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Messages - adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum brothers and sisters, since the issue of gospel of barnabas was raised by brothers here on this site. I decided to look at the contridictions again, after searching i found that this brother adeel, already created a very sound, rebuttal against answering islam's contridoction between quran and gospel of barnabas. This could definatly make gospel of barnabas, the most accurate gospel in aligned with the quran.

Also this brother points out some issues that were raised by answering islam and how these issues themselves are contridictory, such as how quran talks about 7 heavens and goapel of barnabas 9. However the way it seem jesus pbuh is mentioning them could be a mistranslation since it seems like it talking about sky or planets rather then heaven.

Yes i do agree pakistan has made mistakes in past, however, these mistakes were due to agreements between US and pakistan. Agreements that only ruined pakistan's reputation. However, pakistan was in need of injection of assets to keep the market going. The difference between pakistan and india is that pakistan population is half the size of india thus meaning less workforce, corruption ezists on both governments that is not a question. Hell there is no innocent government in the world currently but this does not justify anyone. I live in US, but i hope 1 day the problems are dealt with and jobs become available and  things become bad here in US, i will probably then go back. But i believe the education i am earning here would benefit my country. I don't love pakistan because i was born there, i love it for the fact it is a islamic republic, i just hope it becomes more islamic in government decisions, inshallah.

« on: February 12, 2017, 07:49:44 PM »
Asalam ul laykum brother truthexposer, ur doing a great job brother, may allah swt reward u for ur effort. Jazakallahkyarum.

Asalam ullaykum great work brother dawud. Mashallah keep it is. Jazakallahkayrum.  =)

« on: February 12, 2017, 02:59:48 PM »
Sorry keyboard autocorrect changed my work munafick to munificent.

« on: February 12, 2017, 02:58:35 PM »
I seen this guy on YouTube. Ex-Muslim aethist hypocrite munificent, he acts like he knows a lot and tries to sound professional. But is just a fool, u can see his videos on YouTube.

Also bro, we Muslim ummah are helping our brothers who are in trouble. Look at how Malaysia, Indonesia and Bangladesh is helping the rhingyas. Regards to the plight in syria, Arab Muslim countries and Pakistan have taken in many refugees. Truth is the only ones who can truely help us are our own nations, but there is only so much that can be done. There are western mercenaries and other forces that won't let the region gain any peace. In fact, most people do not know but the black water mercenary group came into Pakistan by getting a contract by some hypocrite firm in pakistan in 1998. The hypocrites are the ones who keep giving those who want to divide us and conquer us, the opportunities to do so.

Ashamed of Pakistan? Brother, do u know that the reason why taliban got into Pakistan is because Musharraf opened the border to help the afghani refugees, bush admin wanted him to do that. However, it was a plan from the bush admin to have taliban invade Pakistan. Also no one elected mushraff into power, he became leader through a martial law, when they blamed sharif of stealing from the people. But mushraff has done things to ruin Pakistan reputation. For example, UN investigation showed that mushraff was responsible for the assassination of Bhutto.

U are saying ur ashamed of Pakistan, but did u know that India has been doing espionage in Pakistan. Recently an Indian spy was caught who admitted to his influence in Islamabad. Bro, u should do more research about what is really going on. I don't understand how u can think that mushrik Hindus are better than us when they even killed many muslims when the Pakistani independence happened, and that modi is actually a Hindu terrorist that killed muslims, in fact there was UN resolution against him in the past.

Also bro, look up how much Pakistan did for the Muslim ummah, Pakistan helped in UAE independence. Pakistan provided great support for Syria and other Muslim countries in past bro. However, India supports US and Israel, so bro how can u be against Pakistan bro.

Also search up that Pakistan gave Palestinian president Abbas land in Islamabad for free so he can build the first palestani embassy and sharif of Pakistan gave millions of dollars to help start up the embassies construction.

Iono bro, they are telling u lies in India about Pakistan. Many Indian intellectuals admit that India has been doing espionage and supporting terror in Pakistan. The Mumbai bombing was by the Kashmiri insurgency, can u blame them when India is killing them.

asalam ul laykum brothers, yes brother i know you meant muslims and not islam. which is why i said i agree. that as muslimeen we should reform. However, when i meant reform i mean unify. Due to the fact that many of us have become divided, so a muslim reform would be a muslim unification. that is what we need, inshallah azawajjal, mahdi will be coming soon, just hope the time isn't too far off due to how much the muslim ummah is suffering every where.

Yes the problem in Saudi Arabia is due to wahabbism and salafism which are deviations. In Pakistan, Saudi Arabia has put wahabbi sheiks to turn people extreme, however, the epidemic is widely a misconcept, there are many other ideologies there and dominant Sunni Hanafi Muslim and not wahabbi. Problems in Pakistan are more political than religious, but the world is trying to make it look like religion and terror. This information is mostly spread by india, through the rhetoric of labeling Pakistan a terrorist nation, when in fact Terrorism from Taliban that infiltrated Pakistan has resulted in 60,000 Pakistani deaths, then you have to add the deaths from the drone strikes, then from skimishes in Kashmir with india. Unfortunatly, Pakistan tries hard to show the world that it did not create the problem. But their are other sources(liers) like India and US, that want Pakistan to become a terrorist state so they can destroy it. Pakistan currently is the only Muslim republic country with nuclear power capabilities and feels a strong ties with rest of the Muslim World. This poses a danger for the US War on Terror rhetoric, that is why in past they attemtped to start war in pakistan. However, support from China and other regions deterred US.

The Truth is we are being divided with lies, our countries are continuesly being brainwashed to hate each other (divide and conquer) by US and zionists. We need to stop petty infighting. Yes i do agree that there are some bad seeds in Pakistan, but this exists in every country, the problem is that these seeds exist because we are being taught to be like the West, then u see our people who assimilate in West and end up divorcing and doing many Haram things. the point is, our people need to wake up and realize that assimilation will not help, that is what we have always done, we have taken stress and been hurt even though we assimilate. Why? because allah swt always punished us when we divide, look at the battle of Uhud and why the crusades happened.

I totally agree, we the muslim ummah need to unite and stop trying to please the west. Only thing that can please these monsters is our death.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Surah al Nisaa verse 15 16
« on: February 12, 2017, 05:33:33 AM »
Asalam ul laykum brother Monys, as you can see from above, i have apologized for the misunderstanding. i just never seen you before, due to recent events on this forum and also the change in translation, i made a false assumption. so i apologized for it brother. =)

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Surah al Nisaa verse 15 16
« on: February 11, 2017, 01:20:23 AM »
No brother i wasn't basing it on that. I was wondering if there was any event in regards to it. I wasn't critising the legitimacy, but was just wondering if there was any event behind it. I know that not all verses came in regards to a specific event. I was only wondering if there was any event.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Surah al Nisaa verse 15 16
« on: February 11, 2017, 01:10:02 AM »
Walakum salam rahmatallahi wabarakatihu thanks brother osama, for the insight. I was just wondering as we know that all verses were revealed during times that were relevant for the event of that time. For example, when the hypocrites tried to attack aisha ra with a false blame of immorality, allah swt defended her with this ayah: If a Fasiq (liar- evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done. Quran: 49: 6

Just wondering what is the historical contex of that verse is. Or was it just as a warning.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Surah al Nisaa verse 15 16
« on: February 10, 2017, 10:55:38 PM »
Brother osama can u elaberate under what circumctances were these verse revealed, what was the historic contex of it. I read the life of prophet muhammad pbuh and listened to lectures i just never heard of an instance where there would be some form of a circumstance that this would be revealed, or unless allah swt just told this to us as a precaution.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Surah al Nisaa verse 15 16
« on: February 10, 2017, 10:49:29 PM »
Ok, i looked that the links u provided brother osama, aparently it is not always clear when reading different translations. I apologize brother monys for my misunderstanding.  =)

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Surah al Nisaa verse 15 16
« on: February 10, 2017, 10:47:04 PM »
But doea it not mention specifically "women." Wouldn't that make it about the opposite sex?

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