Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: muzi123 on April 25, 2015, 01:39:28 PM
Asalamualakum i was suprised their are non muslim sources about the meeting of Bahira and the prophet Muhammad pbuh
the book basically is saying how Bahira inspired the Quran
page 57 -58
page 67 please read where Bahira says i taught Muhammad that he had been carried up to heaven i made him say to them i have ridden al buraq
i need a response to this like people could say Bahira taught the prophet astagfurillah then the prophet was memorising it over all them years untill age 40
The link is not working. And we actually know the prophet, peace be upon him, did question christians and jews.
But for now I can't answer for the link is not working.