Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: QuranSearchCom on October 14, 2017, 05:19:55 AM
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
I have issued the following debate to David Wood and team:
Hello David Wood,
It's been a long time. I challenge you and your team to debate me on the following topics:
1- Is the Quran a Scientific Miracle? (This one you must debate with me)
2- Was Jesus really crucified according to the Bible, Quran AND HISTORY?
3- Is Jesus our Creator?
4- Did the Christians in Palestine, Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others know about Muhammad as a legitimate Prophet to come?
If you do accept, then feel free to contact George Saige and/or ABN and/or any organization of your choice to host the four debates. Also, feel free to chose your Christian debaters. My exception is that the first topic must be debated between me and you. For the other three, I am open to debate anyone of your choice. The debates also have to be done early next year. I have a very busy schedule till the end of this year. But anytime in January of 2018 I will be ready, insha'Allah.
Looking forward to hearing from you. I imagine you have become quite popular among many Christians that it shouldn't be an issue for you to find a place to host our debates. Only weekends, please. No weak days.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I will keep you all posted, insha'Allah, on the progress. I will also post the dates and times and locations once confirmed, insha'Allah. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Hopefully he accepts,he's usually been running away from Muslims like Aqil Onque,etc,etc
I would really like to see Sami Zaatari debate with Shamoun on challenge number would be great to see them face to face again in my opinion, i was still a 15 yo teenager when those debated about the "deity" of Christ and Sami's patience really inspired me a lot...
السلام عليكم Brother Osama,
Your topics are okay, but what about pedophile in the Bible?
Brother Osama, why are you very busy this year? What kind of a job are you working?
By the way, did Muslim scholars ever challenge David Wood about the scientific errors in the Bible?
Well, Ali Ataie talked about the scientific errors in the Bible, but David Wood did not refute him during the debate. This is very interesting.
Brother Osama, you should debate David Wood about the scientific errors in the Bible, too.
I did challenge him and others several times before on this topic, dear brother, and they always declined. Their point is this:
1- The Bible does not stand and fall on finding errors in it. There is always room to finding some mistakes in the Bible and it would still not be dismissed as the Holy Word of GOD Almighty.
2- The Quran stands and falls on being Perfect. It's challenge to mankind and the jinns to produce a Surah like It, and the Muslims' boasts of Its Numerical and Scientific Miracles proving that It is a Divine Book from GOD leaves no room for any error, especially that the Book came through one man, Muhammad, and not many people like the Bible:
I know the argument is ridiculous. But this is what they mentioned to me before. They don't care if we find scientific errors in the Bible here and there. To them, their entire Christianity (for Christians) stands and falls onto believing in the Crucifixion, Death AND RESURRECTION of Jesus. It doesn't matter if the texts that speak about him (books and gospels of the NT) are not perfect.
I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Wallah? How did they decline your topic about the scientific errors in the Bible? I think it's discriminatory. David Wood actually debated with Muslim scholars about the scientific errors in the Qur'an.
Obviously, this is truly a double standard.
What about pedophile in the Bible? I am getting tired of hearing clown David mocking our Prophet about Aisha.
What about pedophile in the Bible? I am getting tired of hearing clown David mocking our Prophet about Aisha.
Salam alaikum
Don't listen to those who make fun of Islam, Your creator or his Prophet.
Sorry brother Sama, but it's time to thoroughly refute them!
We can't allow these stupid clowns carrying wrong ideas in the social media about Islam. This is part of jihad.
I really want these clowns to debate our critical topics, including pedophile, but if they refuse to do so, they are fat cowards. Cowards are losers.
The critical topics that these clowns don't like to debate.
- Jews in the Bible and Gospels.
- Women in Christianity
- Pedophile in the Bible and Gosphels
- Scientific errors in the Bible and Gosphels.
As-salam alaikum Brother Osama,
Did David Wood respond to you about your debate?
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Albarra,
He has not responded, but by mid November I will know if their team is up for debate or not, insha'Allah. I am working with one of the organizers. We'll know by mid November, insha'Allah. They want to bring another Muslim debater along with me. It'll be five topics instead of the four. Three are mine and two are the Muslim debater's.
I'll let you know insha'Allah if anything new happens. Jazaka Allah Khayr for following up.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Assalamu alaikum.
Has David responded yet? It's nearly December.
Assalamu alaikum.
Has David responded yet? It's nearly December.
Exactly. It's December already.
Brother Osama, did David respond to you or not?
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,
He has not responded. I am busy with things till the end of this year, then I will follow up with the ones who will set it up, insha'Allah. I had a phone conversation and there was an agreement. So, I'll follow up on it. It's holiday season right now, and I believe all of us are busy. So in January I will follow up, insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Wa alaikum assalam wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuh...Best of luck brother....Jazakullah khair.