Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: Black Muslim on March 12, 2013, 09:10:59 AM
All thanks to God and peace and blessings upon the noblest of messengers , the seal of prophets , and God's mercy to mankind , our teacher Muhammad and upon his people and companions .
Yes , you didn't read the title wrong . Stop insulting prophet Muhammad , Muslims !!
It is really disturbing when someone comes and boldly says "They called prophet Muhammad ****" . Would you do that if it's about you ?! If someone says something filthy about you and then you tell someone else about it , would you say "He called me a ****" ?
I'm serious here , such posts and replies should be edited by their users , if not , then by the admin .
All thanks to God and peace and blessings upon the noblest of messengers , the seal of prophets , and God's mercy to mankind , our teacher Muhammad and upon his people and companions .
Yes , you didn't read the title wrong . Stop insulting prophet Muhammad , Muslims !!
It is really disturbing when someone comes and boldly says "They called prophet Muhammad ****" . Would you do that if it's about you ?! If someone says something filthy about you and then you tell someone else about it , would you say "He called me a ****" ?
I'm serious here , such posts and replies should be edited by their users , if not , then by the admin .
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother "Black Muslim",
May Allah Almighty bless you for the advise, akhi. You are right. Muslims have to watch out for the traps that non-Muslims put them in, by in this case making them speaking inappropriatly or allow inappropriate talk about our beloved Prophet, peace be upon him.
If there is a specific link that you feel is offensive, then please share it with your suggestion on how to fix it, and insha'Allah I will see to it.
Take care dear brother,
Osama Abdallah
Dear Brother
What is your advice if an unbeliever continues to use foul language about Allah SWT and His messenger? Should the conversation be broken off with him/her?
Jazak Allah
Dear Brother
What is your advice if an unbeliever continues to use foul language about Allah SWT and His messenger? Should the conversation be broken off with him/her?
Jazak Allah
Try to stir up a conversation with them to try and changed their minds. If however they still refuse to acknowledge they are wrong ignore them and let them wallow in their filth.
Jazak Allah, Bro!
He's speaking about a post I made a while ago. 8)
When people are spreading corruption in the land, should we pretend that they are not?
I seek to either educate or eradicate these jahil criminals. Maybe I am too radical. I don't know.
There are too many devils walking on this Earth; I intend to end their reign. I cannot do it alone.
We need unity. I suppose I wanted others to share in my anger.
These enemies of Islam need to be exterminated.
I have modified my original post for you, brother. I am sad that you have mistook my intentions.
Our ummah is in misery; I do not see that changing. Not unless we change it.
Everything is as Allah wills it to be. But Allah does not will us to be blind and passive.
We are to be righteous and fair. Allahu Akbar!
I'm not talking about your intentions of encouraging people to rise with Islam again ( If you mean through the false picture of Jihad then that's something to discuss later ) I'm simply telling you not to repeat the insults !
Jazak Allah, Bro!
I think you're talking to me. If so, your welcome :P