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Messages - Black Muslim

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When they are asked to pray 5 times a day, to fast and follow Islamic Shariah, they say it's not necessary as Muhammad (S.A.W) said Allah will forgive everyone who says ''LA ILAHA ILLALLAHU MUHAMMADURRASULULLAH" only once and let them enter Paradise.

Not necessary my foot ! It seems that they don't know this : A Muslim can't guarantee 100% he will go to paradise without going through hell . Oh yes ! Allah promises paradise to who worships him and none other , but that doesn't mean he won't punish who disobeys him . And if what they claimed was right then every Muslim can do whatever a horrible thing he wants to do because he will be forgiven ! This isn't Christianity where there is "Love with no conditions" . This is the great Islam , a faith of proof and evidence .

And they also claim Allah will pardon them at the request of Muhammad (S.A.W) or they might also be pardoned because of their beautiful Islamic names.

If it didn't have a censored word , I would have put the face of "Are you kidding me ?" . Still , I can put this :

« on: August 11, 2013, 01:10:41 PM »
The great devils of Jin might be sealed , but the minor ones and the devils of humans - Oh yes , there are human devils - are still free to spread chaos and doom . But always remember "God gives time , but he doesn't neglect . And when he punishes , he punishes strictly" .

« on: August 11, 2013, 10:14:48 AM »

This fellow seems to be a simple guy indeed . Time after time , his ignorance shows . I couldn't care less for Christianity and its errors . We're here talking about the great Islam . So either you learn for real - not read islamophobic articles - or keep quite .

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: muhammad and the jews
« on: August 04, 2013, 08:45:39 PM »
Before I reply to this dog who showed his true ugly colors :

Why do jews and christians even care? Why is Makkah and Madinah so special to them?
Well said . I always kept asking myself : WHY DO THEY BOTHER THAT MUCH ABOUT MAKKAH AND MADINAH ?! The only thing they can possibly do there is trying to get drugs through or weapons maybe . Anyway :

go [censored] yourself
You know what ? Go censor yourself too :)

the fact is what he did was racial profiling.  he punished an entire jewish tribe for the actions of a minority of it's members
Do you find difficulties understanding what we say ? They freaking committed treason ! The entire tribes either committed treason or agreed to it . When someone breaks the treaty and says "Let's kill them all" and the others say "We agree , we'll help you" , how the flip do you expect these others to be spared while they helped him ?! Are you blind to not be able to see what I said how they tried to kill the prophet many times ? I told you , get over yourself .

and here you muslims in the west  whine about how you guys are being profiled because of the terrorist actions of a minority of people in your faith
Oh no , you're bloody wrong . There's a HUGE difference between the two cases

Terrorism my foot !

And here I thought that you'd stick to one argument at a time like someone actually seeking a productive conversation , but you prove me wrong again . Now , for the Romans , I'm not that much when it comes to history but , who told you they didn't threaten the Islamic nation or its people ? Who said that they never oppressed Muslims in their lands ? Who said they never encouraged others to wage war on the Islamic nation ? I'd let someone who knows better answer . But a little rationality can spare one a load of thinking .

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: muhammad and the jews
« on: August 04, 2013, 04:54:21 PM »
he was going to kick the jews out regardless of whether or not they were a threat
So let me get this straight , you just discovered that what you just posted is an epic "Fail" and so you change the subject ? Very well , the great Islam always remains above all .
I can push your objection here with one word "Evidence ?" . The prophet all peace and blessings upon him came from Makkah - Not Mecca - to Madinah - Not Medina - where a great percentage of its people accepted his prophethood and supported him . When he arrived , he made a treaty with the Jews of Madinah which enlisted some things among them are :
1 - Not harming each other .
2 - Fighting side by side against any enemy which attacks them .
So how come he was planning to drive them out if he made a treaty with them ?
As for not allowing the disbelievers into Makkah or Madinah , that was during the eighth year after migration after the liberation of Makkah . By that time 99.9 % of the people of the two cities were Muslims so what's your objection ? That's God's order . And let me give you a hint by the way , Most nations don't allow you in unless you fulfill certain conditions and you don't see anyone complaining .

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: muhammad and the jews
« on: August 04, 2013, 02:55:29 PM »
Before I answer you , I would like to give you an advice : Don't overrate yourself . Believe me , you're not the first one who reads about Islam from its enemies and then thinks he got the wolf by its tail (Common Arabic saying) . So instead of coming every now and then and think you embarrassed us , take five minutes or less and read the explanation or refutation of what you misunderstood .

Now about the Jews . First of all , I'll say that all these tears for Jews are a huge farce . As if the other people who reached 60 million through world war 2 were not humans as well . As if the people in Burma getting murdered and raped aren't humans as well . As if the native people of America who were annihilated were not humans as well . So I don't care if you call me antisemitic , it isn't all about you , Jews .

As for the Jews of the enlightened city - Madinah - they were three tribes and they ALL made conspiracies against Islam and its people . The first were the Jews of Qainuqa . A Muslim woman passed by their market and they tried to make her show her face and she refused . So a jeweler tied her dress to a chair , and when she stood up her private parts showed ! Now I don't know if you find it a trivial thing if a lady's private parts show in your environment and culture , but that doesn't change the fact that they did an unforgivable crime . That's why a Muslim man was enraged and killed the Jewish so they killed the Muslim . And that was the beginning of the end . But if you bothered read the biography - And you clearly didn't - you would have known that this isn't the only reason - Although it's heinous - because they already had conspiracies and tried to kill the prophet many times thus breaking the treaty . That's why they were banished . "because 1 of their people harrassed a muslim girl" you say ? harassment my foot !

Now , for the second tribe of Quraitha , they waged war on Muslims . End of the story . During the battle of the trench , Muslims were attacked from the front by Quraish and Jews from behind . If they succeeded in their treason , the whole Muslims would have been slaughtered ! After Quraish surrendered , Muslims cornered the Jews for days until they decided to give up . The Jews asked for Sa'd the son of Mu'ath to be the judge thinking that he would go easy on them because he had some trading relationships with them . But nothing could spare them the punishment . So he judged to kill their men . And why didn't you ask yourself : Wouldn't they do more than this if they succeeded ? Why didn't you ask yourself : If he banished them , wouldn't they return with armies to wage war again ?

Again , I despise farces .

« on: July 30, 2013, 10:16:40 AM »
It still means nothing . Having doubts doesn't prove them by default

How retarded ! the funny thing is I was reading someone's comment on this in "Blasting the foundations of atheism" - Good book , I advice you to read it - and his simple answer was "Non of your bloody business !" . God tells you in the chapter of prophets , sign 23 :
"He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned."
So stop asking things you have nothing do with ! But then , just to answer this and end another farce - And I always say I hate farces - you don't expect God to make us perfect , do you ? Then it would be the same as the irrational question of "Can God create a God like him ?" . And if you don't mean this perfectness but rather a "More accurate creation" - Exalted is God - then you're still looking for the first meaning because you'll keep asking why haven't we been created more perfectly until you ask at one time "Why do we die ?" . We are creatures in this life before judgment and we MUST die or there is no point at all !

Then , what really shocks one and make them facepalm is how ignorant and arrogant such people can act . Ignoring ALL these wonderful creations and how well made they are in order to grab the straw of "Imperfect creation" . But still , we'll prove their irrationality despite that . First of all , the appendix - o ones who have no shame or dignity - was discovered to have a use five years ago ! So it's funny how Atheists act as if leaving religion make you a intelligent and know everything . As for the giraffe , if I ever saw Dawkins , I'd shout "JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW DOESN'T MEAN IT'S USELESS !"

I don't know if I should laugh or cry ! He ignores the fact that the heart of the giraffe can pulse blood all the way to its head and sticks to this sick argument ! But just to shut you up , take a look here :
Because apparently , this shape of the nerve is NECESSARY and if it comes in another shape it becomes an odd case and an illness .

And then I'd like to point out to contradictions in Atheists thinking . One time , they claim that the so called "Natural selection" makes miracles and by "Pure chance" it created us - probably the deity of Atheists - in these wonderful variations . But when it comes to creation , they'd claim that this so miraculous natural selection failed to notice such minor errors - And we already said they are not - while it did greater than that ! All just because they hate religion ! If arrogance was a man then it would be an Atheist .

« on: July 29, 2013, 07:50:59 AM »
I just want to make a comment to Osama . Simply saying that Bukhari and Muslim have conspiracies in their books means nothing ! Sure , there are around 20 weak (unauthorized) sayings in those two books which scholars have made clear through the science of Hadith . So what of it ?! Did anyone say they were angels and never make mistakes ?

Another thing is , don't just believe that anybody who says he's an ex-muslim is actually an ex-muslim . You should test them . In case they were lying , they won't know the most basic important things in Islam . For example , one of them didn't know that Muslims pray toward Makkah !! Another one didn't know how many prayers there are a day !!

Before I comment , I want to tell you something :
I had a long experience with them and I can assure you that they lack the most basic manners . And God says :
"And it has already come down to you in the Book that when you hear the verses of Allah [recited], they are denied [by them] and ridiculed; so do not sit with them until they enter into another conversation. Indeed, you would then be like them. Indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers in Hell all together -"
So if they can't talk like civilized people , there is no point in talking at all .

As for the reasons of apostasy , I summarize them in :
1 - Sheer and utter ignorance of anything in the great Islam
2 - Following of ones worldly desires blindly
3 - Defeatist ideology which makes them think that the "Others" are advanced while we are retarded . This one still goes under the first .

I'm sorry for saying it in this manner as well . I was in bad shape . But look , you shouldn't learn your religion from the allegations of others . Learn it from its own sources . Learn for the sake of knowledge . That should be your first goal .

Question : Atheists always give us a headache with "Evil" . But how come they NEVER notice "Good" and "Well-being" at all ? Why is there so much good in our life ? Ask them that :)

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