Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: Sharif on December 05, 2015, 11:12:46 AM
Salam Aleikum Brothers, BISMILLAH AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHIM: In these lasts days I found a video in youtube about the prophecy wchich Jesus made about Muhammad, and in the commentaries a christian said that, for he, was very rare that Allah in hebrew means accursed; I did not believe so, because I search that in hebrew and the answer was Qolellah, so I thought that he could remove the part "Qole" to appear that the part Llah is accursed. I forgot all of that, but today I found the word Alah like accursed in Strong 422, 423:
So, What is the refutation to this?
We have to remember that the arab and hebrew are semitic languages, and as such they are these are related.
This same thing occurs with the word Halal, which in arab means licite, but in hebrew means kill:
The same is with Hanif, which in hebrew is profane or apostate:
Why are several religious words which for the Bible are accursed, but for the Qur'an are blessed? This is the question of christians which say that Qur'an is corrputed, and that is the reason for it uses this words, Is there a refutation to this?
The same was with Haram, in arab sacred AND forbidden, and the same is in hebrew, to this word I found the two meanings in hebrew and arab: sacred and forbidden.
This is to forbidden:
and this to sacred:
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,
So are the infidels also saying that GOD Almighty's Name in their Scriptures is also a curse word? Allah is the GOD Almighty of the Jews and Christians, and Jesus had also called GOD Almighty Allah (they write it as Elaw, even though it is not pronounced as ILAW, but Allah or at least Alla). And the Prophets called GOD Almighty the same in the Old Testament. For ample details, visit:
The enemies of GOD Almighty have nothing but conjecture and corruption to follow. They are dumb, deaf and blind. These are some of the descriptions that Allah Almighty gave them in the Glorious Quran. Also in Arabic, Aalah today means machine. So are we now calling GOD Almighty that? Just because there are slight similarities in the pronunciation, it doesn't mean that the words are the same.
As to the word Hanif, did you even read the Hebrew word that they compared it with? They don't pronounce the same, and even if they did, one word is ARABIC and the other is HEBREW. And Hanif in Arabic as they showed in the link has several variations and each variation has a different meaning.
As to Halal, again, the Hebrew word is not even pronounced the same, and even if it did, again, the word is in HEBREW while the other is in ARABIC. Also in Arabic the root for Halal has different variations. Hil for instance means to release, or to remove obligation from. Halal has the same root as Hil. But yet, they have different meanings.
This garbage the infidels invent to fool the dumb. Like their 666 garbage, which had been thoroughly exposed to be lies invented by them. See it for yourself at:
The enemies of GOD Almighty have nothing but noise and falsehood.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Salam Aleikum Brothers, BISMILLAH AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHIM: In these lasts days I found a video in youtube about the prophecy wchich Jesus made about Muhammad, and in the commentaries a christian said that, for he, was very rare that Allah in hebrew means accursed; I did not believe so, because I search that in hebrew and the answer was Qolellah, so I thought that he could remove the part "Qole" to appear that the part Llah is accursed. I forgot all of that, but today I found the word Alah like accursed in Strong 422, 423:
So, What is the refutation to this?
We have to remember that the arab and hebrew are semitic languages, and as such they are these are related.
This same thing occurs with the word Halal, which in arab means lawful, but in hebrew means kill:
The same is with Hanif, which in hebrew is profane or apostate:
Why are several religious words which for the Bible are accursed, but for the Qur'an are blessed? This is the question of christians which say that Qur'an is corrputed, and that is the reason for it uses this words, Is there a refutation to this?
The same was with Haram, in arab sacred AND forbidden, and the same is in hebrew, to this word I found the two meanings in hebrew and arab: sacred and forbidden.
This is to forbidden:
and this to sacred:
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,
So are the infidels also saying that GOD Almighty's Name in their Scriptures is also a curse word? Allah is the GOD Almighty of the Jews and Christians, and Jesus had also called GOD Almighty Allah (they write it as Elaw, even though it is not pronounced as ILAW, but Allah or at least Alla). And the Prophets called GOD Almighty the same in the Old Testament. For ample details, visit:
The enemies of GOD Almighty have nothing but conjecture and corruption to follow. They are dumb, deaf and blind. These are some of the descriptions that Allah Almighty gave them in the Glorious Quran. Also in Arabic, Aalah today means machine. So are we now calling GOD Almighty that? Just because there are slight similarities in the pronunciation, it doesn't mean that the words are the same.
As to the word Hanif, did you even read the Hebrew word that they compared it with? They don't pronounce the same, and even if they did, one word is ARABIC and the other is HEBREW. And Hanif in Arabic as they showed in the link has several variations and each variation has a different meaning.
As to Halal, again, the Hebrew word is not even pronounced the same, and even if it did, again, the word is in HEBREW while the other is in ARABIC. Also in Arabic the root for Halal has different variations. Hil for instance means to release, or to remove obligation from. Halal has the same root as Hil. But yet, they have different meanings.
This garbage the infidels invent to fool the dumb. Like their 666 garbage, which had been thoroughly exposed to be lies invented by them. See it for yourself at:
The enemies of GOD Almighty have nothing but noise and falsehood.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Salam Aleikum brother thanks, My opinion is that tour answer is good, for Hebrew is Hebrew and Arab is Arab, even in these same languages there are words with several meanings like you say, I was commenting it with a brother, e is a Shaikh and he told me that. I searched in an Aramaic Dictionary the word God, and the answer was Aalah (This dictionary has pronunciation), I do not have here the exact link, but the link of the dictionary FOR YOU MAY SEARCH ANY WORD IS:
About the word Hanif I found this word means in Hebrew Incline or Decline, so it has to meanings and these are anthonymus, so their religious meanings may be Incline or Decline to truth. Hanif in Aramaic also means gentiles, and so much gentiles were believer, like the woman whom, according to Bible, Jesus called dog. In all the cases thanks brother, HOWEVER IF SOMEBODY WANTS TO ADD MORE INFO, I AM WAITING IT.
Thanks for all, brother Osama Abdallah, Salem aleikum, My opinion is that your answer is correct, for Hebrew is Hebrew and Arabic is Arabic, even in these languages are similar or equal words in sound and writing but different or contrary in meaning, forgive my unknwoledge in this page, I am learning to use it. Respect to the word Allah, I found that in Hebrew in the same Bible in Ezra 5:1 God is called Elah, however this is not all, the letter which they read like "e" is not e for the semitic languages does not have "e", the letter here in Hebrew is Alef, and the alef like in Arab is an "a". Therefore, the correct pronunciation of this word is Allah, you may find this in the strong 426 (or 427) here:
Also I found in a Aramaic dictionary that God is (according with itself pronunciation) Aalah, this dictionary is: At
In this dictionary Hanif also means gentile, and several gentiles were believers, like the woman which, according to Bible, Jesus called dog. Hanif initially means inn lie or decline to truth, these are anthonymous. Thanks for all brother, Salem aleikum, however if somebody has new info, I am waiting him. Salem.
- = oath = oath = god = oak
All of the above are only 3 letters hebrew (aleph lamed he).
The equivalent to 3 letter arabic is (alif lam ha) = god
Name Allah is 4 letters. (alif lam lam ha)