Answering Christianity Research Center

MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: arman114 on September 17, 2015, 02:42:13 PM

Title: Is this a NEW logical question against crucifixion?
Post by: arman114 on September 17, 2015, 02:42:13 PM
If Jesus sacrificed himself to save us from hell then why he is not in hell on our place?!?! God's plan was not to crucify us but burn us in hell for eternity so Jesus FAILED to do a great sacrifice!! Does anybody got my point?
Title: Re: Is this a NEW logical question against crucifixion?
Post by: submit on September 17, 2015, 05:29:59 PM
They say their human god is about love and forgiveness, but what they dont know their human god will sent all those that he failed to save to hell.
And it doesnt just end with hell, their human god will still not be satisfied about burning them with fire that he wishes to destroy them one last time by releasing all those in hell together with Satan for a greater war. And of course human god will be smiling and have fun with his followers at the end of the great war as presented in those Greek books.
Title: Re: Is this a NEW logical question against crucifixion?
Post by: Tahmeed on September 18, 2015, 04:37:18 AM
Yes your point is good akhi Arman.

A nine hour crucifiction is nothing when compared to burning in Hell for eternity :P

Also, nine hour crucifiction is not enough punishment for the sin of whole mankind. I think that just covers one or two mans' sins!

So the NT God is so much love that he is planning to roast us (perhaps for the feast of his marriage with jerusalem :P ) and then kill us by the sword! WOW!

Hallaluyah and Hell yeah!