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Messages - There is only one God

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« on: January 12, 2013, 07:55:04 AM »
I say pwnage in real life too. :L

cuz you suck! I type pwnage every time I'm debating with an Atheist..

« on: January 12, 2013, 07:42:36 AM »
Pwnage is ownage with a more extreme effect. I think it started because somebody clicked on the 'p' mistakenly instead of the 'o' as they're both beside each other on the keyboard. It basically means you're posts are awesome.

Yea it was a typo. Now on the internet we say "pwnage" and in real life we say "ownage"

[censored]? No wonder the Qur'an says the disbelievers are unclean...the germ theory was introduced in the 19th century, before that they believed you only got sick because of bad air! Yet another reason to follow hadith

List to be updated soon

Newton's second law

Objects at rest remain that way unless acted upon by a force. In this case: The atoms of the universe. Gases expand naturally, but with forces. There has to be a force that set the expansion for the big bang.


The first law of thermodynamics states that the energy of a closed system is constant. Thermodynamics laws apply to all closed systems. The second law states that entropy of a closed system always increases. This means that eventually, the universe will flatten out to an omega state, when the entropy reaches maximum. The universe will then either return to timelessness, or bounce back causing another big bang. What has an end must have a beginning.

The law of causality

Every effect must have a cause. The universe had a beginning, therefore there must be a cause, as the Qur'an says there is an anti to everything (51:49), but it says that the pairs were created, meaning in timelessness, that law does not apply. Therefore, God is eternal.

Cell theory

All cells can only come from preexisting cells through division. A cell cannot come about by other processes like Abiogenesis.

The law of conservation of energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but is conserved and changes form. However, the energy in the universe must have come from somewhere according to the law of causality. This is proof that timelessness exists, as the universe is not bound by its own laws.

In the Qur'an, everything was created from something, except the universe, which was made from nothing. This 'nothing' is timelessness.

Common arguments the Atheists may put forward:

1) Who created God?

The law of causality was created, and it does not apply in timelessness. Timelessness is eternal. Think of it like creating a box. You put things inside a box that you create from cardboard. As you add things, the cardboard box becomes increasingly complex, but whatever is inside the box, cannot leave it without passing the boundaries of the box. Another example is, you're opening a scroll slowly. As you open the scroll, you see things written that you did not know. Then, when it is fully open, you look at it again, but this time you know what's in it all. Time is a perception according to Albert Einstein. This perception is only put forward when there is matter relative to it. This book explains timelessness fairly well

2) Is there proof of timelessness?

Yes. The laws given above contradict with the universe's laws. These laws were set in the universe when Allah created the universe from timelessness.

3) Isn't protein synthesis possible in primordial Earth conditions, according to Miller?

Miller's experiment consisted of Ammonia. Modern science reveals his experiment false. Protein synthesis cannot occur on water without the help of a membrane, and amino acids disintegrate at high temperatures or UV rays.

« on: January 12, 2013, 01:16:37 AM »
pwnage ?
I mostly see it on multiplayer games. Heres a scenario.
A match between two teams on CoD. Team one destroys team 2 in all round without casulaties...pwned or pwnage.
You defeat the last boss on unsane difficulty...pwned or pwnage. You get the idea

You're really the coolest preteen on the internet 8)

everything refers to atoms, and their protons and electrons. It's not a reference to organisms..

Bin Laden does not equal
Most scholars and Imams, if not all

« on: January 10, 2013, 05:40:30 PM »
Apparently there's this guy named Walid Shoebat. That's cool. I even found a picture of him.

well our prophet also used camels and robes. and he never used the internet. So stop going against the Sunnah

« on: January 10, 2013, 04:23:50 AM »
if i saw ali sina i would kill him

Too bad Allah doesn't want him. He'll probably survive and wander off headlessly where he can continue to attack Islam in the safety of his mommy's basement.

I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

For your information, The Beard is a obligation on every male Muslim who is able to grow it, It is the Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam)

and I'd rather be like Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Then unlike him, For I love Him more then any being on this planet or in this universe other then Allah almighty.

and I will follow his Sunnah, and don't you are mock his Sunnah, for it is his Sunnah that will save you from Hell.

The Qur'an is the ultimate moral code, the hadith is just Sunnah, which is not compulsory btw. And Allah does not exist in this universe, he exists outside of it. But that's physics. Anyway, I won't go to hell for not having a beard, otherwise all the women would suffer.

Just Sunnah?

Are you an idiot?

In Saheeh Muslim (2021) it is narrated that a man ate with his left hand in the presence of the Messenger of Allaah (S). He said: “Eat with your right hand.” He said: I cannot. He said: “May you never be able to,” for nothing was preventing him from doing so but arrogance. And he never raised it to his mouth again.

The Prophet's Sunnah is what we follow, without it we are not Muslims, we do not know how to pray, how to eat, how to use the bathroom or clean ourselves without the hadith and Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Allah has ordered us in the Qur'an to follow EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Mohammad (Sal Allah alihe wa Salam) Tells us to do no matter what.

Unless, 1. The Prophet says, Not doing it has no harm to you, or 2. This is not obligatory upon you

He commanded us to grow our beards, he also told us the only way to be a complete Muslim is to love him more then anything other then Allah.

He is the example of perfection. and we must follow him.

Do not, insult our messenger by saying "Just sunnah" Just sunnah? Are you mental? do you think we can put aside the teachings of the prophet (Sal Allaho alihe wa salam) saying they are good for us but we're okay with "Just fard"

May Allah calm me... Watch this video may it bring to you clarity.

and this

Yea well unlike you, I don't follow Allah out of fear of losing control of my hands. Your example is [censored]. It talks about a man who lied to the prophet. And did he lose control of his arms? No, the prophet just cursed him to show the sin in lying. He didn't mean it by heart and never cursed anyone. Do you know the idea behind left-handedness and right-handedness? I certainly hope you do! The germ theory was introduced in the West in the 19th century! Before then, people in the West did not wash their hands and were very unclean. It wasn't till later when a Christian scientist suggested washing hands could prevent disease and death, Ironically the guy who proposed it died because his doctors didn't wash their hands before his surgery! They used the same hand to eat and pick up their [censored] with. Differentiating between the two hands was crucial. Right hand for eating, greeting, etc, and the left hand for wiping your ass. Also, during ablution, left hand to open the faucet, and right hand to wash your face and stuff. This way, the germs you acquire from the faucet and after closing it would stay in your left hand. Well now we have automatic hand-washes, but not automatic doors to go with it lol. So Sunnah is just based on your way of life!

I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

For your information, The Beard is a obligation on every male Muslim who is able to grow it, It is the Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam)

and I'd rather be like Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Then unlike him, For I love Him more then any being on this planet or in this universe other then Allah almighty.

and I will follow his Sunnah, and don't you are mock his Sunnah, for it is his Sunnah that will save you from Hell.

The Qur'an is the ultimate moral code, the hadith is just Sunnah, which is not compulsory btw. And Allah does not exist in this universe, he exists outside of it. But that's physics. Anyway, I won't go to hell for not having a beard, otherwise all the women would suffer.

I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Proof Jesus was not divine/God
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:40:15 AM »
“He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.” (Mark 6:5)

Everyone can do that nowadays:

« on: January 10, 2013, 02:29:58 AM »
How can you believe in an invisible being and not be institutionalized in an Asylum?

My response:

God is not a being. Perhaps you can stop believing in gravity since it's invisible. Otherwise I'd have to send YOU to a mental asylum!

Short and simple, yet fun. Atheists are very ignorant :P

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