Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: QuranSearchCom on September 29, 2017, 05:17:17 PM
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
Just wanted to share with you that with Allah Almighty's Mercy and Will, I have purchased All Praise and Thanks and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone. My website is now glued to the infidels' site. We share the same domain name. Alhamdulillah.
As always Insha'Allah, will always combat and destroy the falsehoods of the infidels.
Your humble brother in Islam,
Osama Abdallah
I can already see the Islamophobes face now that he knows FAKE ex muslims like MaskedArab and AbdulShaythan Sameer wont be able to Plagiarize from his damned site XD
Good plan
But there is another site called <>.net right?
No. It's only the .com one :)
So you basically got the .com one and not the .net one right?
Yes dear brother. Correct. And when you guys talk about WikiIslam, talk about it as if it's the .COM one; similar to ;)
Oh my God?Really?
Superb news for me...Jazakullah Jazakullah khair brother,really appreciable....
All praise is for Allah,Alhmdulillah....Relieved.... :D
Jazaki Allah Khayr, respected sister Tazeen, and to all of the brothers and sisters here and reading. I ask Allah Almighty to always be Allah Almighty's soldier and the humble brother to all Muslims and sisters, and to meet the expectations and more, insha'Allah. Ameen.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
sometimes I think, what would happen if our brothers like osama abdallah,zakir naik,zakir hussain,harun yahya,and zaglool nazzar die.we may face so much difficulty, I guess. may Allah supplies somebody like them. ;D it's a good news afterall
brother, I would like to suggest that,we should open wikiislam in various languages. talented Muslim bloggers all over the world should work together to develop this site with authentic information. I think you should, rewrite answers of wikiislam's old posts in English .and allow Muslim bloggers to translate in different languages. I will be happy, if you accept my proposal.
Well thank GOD we haven't died yet!! hehehhehehehe ;D. No brother seriously, this is why you and every Muslim need to take the good materials out there and master them as if you've written them. This way, you can always combat the infidels and defeat them, insha'Allah.
As to other languages and rebuttals, I am going to create a WIKIISLAM section on this blog to allow all brothers and sisters refute all of the articles on the infidels' site, insha'Allah. I'll have to think about how to create this one here.
If anyone has a need to write in another language, then I can create a sub-section for them, insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Brother Osama, I think you should remove the title of this website like "Answering Christianity Research Center". They think this title is the wrong website.
Also, I think we need to change and improve the section of 9/11 attacks because some stupid people think this website is anti-Semitic. I also have a powerful evidence that anti-Muslims don't really want to hear it. "The truth about 9/11."
I already posted a blog several months ago, but you didn't add it to 9/11 section.
Albarra البراء
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,
Akhi Albarra, please give the URL of the 9/11 blog. I must've missed it.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Here is the link below:,2599.msg12156.html#msg12156