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MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: muzi123 on March 22, 2016, 01:05:54 PM

Title: Simple proof Islam is true
Post by: muzi123 on March 22, 2016, 01:05:54 PM
Asalamualakum here im just speaking from the perspecitive of those who believe in God and believe God has inspired a religion now the q is which 1

this is a criteria to prove a religion is from God

SO If God inspired a religion that religion should SEEK converts to the faith. Like think about it If God inspired a religion and says dont convert any1 forget it whats the point choosing a religion if its not for every1 so its not universal and we know Gods religion is universal.

Judaism=Born Jew
Zoroastrianism=Born into faith

Hinduism=even though u can convert it doesnt seek converts infact most Hindus say u cant convert.So even if u could convert the scriptures dont tell the followers to warn mankind so we can conclude Hinduism doesn't seek converts.

Sikhism- Another Indian religion tht doesnt seek converts to the faith even though u can convert to it.

Buddhism- No where in Buddhist scriptures does the religion say convert people to Buddhism infact Buddhists r agnostics so they should be included in the list if a religion is from God.

Shintoism -Pagan religion worships many Gods not universal doesnt seek converts to faith aswell.

Only left with Islam and Christianity

Now we can use another criteria
Scripture should not be changed
Bible has Quran has been preserved
therefore if a religion is from God u are left with Islam or nothing
U Choose!

so thts a simple proof 
Title: Re: Simple proof Islam is true
Post by: submit on March 23, 2016, 08:04:00 AM
Only left with Islam and Christianity

Two religions that proselytize throughout the world.
And if we read Isaiah 42:10-12
Romans were not mentioned in Isaiah 42 thus they cannot be relate to preaching to gentiles.

The meaning of the verse Isaiah 42:10-12 clearly say it will be the inhabitants of Arabia that will travel to far end of earth to proclaim His praise.

Not Romans that spread Pauline-Christianity as can be seen today. And indeed inhabitants of Arabia have been travelling to spread New Song since 7th century till today spreading the message that is Islam. Muslims proclaim His praise everyday.
Title: Re: Simple proof Islam is true
Post by: Idris on March 23, 2016, 08:35:52 PM
As-Salam Aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

absolutely correct brother submit, in Isaiah 42 there is no mention about the Romans, nor Greeks, it specifically speaks about the Arabs, but the new song is not about the Quran as some Muslim scholars have claimed. Believe me, the true interpretation is far from currently maintained views (yet, still in a positive manner). I cannot tell you the details now, since it would spoil a surprise which I 'am preparing for all of our Muslim brothers and sisters, as well as for our Christian friends. I hope insha'Allah my book will revolutionize the way of interpreting prophecies concerning Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible, and will open the heart of many people leading them to Islam by the will of Allah! Ameen ya rab!

Take care, and Salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)