Author Topic: my work: ASTONISHING EVIDENCE AHMED mentioned in DEAD SEA SCROLLS DSS in Hebrew  (Read 50470 times)

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Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun alaikum dear brothers

I'm actually so excited that we are going to do this. Come me in. This is my email address :

Offline Idris

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Wa aleikum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

I'am sure of which work you are talking brother adilriaz123, but it was not me who discovered Ahmed in DSS, but a brother named Abd'Allah ben 'Isa El 'Abd al-Jabbar from He published his Arabic work in pdf which inspired me and encouraged me to do my own research, so I developed it extensively. Alhamdulillah!

OK dear brother adirliaz123, thank you I will let you know brother insha'Allah :)

Thank you dear brother Osama for joining us, I really appreciate it. One brother from Poland has already now joined me and probably he will be the co-author of the book insha'Allah, since he declared his full engagement in this work. I decided that the book will be published first as a shorter edition (and it will be expanded in the meantime through consequence of our ongoing and systematic research). Originally it will be written in Polish language, but it will be immediately translated into English so then you can help our project financially dear akhi Osama :) As for now we must be an organized team. Brother Osama, I will assign you the task of translating Arabic texts. Since the book is based almost solely on English literature and the Arabic texts will be also translated directly into English, you don't have to worry about retranslating aspect, all the materials will be already prepared for English edition of this book and only some small material will left to translating process (usually my comments from the Polish version, but also a valuable comments from a rare Polish Rabbi). Some Judeo-Arabic rabbinical texts will be decoded by me to strict Arabic tongue and after that you will translate them into English.

Also, as I've said before, there is especially one digital library that we must to get access in and I believe that brother Osama and other brothers will help in this matter (I will write to you via email or in private box). This website contains all of the rest of publication we need to our study.

In my work, Isaiah 42 plays an important role, it is like a central theme from which I connect all the most significant prophecies. But since Isaiah 53 is one of the most difficult from all passages, I propose to begin study with this one. Believe me, what I have found during my research is an absolutely confirmation that Isaiah 52:13-53:12 indeed is speaking about Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and not about Jesus (pbuh). And Allah knows Best ! Anyway, I have gathered the best critical literature on this particular prophecy. When we are united as a team, and by following those instructions of mine, we have perhaps the only chance to provide a definite proof of who is the Suffering Servant.

I have a question: does somebody knows Abu Zakariya from ? Is he present in this forum ?

As to brothers Tahmeed and submit, I didn't noticed their response, but I hope they are in "their rings" and ready to help :)

Dear brother Mohamed Saif, thank you for joining into the team. I will contact you insha'Allah through your email.

Brothers, I thought that maybe it will be much better and comfortable to us to open some „secret group” in Facebook and discuss there the issue, otherwise I have to write to everyone of you individually which is cumbersome a little bit!

Ahmed (Poland)

Offline adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum dear brother Idris, sounds good brother. I actually just recently opened a facebook account with my website name. So count me in, regards to having a reserved group in facebook for this study. jazakallah.

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Idris and all brothers and sisters reading,

Great akhi.  I look forward to it, Insha'Allah.  This will be one big breakthrough, Insha'Allah, dear brothers and sisters, and I am in it 100% Insha'Allah.

I emailed brothers Tahmeed and Submit on their personal emails and also on this forum.  Insha'Allah, they'll reply soon.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Idris

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As-Salamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

thank you once again dear brother Osama! Since, we are approaching the blessed month of Ramadan, I prefer to leave aside our study on biblical prophecies until Ramadan will end. The reason is because I really would like to concentrate on my fasting, reciting the Quran, doing nafila prayer and other worshiping duties if Allah will give permission. We have only one special month in the whole year, so lets take an advantage of it.

I will send you, and also to brother adilriaz123 and Mohamed Saif the link to my FB profile so to be prepared insha'Allah when I will open a group for our discussion on the topic. Also, please inform brother submit and Tahmeed, and brother Dawud that they are invited to join my team and I would like to contact them also per FB as well ad you brother Osama.
After opening the group insha'Allah, all the needed materials will be published in pdf to download (depending on the actual subject and section we will working on).

Ahmed (Poland)

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As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

I just deleted my test post about attachments.  It's too much to maintain.  Nevermind it.  I deleted the post.

Yes akhi Idris.  Insha'Allah after Ramadan.  Jazaka Allah Khayr for being considerate to the Holy Month.  I look forward to your PDF, dear brother Idris.  For the brothers that may not have Facebook, you can also use Google Drive to post any attachment.  I myself have never used facebook for attachments :).  So I'll have to learn this.

My facebook account is QuranSearchCom (

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adilriaz123

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asalam ul laykum rahmatullahi wabarakatihu indeed brothers I think that is the right call to wait till after the holy month. Afterall our obligations to Allah swt always come first, even though we r doing this for the sake of Allah swt, indeed obligations always come first, thanks brother Idris and brother Osama. jazakallah.

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun alaikum dear brothers

So basically we will officially start this work after the month of Ramadan. Brother Idris are we only going to study the book of Isaiah or are we going to decode all the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad starting from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelations?  Since many Christians falsely attribute some prophecies of Prophet Muhammad to Prophet Jesus.

Offline adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum brother Mohamed Saif, brother Idris talked about first and foremost decoding the entire chapter of Isaiah. Since his book will be based on the discoveries in Isaiah, in beginning we are only going to stick with that. Then I don't know maybe in the future look at other chapters. Since Chapters of Isaiah are the strongest piece of evidence regards to prophecy about prophet Muhammad pbuh it only makes sense to start there. Who knows if this turns out to be very successful, we might end up working on other chapters as well. I believe this research as brother Idris said is going to take time due to the Fact that we are going to be looking at the text in their original languages and lectures, and some rare literature from a safe guarded library that brother Idris was talking about getting access to.

Offline Idris

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Wa aleikum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

Yes dear brother, I decided that we will start our study after Ramadan insha'Allah. And yes, preliminarily I want to do a research upon all the most important prophecies related to Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), but Isaiah 42 will be set as a central section from which we connect other prophecies. DSS materials also are to be included in our studies. Even apocryphal writings sometimes will be used. I have a huge e-book library with many valuable historical and scholarly publications.

Now, we will be in contact through FB


Offline Albarra

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As-Salamun alaikum brother Idris (Ahmed),

Are you living in Poland? Is it true that Muslims cannot build a new mosque, right? 

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun Alaikum dear brother Idris

Is Zechariah 12:10 related to Isaiah 53? It speaks of someone being pearced.

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Mohamed,

Please visit: Zechariah 12:10

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum brother Osama, as u mentioned the reference regarding banned from bible and some of the works bejng banned among them was a one that is about Jesus standing next to the cross and laughing. It actually comes from the Gnostic Gospel apocolypse of Thomas, where Jesus pbuh proclaims that itbwas Simon Peter who bore the cross and not him. But actually in the current bible there is MUCH MUCH more powerful evidence against crucifixion. That is:

Luke 24:
36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”

37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

40 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence.

This passage contridicts everything about crucifixion. Then the other passages after these verses, Luke is trying to convince the viewer about him rising from third day, however this whole passage in contridicting. Because how can he rise or be as a spirit when he says clearly he is flesh and is eating with them.

Offline adilriaz123

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P.s. this also proves that disciples were not there durinf the alleged crucifixion.


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