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Messages - Black Muslim

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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: I need your opinion please!
« on: September 08, 2013, 03:16:12 PM »
The mechanism of evolution is not a myth. Is there a piece of evidence that tells you it is a myth?
Piece ? There are mountains of evidence proving it wrong and showing scandals of hoaxes done in order to prove it be Atheists and non-Atheists . Come to us where I told you and we'll show you that we have "Pieces" of evidence .

Allah says in the Quran he created Adam from an extract of clay and it says that Allah has done it with his hands. Does Allah have hands? Of course not! Its metaphoric. It means Allah has created man from his handiwork and he is comparing it to molding something with clay with hands. Something that has a process!
It seems I'm dealing with a retreat (Mu'tazil) ! Something for another time which we'll be more than glad to debate you about there .

Now, what's even more interesting about that is that we actually believe that the first cell LITERALLY came from wet-earth (mud/clay). We say it is improbable the first cell came from the deep ocean because things are too dilute there to support life with the necessary molecules. So even science confirms the Quran here.
I couldn't care what you think . Evolution in all of its forms which keep changing whenever evidence appears proving it wrong are just wrong .

So yes, Allah has ultimately created mankind from clay. I will show you a series of verses to state my point:

Quran 32:7 Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay.
^So Allah made everything he created better. This is hinting at a process of creation.
Improper explanation . Allah perfected what he created . How do you come out of this with the idea that it means evolution ?! When I say that I perfected this picture I have been drawing does it mean it evolved after I was done with it ?!

Quran 32:8 THEN He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained.
^AFTER creation from clay, our posterity comes from an extract of sperm. This is hinting at sexual reproduction forming.
Improper as well . The beginning of humans were creating our father Adam of clay . After that , there wasn't direct creation of clay anymore . It was through the marriage of males and females . Again , how do you come out of this with evolution ?!

Quran 32:9 THEN He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.
^AFTER sexual reproduction, we were proportioned into the right way and we have developed a higher consciousness (that's what the verse is implying).
Writing words in capital doesn't help . Here , after the child start forming an angle is sent to blow a soul into him and then Allah gives this child sight and hearing and heart . Yet again , how do you come out of this with evolution ?!

Compare this to the idea that we came from lower forms of life. We were literally created from wet earth (clay), and then after a while sexual reproduction developed. And through the process of sexual reproduction, we were proportioned and given consciousness. The process of sexual reproduction creates even more variation and makes evolution even more successful.
If everyone followed this line of thinking then we should tolerate those who say we were created by aliens from outer space .

Is there any specific thing about evolution that you have a problem with? Its not a huge lie at all, what hoaxes do you speak about? How about my personal testimony that I have seen micro-evolution live and we are about to exhibit macro-evolution.
Everything about evolution makes a problem to me and every honest person . First of all , it contradicts Islam . Secondly it's not supported by any kind of proper evidence unless you really believe what you wrote is fit to be called evidence . Thirdly , it is supported by loads of lies and hoaxes and the most famous are the belt-down man and Nebraska-man . Look it up .

How about all of the:
1.) Fossil Evidence
2.) Genetic evidence
3.) Molecular evidence
4.) Evidence from proteins
5.) Vestigial and atavistic organs
6.) Embryology
7.) Biogeography
8.) Homology
9.) Bacteriology
10.) exhibitions of macro-evolution:
All of this follows the example of the one who said Jellyfish are not deadly because they're cute . So , a guy finds a skull of a monkey , that means we and apes are cousins ?! I told you , drop why and we'll show you one by one that all what they claim as evidence is nothing more than a load of lies .

a. Two strains of fruit flies lost the ability to interbreed and produce fertile offspring in the lab over a 4-year span ... i.e. they became two new species. (Easily repeated experiment.)
b. A new plant species (a type of fireweed), created by a doubling of the chromosome count from the original stock (Mosquin, 1967).
c. Multiple species of the house mouse unique to the Faeroe Islands occurred within 250 years of introduction of a foundation species on the island.
d. Formation of 5 new species of cichlid fishes that have formed in a single lake within 4,000 years of introduction of a parent species.
^This is very strong evidence and we haven't even scratched the surface!
Truth be told , I'm not a scientist and I don't know much about biology . But you don't need to be a genius to see a farce . One by one , examine these points and see for yourself if they are actually true in the first place and not just a lie or if they are not what they seem to be .

Brother please study the science, imagine just disregarding Allah's method of creation and what's said in the Quran? Imagine the insult to Allah. Allah encourages us to study. And many times in the Quran, shows us that mankind, which includes Adam was created from ALAQ. Allah is never short of words:
YOU study . Having different explanations of something that might hold multiple meanings is one thing . But bringing something out of another based on irrational interruption is completely unacceptable . And YOU are the one who needs to imagine the insult to God for saying that such things .

We're waiting .

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: I need your opinion please!
« on: September 08, 2013, 12:51:44 PM »
We are not descendants of apes, we share a common ancestor with them
So instead of saying that apes are our ancestors , they are actually our cousins ? Yeah , much difference .

The descendant nature is very gradual, it makes Allah an even more ingenious creator than we thought ever before. This mechanism of creation is absolutely breath-taking.
I'll say it flat out : This mechanism of evolution is 100% myth that isn't supported by other than hoaxes and lies . And it clearly goes against Islam which says that Allah created our father Adam - peace upon him - from mud by his hands in his current form ( The form of father Adam and not Allah . To make sure there is no misunderstanding ) .
And if you really don't agree with the meaning of these signs of Quran and the sayings of prophet Muhammad , would you try to build a false miracle upon a lie which is proven to be a lie day after day ? Nobody said there are no miracles in the noble Quran but trying to come up with one out of any and everything is just a farce .

Further, we have extremely compelling evidence of evolution and it's never been proven wrong. In fact, all the evidence we have point to evolution. Currently, scientists are getting closer to finding living proof of Macro-evolution despite all of the evidence we have.
Denying evolution is an embarrassment to be honest. I studied evolution, and I would hesitate to call it a theory. Denying evolution would be like those Christians who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old and was literally created in 6 24 hour days. They are an embarrassment to the world. We do not want Islam to be an embarrassment ESPECIALLY if our own SCRIPTURE supports the idea of a gradual diverse process behind creation that involved descent from human-like creatures!
It seems that I was right . You're astonished with what the west has of advancement and therefore you don't want to defy them but at the same time you don't want to defy Islam so you try to gather between gold and sand . Tell you what ? Drop by here and I assure you that you'll be shocked to know that what they've been feeding you about evolution is but a huge lie .
Just write "تطور" in the search box and choose any post . Or does it make you feel insecure ?

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: I need your opinion please!
« on: September 08, 2013, 10:28:37 AM »
I don't know why would anyone try so hard to prove that he's a descendant of apes just to please the ones who made such a ridiculous theory which science keeps proving wrong day after day .

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: An advice to brother Osama
« on: August 31, 2013, 03:14:10 AM »
but the way i see it is that a muslim can either choose to accept or reject the hadith as it doesn't effect our faith or the laws of Islam.
A very wrong statement I must say ! How will you prayif you don't accept Hadith for example ? How can you say it doesn't affect faith while Allah orders us to follow the teachings of the prophet peace upon him which are from Allah by the way ?

Music ... with the noble Quran ? Enough said .

Yet more evidence that the media is full of ..... No , I won't go down to their level .

I'll say it flat out "YOU ARE FREAKING ANNOYING !"

Farhan , that time hasn't arrived yet . There are still things to happen before it .

However , here is more evidence that this war is on Islam and not the brotherhood .

And if someone say that this is a mosque then they are blind .

Let us see the so called "Love" of Christians who made the most of the police forces which doomed all these people .

So get this through your thick skulls , Jews and Christians : Don't object when Islam says that near the judgment day , Muslims will kill all the Jews , you see what happened yesterday , THAT is why they'll be annihilated , because killing and betrayal is in their blood . The stench of hate pours from them . Get over yourselves . In Egypt , you only make 5% of the population and you still want the whole nation to go as you like . You don't want Muslims to live alongside you , you want them to kiss your behinds as you slaughter them . That's not gonna happen . You'll get what you deserve . If you shoot them from those arsenals you call "Churches" they will not mind their "Holiness" . They will break through them and expose your dirty laundry . If you burn a mosque then don't cry if they burn a church . If you burn the Quran and rip it apart then don't cry if they burn your Bible . You are not the chosen people of God . If you make a crime then I swear you will get what you deserve here in this life before the torture in the afterlife . The point is , if you slap my cheek , I'll punch you . If you fire a bullet at me , I'll fire back .

Burnt bodies of civilians

I challenge anyone to say that any of this has ever happened to any group other than Muslims . Why don't we hear the pigs of the so called "Human rights" now ? It seems that being a Muslim makes your blood cheap . 5000 getting killed and burnt is nothing , but burning one church which was shooting people makes you a war criminal ! The same is happening in Burma and Iraq and Afghanistan and Mali and many other places around the world . But those pigs don't mind it . Because Muslims are not humans .

A number of "Terrorists" whose only weapon was the noble Quran

I dare you say that the children and elders and disabled youngsters are terrorists ! I swear that if you say such a thing to anyone with a heart he'd beat you and stomp on you .

The egyptian police gives orders to doom everyone with no mercy

Psssst , the bombs which were used on people in Egypt are Jewish

So much for a country that wants to live in peace with its neighbors . Jews need to learn that they're nothing special . Let the holocaust go to hell . It's nothing near all these souls which were annihilated because they said they believe in one God . Await your day , you'll be kicked out of this nation you invaded and slaughtered its people .

The moment a "Terrorist" was shot down while minding his own business

The reporter of Sky news was killed for nothing other than that he took pictures of the mass murdering

A huge amount of weapons discovered in a church after breaking through it because it was shooting people

Burning of a mosque

If a Christian talks about burning churches , I'll spit in his face !

To every pig who promotes these acts of devil - apologies to devils - such as the son of Zina - who is Christian or Jewish - all these souls are in your throats . Meaning that you're responsible . At the last day , all these you helped kill wither it's by act or by words , you will be judged for each one of them . Did you hear me , council of fake Ex-Muslims ? I'll look forward to see chains going through your mouths and getting out of your backs at the day when justice prevails .

To Atheists who always whine about how it is horrible to punish someone in hell for eternity , you probably don't care because it didn't happen to you , but I swear that you'd wish for eternal hell fire to those who do this if it was you .

Why can't you just listen ? We told you a thousand times to not bombard the blog with questions which already have refutations all over the internet !

The number of the dead now is over 4000 and increasing . And for anyone fooled to the digree of believing this media after all of that , watch this thread from page 80 and on to see the mass murdering which was supported by the Jews .

I couldn't care less about the group of the Muslims brotherhood . Whoever agrees with what's happening right now of dooming 2200 and injuring 10 thousands is a heartless cold , dirty blooded savage . And why don't we hear the dogs of the media saying the slightest thing about this ? Or maybe because they are Muslims , their lives are cheap ! I swear that whoever believes the lies of this rotten media in Egypt is a brainwashed idiot ! Attacking people at prayer and killing children who can't even walk along with women and elders , all that is nothing ! But such fools believe that there are nuclear weapons in that tiny field where they gather !

This is no more a farce . This is a massacre !

Enough with the jokes and comparing sand to gold . Now , I admit that I don't know that much about the science of Hadith except a few of the very basics . But I don't just call it "Chinese whisper" just because I don't know ! In this science , every important detail about men and women in any chain are gathered , a lot of things can make someone unreliable , like having a bad memory for age or anything else . And keep in mind that if someone doesn't have the ability to describe exactly what happened then he's not reliable . Another thing to know is that the unknown "Majhuul" is immediately called unreliable . And if someone from Iraq claims he heard something from another in Egypt then they are to investigate if he ever left his hometown or if that man met him in it , otherwise the chain is deemed weak right away . Another example is that when someone claims to have heard from another who died before he was born , well , you don't need to be a genius ! You need to know that gathering Hadith was a very strict process . Every last word in a saying was checked over and over to see if true .

And let me ask you something : If you hate Hadith that much , why believe there was ever a man called "Muhammad" ? You want us to abandon our history so how will you ever know that a thing ever happened in the past ? How can you ever know that there was ever a migration ? How can you ever know there were battles with the Arabian tribes or Jews or anyone for the matter ?

Discarding Hadith just because "It makes us look bad" means to discard history .

Who's this man named "Muhammad" ? Your friend ? Maybe your brother ? Behave when you talk about the noblest of mankind , prophet Muhammad all peace and blessings upon him .

Okay. But how do we know the hadiths are what the prophet said? Muhammad didn't say anything from his own tongue, sure, but the people who wrote the hadiths probably did. We have seen many hadiths that clearly contradict the Quran. That tells us a lot.

Contradiction my foot ! Just because you couldn't understand it then it doesn't mean it's wrong . Don't think that you discovered what people through 1400 years didn't discover . There is a whole science called "Science of Hadith" . How much do you know about it ? How do you declare if one saying is correct or not ? And here's a note : There is a type of Hadith called "Maoduu" , it means "Fabricated" . There are ways to know a fabricated saying before you were even born ! The difference is that they don't just say "All hadith is invalid" like you .

Millions of Muslims all over the world have been brought up to believe that the collections of hadith by Bukhari and Moslim provide the authentic words and teachings of the prophet Muhammad. These two collections have been labelled "sahih" (authentic).

Yes , and there is a reason for that . Because those two were the most strict and accurate among the scholars . You need to understand something : The sayings in Bukhari and Muslim are not authorized because they were told by them . No , Bukhari and Muslim gained this status because what they told was the most accurate among the scholars . The evidence is that even in these two there are around 20 weak sayings which were deemed so due to the science of Hadith , not due to personal preference .

The majority of these hadith portray a chain of narrators in a chinese whispers fashion attributing sayings to the Prophet (e.g. A said that B said that C said ....... that G said, that the Prophet said). Often the chain extends to seven names or even more, yet for some reason the hadith advocates still deemed these hadith to be the authentic and genuine sayings of the Prophet!

Uh huh . So mister genius here - who doesn't know the first thing in the science of Hadith - thinks this is Chinese whisper simply because he couldn't understand ! And I still don't see what's your objection about the chain going to 6 or 7 - let them be 100 ! - making it a wrong way ! You have a better way maybe ?

With an extremely naive type of logic. It is assumed that every person in the chain, not only was totally honest, but that he had a super human memory to enable him to narrate accurately incidents that took place one hundred or two hundred years earlier.! How did they come to this conclusion?

Maybe , just maybe , when you stop putting words in people's mouths you'll see what it really is ! For the 9476349 time : There is a whole science for Hadith ! It investigates about every single man in the chain . It investigates if he met the one he claims heard it from and if honest or not and whatsoever . If you think that this way is "Extremely naive" then just throw ALL history in the dumb because you'll never find a more accurate way than this .

What a farce and a horrible lack of knowledge in Arabic AND Islam . It seems that anybody now can explain however he wants of anything he wants ! And as some can see , these signs are translated differently to serve the purpose of abandoning work with the sayings of the prophet peace upon him . For example , it should say :
"Then let them produce a statement like it, if they should be truthful."
And you can see any other translation here and you won't find them like this :

Now let's look at what this person thinks is evidence to what they say
"Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed?"
And what's your evidence here ? Allah is the one to put the laws for us . Did we say something else ? If you think that the sayings of the prophet peace upon him are only his own opinions then you're horribly wrong ! And the noble Quran is proof :
53:1-4 By the star when it descends, Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred, Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed,

And through this one fact , taking these signs and twisting their meanings becomes a big failure . But when we look at the Mexican drama of :
So how can we accept Hadiths that slightly contradict the Quran? How?
First of all , provoking the emotions of others means nothing . Either evidence or 0 (Zero) . And from experience , anything that these people don't like becomes a contradiction . Lady Aisha clearly says that the prophet peace upon him married her when she was 9 . But because the slaves of Europe and America don't want to upset them they go "This is a lie ! End of the story !" . As if they are to judge us while they don't mind for an 8 years old to have sex . But MARRIAGE is a crime !

All of the hadiths that make our beloved prophet (pbuh) look bad even the authentic ones! How can we say we are to follow them? The Quran prohibits it.
Correction "All the sayings which make the west upset , how can we say we are to follow them ?" . More accurate , don't you think ?!

The prophet himself (according to those hadiths) said NOT to:
"Do not write down anything of me except the Quran. Whoever writes other than that should delete it" (Ahmed, Vol. 1, page 171.....also Sahih Muslim )
If you bothered learn a little about the science of Hadith - O one who has no shame or dignity - you would have known of another one where he says it is ok after this one . He had reasons to ban it at first but not later . And because I don't know how to find that one in English I'll just say that .

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