Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => THE BIBLE | TRINITY & JESUS | CRUCIFIXION vs CRUCIFICTION | HISTORY | CANONS | REBUTTALS => Topic started by: Seif Hesham on July 16, 2018, 04:38:38 AM
Jermiah 8 : 8
"'How can you say, "We are wise because we have the laws of the LORD," when your teachers have twisted it by writing lies?
The True Translation of וְתוֹרַ֥ת
Is Torah. So Jermiah 8:8 not only was talking about the laws but the Whole Torah.
So the true translation is
"'How can you say, "We are wise because we have the - Torah [/o]of the LORD," when your teachers have twisted it by writing lies?
Also In Arabic
Wa = And
Tawrat = Torah
So Watawrut = And Torah
which means the verse was implying not only the Laws of God but the whole Torah :)
Jazakum Allahu khaira