Answering Christianity Research Center
MAIN BOARD (You must register to post) => GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS => Topic started by: Md.Mobashir Mallick on February 25, 2014, 09:25:57 AM
Sir, on my blog today a non muslim asked me about the ayat in the Quran where it says that Allah will block the minds & hearts of the kaafirs so they can't understand or see the truth. Then he said that isn't it an unscientific fact that Allah (s.w.t) says that people think by their hearts. To answer him first I went to I.R.F site where Dr. Zakir Naik sir has given an answer that in the previous time the word in Arabic for heart & mind was the same , but according to me this answer wasn't very accurate. So for the people looking for a very accurate answer to this question can see it here
Ans: Actually its a scientific fact that heart is involved while we think something, now you are thinking how? Its because you might have noticed that your heartbeat changes according to the state in which your brain is for ex- if you are depressed the rate of your heart beat slows down , if you are angry or afraid of something your heartbeat increases , so this is what Allah (s.w.t) is saying in the Quran & it completely agrees with science , furthermore I would like to say that actually the brain & heart are just like hardwares the actual program or the software is our soul & according to my belief Allah has placed it in the heart , now you'll be thinking why do I think in such a way its because the life lies in our heartbeat , I.e even when our brain's dead ( in a state of coma ) we are alive because our heart is beating , we aren't dead at that time this is quiet a big proof that our soul lies in our heart
Bismillahir - Rahman - ir Raheem
Masha Allah Nice question u have asked -
Brother listen science is not the measuring stick when it comes to religion.
There is no answer for everything - u need to accept this fact -
The atheist scientist theory of evolutions says that - man evolved from monkeys - then still y there r monkeyss - if some stone is kept for billion years - it will become a living thing - so ask them y do stone exist or all non-living thing exist - it is ridiculous?
Also,Scientist do not have any answer when it comes to the fact that - Where has this universe come from - Can any man create anything from nothing? Can they prove it?
Some will say atom - then from wer atom came - who created atom?
Do they have any answer for it?
Big Bang - where and how did bing bang happened? I have posted it earlier with reference that even their einstein says that he is unsure if there is any limit to
the universe - If u want u can read it here.,1447.0.html
As for ur question regarding the soul lies in the heart or mind?
I think ur friend is referring to this verse for hearts - Quran 2:7 Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil.
47:24 - Will they not then ponder the Qur'an or are there locks upon their hearts?
For mind - I assume this one is that verse
Quran 63:3 -That is because they believed, and then they disbelieved; so their hearts were sealed over, and they do not understand.
Our muslims bros have the habit of taking every thing literally when it comes to Quran or hadith.
Ur answer is good - BUT - I hope u have heard about artificial hearts - If not then read it -
So wer is his soul? Sorry I dont intend to ridicule ur answer? I am just trying to explain u - Allahs knows my intentions
Even if it is mentioned Allah blocks the heart and mind - if taken literally then it means they will die.
Still the interpreters do not explain it by taking it literally say that it means thinking thru heart and mind -
I may be wrong but according to me - It signfies good Nafs -The good nafs lawamma(75:2) which Allah had breathed into Prophet Adam the spirit (15:28-29) - The good nafs which today people say humanity - and the evil nafs-ammara(12:53) which r selfish thoughts u can say " Only me or I come first " - He will block it signifies - The ability to judge between write and wrong due to their arrogance, ignorance, selfishness and persistent stubbornness they had lost due to sinning continously only if they wud have a bit more positively persistent they wud have become one forever nafse-mutayminah [89:27-28] .
If a person sees something wrong inspite of knowing it ignores it for the reason stated above OR
Even a wrong-doing person knows that he is doing wrong still he does it.
Example - Minor example - Cigarette or smoking is injurious to health? Inspite of reading that people still smoke - what will u call it?
Major example -Today in palestine, iraq,afghanistan,bosnia,chechnya,kashmir etc.People r doing. Few years back - I read about a certain israeli soldier who was ordered to kill children with the guns said he cannot kill a child its wrong and committed suicide.
Israeli news reports - According to the report, out of the 124 IDF soldiers who committed suicide between 2007 and 2012 - Still they have not stated the cause.May be its too embarassing for them. Another american Rachel Corrie killed by israeli bull-dozer gave her life but still she stood on her decision to stand against wrong in defense of oppression against palestinians.
US soldies committing suicide in afghanistan and iraq cause is said to be depression -
Some accept Islam Cristina Tarantino with her husband and James Grant Army office It is bcoz they overcame their nafse-ammara u can say.
So I hope u r clear when it comes to issue of heart and mind
Hence, this is what Allah means when He says Allah will block the mind and hearts of dis-believers.
And remember - And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves”[Fussilat 41:46].
They are His creation - after all so y wud He do that.
His first name Ar-Rahman - though translated as beneficient - There is no equivalent for it in english - it means- there is no limit to His mercy.
Even Prophet Mohammed pbuh said - Even he cannot enter heaven if it was not for the mercy of Allah - Hadith below
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "No one of you will be saved because of his deeds."
They (the companions) said: "Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?"
He said: "Not even me, unless Allah bestows mercy upon me. So do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and worship Allah in the forenoon and in the afternoon and during a part of the night, and adopt a moderate course, adopt a moderate course (he said it twice) whereby you will reach your target (Paradise)." - (Bukhari)
Hope that has cleared ur doubts.
Finally, Allah knows the best.
Assalamualaikum , & thanks a lot brother Rashid , now I can add this gr8 deal of facts to my answers
& may Allah s.w.t be pleased with you