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Messages - Tahmeed

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah dear brother,

JajakAllahu khair for your refutation, brother.

(I would like to add) That goat in faithfreedom claims that the Prophet was an epilepsy which means he believes in the hadiths which say that the Prophet pbuh sweated in the coldest days, heard bell rings etc (which arent really results of epilepsy though the goat believes they are; as u have said).

Then why not believe the hadiths which say he divided the moon, made rock talk, brought water from the middle of his fingers etc ?? They are stronger hadiths. I am very eager to know how an epilepsy patient can do those things !!!! ???

Even if epilepsy caused hallucination (though it doesnt), all the sahabas and the kafirs couldnt have epilepsy all together !! They saw those miracles with their own eyes !

Actually, these infidels will never admit that Muhammad pbuh was a Prophet, that's why they keep making up these 'bad jokes'.

And may Allah cure you dear brother soon and may His mercy and blessings be always with you. I will InshAllah pray for you.


Sadat Tahmeed

« on: April 01, 2015, 05:50:07 AM »

Bro, there is a lot difference between mekkan kafirs' intention to reach Allah and pharaoh's intention to reach Allah !

Mekkan kafirs wanted to be in a close or spiritual relationship with Allah through idolatry. They thought the idols would reach their prayers to Allah. That's what their 'reaching Allah' means. They didn't want to be raised up like Christ (A) !!

Pharaoh wanted to literally see Allah. So his intention was to reach Allah physically.

I am posting these things to you. For that I don't need to know where you live. This forum is enough for me. But if I want to see you face to face, I must need you or someone to tell me where you live !!!!

And notice verse 40:37, Pharaoh wants to prove Musa (A) a liar. If Musa pbuh didn't tell him, why would he? Because if he made a tower reaching heaven and didn't find Allah, he couldn't blame Musa, Musa pbuh would say, "I didn't tell you that Allah is there !!!!"

And leave the miraj, there are many confusions about that. Just believing that there was a miraj is enough for us.

But check out this verse too. (along with verse 67:17)

"Nay, Allah raised him (christ) up TO HIMSELF; and Allah is exalted in Power, Wise." (4:158)

The word 'Rafa'ah' used in this verse means raising or lifting up.

Now, how Allah is nearer than our jogular vein and encompass mankind round about (17:60) is known to Himself only. But these verses clearly state that He is over heavens.

A question rises here, how can Allah be contained in one place when He is Infinite? Brother, outside the heaven there is no space, because space is only this world and it is finite. The world outside the heavens is impossible for us to know about.

And if Allah was everywhere, the world would be destroyed, like mount Tur was turned to ash only because Allah revealed a small part of Himself.

Sadat Tahmeed

« on: March 31, 2015, 11:00:19 AM »
Salam brother,

"Do you feel secure tat He, who is over Heaven, will not cause the earth to sink with you......" (sura mulk: 17)

See verse 40:36-37, pharaoh is building a high tower to see Allah, this can be only if Musa (a) told him that Allah is over heaven.

In the night of miraj, Muhammad went to heaven to meet Allah. If Allah was literally nearer than our jogular vein (verse 50: 16), their wouldn't be two arrows distance between Allah and the prophet (SAW) (verse 53: 9)!!!

And I have said brother, Allah is not the 4D which is everywhere. His form is unknown to us.

And many scholars have said that questioning about His throne is bid'at, so believe them just as they are, becasuse to understand heavenly things is impossible for us.

Peace be upon you,
Sadat Tahmeed

« on: March 31, 2015, 10:44:39 AM »
Salam Bro Tahmeed,

Allah didn't say He is expanding the universe in steady velocity ! Acceleration can be steady too and in that case the velocity is supposed to increase day by day.

And a verse can have different meanings. The vastness of heavern and the expanding universe, both are correct.

Allah Hafiz,
Sadat Tahmeed

« on: March 31, 2015, 10:35:45 AM »
Salam brother,

When the kafirs said that nothing but time can destroy them, they meant the alternation of day and night by 'time,. That's why they denied the afterlife. But if they had perfect knowledge about what time really is, they wouldn't say that. They just conjecture about time.

And this hadith can be metaphorical also (as I have read in mareful Quran), in that sense it would mean that God is not time, but His power of controling and changing everything is Time. But still then you cant say that the real time is the 4D, because gravity can't affect God's power !!

Bro, I am just trying to say that this hadith can explain the existence of God. I am not telling you to believe it as divine truth. And it would be really helpful if brother Osama or anyone gives a brief commentary on this hadith e qudsi.

Allah knows best...

Peace be upon you,
Sadat Tahmeed

Salam brother,

I never said that the stories of rama and krishna are from Allah. I didn't even criticize any of your points. I just said that the hindu scriptures CAN BE from Allah as some of them teach monotheism and contain crystal clear prophecies about prophet Ahmad (SAW) as narashamsha, kalki avatar, antim reeshi etc. I didn't even say that those scriptures ARE SURELY from Allah. I said maybe they were and later corrupted.

About your 'hunufa' example. I can't say that's completely fom Allah. The hanifs knew the name of God (Allah), they believed Ibrahim was a prophet, they even believed that kaaba is the house of God. How did they know that? The Jew and Christians don't believe in the kaaba. Rather, Abraha came to destroy it. So hunufa was not from Allah, but the religion had a root which was revealed to them through prophet Ismael. Later, the laws were destroyed and foul traditions were made up. Just like christianity came mainly from jesus, but has many traditions and beliefs adopted from greco-roman mythology. I said the same thing about hinduism, that some of their scriptures COULD BE from Allah and later they were seriously corrupted and foul traitions such as casteism and widow burning were made up.

If someone is eating a delicious food and I say to him, "don't eat too much", that doesn't mean that I am offending him or telling him eating is bad. I am just telling that sometimes people eat too much which is harmful and so he shouldn't do that.

I didn't criticize a single point in your post. They are very good indeed. I just said we should be cautious while dealing with the scriptures because we don't know whether PARTS OF THEM were revealed by God or not.

Even then, if my post seemed offensive to you then take my sincere apologies. :)

Peace be upon you,

Salam brothers,

Present Hinduism is nothing but nonsense. They say that all their gods are actually one, parts of that paramatma thing. But then why do they quarrel among themselves? Do you know that a myth says that Shiva chased some gods with a bow? If this kind of things happen, how is the world running so smoothly? Those Christians also say that there there three gods are actually one. But in different places we see that Jesus prays to God the Father. If they are truly one, why does he pray? And he also prays to take away the cup from him which means the Father and Jesus have independent minds! Read this;

"(Jesus is praying to the Father) And this is eternal life, that they may know You, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

Now Jesus was a Muslim.

And the Jews also love to call God their daddy and even calls themselves gods! (Psalm 82:6)

You want to find perfect monotheism? that's ISLAM.

And we don't worship some vulgar genital attached with a vagina. Is that something to worship?



« on: March 30, 2015, 10:01:24 AM »
Assalamu alaikum dear brother,

So sorry I didn't quote the important verse. The hadith is supposed to create confusion.

And they say: "What is there but our life in this world? We shall die and we live, and nothing but time can destroy us." But of that they have no knowledge; they merely conjecture." (sura Jathiah: 24)

The kafirs meant that time will pass and one day they will die, that's why they said that and didn't believe in hereafter. But Allah says they have no knowledge about time ! I think this verse indirectly says that Allah is Time. Because a latter verse says;

Say, "It is Allah Who gives you life, then gives you death, then He will gather you together for the Day of Judgement." But most people don't understand." (verse 26)

At present the previous verse simply refers to people like Stephen Hawking, who believes in the 4D and denies afterlife. But how can we say that Stephen Hawking, who spends his whole life researching on time and space, doesn't know anything about time ?! Stephen himself gives the answer !

One may say that time had a beginning at the big bang, in the sense that earlier times simply would not be defined. (A Brief history of Time, Chapter 1)

See, he admits that he can't define the earlier time! Now, tell me, who existed before the creation of the universe? Allah!

We call the 4D time because it changes things and keeps everything in motion. But then how did this 4D come about? There has to be a first cause. And Hawking says in the same para in chapter 1; An expanding universe does not preclude a Creator, but it does place limits on when He might have carried out His job! So if anyone told Stephen that God is the earlier time he just mentioned, it would make more sense.

God can't be the 4D because that's just a creation. The real Time would be the earlier One Which caused the 4D and the whole universe to come in existence, and Which still exists, controls everything (including the 4D) and will remain forever. Perhaps in that sense Allah says, "I AM Time." But this doesn't have to mean that Allah is an incorporeal Being. His actual appearance is unknown and unimaginable, just like Hawking says, "can't be defined.." !!

And Allah knows best........

To answer atheists you will have to read their books just like you will have to read the bible to answer Christians. And another way to convince them is to show them the overwhelming mathematical and scientific miracles of the Quran, as they worship science instead of Allah and it was impossible for an illiterate Arab to write such a Glorious book !!


Sadat Tahmeed

Assalamu alaikum bro Rashid,

I can't say I completely disagree with you, as many traditions of hinduism such as racism, widow-burning can't be from Allah. So hinduism can be just a copy pasted cult.

But we shouldn't forget bro that there was a revelation for every nation. And they had the disease of corrupting the revelations. So the stories of their books can be corrupted rather than copy-pasted. And hindu scriptures prophesy a lot about prophet Ahmad (SAW) which we dont get in other religious scriptures. So there is a big possibility that hindu scriptures were revealed by Allah and later corrupted by men. So we must be careful while dealing with other scriptures !!

JajakAllahu Khair,

« on: March 29, 2015, 02:33:32 PM »
Salam dear brother Tahmeed (!!!!),

I think there is scientific proof that God exists. I hope you know about the 4th dimension ie Time. The atheists believe that. Ask an atheist who knows something about science, "What would happen if there was no time or 4D in our universe?" He will tell you that without time, the world would be at a stand still. Nothing would change, nothing would move.

At first people simply called the alternation of day and night 'time'. For example, we say the time is 4:00 pm. It means it has been 4 hours since the sun was right top of our head. But that's not the 4D. Modern science says time is not the alternation, but the dimension that alternates day and night and makes everything move. So all athiests believe that the universe is impossible without time. Now, hadith says,

 Narrated by Abu Huraira, Rasulullah (S) said, Allah, the Glorious and Most exalted says, "Children of Adam displeases Me by abusing Time. But I AM Time, I alternate day and night." (Muslim, Hadith 5712).

I read this hadith in Bukhari too, but forgot where :P

Think about it. Why does Allah claim that he created our body when we are mixed semen and grew because of Mitosis? Answer is simple. If there was no time, the fetus wouldn't grow up. It would be as it is forever. Every stage of its growth is because of Time. And Allah says He is Time! That's how He creats everything. But as far as I know, Islam is the only religion which says that God is Time. So you cant proof this by the bible or Vedas (as far as I kbow).

So if we do a little research on how to proof that there is a 4th dimension, I think we will be able to proof the existence of God InshAllah.

But there is a little problem if we say God is the 4th Dimension. Because they say gravity has effects on time. I have some points on that also. But now there is no time! I gotta sleep.

Glory to Allah and peace be upon His prophet Muhammad.

Sadat Tahmeed

Little knowledge of Scinence will make you an atheist, but full knowledge of science will make you a believer in God. (somebody said that !!)

Salam dear brothers

I too believe that this zionism is the dajjal as the signs can be clearly seen. But I have some little questions bro.

The Quran says that there will be none among the Ahlal Kitab who will not believe in Isa before death (forgot the verse no :P). So if they are the dajjal, why will they believe?

Rasul S said that Dajjal will be one eyed. But he didnt mean that dajjal will be like a cyclops! He strongly mentioned that dajjal's right eye will be blind & like a berry. But the zionist one eyed pyramid has just one eye, no right or left!

Another hadith says that Rasul S saw dajjal in a dream along with Isa A, as a man.

These 3 things seem to say that dajjal will be a single man, not a nation.

Pls make it clear bro.

Allah Hafiz

Assalamu alaikum dear brother,

Brother Isa doubts Isa's (A) coming?!!!!!!

the return of Christ is only mentioned in hadith  also the dajjal

even in pagan  religions  they had return of christ fighting  the anti christ

Apparently , in ancient mythology the second coming had always been connected with the end times drama.

Sorry brother, you are wrong. The Quran says that Isa (A) will come in 'end of times drama' (In ur words).

Verse 43:61>He (christ) will be a sign of the last hour, DON'T DOUBT THAT, obey Me, it's the straight way!

And if the mythology tells about it, it doesnt prove that it is borrowed from them. Rather, it proves that the signs of the last hour were also told to them, because prophets were sent to every nation. But they fabricated things and corrupted the scripture. For example, the pagan hindu scriptures tell that God is one (though it says that many gods make One!). So will u say monotheism is a pagan idea?

And brother, please tell me which pagan mythology talks about dajjal and christ. Honestly, I dont know it. So just trying to know.:)

But u r right about the book of revelation, brother. It is a complete nonsense. Perhaps the wise  :P scholars of the council of Nicae made this thing to show a little creativity! Dragons, peculiar beasts are all pagan things.

However, many ask the coming of antichrist as the quran doesnt say anything clear about it. As I think, antichrist is not a person in a particular time. Its a system which will dominates world. From that point of view, the prophecy has already been fulfilled! Its the evil zionism. I dont know if bro Osama has written something about it in the AC website, I found one of his useful posts which may make it clear.Read the third and forth posts here;,1515.msg5947.html#msg5947

Though the quran doesnt say about dajjal, it warns us to follow him. If dajjal is the Judeo- christian civilization, then the quran forbids us in many places to follow the kafirs and tells us to be steady in Allah's Deen. If the dajjal is a man,......well, the quran gives the example of Pharaoh who thoght he was god. Its not important for us to know what will dajjal look like, will he be blind or not etc, the main thing is not to follow him.

Allah knows best...

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Do you know the reference?
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:41:17 AM »
Assalamu Alaikum dear brother Osama and other muslim brothers,

I read this story of Abdullah ibn Masud's embracing Islam in a book but Allah knows why they dont give any reference. I translated it myself. The story is briefly this:

In his young age, Abdullah ibn Masud used to tend the goats of Ukba ibn Abi Muayat. One day Rasul (SAW) and Abu Bakr (R) were passing through the valley where he was tending the goats. Rasul (SAW) was thirsty and so he asked Abdullah (R) to give them some milk. But he said, "I cant give you milk without my master's permission.." Then Rasul (SAW) said, "Bring to me a she-goat which hasnt given birth to any child yet." When Abdullah (R) brought such a goat, Rasul (SAW) touched its udder. The udder bloated and became filled with milk! Then Abu Bakr (R) milked the goat and they drank its milk. Seeing this miracle, Abdullah (R) embraced Islam!

I read this months ago. If you know any hadith regarding this story, please let me know its authenticity and reference. And also pls post the correct narrative.

I am actually making a list of Rasul's (SAW) miracles as those infidels shout about this too much. If you got any articles regarding this, pls post me the URL. :)

May Allah protect us all. Ameen.


Assalamu alaikum dear brother khan,

May Allah bless you for ur wonderful discussion. The dajjal named nationalism and this democracy is indeed rotting our faith and unity. And I 100% support you.

With these tthings, another fitnah has risen from the west named 'secularism', destroying the whole idea of Islamic rule.

Perhaps u know that pious ( :P ) woman named Taslima Nasrin. One of her friends (I cant remember the name, Sumon perhaps and he is a writter) once told her,"QASAM OF SECULARISM! I will protect you."!

Can u imagine? People have started worshipping this thing. I am not telling to just kill the non-muslims or to deprive them of their rights, because I am not a terrorist. Islam tolerates other religions. The greatest example is the Sanad of Madina. But u cant make a hybrid constitution mixing their laws and our laws. A muslim cant think of making a secular state denying the shariah and based on democracy, while Allah clerely says;

"Whoever doesnt judge by the law which Allah has sent, he is a kafir." (5:44)

The only way we can re-establish Islamic rule as a whole in the so called 'Islamic countries' is Daw'ah. May Allah help us all this mission.

Please let me know ur opinion on this.

Allah Hafiz,


Salm brother Osama,

Thank you for ur reply. Your blog is just fine brother. I just check for posts in my free time. But this is my last post for this month. So no need to change anything. :)

May Allah bless us all,

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