Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: Affan Khan on February 27, 2017, 02:11:37 AM
Aslaam walaikum brother Osama i was reading an article of
He says that number 19 has no significance in Islam
Aslaam walaikum brother Osama i was reading an article of
He says that number 19 has no significance in Islam
can you post the link of that text?
As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,
There are 1000s of examples given that demonstrate the Glorious Quran's number 19 Miracle. Please visit:
I see that the link given was a Muslim one. So perhaps it is a salafi or something similar. I advise you to check the facts when empty assertions are given to you. Don't be a feather that gets picked up by any wind, especially the winds that cultists pass, if you know what I mean. These empty-heads are full of empty assertions and hot air. They can't provide proofs. We have smashed their nonsense and lies at:
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
- / 2010/ 11 / alleged-false-verses -9128-9-of-quran.html?m=1
Brother Osama But one of the most Great scholar
Sheikh Muhmaad Salih Al Munajid Says
Number 19 has no significance
I Better suggest u that replace it with one of the most Greatest Historical Proof of Quran chp Surah Rum Verses 1 to 3 for reference Please See
Tahfeem ul Quran by ala mdoodi
Brother, did you even bother reading my links? Why are you giving me a refutation to the dajjal, Rashad Khalifa, and his rejection of Noble Verses 9:128-129? Are you implying or suggesting that I am a rejector of Noble Verses 9:128-129?
Refuting the dajjal does not refute the Glorious Quran's number 19 Miracle. Allah Almighty Himself said that it is ONE OF THE GREATEST MIRACLES انها لاحدى الكبر. Again, please visit:
Your great scholar is ignorant. He is a Salafi and he is very stupid. I can't stand the stupidity of the Muslim cultists. They're all stupid. Shias, Sufis, Salafies, monkies, they're all stupid! Again, visit:
Take care,
Osama Abdallah