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Messages - Sama

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« on: January 28, 2018, 04:27:55 PM »
First, we shall describe the physical nature of the Stone itself. The Black Stone (al-Hajar al-Aswad) is built into the Ka`abah wall, at the eastern corner of the Ka`abah, about 5 ft. above the ground level, not very far from the door of the Ka`abah. It (now) consists of 3 large pieces and several small fragments (in which it was formerly broken) stuck together and surrounded by a large ring of stone, which in turn is held together by a silver band.

    The Black Stone (al-Hajr al-Aswad)

The material of the Black Stone has not been precisely determined. It is sometimes classified as lava and sometimes as basalt. The reason for this difficulty is that its visible surface is worn smooth by hand-touching, etc.1 Its estimated diameter is approximately 12″2. Its colour is reddish black with red and yellow particles.

It is reported that when the Prophet Muhammad(P) entered the city of Makkah as a victorious leader, there were 360 idols around the Ka`abah3. The Prophet(P) then had the Forbidden Sanctuary (the precinct around the Ka`abah proper) cleansed of all these idols and proclaimed Monotheism in its true, most elevated and pristine form. Thus saying that “Muslims worship the Black Stone as an idol” is clearly the most absurd thing ever pronounced in the history of mankind.

From a physical perspective, therefore, the Black Stone does not have any special significance or importance. Umar(R), later to become the second Caliph of Islam, is reported to have said that he fully realized that the Black Stone was merely a stone and thus had no power of its own to harm or benefit anyone4.

As for the reasons as to why we have the Black Stone in the wall of the Ka`abah, we read about the following reasons, that:

    (a) it symbolizes the starting-point during the circumambulation of the Ka`abah, thus facilitating the remembrance of the number of circumambulations.
    (b) at this point, the Muslims, who are close to the Ka`abah (during their circumambulation) touch the stone, while those who are away from it, raise their hands towards it, symbolizing the renewal of their pledge of allegiance with the Lord of the Ka`abah. In this symbolic expression, the Black Stone is taken as a symbol of an oath on the hand of God.5

And with this, it is clear that this baseless assertion of the Islamophobes is refuted. And only God knows best!

 The Stone is from the signs of Allaah similar to when we stand in 'Arafah, similar to when we stay in Muzdalifah and similar to when we circumambulate around the House (the Ka'bah). Likewise we kiss the Black Stone and touch it or gesture towards it because it is from the signs of Allaah. Hence our kissing it or touching it or signalling towards it is in worship of Allaah not the stone. Furthermore, for this reason when 'Umar ibn al-Khattab radhiallaah 'anhu kissed the stone he said:

"Indeed I know that you are but a stone you neither benefit nor harm, and if it was not that I saw the Messenger of Allaah SallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam kiss you I would not have kissed you."

[Reported by al-Bukhaaree (1597), and Muslim (1270)]

Therefore the issue is regarding the matter of following and adhering and not worship of the stone. So they contrive lies against us whilst we do not worship the Ka'bah but rather we worship the Lord of the Ka'bah, so we circumambulate around the Ka'bah in worship of Allaah the Mighty and the Majestic; because Allaah has commanded us with that, so we obey Allaah the Mighty and the Majestic and we follow His Messenger SallAllahu 'alayhi wasallam .

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

Do Muslims worship the Black Stone? No Muslims don't! The purpose of the Black Stone has been described above. Further there is more historic evidence that its not an object of Worship. In one of most sad events of Islamic history the city of Makkah was sacked by the Qaramatians in the year 930 C.E. They killed many pilgrims, desecrated the holy sites and took away the Black Stone to their seat of Power at Al-Hasa in Bahrayn. It was restored in the year 952 C.E. thus for about quarter of a century the stone was displaced from its location yet neither did Muslims turn to Al-Hasa for prayers during that period neither were the obligations of Salah (ritual prayers) and Hajj (obligatory pilgrimage) suspended. If it were an object of worship much consternation would have followed the unfortunate event.

Why kiss it? And we Muslims kiss it just because of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did it.

Read the following Hadith, it makes the whole thing crystal clear.

عَنْ عَابِسِ بْنِ رَبِيعَةَ عَنْ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ
أَنَّهُ جَاءَ إِلَى الْحَجَرِ الْأَسْوَدِ فَقَبَّلَهُ فَقَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ أَنَّكَ حَجَرٌ لَا تَضُرُّ وَلَا تَنْفَعُ وَلَوْلَا أَنِّي رَأَيْتُ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يُقَبِّلُكَ مَا قَبَّلْتُكَ

Narrated 'Abis bin Rabia: 'Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said "No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you."
(Bukhari Hadith 1494)

Similar has been narrated about the First Caliph, Abu Bakr (RA). See Suyuti's Tarikh Al-Khulafa 1/35 cf. Ilal al-Darqutni

Catholic concept of Mary:

Contrary to the Islamic concept of showing respect to this stone what the Christians do is much more than this.

Firstly, making the idols of any holy person and its revering is no way comparable to Muslim's kissing the shapeless stone which for itself signifies nothing.

Secondly, Catholics do pray 'To Jesus through Mary' thus believing in her as at least an intercessor. See THIS

I am saying 'at least' because this is something no catholic would ever deny. There were and still are people who openly called Mary, 'the Mother God', not merely 'Mother of God'. And even today there are people still who revere and venerate her as "GOD". And such people claim to be Catholics .

So showing veneration to the statue of Mary (May ALLAH bestow His blessings upon her) is nothing less than idol worship. No Muslims, even the most lunatic of them has any such belief about the Black Stone or the Holy Ka'ba. Thus such a concordance is nothing but mere absurdity.


« on: January 28, 2018, 04:20:19 PM »
2- Please delete my comment. I didn't read the point correctly.

« on: January 28, 2018, 04:17:33 PM »
1) If you believe organisms can make small gradual changes the earth has been around for billions of years so we could have easily and gradually evolved from apes.
Many Darwinists wonder how we could possibly deny the 'fact of evolution'. After all, we can actually observe changes in nature. How can we possibly not see this? The only explanation, Darwinists say, is that we are willingly ignorant of the truth.

However, we do not deny variation. Not even the most fundamental die-hard scientist would ever deny that change occurs! Presenting variations with the view that we deny them is a misrepresentation of our position.

The scientific evolution:
'change over time',  'descent with modification', or 'the change of allele frequencies of a population over time'.

This is well established, testable, falsifiable and provable.

Neo-Darwinism  ( commonly called 'Evolution theory')

'the idea that all life has descended from a single common ancestor over millions of years via a net gain in new genetic information'.

This is laughable Speculation; completely half baked, not testable, not falsifiable and not provable.

« on: January 28, 2018, 03:43:43 PM »
Read the 3 parts. this will shut down any ignorant person who didn't study biology, history, customs nor tradition, then comes with this stupid comments;

« on: January 28, 2018, 06:47:12 AM »
God is the creator.
God sent books.
Science is "lowly human knowledge-ever changing -not perfect.
Therefore, "established scientific facts" can not contradict what Muslims teach anyway. This may be a problem for the followers of corrupted books but not Muslims.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Answers from the other side
« on: January 27, 2018, 04:08:31 PM »

what's your point ?
PLease remove link and post relevant points if there is any.

WHAT is the relevant language  :P

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Claims against this website
« on: January 27, 2018, 08:12:28 AM »
I was about to send the same link :)

It's fake propaganda

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: The one person nobody refutes
« on: January 26, 2018, 06:57:07 AM »
Quran miracles are established and when he uses the word rape -without any evidence so far - You should be smart enough to know he is lying.

There is no single mistake in Quran. This is eternal challenge.

Proof by assertion:

Informal fallacy, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belief fallacies. It's a form of brainwashing.

« on: January 25, 2018, 06:09:57 PM »
So what about the issue that sex is the only way to escape slavery if your not ransomed then this is like indirect rape is it not.
"Forcing" is not in the dictionary.

New Muslims / Senior German right wing politician revert to Islam
« on: January 24, 2018, 03:58:07 PM »
A senior member of Germany’s right-wing Alternative for Deutschland party has caused a stir by converting to Islam.

Arthur Wagner, who was until recently a member of the Brandenburg state legislative committee, said his decision to become a Muslim was a ‘private matter’.

But members of his party have repeatedly stressed that Islam ‘does not belong’ in Germany and that multiculturalism and mass migration are bad for the country.

At the time of the migration crisis – when Angela Merkel unilaterally declared that over a million people could come to Germany from around the world – Wagner said the chancellor was making a ‘huge mistake’, Tagesspiegel reported.

He explained: ‘Germany is mutating into another country.’

Wagner has resigned his senior position with the party for ‘private reasons’, according to an AfD official quoted in Berliner Zeitung.

Daniel Friese added that the party believes in the German constitution’s provision for freedom of religion.

‘Mr. Wagner resigned on January 11 from the state board on his own volition. Only afterwards was it known that he had converted to Islam,’ Friese said.

Despite his views on the migration crisis, however, Wagner is also well known for his voluntary work with refugees in his hometown of Falkensee.

He once admired Merkel, but after the mass movement of people into Germany he said he had made a ‘gigantic mistake’ about her.

It is AfD’s ‘mission’ to ‘save this country,’ he added.

He was previously a member of her Christian Democrats party.

Wagner declined to comment on his conversion. ‘He does not want to speak with the press. He believes it is a private affair,’ the party spokesman said.

The AfD became Germany’s third largest party in parliament after last September’s general election.

« on: January 23, 2018, 05:02:33 PM »
Three questions
1) Isn't this separation thing a bit barbaric and over the top?
2) I'm pretty sure people don't want to be slave so if the woman request freedom can she not be frees?
3) I know Islam forbids rape but this is indirect rape although the woman is not physical forced into sex she has to do it to be free, isn't this like prostitution .
1- To the contrary. It's a divine legislation. Muslims accept it and submit to it whether they know the wisdom behind it or  do not.

2- If she can affords for herself, she can proceed to Al-Mukatabah (

3- She "can"practice sexual contact with her owner. That's her best available option to satisfy her physical needs not to fall as a victim to illegal zina. This halal sex is an advantage to someone in her situation. This doesn't mean that once she have sex, she becomes free.

« on: January 23, 2018, 01:32:12 PM »
Imam Nawawi in his commentary on this hadith states:

فإنه ينفسخ نكاح زوجها الكافر

It (i.e. to come to own a slave girl) annuls the marriage between her and her disbeliever husband. ( Commentary on Hadith no. 2643 Muslim)

Thus, we see that in the eyes of Islam this marriage becomes invalid (some opinions like that of the Hanafi school state other conditions required for the annulment to occur).

The critic would definitely argue back stating "what gives your religion the right?" but that is not the point of discussion. This is an external critique of Islam and the basis for this discussion really isn't about this topic in particular but about whether Islam really is true and whether this is God's decree.
To debate the specifics is just useless. The Muslim sees this decree to be internally consistent and submits to God's law that states that action x results in a divorce.

One might shout out to the Christian as well, "What gives your Bible the right to declare a woman an adulteress if she happened to marry a man who divorced her by not following the proper procedures (Matthew 5:2)?" The Christian really has nothing to say except the fact that he believes that this is God's decree and submits to it. He believes that God has the power and right to determine how divorce should take place (e.g. what conditions are valid for divorce) and submits to them. Well, the Muslim says the same thing in this regard.

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