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« on: February 23, 2014, 10:16:17 AM »
Your most welcome, dear brother Farhan.  Jazaka Allah Khayr for all of your hard work to propagate Islam.  Keep it up, akhi Farhan.  You're on the Right Path.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: February 23, 2014, 09:06:16 AM »

 Brother, then what are these pieces of fire? They can't be asteroids. And brother Allah could have directly said we will be hit by rocks if you travel to space without His authority. Why Allah used the term ''pieces of fire'' "? Please help.

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Farhan,

Because the Universe out there is still filled with so much that we don't know, nor ever heard of.  And shawaath as I explained do mean physical objects.  It is a broader term.  It's like vehicle for example.  It includes cars, trucks and even motorcycles.  It could be any of these.  Same thing with Shawaath.  It's a broad term that refers to objects of fire.  They won't just be rocks, akhi.  Asteroids as we even know them today aren't just made of rocks.  And by the way, in space there is no atmosphere to let these rocks burn in.  So the objects of fire could be made of other materials.  The Universe is filled with so much that we don't know.  It could be burning objects that were projected from stars, or near by planets from them, that are made of certain gases and physical objects such as molten rocks and molten metals.  It depends on the star and its properties.  And it also depends on the type of "atmosphere" that we may enter in out there.  As I said, the Universe is still filled with so much that is unknown.

I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: February 22, 2014, 07:12:47 AM »

 Brother Osama I really liked this article of yours:

 Just one question you said Arabic word ''نحاس'' can mean copper and all other metals. Brother please can you demonstrate this from any Arabic dictionary? And brother asteroids may also contain metals which are totally different from copper.

[055:035]  There shall be sent against you a flame of fire, and molten copper; and you shall not be able to help yourselves.

 And brother, in the above verse Allah could have directly mentioned rocks instead of mentioning ''molten copper''. When we will be in space we will be pelted by space rocks. Why Allah used ''molten copper"?

Lastly thanks for writing such an informative article. Your articles are indeed a resource.  ;D ;D ;D :D

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Farhan,

Thank you for the kind words, dear brother.  May Allah Almighty continue to strengthen your Faith in Islam.  Ameen.

As to your questions, here are my answers:

1-  As to copper, I've provided 16 pictures of sixteen metals (including copper), and have shown how similar they look to each others, dear brother.  A lot of the metal names that we have today are modern ones, and not ancient ones.  The ancient names for metals were limited.  You had only:

(a)-  Iron
(b)-  Copper
(c)-  Gold
(d)-  Silver
(e)-  And a few others.

When people unearthed metals, they gave their best estimates on what these metals were akhi.  Copper consisted of a family of metals, and not just the single copper metal that we know today:

"Copper was the predominant early metal, especially after the technique of smelting it from its ores and trade made it widely available. It is still the third most important industrial metal, after iron and aluminium. Our word "copper" comes from the Plattdeutsch coper or koper, still used in Dutch. In Latin, it was known as cyprium aes, "brass from Cyprus" or "brass of Venus." Aes was the Latin for all coppery-bronzy-brassy alloys, which I have translated as "brass," though what we call brass was a later development, but still Classical. Copper in particular was also called adhenus, as was a copper pot. However, the Venusian name stuck in the West, and gave us cobre in Spanish, cuivre in French and Kupfer in German. In Welsh it is copr, which suggests that this word comes from old Celtic, and is unassociated with Venus. In Russian, copper is med', a quite different word, whose etymology might give us valuable information.

The fact that pure copper and its alloys were not distinguished in ancient words shows that a fundamental difference was not appreciated. Our recognition of chemical elements is recent, and quite foreign to earlier thought. Most ancient "copper" is indeed bronze, containing tin but also lead and zinc. The alloys have a somewhat lower melting point than pure copper, and so would be easier to work, besides being much harder and more usable as tools and weapons. Zippe concludes from the various names of copper and its alloys used by different peoples the probable multiple discovery of its smelting. He also remarks, quite to the point, that it is just as possible that a source of a metal was named after the metal as that the metal was named after a place."

2-  As to your question:

And brother, in the above verse Allah could have directly mentioned rocks instead of mentioning ''molten copper''. When we will be in space we will be pelted by space rocks. Why Allah used ''molten copper"?

شواظ من نار (flame of fire).  This is actually a weak translation.  Shawaath شواظ means pieces of fire: قِطْعة من نار.  If you go to, and type in شواظ, you'll see the following explanation of Noble Verse 55:35:

الشُّواظ قِطْعة من نار ليس فيها نُحاس  means Shawaath is pieces of fire that have no copper in them.  They said that pieces of fire that have no copper.  But the second part here ("have no copper in them") is an opinion, and not a definition.  In fact, I disagree with them, because the Noble Verse here is speaking about:

1-  Objects of fire with copper.
2-  Objects of fire possibly without copper.

Both exist and both are possible. شواظ simply means molten objects of fire.  This is also where catapults, for example, throw شواظ of fire across the enemy's fortresses.  And the Noble Verse 55:35 further proves this with Its simple text that shawaath of fire and copper shall be sent against us.

So the molten rocks and metals that you talked about are in this part of the Noble Verse.  Copper was emphasized in the second part of the Noble Verse for a Divine Purpose.  But we know well that copper is out there in space.  And as I explained above, copper here consists of a family of metals, and not just a single metal.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: February 22, 2014, 03:31:03 AM »

 Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? Allah constructed it.(79:27)

 He raised its ceiling and proportioned it.(79:28)

 And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness.(79:29)

 The above verses are talking about the creation of the Heaven. I'm confused with verse 79:29. Here Allah says that He has darkened the night of the Heaven and extracted its brightness. How is it possible? I mean, how can the Heaven have night and brightness? It is originally dark. The arabic word 'duhaha'' in the verse means daylight or morning brightness. how can the heaven have morning brightness? Please help me with this.

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Farhan,

The Noble Verses Say:

[079:027]  Are you more difficult to create than the heaven? He constructed it.
[079:028]  He raised its masses سمكها, and perfected it فسواها.
[079:029]  He made its night dark, and brightened its morn.

‏79:27 ءانتم اشد خلقا ام السماء بناها 
‏79:28 رفع سمكها فسواها
‏79:29 واغطش ليلها واخرج ضحاها

If you actually go to Google Translate, and type in سمكها, you'll get "Thick" for translation.  Google also writes "fish".  This is because samak means fish in Arabic.  But the Arabic Noble Word in the Noble Verse is sumk سمك for mass, or سمكها for "its mass or masses (could be both singular or plural)" .  Both words are written with S M K.  It's the vowels that make the word either samak or sumk.

Furthermore, using also Google Translate, if you translate the English word "thickness" to Arabic, you'll get samakah سماكة.  If you also look at the other Arabic meanings that are given in the link, you'll see كثافة.  This word means Density.

Now aside from the established Scientific facts that the Universe:

1-  Is balanced in its gravitational pulls.  This is also in the Holy Quran:

2-  Has different kinds and types of energies, and even unknown matter and energies.  This is also supported in the Holy Quran:

But this Noble Verse here clearly and perfectly states that the Universe isn't just an empty void or space.  This is also supported and mentioned in the Holy Quran:

And last and not least, as usual, I would like to invite the reader to visit the following section to see the Overwhelming Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran:

I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: February 21, 2014, 05:06:30 PM »
It is well known that shias always try to magnify their little numbers in the Muslim population.  The Truth is that if it wasn't for Iran, your people would be so insignificant that hardly anyone in the world would ever hear about them.  And even in Iran, the shias aren't the majority either.  The Iranians are hard to figure out.  They're still holding on to their old Persian dreams that the Arabs have crushed.  Many Persians are religionless.  Not atheists.  But just don't belong to any religion at all.  This is QUITE NOTICABLE here in their communities in the USA.

The shias are far from being the majority in Iraq, and are far from being more than %5 of the Syrian popular.  The problem is that they're heavily funded and armed by Iran and also Israel and the West.  The old divide and conquer philosophy.  So by supporting you and helping to make you endure, they ensure that they have a lasting grip on the oil and the money over there.  Hardly anyone is arming the Syrian rebels today.  And the weapons that they receive are too light and weak.  The rebels today are known to build their own weapons.  Necessity is the mother invention.  Otherwise, if they were heavily armed, then they would've swallowed Asad and his regime in a matter of days or few months.  But they purposefully want to extend the fight for as long as possible.

The blasphemous shia religion:

The problem with the shias is that they are an infestation among the Muslims.  Before the age of the internet and youtube and facebook, where facts are WIDELY AND RAPIDLY SPREAD and falsehood is widely and rapidly exposed, only a small percentage of the Sunnis really understood the blasphemies of the shias religion.  It is not something that we can compromise with.  It is an infestation and a plague that needs to be removed.  Aside from your stupid rituals of knifing and beating yourselves and your children, which certainly repels any reasonable person away from you, but the more serious problems with your obnoxious and false religion, that is built entirely on hate, is your insults to GOD Almighty:

1-  You say that the Ahlul Bayt people are with GOD Almighty on this Throne.  This is in your books and is recorded by your imams.  So it's not from thin air.

2-  Allah Almighty's Throne is under the feet of the people of Ahlul Bayt.

3-  You call unto the people of Ahlul Bayt for:

(a)-  Guidance
(b)-  Protection
(c)-  Forgiveness
(d)-  Mercy

Your false religion is more than just disagreeing on who should've been the first Caliph.  Your false religion goes aganist the very Fundamentals of Islam that the real Muslims follow.  I couldn't compromise with such blasphemies.  No real Muslim could compromise with such blasphemies.  In the past, we didn't know much about your religion, because you weren't that known.  But now that you've gained power for the last decade, a lot of light had been shed upon you.  And like all infestations, once they're known they won't be accepted.  You couldn't live in a house that is infested with rats, nor with a hair that is infested with lice.  Shiism is nothing but an infestation.  It has to be fought to the absolute finish.  It is nothing to compromise with, because you directly blaspheme Allah Almighty, and you directly destroy Islam from within.

To the reader, to see ample videos about the shias blasphemies against Allah Almighty and the Holy Quran and Islam's Fundamentals, please visit:

This obnoxious garbage of hate is not True Islam:



Again, please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: February 20, 2014, 08:10:52 PM »
I just want to add that its not just Shias attacking Sunnis, but also the other way around. The opposition and Assad's forces both committed atrocities, and both parties are composed of different sects, the opposition has prominent Alawi members, including some of the Assad family, and Government also has prominent Sunnis, such as the Tlass family. I think its also rude to only emphasis the Muslims that are suffering in Syria but also to acknowledge that Christians and Druze there are also suffering, Non Arabs, such as the Kurds, are also suffering.


Your comment is extremely offensive and ridiculous.  The Sunnis didn't commit war crimes against the shias in Syria.  And they've actually come and addressed this very point on Paltalk, and they said that we could easily target their children and all vulnerable areas, but we're keeping our fight True to GOD Almighty.  It is the criminal regime of Syria along with his Islam-hating shia infidels that are viciously fighting the Muslims and using every dirty method.

When you equate the victim with the criminal with such stupid remarks, then you lose all credibility.  I know you're a shia Zulfiqar.  It's a no brainer.  Dhulfiqar was Caliph Ali's sword name.  But I respect you.  The Syrian people have EVERY RIGHT to rise against their corrupt government.  It's the evil infidels from your people who are denying them such God-given right to live in a corrupt-free land, and under an Islamic democracy.  The evil and hateful shias are only good in knifing themselves, and blaspheming against GOD Almighty.  Like rabid dogs turned loose, they thought that their holy war against us has come.  But they badly miscalculated, because every one now can't stand even seeing a rotten shia in front of him.  And the Sunnis make up more than 90% of the nation over there.  So they're the majority also.  It won't be long till the shias there see the overwhelming wrath of the Muslims come crashing upon them.

I hope this helps.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,

I have updated the Main Table image above, and added the English numbers next to their Arabic ones.  This will allow for the non-Arabic readers to still be able to follow along with the examples that I posted above by:

1-  Seeing the numerical values that I give to each letter.
2-  Comparing how the letter looks in both the example and the main table, and to see its numerical value in the main table.

The Main Table image is:  The examples that I gave are in the post above.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Asalamu Alaykum

Thanks akhi for your work. Just wanted to ask are these the miracles where the Numerological (abjad) calculations are used to find the value of the letter?

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother,

This one here is a new one that is derived entirely from the Glorious Quran.  Brother Adnan Al Refaei took the Arabic alphabets, and sorted them by their occurences in the Holy Quran in a descending order (from the highest to the lowest), and he gave them their numerical values based on this.  So the Numerical Table that he put together came entirely from the Glorious Quran.  So the alif letter, for example, was assigned the numerical value 1, because it has the highest occurences in the Holy Quran.

The abjad (gammatrical) table that you refer to is a non-Arabic one, and it is not based on the Holy Quran.  He didn't use it, and he said that he has no regard for it, because it is not from the Holy Quran.  And to his suprise, he discovered that the Noble Verses and Statements in the Holy Quran that are balanced with each others in meanings and correlations, they all also have a total numerical value that is a multiple of the number 19 without any remainder.  He found this consistency by the thousands of Noble Verses throughout the Holy Quran, and he put them in his book.  The links above that I gave demonstrate the Noble Verses that speak about the #19 Miracle, and they of course also have the total numerical value that is a multiple of the number 19 without any remainer, because they are what he calls a COMPLETE CASE (a set of Noble Verses that when put together, and are all a complete case in meanings and correlation, then their numerical value also MUST AND WILL be a multiple of number 19 without any remainder).

Not only that, but the example that I gave above also shows that the value of the Noble Verses also matches the multiplication of the BASMALA's (the key to the Holy Quran) number of letters and their total numerical values: 19 X 115 = 2185.

Another awesome example that he gave was Prophet Noah's CASE (complete Noble Verses).  Not only they're made up of 950 Noble letters, and Allah Almighty Said that Noah lived 950 years among his people, but the total numerical value of the Noble Verses is also a multiple of the number 19 without any remainder. 

Man, this is truly a discovered Law and Miracle in the Holy Quran!  It is no joke.

Jews and Christians:

You know, GOD Almighty spoke in the Bible's Old Testament about the Prophet of Arabia will be given THE BOOK!  This "THE BOOK" is none other than the Holy Quran that you so viciously attack.  For ample Biblical verses, please visit this section and also watch my detailed debate about Prophet Muhammad in the Bible at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


Jazak Allah Khairan!

Keep it up!

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

Thank you dear brother, ThatMuslimGuy.  May Allah Almighty bless you, akhi.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

First of all, all Thanks and Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty alone.  I thought I should give you progress and some samples on how far I am done, and what type of images I've been producing.  As to the book, I am done with processing 1/3 to 1/2 of it.  It's a very time consuming and tedious work as the following images will certainly show:

The original images from the book:

My processed images of the original image above:

There will be thousands of these PNG files of processed images, Insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  And like I said, I am already done with processing 1/3 to 1/2 of all of them, with Allah Almighty's Mercy, Grace and Will.  Now of course, I will put them in HTML files and elaborate on them for the user.  I won't let the images just self-explain themselves.  I will elaborate in text in the HTML files that I will produce, which will explain every Case and Miracle that a group of Noble Verses make up.  There will be 100s of cases made up of thousands of Noble Verses, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

May Allah bless you for your work brother!!

Your work is extremely powerful and your website is very popular on search engines! You've done great work, may Allah give you the strength to continue this fantastic work!

Thank you very much dear brother Mclinkin94.  May Allah Almighty greatly bless you and your family, and always keep you all in His Right Path of Islam.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: February 18, 2014, 06:22:30 PM »
Salam thank you for the explanations but I already know all of this  but can somebody give me an explanation of the ayah that is not contradictory with the rest of the Quran. Why does it say "when Allah and his messenger decide on a matter"

Wa Alaikum As'salam,

I already demonstrated to you, akhi Abdullah, the authority that the Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, had.  This is nothing new.  It's consistent with the authorities that the previous Prophets and Messengers also had:

Matthew 19:8
Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.

Here it's not Messenger Moses, peace be upon him, who just fabricates laws and passes them on.  "Moses permitted you" here means that Allah Almighty permitted for you THROUGH His Messenger Moses' Command that He, the Almighty, had inspired to Moses.

Similarly, we also read commands by Messengers to mere people:

Genesis 28:1
So Isaac called for Jacob and blessed him. Then he commanded him: “Do not marry a Canaanite woman.

Exodus 4:28
Then Moses told Aaron everything the Lord had sent him to say, and also about all the signs he had commanded him to perform.

Exodus 32:28
The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died.

Exodus 35:29
All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the Lord freewill offerings for all the work the Lord through Moses had commanded them to do.

Matthew 8:4
Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

Mark 1:44
“See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

John 8:5
In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?”

John 12:49
For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.

So much for the lie about Jesus being the Creator of the Universe, in this verse.  Please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

« on: February 18, 2014, 06:01:13 PM »
Salam can some explain the ayah surah 33 ayah 36. The ayah makes it seem as if prophet muhammed takes part in Allah's decisions. This has been bothering me for a while and I hope somebody can help me out.
Sahih International
"It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error."

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Abdullah,

Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran addressed Prophet Muhammad in three ways:

1-  The Prophet.
2-  The Messenger.
3-  Muhammad.

(1)- The Prophet is the one who both made Prophecies and also is the one that is also a Messenger from Allah Almighty.  A Prophet is greater in status than a Messenger.  For example, Jesus is a Prophet, Muhammad is a Prophet, Noah is a Prophet because they made Prophecies, and were also Messengers of Allah Almighty who received Divine Revelations.

(2)- The Messenger is one who receives Divine Revelations from Allah Almighty, and is the one who:

1-  Details them.
2-  Exegetes them.
3-  Explains them.

[053:003]  Nor does he speak out of his own desire.
[053:004]  It is nothing but pure revelation revealed by God.
[053:005]  The Lord of the Mighty Powers has taught him,

[016:102]  Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims.

Please visit:

However, according to both the Holy Quran and the Hadiths, not every "hadith" or word that Muhammad the person spoke is a legitimate Hadith.  Plesae visit the following link for the proofs:

(3)- Muhammad is just the personhood of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

So having said all of that, the Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, detailed and explained and exegeted the Holy Quran based on Allah Almighty's Divine Inspirations through:

1-  The Holy Spirit.
2-  Through direct contact through Angel Gabriel.

Again, see the Noble Verses and links above.  Therefore, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the person never invented anything on his own when it came to the Laws of of the Holy Quran.  He detailed how to Pray, how to Fast, and how to perform all of the Islamic Duties, Rules and Rituals through the Divine Inspiration.  So rejecting the Messenger Muhammad's Commands and Explanations of the Holy Quran was rejecting the Message of Islam:

[004:014]  Those who disobey Allah and His messenger, and stray beyond His limits, are the ones whom He will hurl into the hellfire. They will stay there forever. There is a humiliating punishment for them.

[004:059]  Oh you who believe! Obey Allah, obey the messenger, and (obey) those who occupy a position of authority among you. Then, should there arise a dispute among you concerning anything, refer it to Allah and the messenger _ if you (really) believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is much better and will (prove to) be the best outcome.

This is similar to Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, when he gave the Jews the Divine Law of GOD Almighty.  Among the Divine Laws that Moses the Messenger gave the Jews was to prohibition to work on the Holy Sabbath.  Some of them rejected the Command and were in turn transformed into pigs and monkies:

[002:065]  And well ye knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected."

[005:060]  (Say), “Shall I tell you about the recompense from Allah which is certainly far worse? (Deserving a worse fate are): those whom Allah has cursed, those upon whom fell the wrath of Allah, those whom Allah turned into monkeys and pigs, and the devotees of the arrogant and the evil. Their plight is the worst; they are the farthest away from the straight path.”

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.  Again, please visit:

And last and not least, please visit the following link to see the Overwhelming Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum brother,

Thanks for the post. But the sentence about evolution is disappointing to be heard from a Muslim.

Ouch! LOL :).  I see a big debate about evolution coming up.  I actually owe brother Mclinkin94 two debates:

1-  Why Darwin's evolution isn't supported by Islam.  However, evolution of our bodies changing in sizes and features is supported by Islam.

2-  Why Quran-only sect is deviant.

I was planning on engaging these two discussions thoroughly.  Perhaps it'll happen soon.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers ThatMuslimGuy and Mohammed,

Jazakaum Allah Khayr for the link and the points that you raised.  I certainly welcome all Muslims to come together and post their best articles on the blog, and also for me to add their work to the site where appropriate.  I welcome all links of the really good Muslim articles out there. 

I've always wanted my website to centralize the merits of the Muslims on the web, and to prevent for their best works to get lost in vast infinite ocean of the interent.  Years ago, compiled links from other sites and from the sites that I know 100+ of the very good Islamic websites out there:

I certainly encourage all of the brothers and sisters who post here, and who will post in the future, to give the links of their sites or blogs for the materials that they post here on the blog.  This way, their websites or pages will also be picked up by the search engines, insha'Allah.  This is why I created this blog; to open everything up, and to bring in all merits and the challenges to make us Muslims more stronger, and to further prove Islam.

As to your work, dear brother Mohammed, I am very sure it is worthy of posting on the site, dear brother.  I will insha'Allah get to it.  I am very sorry for taking long time akhi.  But however dear brother, please post your links freely on this blog.  They will be picked up by search engines, insha'Allah.  Believe me beloveds, you won't need to worry about me getting offended if you propagate your blogs and sites and pages.  On the contrary, I highly encourage it so that we can all be very effective on the internet.  The future is the internet.  As today's media is becoming more and more supressed, controlled and corrupted by the zionist governments, and their credibilities are going down and down everyday, the Youtube and Google and Facebook and Twiter and all of those media platforms are the current and future media.  So we must dominate it, insha'Allah.  And this solely depends on the merits that we put forth.  So it is definitely up to us.

TV is no longer the dominant tool for engaging the media.  The biggest primetime show on FOXNews or CNN doesn't even draw 3 million viewers to it, while on just youtube alone for example, there are close to 80 million viewers world-wide at any given moment in any given day, I once heard.  There is just no comparison.  Plus News today is becoming more and more opinionated and polticaly driven.  The Internet Media is authentic, because its real people who post the real news and the materials on it as they see it from their cell phone cameras.  Real authentic news and credibility.  Not poltical nonsense from poltical machines.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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