Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => ISLAMIC DISCUSSIONS | GOD | QURAN | QURAN CANON & HISTORY | HADITHS & SUNNA => Rebuttals & Polemics => Topic started by: muzi123 on December 09, 2012, 09:59:06 AM
asalamualakum there is a guy on u tube hes made so many videos in trying to refute quran miracles and he has spoken to scientists and they dont agree with quran can anybody refute him e.g hes made so many videos has any 1 seen them n any comments he spoke to dr alfrod kroner 2
- can u plz watch all or 7:38 to 7:50
Isnt there a person called therationaliser on this forum too?
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,
These types of videos made by amatures are easily refuted here: With Allah Almighty's Will, I've gone through great lengths of using 7 big dictionaries to thoroughly demonstrate the Great Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran. The explanations in this article go beyond what Dr. Zakir Naik have given.
Even though I don't like quoting them, and this is certainly the first time I give this quote (even though it was written back in 2010), but even Jochen Katz of answering Islam said this about my research:
"Osama Abdallah is obsessed with alleged scientific miracles of the Qur’an. Although he joined that fad rather late in the game, he has become one of the most prolific writers on this issue in recent years."
So if you haven't already gone through my research to find your refutations, then please do so. And as always, if there is a particular Noble Verse or article that you want to see detailed response to, or a detailed demonstration for, regarding the Glorious Quran's Scientific Miracles, then always visit:
I hope this helps insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
osama he has spoke to scientists like alfred kroner etc watch them apprantly they dont agree with quran plz can u watch his videos like 7.38 to 7.50 or watch all
osama do u no who the author of islamic replies website it