Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => ISLAMIC DISCUSSIONS | GOD | QURAN | QURAN CANON & HISTORY | HADITHS & SUNNA => Quran Scientific Miracles & Islam's Prophecies (in Hadiths and Quran) => Topic started by: QuranSearchCom on November 19, 2012, 03:33:52 PM
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,
For ample proofs for this stunning Miracle, please visit this thread:,616.0.html.
I've elaborated on it in great details.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
You forgot a BIG example.
The Qur'an is the king of astronomy.
In astronomy and calendar studies, the Metonic cycle or Enneadecaeteris (from Greek words for nineteen years) is a period close to 19 years,
the number 19 is remarkable for being nearly a common multiple of the solar year and the synodic (lunar) month.
There are arguments about the numerical miracles . It is said that they shouldn't be used as the main miracles of Quran in debates and such because they will always say these are just coincidences . Anyway , I don't think anybody would have the nerve claim they are all coincidences if they are repeated over and over :) .