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Messages - A proud Muslim

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ok say regarding the hadith on drawing, these hadiths are mutawatir have been said multiple times by the prophet,

One is drawing pictures of animate beings. It says in the Sunnah that this is forbidden. It is not permitted to draw anything that depicts animate beings, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, according to the saheeh hadeeth: “Every image maker will be in the Fire.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The most severely punished of people on the Day of Resurrection will be the image-makers, those who tried to imitate the creation of Allaah.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The makers of these images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and they will be told, ‘Give life to that which you have created.’”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed those who consume riba (interest, usury) and those who pay it, and he cursed the image-makers.

so with regards to drawing animate beings it is pretty clearly in hadith.

And for your saying: it isnt mentioned in the quran, we dont only take whats in the quran we also take muhammad. As the quran says he is our model, well how do we follow him, by obeying him and ding what he told us, also quran 7:157. This is not going to be a refutation of quranists but we take sahih hadiths too. and about drawing is mutawatir and clearly done

but with regards to taking pictures on the phone nothing wrong
drawing inanimate beings nothing wrong
animate beings there is a dispute, see shabir ally on it:

either way it is best to avoid things which have a dispute on it unless it is necessary to do it. So avoid drawing unless you kinda have to. Like dont draw for fun, but if you have to out of school or something, know there is a dispute

Hello there, I think that I've found an answer, read the post by "Platine" in this link

Oh sorry, a mistake. Here's my reply:
So basically, you're saying that even a sahih hadith cannot be 100% true, it could be a lie that have slipped in, and the scholars didn't spot that lie. So my problem is with the hadith regrading drawing, the hadith talks about how drawing things with soul is prohibited. The problem that the prophet (peace be upon him) has cursed the people who draw things with soul, but how come the prophet(Peace upon him) curse those people and the Quran don't mention a thing about drawing things with souls being haram?! Plus that, the scholars have said it's permissible to draw things  with souls in special cases like drawing a criminal, or teaching or etc..But there's no any evidence that suggests that we can draw things with soul in "special cases". I'm looking forward to your answer.

well, the basing of if a hadith is correct is through looking at the text, does it go against the quran and seeing the ones who have transmitted us the hadith. If the ones who have transmitted us the hadith are people who are : 1.known, 2.trustworthy 3. have good memory 4. are known not to lie and not to forge, then a hadith is accepted as hasan/sahih ( there is a lot more which happens, just a basic overview) but a hadith is completely solidified if it is: mutawatir. Mutawatir means with multiple chains of narration. So if the same story or words are transmitted by different people.

if you are sking is every sngle hadith in bukhari 100% sahih, well i would guess no, in al of those thousands of hadith, 1 lie could have slipped in, his is because bukhari and al albani and darussalam are al humans, and maybe a lie wasnt spotted or something. If a hadith is sahih we muslims take it, wheterh we like it or not.

if a hadith is sahih it means it is sound and true

So basically, you're saying that even a sahih hadith cannot be 100% true, it could be a lie that have slipped in, and the scholars didn't spot that lie. So my problem is with the hadith regrading drawing, the hadith talks about how drawing things with soul is prohibited. The problem that the prophet (peace be upon him) has cursed the people who draw things with soul, but how come the prophet(Peace upon him) curse those people and the Quran don't mention a thing about drawing things with souls being haram?! Plus that, the scholars have said it's permissible to draw things  with souls in special cases like drawing a criminal, or teaching or etc..But there's no any evidence that suggests that we can draw things with soul in "special cases". I'm looking forward to your answer.

Hello, I was wondering if a hadith is considered sahih, does it make a true hadith 100% why can't the hadith be wrong but scholars have considered sahih? And if a hadith is considered weak, does that make it false 100%? I'm looking forward to your answers.

The truth is that everything was created = Life/Ruh was given from Allah to them. He created cells and every great creatures.

Allah said in surat alkahf, i didn't make them witness the creation of earth, heavens or even themselves, so making theories and speculations about HOW they are created will not change the fact that He created them. They tried to convince their follower that life was originated by coincidence, but that's funny too.

The Fallacious Argument:

    Evolutionists base the evolutionary tree of life (or, ‘phylogenies’) on the similarities found in animals. In other words, if two animals are similar, it is assumed they are closely related in the evolutionary scale. But for evolutionists to turn around and claim these same similarities ‘prove’ evolution is fallacious.
    This line of reasoning also commits the fallacy of Affirming the Consequent. Here’s why. Evolutionists claim: "If evolution is true, we would expect to see similarities in organisms. We do see similarities. Therefore, evolution is true."

This conclusion may not be true — there are other explanations for similarities in organisms, such as a common designer. To escape their argument being labelled as a fallacy, evolutionists might substitute the
conclusion "therefore, evolution is true" with "therefore, evolution is probably true". But this is also fallacious. We could say: "If the moon is made of Swiss cheese, it will have large depressions. The moon has large depressions. Therefore, the moon is probably made of Swiss cheese." Adding ‘probably’ to the conclusion does not change it from being fallacious as it still commits the fallacy of Hasty generalization.

It is surely natural for the human body to bear some molecular similarities to other living beings, because they all are made up of the same molecules, they all use the same water and atmosphere, and they all consume foods consisting of the same molecules. Certainly, their metabolisms, and therefore their genetic make-ups, would resemble one another. This, however, is not evidence that they evolved from a common ancestor.
This "common material" is the result not of evolution but of "common design," that is, of their being created upon the same plan.
You can read "Harun Yahya" books. They may be translated to your language. Not 100% accurate, but will help you to understand the irrationality of atheists and their arguments. Whenever you have a question, please ask.

Well, thanks for your efforts, i hear what you are saying, but i don't think that you gave me a clear answer. You're saying that the claim that "we evolved from a common ancestor. Well, as far as i know scientific evolution also  says that, plus that similarities between living organism is not an evidence for God, also evolution has so much evidence, what you have mentioned isn't the only evidence for evolution, you gave me many answers, having said that, they are not clear. Anyway i'll just read Harun yahya's books. I think that they will give a pure clear answer, so actually you do not need to respond back. And in conclusion thanks for giving me your time!


Assalam alaikum

Atheists claim:
1- A miracle happened (cell created itself..abiogenesis)...they don't believe in miracles  ;)

2- This cell divided it self (we will bypass this too).

3- That divisions keep creating all creation over millions of years.

4- The "scientific" experiment should be "observable".

5 - No one observed their claim.

6- The claim is merely speculation based on similar DNA and anatomy.

7- This similarity is easily explained to us because our maker/Creator is the same ONE mighty God.


1-Abiogenesis isn't proven, it's just a hypothesis, this hypothesis says that living things came from non-living things, which is ridiculous to believe, also i agree that many atheists believe in that thing

2-Umm....Can you give me an example? Did the first cell divide itself by accident? or how did it?

3-Well, what's wrong with that? Could you please make it more clear?


5-Not clear, i want an example

6-Not clear, i want an example

7-Not clear too, please give me an examples like how this living organism wouldn't be able to by accident, something like these examples

8-May i ask you a question? How much did you study evolution? How good are you in understanding it?

9-After responding to my questions, Could you please show how scientific evolution proves God

Sorry again for being annoying, i am just trying to learn, another thing, my dream is to become a prominent Muslim scholar and a famous scientist :), that's why i keep asking these consecutive questions.

Yes, there's, but it's gonna take some time. You first need to learn HTML , CSS and you may need to learn python, i'm not quite sure if you need to learn python or not, but i think that Osama will give you the best answer.

How does an evolution or natural selection disprove a designed? It Infact proves a designer because for this to happen is one out of a million,so mathematically,a creator needs to be there for a natural selection or a Evolution.

Well, you should say this to Atheists, what you say isn't actually a real evidence, give me some examples about how evolution and natural selection proves that we needs a Creator, otherwise i'll wait for other members to answer. I do believe in God, but the problem is that Atheists always claim that Evolution contradicts Intelligent design and suggests that we do not need a Creator. I'm looking forward to your answer.

Assalam alaikum

Of course, we accept "scientific evolution" Did you ever read my post  :D

Neo-darwinism is rejected because there is no evidence for it. Actually, they use examples of "scientific" evolution to prove "Neo-darwinism", revise my previous post.

Ahhh, my bad, sorry, at the moment i'm trying to speak English fluently, so forgive me if i did not understand what you mean, Would you mind telling how do they use examples of "scientific" evolution to prove "Neo-darwinism" in simple English? Also can you refute the claim "Evolution and natural selection disprove Intelligent design, and suggests that we do not need a Creator" and again sorry for being annoying, i am just trying to learn, also what do you think of my English? How good is it? Please be honest, and thanks.

Lacking of information does not disprove Evolution, evolution don't tell us about how life began on earth, From what i understood from your post is that you don't accept evolution, well you should be saying these to the 99% scientists (including theists scientists) who accept evolution. Plus that if you were able to disprove evolution, then noble prize is waiting for you, i am sure that if you go to any science forum, people will answer your question immediately.

Sorry, but all these answers do not answer my question, my question is:
Since that Evolution and Natural selection both are based on coincidence, then how come there's a something called "Theistic Evolution" Does that mean Theistic Evolution rejects a part of Evolution and accepts a part? Also we are in the 21st century, and Scientists have  found many evidence supporting Evolution, even theists Scientists accepted Evolution. I'm pretty confused, please help me. Oh also another thing, please do not post links, post only arguments. I'm looking forward  to seeing your answers.

« on: June 11, 2017, 07:42:51 PM »
Do you have any evidence that Daesh supporters who have carried out lone-wolf attacks are paid to do so?

Yes, i do.
-Are Daesh supporters following the Quran? No
-Are they following the hadiths? No
-Does the Quran forbids killing innocent people? Yes
-Is there any hadith that allows Muslims to kill innocent people? No

And now it's quite obvious that Daesh supporters are paid. Also i was wondering why are you defending them? As far as i know they are brainwashing people by making people think that Islam is behind all those Terriosts attacks, please do not jump to conclusion. In conclusion it's clear that Daesh supports are paid.

Where's brother Osama? He used to reply immediately to any question...

Opps...Another grammatical error, sorry about that.

ACT for America, founded by Brigitte Gabriel, planned to protest against Sharia in dozens of states, saying it's not compatible with western democracy. However, many counter-protesters shouted at them, accusing them of anti-Muslim rhetoric. Additionally, a research suggested that the vast majority of American Muslims don't impose Sharia in the country whatsoever.
Brigitte personally believes that Sharia supports honor killing, Female Genital Mutilation, homophobia, and abusing women. Really? Are you stupid?

In Pakistan, parliament voted a bill to punish honor killers under Islamic law.
By the way, 12,000 women are being killed by domestic violence in Russia annually under secular law. Unlike Pakistan, the Russian President signed to decrease punishment for domestic abusers, but Human Rights Watch said that this is very a bad idea. Does secularism support domestic killing?

Many Muslims recently banned Female Genital Mutalition (FGM). For instance, Gambia President Yahya Jammeh, who supported Sharia law, banned FGM in 2015. In 2006, the Egyptian Mufti issued a fatwa condemning FGM, saying that FGM is strictly forbidden in Islam. The Mufti also urged the government to ban this practice as well.
Many Christians support FGM in Central Africa, but their governments has banned it anyway. Does Christianity support FGM?
Also, this is a double standard! Western women increasely support Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS) and breast implant for beauty, but some experts said that these practices are used for pornography as well. This is very sad. Please visit

First of all, the Bible and Torah strongly condemn homosexuality, but they ignore these holy books anyway. In fact, a research suggested that more Muslims support Homosexuality than Christians in the United States. In addition, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favour of the civil rights of transsexual citizens under Islamic constitution.

Abusing women?
The Saudi court punished a man for beating his wife, saying he had violated the Islamic rule. Please visit:
and the laws on domestic violence in Muslim countries:

ACT for America secretly joined with white supremacists to protest against Sharia law.
Here is the link:
The Truth about ACT for America:

Here is the full article:

Well done brother, but would you mind giving me some verses and hadiths that forbids beating woman. I'm looking forward to seeing your seeing your answer

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