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Messages - adilriaz123

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« on: March 24, 2017, 08:29:44 PM »
So anyone with a tiny fraction of a braincell can see that there were many eye witness accounts witnessed angel gabriel (as) visiting and informing the disciples of islamic beliefs.

« on: March 24, 2017, 08:25:57 PM »
For some reason my post didnt go through first, when i copy and pasted after relogging it copied the hadith twice iono why  (-_-!)

« on: March 24, 2017, 08:24:27 PM »
Also note in islam there are 5 pillars, beliving in tawheed(oneness of God), 5 times prayers, belief in angels and prophets, hajj, and  ramadan(fasting). The entire belief system is different.

Also MOST IMPORTANTLY, there is no record of prophet muhammad staying in iraq or iran for days, or communicating with any zorostranians, he only went as a Merchant.

Also mention the hadith:

Umar ibn Khattab (ra) said: “As we were sitting one day before the Messenger of Allah (saw), a man suddenly appeared. He wore pure white clothes and his hair was dark black-yet there were no signs of travel on him, and none of us knew him.

He came and sat down in front of the Prophet (saw), placing his knees against his, and his hands on his thighs. He said, “O Muhammad! Tell me about Islam.”

The Messenger of Allah (saw) replied, “Islam is to bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God; and to perform the prayer; pay zakat; fast Ramadan; and to perform Hajj to the House if you are able.”

The man said, “You have spoken the truth,” and we were surprised that he asked and then confirmed the answer.

Then, he asked, “Tell me about belief (iman).”

The Prophet (saw) replied, “It is to believe in Allah; His Angels; His Books; His Messengers; the Last Day; and in destiny-its good and bad.”

The man said, “You have spoken the truth. Now, tell me about spiritual excellence (ihsan).”

The Prophet (saw) replied, “It is to serve Allah as though you behold Him; and if you don’t behold him, (know that) He surely sees you.”

“Now, tell me of the Last Hour,” asked the man.

The Prophet (saw) replied, “The one asked knows no more of it than the one asking.”

“Then tell me about its signs,” said the man.

The Prophet (saw) replied, “That slave women give birth to their mistresses; and that you see barefoot, unclothed, beginning shepherds competing in the construction of tall buildings.” (The tower in Dubai!!)

Then the visitor left, and I waited a long time. Then the Prophet (saw) asked me, “Do you know, Umar, who the questioner was?”

I replied, “Allah and His Messenger know best.”

He said (saw), “It was Jibril. He came to you to teach you your religion.”

[Sahih Muslim]

Here is evidence that MULTIPLE people witnessed the Angel gabriel as in his human form, visiting prophet muhammad pbuh to tell the disciples and to tell them of there belief in islam.

So the notion of "islam copied other religions" is ABSOLUTLY FALSE. Since many witnessed angel gabriel (as) visiting prophet muhammad pbuh.

 ;)Umar ibn Khattab (ra) said: “As we were sitting one day before the Messenger of Allah (saw), a man suddenly appeared. He wore pure white clothes and his hair was dark black-yet there were no signs of travel on him, and none of us knew him.

He came and sat down in front of the Prophet (saw), placing his knees against his, and his hands on his thighs. He said, “O Muhammad! Tell me about Islam.”

The Messenger of Allah (saw) replied, “Islam is to bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God; and to perform the prayer; pay zakat; fast Ramadan; and to perform Hajj to the House if you are able.”

The man said, “You have spoken the truth,” and we were surprised that he asked and then confirmed the answer.

Then, he asked, “Tell me about belief (iman).”

The Prophet (saw) replied, “It is to believe in Allah; His Angels; His Books; His Messengers; the Last Day; and in destiny-its good and bad.”

The man said, “You have spoken the truth. Now, tell me about spiritual excellence (ihsan).”

The Prophet (saw) replied, “It is to serve Allah as though you behold Him; and if you don’t behold him, (know that) He surely sees you.”

“Now, tell me of the Last Hour,” asked the man.

The Prophet (saw) replied, “The one asked knows no more of it than the one asking.”

“Then tell me about its signs,” said the man.

The Prophet (saw) replied, “That slave women give birth to their mistresses; and that you see barefoot, unclothed, beginning shepherds competing in the construction of tall buildings.” (The tower in Dubai!!)

Then the visitor left, and I waited a long time. Then the Prophet (saw) asked me, “Do you know, Umar, who the questioner was?”

I replied, “Allah and His Messenger know best.”

He said (saw), “It was Jibril. He came to you to teach you your religion.”

[Sahih Muslim]

« on: March 24, 2017, 08:10:50 PM »

Thus book is on zorostrianism, u can see how foolish it is to believe islam is similar to it. They worship water and fire, if anyone is similar to them it is hinduism.

« on: March 24, 2017, 07:39:40 PM »
Nevermind some of the things i mentioned on last post, i got polytheism and zorostrainism mixed up for a second there.

Here i found this for u that will easily defeat what ever similarities that this will will try to make wirh islam and zorostrainism.

« on: March 24, 2017, 07:28:11 PM »
Absolutly not, Zorostrainians used to worship idols the supposed daugthers of Allah swt astakfirullah. Her belief it came from judaism is false, tell her both isrealites and arabs are children of abraham the father of monotheistism. So as u said that muhammad pbuh copied jews is falsehood bcause historical records from hashmites show that prophet muhammad pbuh used to only go to cave Hera and only went for trading to iraq few times when he was married to Khadijah.

He doesn't know more about the Zorostrainians belief other then they worshipped idols since he never took interest in talking to them about what they worship, he saw them worshipping these idols that they called Hubal and so on.

Here is a simple logical question for her. If prophet muhammad pbuh copied their religion which it seems u know nothing about, then why would he and the muslims destroy all the idols when they took back Mecca? Also how can he copy judaism when he was unlettered, neither could read or write?  How can he copy judaism when the closest jew group were in Madina not Mecca. How can he copy judaism when Jews themselves wanted to kill him because he did not come from among them? Why were the Jews in Madina, Yathrib when their holy land was Jerusaleam? Why did the Gnostic christian Bahira when he saw prophet muhammad pbuh as an adolesant, realized that he was the awaited prophet that he was seeking? Why did the jews used to worn the arabs that when there awaited prophet will come, they will kill the arabs?

MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, do u know anything about Zorostrainism? They worship idols, we worship God, Allah meaning la ilah, Allah "THE GOD"

Tell her she is merely repeating lies from people who spread lies, IF she was knowledgable she would learn from our sources then ask us.

Tell her, if u have a heartattack do u go to a doctor or a mechanic, so if u want to know about islam do u go to a knowledgable muslim or a christian?


A clear insertion. There are many insertions in bible.

Then the trinitarian gospel says this:

Peter Denies Jesus
15 And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another[a] disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and went with Jesus into the courtyard of the high priest. 16 But Peter stood at the door outside. Then the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought Peter in. 17 Then the servant girl who kept the door said to Peter, “You are not also one of this Man’s disciples, are you?”

He said, “I am not.”

Peter Denies Twice More
25 Now Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. Therefore they said to him, “You are not also one of His disciples, are you?”

He denied it and said, “I am not!”

26 One of the servants of the high priest, a relative of him whose ear Peter cut off, said, “Did I not see you in the garden with Him?” 27 Peter then denied again; and immediately a rooster crowed.

Looking at both trinitarian and gnostic bible we can see that it may not have been Judas that was crucified but rather Peter(Simon). Thus it means that jesus never got crucified thanks to bible itself    :o

How interesting i ran into this passage when researching about gnostic doctrine.

Apocalypse of James: “Never have I suffered in any way, nor have I been distressed. And this people has done me no harm.”19 In the Second Treatise of the Great Seth, Jesus says, “I did not die in reality, but in appearance.” Those “in error and blindness….saw me; they punished me. It was another, their father, who drank the gall and vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. I was rejoicing in the height over all….And I was laughing at their ignorance.”20

Brother, i already severely refutted this nimrod, there is no longer point to debate with him. I already left him speachless regarding the chapter on Psalms and Numbers. He cannot refute such a clear contridiction of a failed prophecy in bible.

Asalam ul laykum, In regards to Isaiah 9:6 brother osama i believe u have something there. I was trying to understand the context of the verse and i ran into this.

Isaiah 10:

The Remnant of Israel
20 In that day the remnant of Israel,
    the survivors of Jacob,
will no longer rely on him
    who struck them down
but will truly rely on the Lord,
    the Holy One of Israel.
21 A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob
    will return to the Mighty God.
22 Though your people be like the sand by the sea, Israel,
    only a remnant will return.
Destruction has been decreed,
    overwhelming and righteous.
23 The Lord, the Lord Almighty, will carry out
    the destruction decreed upon the whole land.
24 Therefore this is what the Lord, the Lord Almighty, says:

“My people who live in Zion,
    do not be afraid of the Assyrians,
who beat you with a rod
    and lift up a club against you, as Egypt did.

With context of both isaiah 9 and 10, with both chapters i can see a reason why the jews at that time could of had made that serious mistake. But i wonder when did they correct this mistake, since today they do not regard ezra as son of god.

Some of the detail seems should be more researched. As we know it is evident that christians worship jesus and literal son of god, when allah swt equated ezra to the same meaning of son of god as jesus. That means they took it literally. I think we should look more into the jews that lived among the arabs in the regions and what they exactly practiced maybe we can find a more relative answer.

« on: March 15, 2017, 01:56:55 PM »
For example:

Isra power: This is only a very small sample of attacks with 0 muslim protest. .... very small

Adil Riaz:  +Isra Power 8/15/2016 "More than 30,000 Muslims from across the world meet in the UK to reject Isis and Islamic extremism"

Muslim students hold posters during a gathering to denounce the Islamic State, in Mumbai, Nov. 20, 2015.
AFP/Getty Images

6/30/2016 "100,000 Expected to Attend Muslim Anti-Terror Rally in DC"

11/25/2015 "20 million Muslims march against ISIS"

There are many more, but here i decided to give some to show how ignorant u people are.

Btw, can u plz provide evidence for moderate christians protesting christian terrorism, ever?

I have looked i couldn't find any, if there r i would love to hear about it. - “Why don’t Muslims protest against ISIS?” and other idiotic questions

Isra Power: These demonstrations are nice and cute.But do they really make an impact for serious change????. Also, the Terror group Isis and others have been  savagely killing Yazidis, Kurds, christians but mostly Muslims, so obviously the good Muslims are saying its not Islam. But Please , In my stupid and humble opinion,  ISIS members (which is not a small group) is only applying whats in the Koran. They want their caliphate with sharia law.   But this is altogether a completely different topic.  Again, the real issues are mass migrant and refugees entering the west (the concept of Numbers) , integration and assimilation (which is not compatible with Islam) , reforms in Islam, etc, etc, etc, etc.....The West has nothing to offer them....

Adil Riaz:  +Isra Power plz do not change the topic, also the dicussion regards to quran is to wide. Ur lying spirirts have created way to many misconceptions to address all of them here. U can get ur answers at

Isra Power:  I should of figured, thats the kind of Garbage you thrive on......answering-christianity...

Adil Riaz:  +Isra Power​ garbage? No plz provide me with ur garbage biebert, faux news and answering islam all guys that thrive on alt news. Lol  maybe u should stop slumbering in a make believe world where only ur views matter. Also it isn't surprising to find so many LYING SPIRITS in ur culture since Paul the Pharisse taught u to be a liar. So i guess i really shouldn't be surprised. =)


As u can see their last line of defense is to claim ur sources are garbage, but islam is ours it started in middle east. So i do not see how there sources aren't garbage.

« on: March 15, 2017, 01:47:21 PM »
Truth of the fact is that majority of these ignouramouses have only been shown edited videos of debates that were clearly for the basis of christian bias.

Also the aame people claim that answering-christianity is rediculious, are the same people who continously contridict themselves and have no grounds in a debate. It is truely pathetic how much that these people have been brainwashed by their LYING SPIRITs missionaries.

Jazakallah brother, but i think this page that answering islam team made was in response to the page of islamic awareness. There could also be the possibility that the reason the verse says "The Jews" is because the jews in Hijaz were indeed making perversion since they were living a kin to idolater arabs that they decided to make ezra son of god because of their love for him. But allah swt knows best, would love to have good rebuttal to this.  Im sure someone must of had addressed this.

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