation and again it leaves room to  have some belief that God is a father and he has children   

King James Bible Psalm 2:7
I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

Matthew 3:17
And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."


Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Isa27James,

The "Son of GOD" and GOD Almighty being the "Father" had been addressed here dear brother:,1368.msg5203.html#msg5203


In fact, we further read the following in the Bible:

Isaiah 41:8
"But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend,

Chronicles 20:7
Our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend?

James 2:23
And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called God's friend.

So being GOD Almighty's "SON" in the Bible is equal to being GOD Almighty's "FRIEND".  Now compare this to the following from the Holy Quran:

[002:257] Allah is the friend and patron of those who believe. He brings them out of the depths of darkness into light. While those who do not believe, have the forces of evil as their friends; they lead them out of light, into the very depths of darkness. Such ones shall be the inmates of the fire. They will stay there forever.

[003:122] (And remember) when the two groups among you lost heart (and almost fell out), even though Allah was their Friend and Protector? In Allah (alone), should the believers place their trust!

[004:125] Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend.

So the Bible's "FATHER" & "SON" for GOD Almighty and the Believers is clearly metaphoric, and it only means that GOD Almighty:

1-  Is the Protector.
2-  Is the Friend.
3-  Is the Guardian.

Again dear brother, please visit the following link to further see what Words the Glorious Quran uses for these words and definitions:,1368.msg5203.html#msg5203


Regarding the above quote:

King James Bible Psalm 2:7
I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

Let us look at Noble Verses 27:59, 3:33, 3:42, 7:144, 22:75, 35:32, 38:47, 39:4 from the Glorious Quran:

[027:059] Say: Praise be to God, and Peace on his servants whom He has chosen اصطفى (for his Message). (Who) is better?- God or the false gods they associate (with Him)?

‏27:59 قل الحمد لله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى ءالله خير اما يشركون

[003:033] God did choose ] اصطفى Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imran above all people,-

‏3:33 ان الله اصطفى ادم ونوحا وال ابراهيم وال عمران على العالمين

[003:042] Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! God hath chosen thee اصطفاك and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations.

‏3:42 واذ قالت الملائكة يامريم ان الله اصطفاك وطهرك واصطفاك على نساء العالمين

[007:144] (God) said: "O Moses! I have chosen thee اصطفيتك above (other) men, by the mission I (have given thee) and the words I (have spoken to thee): take then the (revelation) which I give thee, and be of those who give thanks."

‏7:144 قال ياموسى اني اصطفيتك على الناس برسالاتي وبكلامي فخذ ما اتيتك وكن من الشاكرين

[022:075] God chooses يصطفي messengers from angels and from men for God is He Who hears and sees (all things).

‏22:75 الله يصطفي من الملائكة رسلا ومن الناس ان الله سميع بصير

[035:032] Then We have given the Book for inheritance to such of Our Servants as We have chosen اصطفينا: but there are among them some who wrong their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who are, by God's leave, foremost in good deeds; that is the highest Grace.

‏35:32 ثم اورثنا الكتاب الذين اصطفينا من عبادنا فمنهم ظالم لنفسه ومنهم مقتصد ومنهم سابق بالخيرات باذن الله ذلك هو الفضل الكبير

[038:047] They were, in Our sight, truly, of the company of the Elect المصطفين and the Good.

‏38:47 وانهم عندنا لمن المصطفين الاخيار

[039:004] Had God wished to take to Himself an (actual) son, He could have chosen لاصطفى whom He pleased out of those whom He doth create: but Glory be to Him! (He is above such things.) He is God, the One, the Irresistible.

‏39:4 لو اراد الله ان يتخذ ولدا لاصطفى مما يخلق مايشاء سبحانه هو الله الواحد القهار

Furthermore, when Jesus was asked about when the Hour will come, he replied by saying that only GOD Almighty Knows, and that no one knows, and that Jesus himself also didn't know.  Please visit:

Jesus spelled it out clearly that he knew NOT.  And as to calling GOD Almighty "Father", and that Islam denies that GOD Almighty is an ACTUAL FATHER to anyone, in Islam GOD Almighty is called:

1-  Rab - Lord, Father (you are the Rab of your home for being the husband and the father).

2-  Wali - Guardian.

In the old Aramaic and Hebrew, GOD Almighty was called what-is-equivalent-to-Islam our Rab and Wali.  But that doesn't make GOD Almighty our actual Father.  This is exactly as Judaism metaphors such as idolatry is equivalent to spiritual adultery.  No Jew is actually married to GOD Almighty to actually commit a personal marriage-adultery against GOD Almighty!  Yet, the Jews use metaphors like these.  Islam came to straighten all of this out and to set the record straight that GOD Almighty has no son and no daughter.  Otherwise, why would GOD Almighty torture us to Hell if we were His perfect sons and daughters??  No imperfect being could be an actual son of GOD Almighty (and no being is the son or daughter of GOD Almighty, period!):

[005:018] (Both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of God, and his beloved." Say: "Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men he hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him is the final goal (of all)"

Again, please visit:,1368.msg5203.html#msg5203

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


This claims that in some places on the globe there is no sunset except after many months. If you are to fast sunrise to sunset, this one would take 24 months and you would die.

They say this mistake was made because 7th century desert dwellers didn't know about the poles or Earth's roundness.

Also, what if you don't live on Earth, how do you fast?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Here is my response to the points on Praying and Fasting if you live near the North or South Poles.  Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded the Muslims to make an estimate about the time of Prayer if they're not sure:

"...Thereupon he said, "No, but you must  make an estimate of time and then offer Salat (Prayer).''..." (Source  1,2)

This Hadith was given to me by brother Submit on this website's blog, may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.

Also, here are some Quran Facts about this topic:

1-  Allah Almighty Said that He is the GOD of the sunrises and sunsets (plural for both).  This means there isn't just one fixed sunrise and sunset point on earth or for earth.  No, there are Mashaariq (sunrises) and Maghaarib (sunsets):

[070:040] Now I do call to witness the Lord of all points in the East المشارق and the West المغارب that We can certainly-

‏70:40 فلا اقسم برب المشارق والمغارب انا لقادرون

[037:005] Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all between them, and Lord of every point at the rising of the sun! المشارق

‏37:5 رب السماوات والارض ومابينهما ورب المشارق

Please visit:

There are multiple Miracles in this Noble Verse 37:5:

(a)-  Allah Almighty is the LORD of every sunrise point in the entire Universe.

(b)-  This means that every plant has sunrises points.

(c)-  All plants to humans are spherical.  Our moon is spherical.  Our planets that our ancient world knew such as Venus and others were known to be spherical.

(d)-  The sunrise points on those spherical planets clearly indicate that Allah Almighty knew about SUNRISES AND SUNSETS on spherical planets in the Universe.

(e)-  Earth was mentioned in this Noble Verse.  This means that the SUNRISE POINTS also include the ones on earth, like all of those on all of the SPHERICAL PLANETS.

(f)-  Allah Almighty clearly mentioned in other Noble Verses that the earth is:

1-  Spherical
2-  Is traveling in space.
3-  Is rotating around itself.
4-  Is speeding in space.

Please visit:

(g)-  Furthermore, Allah Almighty also said in the Holy Quran that all celestial bodies are يعرجون Yaa'rujoon (traveling in orbits) in space.  This video is about Noble Verses 32:5, 34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج ,  عروج   ,  معارج  and   معراج   that all refer to "going in an orbital and curvy path" in the Glorious Quran and our Islamic Texts.


2-  Allah Almighty Said that whoever WITNESSES the Month of Ramadan, then let him fast It:

[002:185]  Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation.

So if the Holy Month is Witnessed by a Muslim Community, then all of the Muslims should Fast.

3-  Allah Almighty Said that when we're in doubt about the right direction, wherever we set our faces for Prayer, we'll find Allah Almighty.

[002:115] To God belongeth the east المشرق and the west المغرب; therefore whithersoever ye turn your selves to pray, there is the face of God; for God is omnipresent and omniscient.

‏2:115 ولله المشرق والمغرب فاينما تولوا فثم وجه الله ان الله واسع عليم

Even in the singular East and West, the Noble Verse is clearly speaking about the EASTS AND WESTS in Its Context, since it's talking about a random EAST AND WEST.  The proof for this is the "al" (the) definite article, which in this context clearly means that whichever EAST and WEST the Muslim may be in, in that EAST and that WEST he will still find the Face of Allah Almighty.  The "al" (the) definite article here in this context is referring to that particular point that the Muslim may be in.  It's like saying:

"There are stores.  Mclinkin94 is in a store.  The store that Mclinkin94 may be in (no one knows where Mclinkin94 is) is still acceptable."  Here "the store" could be any of the stores, indicating that all of the stores are equally the same; that regardless of which store brother Mclinkin94 may be in, that store would still be ok.

Given all of this, it clearly appears to me that the Muslim Community in such places where sunrise and sunset take months can and should do one of the following:

1-  Set their time on the time of the nearest land that gets proper sunrise and sunset.

2-  Set their own time and follow the best estimation for both Prayer and Fasting times.

3-  Follow Mecca's time, since it's the Original Source.

4-  And in any case, they should pray toward Mecca.

And Allah Almighty Knows best.  But one fact should be known is that the Holy Quran did mention the sunrises and sunsets on earth.  And Allah Almighty did speak about visually witnessing the Month of Ramadan for fasting.  So while Allah Almighty may not have directly spoken about the North and South Poles on earth, but the Glorious Quran didn't negate their existence either.  After Allah Almighty did clearly and indisputably say about earth that it is:

1-  Spherical
2-  Is traveling in space.
3-  Is rotating around itself.
4-  Is speeding in space.

Please visit:

Also the moon's orbit around earth is S-Shaped:

Advise to all Muslims:

Please do not expect the Glorious Quran to mention everything about geology or astronomy.  The Holy Quran isn't a science book.  However, what you can and should and must expect from the Holy Book is for It to not negate or clash with or contradict an established Scientific fact.  That you would be correct on pursuing.  But to expect the Holy Quran to mention the North and South poles just wouldn't be fair nor right.  The points that I mentioned above clearly demonstrate that Allah Almighty's claims about earth never negated nor are they in any contradiction with the fact that earth has North and South Poles, and that the days and nights do take much longer in those places.

The Holy Quran is crystal clear about the earth having SUNRISES and SUNSETS (plural for both).  To those who believed that earth was flat, and had one fixed point for sunrise and one fixed point for sunset, this statement from Allah Almighty is a contradiction to their false beliefs.

The doomed-to-Hell Islam-hating infidels have nothing on Islam.  All Praise and Thanks and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I've added to my domains.  I also previously acquired

Many people today are acquiring domains for a variety of reasons.  While may not be an immediate site to think of visiting, but when you do try to acquire a domain and do a search on it, the .mobi extension is listed along with the .com, .net. .org, .us,, .ca and the other top ones.

So hopefully Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), those who seek "Christianity" domain, will see the .mobi extension and be curious about visiting it.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Mohammed,

May Allah Almighty bless you for your hard word, dear brother.  Thank you for the kind words and the rich post, akhi.  Welcome to the blog akhi.  I ask Allah Almighty that you'll find it very helpful for you, and that you'll be very helpful for others.  Ameen.

Your brother,
Osama Abdallah


 Okay, we know not a single word of the Quran has changed till now. But if we compare the HAFS and Warsh Qira'ats of the Quran we find plenty of word differences. Please visit the following page which contains the differences:
  Please explain me this. How many Qira'ats are there in total? How do we know they are authentic ? Which is the original Qira'at in which Quran was revealed? Are Qira'ats different versions of the Quran because we see word variances in them?

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother,

Wow!  The Glorious Quran has 6236 Noble Verses, and millions of letters and characters!  And all the enemies of Islam could provide is 9 examples of different word spellings??  I read this laughable list, and here is my respons:

1-  The Hafs reading is far more authentic, because it originates from Mecca and Madina.  Warsh reading is mainly in Northwestern part of Africa (Morocco and other countries in the region), and it is not an original one.

2-  The 9 examples that were given, were no more than mere different spellings of the same Holy Word.  So for example, instead of spelling sign, Warsh would spell it as sine.  And there is 9 only??  LOL, thanks to the anti-Islamics for proving that even at the absolute worst case scenario, the Glorious Quran's Text is indeed air-tight perfectly preserved!  And would they even dare to do the same with the Bible's text?

3-  And again, it's the Hafs reading that is far more authentic.  And this is what the Quran Committee in Madina wrote the Holy Quran in when they compiled and wrote the Holy Book.

4-  The last one on the list isn't even a difference in spelling.  It's a difference in a vowel!  Vowels are not letters.

And last and not least, to see the Glorious Quran's Miracle in Its Text, please visit:

I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: December 13, 2013, 05:40:46 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

I've been swamped with so many things that I hardly had time for anything.  I will go over the discussion on this thread and give my evidence in the near future Insha'Allah.  It is an interesting and an important topic for today's world.  Evolution is a big topic, regardless whether it is a true or false belief.  I will Insha'Allah give my contribution to the discussion in the near future.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to mclinkin94
« on: December 13, 2013, 05:38:01 AM »
Here is a response from brother Mclinkin94:

Unfortunately, this thread was closed before I could answer. To address your final points: The Quran and Science are not innocent of Evolution. That is an extraordinary claim that will need extraordinary evidence which you haven't presented. Going as far as challenging science and the Quran is going to need a lot of evidence to back that up. You referred to my arguments against the Sunnah as personal. That is a lie, it is completely objective. If you haven't noticed, there really was no subjectivity to my sunnah arguments. It was all an honest constructive criticism based upon a reasonable and rational analysis of Hadiths and the 'science' behind them. 

Thirdly, I have shown you many times even with the yahoo link that my interpretation fits  and how Sahih international supported my translation and not only that I have shown you that even your interpretation of that word supports the Quranic account for evolution! But you never accounted for this and you remained supporting your beliefs without addressing my arguments.  I think you know that I am right. Not only that I have presented so many evolutionary arguments that you haven't addressed.  Nevertheless, the rhetorical method of debate you use does not compel me nor should it compel any honest person. You say that you respond to me one-by-one and I respond to you one-by-one as well. This goes both ways. You say that you have proved me wrong, and I have proved you wrong in that as well. you call what I do rants, when they are clearly objective. I can call everything you do as rants, but I do not.  Why? Because using a dishonest rhetorical method in debate is not compelling to anyone honest. I don't think you have wasted your time, I think you have gained a slight push on your quest to rationality.  No one who denies the Quranic and scientific evidence of evolution can be considered rational, it would be like denying Earth's roundness.

« on: December 12, 2013, 06:21:42 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

I also just purchased

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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