Assalamualaikum guys,
I need some help concerning something really "strange".I was planning to post this 2 weeks before but i kinda got busy.Well I don't really remember for what reason but 2 weeks ago i reading chapter 15 of the "Ishut" on and i stumbled across this "verse"...

"A man should not marry a barren women, an elderly woman, an aylonit
or a minor who is not fit to bear a child[11]
unless he has already fulfilled the mitzvah of being fruitful and multiplying,[12] or he has another wife with whom he can father children.[13]"
The footnote of number 11 says...
From the Shulchan Aruch (Even HaEzer 23:1), one can infer that sexual relations with a minor are considered as emitting wasted seed, one of the more severe prohibitions of the Torah. The Ramah (loc. cit.:5) and other authorities, however, differ and explain that as long as relations are carried out in an ordinary manner, having relations with a minor or an aylonit
DOES NOT VIOLATE this prohibition.
Ok i went to check Schulchan Arukh Even HaEzer 23:1 to see what exactly does it say and this is what it says....
"It is prohibited to spill seed needlessly and this sin is more severe than all Torah transgressions. For this reason a man should not thresh inside and sprinkle [his semen] outside [of a woman], and he should not marry a girl who is unable to have children."
BUT a couple of "verses" below, more accurately on 23:5 it is written...

"A woman who has some sort of closure in her womb and therefore when her husband has relations with her he sprinkles outside, this is prohibited (but it is PERMITTED to have relations with a minor or an aylonit since this is the way of the land) (Tosafot and the Mordecai ch. 1 Yevamot, and Nimukei Yosef on the chapter [entitled] Haba al Yevamto)."
Can anyone give me his opinion on this? Does that mean sexual relationship with minors is allowed in some circumstances in Judaism?
Here is a link to Ishut chapter 15 on here is the link where i was reading Schulchan Arukh 23:1-5....,_Even_HaEzer.23?lang=bi