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Messages - mclinkin94

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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Explanation of 72:9 needed!!!
« on: January 06, 2014, 05:47:28 PM »

''And we used to sit in some of its seats to listen. But whoso listens now finds a shooting star in ambush for him,'' (72:9)

 Okay this verse says, ''....we used to sit in....''. That means jinns used to enter the lowest Heavens. But how is it possible? Because our universe from its inception is guarded with stars. I mean to say that stars were there from the inception of the universe serving as missiles by emitting different types of rays, so how jinns used enter here???? Didn't they face any obstacle?????  It can't happen that they started serving as missile just some 2000 or 3000 years ago. Can it?  They have been there for billions of years.Please help.

Asalamu Alaikum:

No, stars did not exist at the inception of the universe. They came into being at one point of the universe's existence.

Secondly, the context of that verse is referring to Jinns listening to the Quran from some kind of celestial mechanism (sitting on these positions), but these positions have now been covered by Allah with those flames (Stars, Quasars etc.). Stars are constantly being formed and dying. So you could argue that that position that jinns use has been foiled by the birth of a star.

I really recommend that you watch that video and this one as well. Quantum physicists for some reason are finally understanding the Quran and verifying it!

Watch this and compare to:

[3:185]  The life of this world is no more than an illusion.

[6:32] The life of this world is no more than illusion

[57:20]  This worldly life is no more than a temporary illusion.

Time and time again the Quran affirms this currently being discovered scientific fact. The data we have makes us conclude that the universe and our reality is nothing more than an illusion.

Watch the video!

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Contradicting Hadith!!!!!
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:38:46 PM »
There could be an issue with the translation of the hadith or it got corrupted over time. Either way it doesn't matter, I don't put trust in hadiths and neither should you.

The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) most-likely did not say that. I think after an investigation of hadiths in their entirety, you can reasonably conclude that they contain corruptions. Of course it is no surprise that the people of the 7th century would be inserting their own interpretations of the Quran to a hadith and saying that the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that.  They could have done it on purpose of subconsciously. Humans do make mistakes and humans are known to corrupt scripture.

Unfortunately, These hadiths that the majority of Muslims follow are responsible for our sects. For the Shias hating the prophet Muhammad's wife and for all of the other nonsense. Hadiths are the reason why many people deny Islam, and I would say that their (Atheists/Christians) objections to hadiths are reasonable.

The Quran predicted this:

[Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and  divert others from the path of God without knowledge

If you have noticed in the Debate about evolution. The only reason why they rejected evolution is because they support Hadiths when the Quran is clear on the matter  :(..Imagine how many people (atheists) have left Christianity because it rejects evolution. That was part of the reason why I left. Now just imagine Muslims present to them the truth that the Quran supports evolution....but, we don't because the hadiths contradict the Quran and we uphold the hadiths and use them (a collection of sayings collected by humans) in order to interpret a divine book. Shame on us. This verse also makes it clear that those who uphold baseless hadiths don't think they are diverting others from the path of God (notice the verse says "without knowledge"). This is the case with many Muslims, unfortunately.

It has been discovered by physicists that realism is false.  Realism is when you say that everything exists even if you are not conscious of it. Quantum mechanics tells us that nothing can exist unless you are conscious of it.

It must then logically follow that everything exists because a mind (Allah) is conscious of it. I know it seems confusing, but if you study the evidence, you would be extremely compelled! 

^This is just a very brief overview of the video. Please watch it and really try to understand it. I found it extremely compelling and it made me wish that I took a second degree in philosophy!

Microbiology is nice, but it does not go this far!  ;)

You know, I would like to bring your statement about wormholes in light of the following Noble Verse:

[015:014] And even if We open to them a gateway بابا of heaven السماء, so that they ascend into it all the while,

[015:015] They would certainly say: Only our eyes have been covered over, rather we are an enchanted people.

‏15:14 ولو فتحنا عليهم بابا من السماء فظلوا فيه يعرجون
‏15:15 لقالوا انما سكرت ابصارنا بل نحن قوم مسحورون

First of all, as to the Universe becoming pitch black (their eyes have darkened)!

Wow, thank you very much for mentioning that.

Before you even had to explain those verses I already noticed what they are referring too!

Its amazing because when you travel in a worm-hole you travel faster than the speed of light making it so that you cannot see visible light!

Here is a little thing I took out of Wikipedia (anyone else reading this could verify this on pubmed): " Wormholes allow superluminal (faster-than-light) travel by ensuring that the speed of light is not exceeded locally at any time."  So because you would be travelling faster than the speed of light, it will not reach you in time.

And what is even more amazing is that when you are just about to travel through the wormhole, you would be able to see light until you reach the acceleration faster than the speed of light therby blinding you. The Quran uses the word 'covered over' to also mean 'dazzled'. So you would be seeing light and then you wouldn't be! Have you ever been pointed at by a blinding light (like car headlights), you would be blinded temporarily from it. In the wormhole, the same thing would be happening, you would see light and then you would be blinded for traveling faster than light.  It is amazing how multiple meanings of the same Quranic verse can all be true.

Thank you for mentioning that!

I just wanted to add some other things to brother Osama's answer. Brother Osama has said that stars do emit radiation hence allowing the stars to be used as missiles.

The stars themselves could also be used as missiles. Stars actually move at great speeds, if you move considerably slower than them, to you they would be going fast. Remember that time is relative. So if stars move faster than you, then they could be used as missiles.

Do you know what else we have discovered? We have discovered that our universe is not slowing down in its expansion, but it is accelerating! Think about that, could stars then not be used as missiles if they are going THAT fast along with the universe.

Our own sun goes at 220 km/s. That's pretty fast if you ask me: Especially If I was moving at a slower speed next to that star. Not only would the star's immense gravity pull me towards it, but it would be coming at me at 220 km/s!  And if I get close enough, I would get incinerated.

Now, I don't want to get to far into this, but many physicists claim that worm hole travel is possible. Imagine going through a worm hole and being randomly tossed to a random point in the universe. And you happen to be tossed near a moving star. Looks like you are out of luck.

Secondly, the Quran uses the word "lamps", they don't have to refer to stars, they can just refer to energy sources creating light. In which case this can refer to quasars and anything else. If the Quran wanted to say that only stars can be used as missles, "najm" is a better word to use. But the Quran makes it clear that many other things including stars (in our classification) can refer to the missiles being thrown.

The skeptic's issue is perception. They perceive this verse as being ridiculous and it appears to be idiotic or superstitious. But that's just it, perception. They need to leave that realm of thought and think completely objectively. We don't know more things than we know about the world and the universe.  In which case, we would be able to perceive things as being ridiculous because we don't know about them.

Many people in the past have said that a virgin birth without male intervention is impossible and absurd to believe. But science has proved that we can impregnate women without male intervention or natural sperm. As knowledge progresses, we gain an understanding of things we once thought were absurd. Science progresses. Thousands of years ago, what we are doing today would be considered impossible and 'sorcery', but through knowledge we were able to develop technology beyond those ancient people's imaginations. With knowledge comes power. Allah has all knowledge thus making him capable of all things. So science right now does not have the knowledge on how to resurrect people, Allah does and he can. Think about it, 2 women having a baby would be considered absurd in ancient times, but now it is a reality. Genetic manipulation would be considered absurd, but now it is a reality. The same concepts apply here. We consider resurrection absurd, but with Allah it is a reality because he has the knowledge to make such a thing happen. Apply this to the stars being used as missiles. Imagine we were living at a time where we didn't know that stars moved. We would have thought that that was absurd. But through science stars move and emit radiation. Science has gotten closer to showing us that this verse isn't really absurd, that such a thing is possible. Knowledge is power, and Allah has all the knowledge. He is therefore all-powerful and all-able.

Brother Osama, Could you please clarify the witness system of prayer please in the Quran. I think it is just something I am not seeing in its translation that you do see  :)

I've always declared that those who say that 9/11 was an inside job were not being truthful. I've recently stumbled upon something shocking. Please bear with me.

Please watch this video on the twilight zone predicting 9/11, the video even said it was gonna be on a Tuesday. Please watch!

What is interesting about that video is that the date mentioned (Tuesday September 11 1864) was actually a Sunday, they made a ''mistake''.

Well that video doesn't really do much, but it is eye opening. NOW, here is the catcher, the actor in that video had DIED on September 11 as well!!!

This is really fishy...I don't know how to explain it. Something seems to be going on here.

Let's calculate the probability of all this occurring.  Firstly it is notable to say that the video made a ''mistake'' by saying Tuesday instead of Sunday. This is very interesting as to how they could have made that 'mistake', but I will disregard this.

The probability that the event of 9/11 occurring at that date assuming it was just a random event is 1/365 (it occurred one day of all 365 possible days). The probability that the twilight zone picked 9/11 to talk about this date is also 1/365 (it occurred on one date of all the possible dates).  Next the probability that the SAME actor in that twilight clip died on the specific date of 9/11 is also 1/365. By applying the law of probability (1/365*1/365*1/365), you get a probability of 1 in 48 MILLION. Not to mention even that the video got it precisely on TUESDAY (which was a 'mistake') and not to mention that the date of 9/11 in the video refereed to a catastrophic event in a city involving fires . Something is very fishy here...

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Mclinkin94,

The Witness system is deeply rooted in Islam, in both the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.  Here are some of the Noble Verses:

[002:204] Among people are the likes of the ones whose suave talk about this world charms and astounds you. He (professes good intentions and) invokes Allah as the witness over what exists in his heart. But (in reality) he is the most dogged and quarrelsome opponent.

[002:282] Oh you who believe! When you contract a debt for a fixed term, reduce it to writing. Let a scribe record the terms in a fair manner. The scribe whom Allah has taught to write should not refuse to write. He should record (the transaction). The one who incurs the debt should spell out the terms. He should fear Allah and not omit anything. If the borrower lacks understanding, or is feeble (minded), or is otherwise unable to dictate, then his guardian should dictate (the conditions of the loan) in a fair manner. Call upon two of your men to act as witnesses (to the contract). Should two men not be available (to act as witnesses), then take one man and two women _ if one of them errs, the other would remind her (women back then were not specialized in financial and mathematical transactions.  Men were far more experienced and superior in knowledge) _ that are acceptable to you as witnesses. The witnesses should not refuse if called upon to testify. Do not neglect to write down (all) the (specific) terms (and provisions) of the contract, be they small or big. That, according to Allah is a more reliable evidence, and more likely to dispel doubts (and suspicions). You bear no sin if you fail to record the on-the-spot exchange of goods for cash, that goes on between you (all the time). But, take witnesses when you enter into a commercial contract. Do not harass or harm the scribe or the witnesses. It would be wicked and immoral for you to do so. Fear Allah! (Of course) Allah teaches you (righteousness). Allah has full knowledge of every single thing!

[003:053] "Our Lord, we believe in that which You have revealed, and we follow the messenger. So enroll us among those who bear witness (to the truth)."

[005:107] Later, if it comes to light that the two witnesses merit (the suspicion of) sin, then let two others from among the rightful heirs (of the deceased) take the place of the earlier witnesses. Let them swear by Allah (saying), "Our testimony is truer and more valid than their testimony, and we do not stray beyond the bounds (of truth). Else, we would be the evil doers."

[006:150] Say, "Present your witnesses! Could anyone testify that it is Allah Who has forbidden (all) this?" Even if they do testify (falsely), don't you bear witness with them. Do not follow the whims and wishes of those who reject Our revelations _ those who do not believe in the life-to-come, and deem others as being equal to their Lord.

(I will provide more Noble Verses.  I put those together quickly.  I will elaborate on this point more by updating this post with move Noble Verses and point, Insha'Allah)

There are many other Noble Verses that speak about producing genuine Witness and relying on genuine Witness.  If a Muslim or a community of Muslims Witnesses the time for Prayer or Fasting, then it becomes obligatory upon the others to follow.

But bro Osama, none of these verses speak about prayer. They are just different verses in different contexts that contain the word witness in them. They don't seem to correlate with sunrise/sunset times of prayer (unless I am missing something).

Your points are thoroughly responded to there.  The so many different SUNRISES and SUNSETS that Allah Almighty has Created in the Universe, and over all of the planets including our planet earth, since it was mentioned in the same Noble Verse, clearly prove that you are to work with the Sunrise and Sunset that is given to you.  Prayer and Fasting are obligatory upon all Muslims.  So Muslims would have to figure out the times for Praying and Fasting no mater which SUNRISE and SUNSET points they may be in.

But there are planets in the universe without suns. There are also planets which have days that last as years. There are planets that are too far from the sun etc. Of course you could figure out the timings of sunrise and sunset IN mecca and pray there at your given planet. That seems to be a solution. But if we are to go to the different sunrises and sunsets of different planets, the times could be shortened or extended. There are planets that have very short days, that means the people living there would be praying every 5 minutes! And there would be others that pray once in a few years! That doesn't seem to do justice.

So as to your quote above "Moon rise and moon set wouldn't be considered a sunrise/sunset for 6 months as per Quran", that is not true at all.  The Holy Quran did say that this is a different sunrise and sunset.  Therefore, you would have to figure out your times during the day:

1-  When is your morning (Fajr, Subh).
2-  When is noon (Thuhur).
3-  When is your Asr (after noon or midday).
4-  When is your maghrib (evening).
5-  When is your Isha (night).

The Fajr and Subh, Thuhur, Asr, Maghrib and Isha are all Islamic time-points for Prayer, and also for determining Fasting.  So if you live in a land that has a different type of SUNRISE and SUNSET, then you'll have to figure out those times based on the daily rises and settings of that land, whether it is from the sun or the moon.

We could already figure out the times, we don't need the moon anymore :), the issue was that the Quran hasn't told us what to do in that event. The skeptic's conclusion is that the Quran was unaware of such an event. Unfortunately, that conclusion does not follow from the premise. Common sense is left out of the Quran, because all humans can adapt. The Quran didn't tell us what to do if you don't have arms or legs to prostrate to Allah--it doesn't meant the Quran was unaware of such people living. 

Let me ask you and ask every Muslim and skeptic this question:  Since we today could live to see the day where humans will establish a colony on planet Mars, then could you honestly sit here brother Mclinkin94 and say that the Noble Verses that spoke about Allah Almighty is the LORD OF ALL OF THE SUNRISES AND SUNSETS on all of the planets in the Universe, and all of the points on earth, wouldn't apply to life on Mars?

No, of course not. But that verse does not say that ALL places have sunrises and sunsets :). As far as colonization to Mars, the mars day and night cycle isn't that bad, but I would say if I were on mars, I would be praying at sunrise AT mecca. What do you think about that?

In other words, could not the humans there now figure out the proper times for Fasting and Prayer on Mars using the day and night cycles there, and to the best of their calculations and estimations?  Did not Allah Almighty also Say the following Noble Verses:

No, I agree that it is possible, but the issue is justice. Many people would be fasting for 20 hours and others only for 8 hours. Also many people would have to be praying once a year and many five times a day if we were all to follow the day and night cycles there.

[010:005] He is the One who rendered the sun radiant, and the moon a light, and He designed its phases that you may learn to count the years and to calculate. GOD did not create all this, except for a specific purpose. He explains the revelations for people who know.

Agreed! Imagine if humans existed in a different world with different laws of physics in which there would be no phases or anything to determine time. I think that would actually slow down human progress.

So why can't we calculate the times for Fasting and Prayers when it is difficult for us to do it with normal Day and Night Cycles?  Please visit:

We can, but the issue is, it appears as if we have to follow the prayer times AT mecca for the varying sunrises and sunsets of the worlds. Allah is the lord of the sunrises and sunsets of the worlds, but perhaps he made us pray at THE sunrise and sunset AT mecca.

I feel like this is the best solution as everything varies. Is there any indication in the Quran that we are to pray at the times IN mecca?

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Mclinkin94,

The witness Rule or Law is very simple.  If a Muslim community, or even a small group or even a single genuine Muslim, witnesses the start of Prayer or start of the Holy Month of Ramadan, then everyone must follow thru even if the weather is bad and time couldn't be easily determined.  This also applies with best estimations by the religious leaders of the community, especially under bad weather conditions where the sun and daylight aren't clear at all.  So once the time is determined, whether by actual Witness or an Estimation, then every Muslim must follow thru.  So you can use that Rule if you're living in lands that don't have proper day and night cycles with other cities that have normal day and night cycles, and are directly north or south of you on the same vertical timeline

Asalumu Alaikum brother Osama. Thank you very much for your responses!

Is there any chance that you could explain the Quranic exegesis for this point? I don't see the Quran giving this witness rule, it appears that the Quran says if any of us witness it then we should fast it rather then the entirety of Muslims.

As far as the Muslims being witnesses for all nations, I think these verses are referring to muslims being witnesses on the day of resurrection rather than witnessing when Ramadan starts.

Not true at all, akhi.  The sun and the moon rise and set every single day on the North and South poles everyday in the year.  The only difference is that the sky is either always bright or always dark for months long.  But you do clearly see the sun and the moon (depending whether it is bright or dark) rise and set every single day as the Youtube links that I gave above clearly demonstrate.  So the same 24 hours that you and I pass through during our days and nights, are the same 24 hours that they also pass through.  They do have AM and PM times.  They do have sun rises and sun sets, and moon rises and moon sets.  They do have cycles.  Why not use those?  After all, Allah Almighty is the "LORD of all of the SUNRISES and SUNSETS" [1] on earth, as He the Almighty Said in the Holy Quran, as I've shown in the posts above.  And if even if we didn't want to use the sun and moon rises and sets in our current lands, we could always revert back to using the nearest city's times, which would be the same times as you'd be using if you were in either the North or South Poles anyway.

If I were living in such lands, I would use the Prayer and Fasting Times of the nearest city that is on the same Vertical Timeline as my city is on.  This way, I would true to the Holy Quran in every way.  After all, all land is one, and it belongs to Allah Almighty as I also clearly demonstrated from the Holy Quran in the previous posts.  So my land would be nothing but an extension of the land and is part of the land.  I would use the Witness Law and apply it.  Islam did cover it.

Moon rise and moon set wouldn't be considered a sunrise/sunset for 6 months as per Quran. It is not about whether you would be able to tell times at the poles :), we could already do that with our modern day time-keeping. Perhaps Allah knew that by going to the north/south pole and living there we would need technology to get there and having such technology would come with time-keeping and that Muslims could easily adapt by common sense therefore there is no reason to mention this in the Quran and confuse 7th century people about places where sunrise/sunset lasts 6 months. Plus this also serves as a test of faith for Muslims.

 But with all of that aside, the issue is at the poles there aren't defined sunrises and sunsets or else you would be fasting for an entire 6 months or waiting 6 months to pray the Fajr prayer. A moon rise does not fit the definition of a Quranic sunrise :(

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

In Islam, we have the Witness Law for both Prayers and Fasting.  This is where we follow the determined time even if we ourselves can't spot it in the sky due to cloudy days or different weathers.  We'd still follow the exact times if other Muslims witnessed.  Here are two main points that you raise and my responses to them, akhi:

Your first main point:  You are forcing the rule that the Holy Quran should've mentioned the North and South Poles. 

My response:  I have already thoroughly demonstrated above how Allah Almighty Said that the earth is Spherical, is traveling in space, is rotating around its own axle, and does have many Sunrise and Sunset points.  So the North and South Poles are indirectly mentioned.

Asalamu Alaikum brother Osama, Thank you very much for your efforts!

Can you please explain more about this witness law? The Quranic verse says in  "Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein" so it is referring to those who witnessed it. This somewhat alludes to the point that if you witness the month you fast and that those who haven't witnessed wouldn't fast.

I do agree with your response that the Quran has alluded to those phenomenon, but the skeptic's argument was not that the Quran was unaware of the North/South pole, it was that the Quran was unaware of the different sunrise and sunset times in those poles taking an entire months and therefore did not mention what to do if you are living in such an location.


The sun does rise and set in both the North and South Poles regularly and daily.  It doesn't sit still in one fixed position in the sky for months.  No, it regularly moves, and it regularly rises and sets.  So Muslims living in such areas can easily adjust to the sunrise and sunset times and determine their Prayer and Fasting times, especially when they use the regular times of the nearest city that is on the same Vertical Timeline as them, and has our normal day and night cycles.

True, but at times, especially at the 6 month night at the poles, there would be no sun at all to determine the rise and set. That isn't the issue, I believe that it is just common sense what to do therefore Allah does not need to mention it.

What do you do if you don't have hands to do wudu? What do you do if you don't have a mother, how can you respect her? What do you do if you if you cannot stand up to pray and cannot prostrate?  It is all common sense, there is no need for that detail.

« on: December 24, 2013, 08:00:43 PM »
Asalamu Alaikum!

Many Catholics reject worshiping Mary. I was a catholic at one point but I was never taught about worshiping Mary. Rather, what we did was we respected Mary just as I
respect the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and still respect Mary (of course).

So for these articles:

I have a piece of information that could extend it further and make it more convincing.

The Chloridians literally worshiped Mary.

Please check this out:

And they were even tied to Pagan Arabia!

Hope this would be beneficial!


As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Mclinkin94,

"Migrating your time" was probably a bad choice of words from me, because you'd be on the same vertical time line as any city that has normal day and night cycles, as I already explained.  So apologies for this confusing term.  What I meant by it was to adjust yourself to the time of the nearest city that is on your same vertical timeline and has normal day and night cycles.  You wouldn't need to migrate.  You'll just have to adjust yourself to the nearest city to you, either north or south of you, and set your "days" and "nights" according to them, and work with their timings. 

And by the way, in those countries, they do exactly that.  When they have six months of night or day, for example, they wouldn't have to worry about a thing, since they have already adjusted themselves to the normal cycles' hours, and work with the rest of the country's times.  So if your job is 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday, then you would adjust yourself to work during those hours regardless whether it is night or day at where you live.  So for Prayer and Fasting, you should do the same.

But, this then leads to the initial problem that the Quran did not state what to do when sunrise/sunset lasts 6 months. In a sense, the skeptic could rightfully argue that this implies that the author was unaware of such an event.

My personal counter-argument is that the Quran says that you are supposed to wash your hands. But, what if you don't have hands? Does it mean that the Author of the Quran didn't think you can live without your hands. Its obvious what you are supposed to do.   :)

But, it would be more beneficial to deal with the skeptics if we have a clear Quranic verse that describes what to do in an event of prolonged sunrise/sunsett.

Perhaps the Quran does refer to it. Do you know of any verses?

Sorry for this trouble.


2-  Or set your time (migrate your time) to match a Muslim city or country that has the proper timing.  I personally vote for going with the nearest geographical city or country that has the normal day and night cycles, preferably directly south or north of you, which is on the same vertical time zone and line as you (see image below for why).  But other Muslims also say go with Mecca's timing.  Either way is perfectly fine.

Thank you brother Osama!

I'm having an issue with this point. It appears as if the verses you posted were talking about physically migrating rather than migrating your time. Is there any indication that it refers to migrating the time? I don't see it yet, maybe it is the Arabic.

This would be a convincing point if it refers to migrating the time

Thank you brother Osama  :)  But there still is an issue:

You could also raise the issue that perhaps the author of the Quran did not know that on the poles sunrise to sunset could last 6+ months and therefore didn't mention it. Although it is true that you could sync the times in the North pole and South pole to match prayer times of a close city, the Quran did not say what we are supposed to do if sunrise to sunset lasts entire months. This makes it seem like the author of the Quran was unaware of such a phenomena of sunrise to sunset taking entire months.

That means if we are to observe Ramadan in the poles, we would die. That means we don't have to pray 5 times a day in the poles?

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