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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2016, 03:40:59 PM »
Info wars is goverment controlled opposition that never attacks israel yet they make many videos against Islam and our prophets. the reality is they work for the goverment and dish out propaganda.

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2016, 05:31:46 PM »
Soon the almost 1 Trillion dollars that Saudi Arabia has put in the USA will be all gone.  The royal desert monkeys have betrayed Islam and the Ummah.  For many years on this site, I used to call them "the swines of the desert".  I then removed it because Muslims pressured me to remove it.  We're about to find out that this title fits the royal monkeys well.


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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2016, 01:35:08 PM »
Soon the almost 1 Trillion dollars that Saudi Arabia has put in the USA will be all gone.  The royal desert monkeys have betrayed Islam and the Ummah.  For many years on this site, I used to call them "the swines of the desert".  I then removed it because Muslims pressured me to remove it.  We're about to find out that this title fits the royal monkeys well.


Dear brother Osama,

  I just wanted to tell you that I am a "royal desert monkey" as well, and I'm proud of it. Those "royal desert monkeys" defended Palestine from Israel to the point in where King Faisal (may Allah have mercy on him) threatened to stop selling oil to the U.S, without those "royal desert monkey"s you wouldn't be able to go to Masjid Al-haram, those "royal desert monkeys" are constantly increasing the size of Masjid Al-Haram so more Muslims can visit it (by 2020, it will be possible  for over 15 million Muslims per year to perform Umrah and be completely satisfied with their pilgrimage experience), those "royal desert monkeys" made the law of Allah (the Sharia law) the law of their land, where do you see that in any other Muslim country?  Those "royal desert monkeys" are building a lot of mosques in the west, those "royal desert monkeys" have made a lot of factories which make Qurans, those "royal desert monkeys" are fighting against the terrorists such as ISIS and the Houthis, those "royal desert monkeys" are currently saving Yemen, those "royal desert monkeys" have forbid building non-islamic worship places ("To allow the construction of places of worship other than Islamic ones in Saudi Arabia, it would be like asking the Vatican to build a mosque inside of it." King Abdullah (may Allah have mercy on him)), and those "royal desert monkeys" have donated over 10 billion dollars to poor people in Asia and Africa.

    If those "royal desert monkeys" betrayed this Ummah and Islam, then who didn't? In fact, those "royal desert monkeys" have benefited Islam and the Ummah more than any other country! Explain to me how did those "royal desert monkeys" betray Islam and the Ummah. By having Sharia law in their country?, by building a lot of mosques?, by making religion a subject at school?, or is it because you hate them because you feel like it? Insha Allah by 2030 Saudi Arabia won't have to rely on oil as a single source of income,  women’s participation in the workforce will increase  from 22% to 30%, and more. Read about it over here:

"If any drop of oil goes to Israel, then I will cut the oil from you."

"You are the ones who cant live without oil. You know, we come from the desert, and our ancestors lived on dates and milk and we can easily go back and live like that again"

                                                          -King Faisal of Saudi Arabia (1906-1975)


A proud royal desert monkey, Abdullah Madi Abdullah Al-Madi Al-Tammimi (Saudi Arabia, Riyadh)

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2016, 02:14:09 PM »
Brother Osama is attacking the regime not the people or citizen.

also on warfares in Middle East,
You have regime of Saudi being ally to the US.
You have regime of Iran being ally to Russia.
Conflicts happen when regime of Iran trying to dismantle the influence of Saudi in Middle East. Thus non stop killings happen daily.

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2016, 05:05:49 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum,

Thank you for the clarification, dear brother Submit.  Yes akhi Abdullah, I was talking about the ROYAL ones; the rulers.  After all, what other monkeys do we have beside them?  Actually, we do have lots of monkeys from the people too, especially in the social traditions and excessive spending of money on traditions that Islam rejects.  Also the enslavement and bad treatment of foreigners.  But I wasn't referring to those.

I hope you're not one of those monkeys.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2016, 08:03:27 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum,

Thank you for the clarification, dear brother Submit.  Yes akhi Abdullah, I was talking about the ROYAL ones; the rulers.  After all, what other monkeys do we have beside them?  Actually, we do have lots of monkeys from the people too, especially in the social traditions and excessive spending of money on traditions that Islam rejects.  Also the enslavement and bad treatment of foreigners.  But I wasn't referring to those.

I hope you're not one of those monkeys.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Assalamu alaikum brother Osama,

 Yes, I am one of those "monkeys" and I am proud to serve them. Your posts show me how much of an ungrateful, racist person you are.
" I was talking about the ROYAL ones; the rulers.  After all, what other monkeys do we have beside them?"


 And how are those rulers "monkeys". They are in fact the best Muslim rulers that are alive at the moment. Tell me a single country which applies the sharia law besides Saudi Arabia? If the Al-Saud family didn't rule it then it will become a place like the UAE or Egypt in were alchohol and pig meat is allowed. I have shown you how the Al-Sauds are not "monkeys" and they are great people and many of them died for you nation Palestine. Did you forget about King Faisal? He got killed by the CIA because he fought for Palestine. Please give proof to support your statments.
"Actually, we do have lots of monkeys from the people too, especially in the social traditions and excessive spending of money on traditions that Islam rejects."


 What social traditions? Our social traditions depend on the Law of Allah and his prophet (PBUH), unlike any other country. "Excessive spending of money on traditions that Islam rejects". What are those traditions that Islam rejects? Maybe you want KSA to end up like the UAE, in where the rulers allow things like alchohol (even in your hotel fridge!), pig meat, women wearing bikinis in beaches, etc. What do you mean by "bad treatment of foreigners"? Are you stereotyping us? It is a little bit ironic that we pray for you Palestinians and we wish you the best of luck, but the likes of you insult us and insult our rulers. Saudi Arabia has over 3 million syrian refugees and they are treated respectfully. Saudi Arabia has many Palestinians, Syrians, Eygyptians, Indians, Pakistanis, Jordanians, etc. I have many of them in my school and I am friends with them. And slavery is illegal in Saudi Arabia and no one over here has slaves. I apologize if I offended you in some way, but the truth has to be said.


A proud royal desert monkey, Abdullah Madi Abdullah Al-Madi Al-Tammimi (Saudi Arabia, Riyadh)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 11:20:41 AM by QuranSearchCom »

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2016, 12:16:29 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam akhi Abdullah,

Don't get all bent out of shape for the scums that are ruling your land.  The following points should help you, Insha'Allah:

1-  The name of your country is an insult to all Muslims.  What is "Saudi Arabia".  From which dumpster did you get this name?  Was Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, a Saudi?  This theft of countries and naming them after family names is wrong.  Muawiyah started all of this corruption.

2-  The scum of all Muslims, Muawiyah, started this whole monarchy system, where the entire country is owned and ruled by a family.  Mere normal families suddenly became the wealthiest of all families in the Ummah.

3-  About 50% of your people are poor, and about half of them are below the poverty level.  Yet, your country is worth 100s of billions of dollars.  And you have 30% unemployment, and your private sect is a joke!  This is because all of your country's wealth is outside.  Nothing invested in the country and no real advancements made.  Just ignorance and poverty and DUMBED DOWN ISLAM.

4-  Right now there is a big conflict between the cousins from your ruling people.  A brother might accept his older brother to become his king, but the children (cousins) are a different story.

5-  Saudi Arabia for a very long time had always been a tail to the USA.  Worse than England and Australia, they do anything and everything they're told.  This is one of the main reasons why Iraq invaded Kuwait.  They lowered the oil prices dramatically to prevent Iraq from militarily and technologically advancing.  And you gave them the green light to invade Kuwait.

6-  Saudi Arabia has done little to advance the Ummah.  And because your masters, the USA, didn't give you the green light to really support the uprising in Syria and elsewhere, you left the Muslims get crushed by Bashar Al-Asad and his thugs.  In fact, your ruling kings are threatened by the Arab Spring.

7-  Let me remind of what Allah Almighty Said about kings:

[027:034]  She said: Surely the kings, when they enter a town, ruin it and make the noblest of its people to be low, and thus they (always) do;

Here Allah Almighty quoted Bilqis here about how corrupt kings are, and continued by saying "AND THUS THEY (ALWAYS) DO".

Now before you give me examples of PROPHET KINGS, like David and others, peace be upon them, that were made kings by Allah Almighty, this doesn't mean that mere kings are ok.  This is because much corruption and theft will be caused by them.  Plus much inner-fighting among the family and competition about who will rule.

I hope this helps.  I can certainly provide more if you wish to start a debate on this topic.  The scums that rule the Muslims must all go and die.  None of them are good.

The lie of the Shariah Law in Saudi Arabia:

When the British took over the Middle East after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, they placed the Saud ruling family as kings.  Now right off the bat, this stinks like a rotten flesh.  Nothing good comes from these colonizers, and they certainly wouldn't put good people to power.  Their philosophy had always been DIVIDE AND CONQUER.  And they made the Sheikh family to be the religious authority.  Your Salafi school has many issues.  It's worst are:

1-  The dumbing down of the Muslims.

2-  The prohibition from rising against any and all corruption against the ruler.  Sheikh Uthaymeen boldly said that even if the ruler DOES LEWDNESS AND DRINKS ALCOHOL IN MECCA NEAR THE KAABA, his rule would still be valid.  This is a load of garbage and a false religion of hypocrisy and lies.  This is not Islam.

As to Dubai's ruling family and the allowance of alcohol and pig's meat, I am 100% against all of this.  They're also swines of the desert as far as I am concerned.

Have you seen your sand niggers?

Have you seen your ruling family's sand niggers' crazy wealth and how they spend it?  Gold plated and diamond plated cars.  One sand [N-Word] I saw on TV had 100s of the world's most expensive cars just for his enjoyment.  I mean dude seriously man, how many dinner plates could you possibly eat and enjoy?  Do you have to be excessive and blasphemous with your wealth?

My brother, either one is a complete doofus or is living in denial to not see the points that I mentioned above, and much more.  See also:

Allah Almighty Commanded fighting evil rulers:,2087.msg9310.html#msg9310

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2016, 11:43:11 AM »
 Assalamu alaikum brother Osama,

  It seems that not only are you ungrateful and racist, but also disresctful too (by using inappropriate words without censoring them). You didn't address my many points that I mentioned above so I think that you should read them. Now I will respond to all of your allegations against Saudi Arabia.

1.  " The name of your country is an insult to all Muslims.  What is "Saudi Arabia".  From which dumpster did you get this name?  Was Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, a Saudi?  This theft of countries and naming them after family names is wrong.  Muawiyah started all of this corruption."


 First, how is the name of my country an "insult to all Muslims"? No the prophet of Saudi Arabia, but he was from Mecca. Before King Abdulaziz came, the Arabian penninsula was divided into many lands mostly Hejaz and Najd. King Abdulaziz simply gathered all of the lands together and named them Saudi Arabia. He didn't change the names of the cities at all. So do you want those lands to be separated? Why aren't the names of the Emirates, Kuwait, Barain, Syria, or Jordan an insult to Muslims?

3-  "About 50% of your people are poor, and about half of them are below the poverty level.  Yet, your country is worth 100s of billions of dollars.  And you have 30% unemployment, and your private sect is a joke!  This is because all of your country's wealth is outside.  Nothing invested in the country and no real advancements made.  Just ignorance and poverty and DUMBED DOWN ISLAM."


  I am having a really hard time not calling you stupid TBH. No, the country'spoverty rate is extremely low.
 You should also read about 2030 vision.

And no Saudi Arabia doesn't have a 30% percent unemployment rate.  It is actually 5.5% and that number will go down drastically by 2030. And if you are gonna bring that up then look at this:

"Bernie Sanders says African-American youth unemployment is 51%, and 36% for Hispanics"

"Nothing invested in the country and no real advancements made."

It's like you didn't read my previous posts. Just about 50 years ago, the country was just a poor desert and now we are one of the most wealthy countries in Asia and the middle east and we have the tenth lowest poverty rate. Again you should also read about the 2030 vision. The country also has donated more than 10 billion dollars to countries in Asia and Africa.

4-  "Right now there is a big conflict between the cousins from your ruling people.  A brother might accept his older brother to become his king, but the children (cousins) are a different story."


  Every country has some conflicts. You as a Palestinian should know that already. Also, NOPE there is barely any conflicts between the Al-Saud family.

5-  "Saudi Arabia for a very long time had always been a tail to the USA.  Worse than England and Australia, they do anything and everything they're told.  This is one of the main reasons why Iraq invaded Kuwait.  They lowered the oil prices dramatically to prevent Iraq from militarily and technologically advancing.  And you gave them the green light to invade Kuwait."


 Politics is way more complicated than this. You need to stop thinking like a child. Ruling a country is something very hard and sometimes you must ally with the People that you hate for the safety of your citizens. Regarding Kuwait, although they are my brothers and I love them and pray for them, it was their fault. They stole the petroleum through slant drilling. No one wanted the invasion to happen.

6-  "Saudi Arabia has done little to advance the Ummah.  And because your masters, the USA, didn't give you the green light to really support the uprising in Syria and elsewhere, you left the Muslims get crushed by Bashar Al-Asad and his thugs.  In fact, your ruling kings are threatened by the Arab Spring."


  I love how you COMPLETELY ignored my other posts. In fact, Saudi Arabia has done more to this Ummah more than any other country. Regarding Syria:

Just like what I said in point 4. You need to stop acting like a child, politics is way more complicated than you think. If Saud Arabia goes and fights Bashar recklessly then that would affect the safety of our country and many unwanted things might happen. The Saudis always pray for their Syrian brothers. And who said the Saudi government isn't fighting against Bashar? Also, we have over 2.5 million Syrian refugees over here! I have many Syrian friends!

“There are no camps or tents for Syrian refugees in the Kingdom. Rather, they enjoy the same rights to health care, education and work”. - Al-Jubeir

7- "7-  Let me remind of what Allah Almighty Said about kings:

[027:034]  She said: Surely the kings, when they enter a town, ruin it and make the noblest of its people to be low, and thus they (always) do;

Here Allah Almighty quoted Bilqis here about how corrupt kings are, and continued by saying "AND THUS THEY (ALWAYS) DO"."


 You need to stop misqouting verses bother. Read the entire verse before post lol.
Bilqees was talking about kings when they INVADE a town.

She said: "Surely the kings, when they ENTER A TOWN....."

Second, so you are saying Suliman  (PBUH) was corrupt? Also, the kings of Saudi Arabia never did such a thing. Also, did you forget about the Negus of Ethiopia (RA)? He wasn't a king chosen by God, but he was still a very just and kind king. Read his story.

"The scums that rule the Muslims must all go and die.  None of them are good."

You are extremely ungrateful. Again read my previous posts. Have you forgotten about King Faisal? The man who died for your country?

As for everything else, you barely provide any evidence. The country is still run by the Shariah law. Tell me a single Muslim country which still relies on the Law of Allah besides KSA? As for your last claim:

Thanks a lot for being disrespectful by calling us sand n**gers. It's like I am talking to Sam Shamoun lol. You shouldn't stereotype us like that. People who are like that are extremely hated in this country and they are very rare. And if you are gonna bring that up, then what about DJ Khalid? Isn't he Palestinian too? Doesn't he drink alchohol, wear gold and slilk, and listen to music? According to your logic all Palestinians are like that.

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2016, 11:54:55 AM »
Assalamu alaikum brother Osama,

You wrote this on this website:

" Proud to be a Muslim, first,
and a Palestinian-American!
America doesn't just belong
to the Jews and Christians"

How dare you claim to be proup of being an American?! That country which is allied with Israel which stole your nation! I can't wait for my summer vacation to end so I can tell my Palestinian friends about this! Most Americans have hatred against Islam and it's followers. So how dare you claim that you are proud to be a Palestinian-American?


A proud royal desert monkey, Abdullah Madi Abdullah Al-Madi Al-Tamimi (Saudi Arabia, Riyadh)

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2016, 02:48:02 PM »

You know the Arabic words for "Peace be upon you", which you two are fond of using but is clear to everyone that you don't really mean it.

Both of you, should take a step back. We have a saying in my country, if the rope is taut or stretched from one end the other end should be let loose, meaning that if one person is being rigid or angry or unreasonable or whatever, the other person should up-to an equal, amount become more flexible, understanding and patient. This is usually an advice for a married couple but obviously it is a sound advice for every one.

Mufti Shafi' Usmani in his commentary on the Qur'an Tafseer-e-Maariful Quran quotes an incident during the caliphate of one of the Abbasids. An old man came to the Caliph and said to him, I am going to strongly rebuke you. The Caliph became troubled and answered the old man that neither he was better than the Prophet Moosa nor was he, the Caliph, worse than the Pharaoh; for when Allah sent Prophet Moosa to the Pharaoh, He sent him with the following instructions:

And speak to him [i.e. Pharaoh] with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or fear [Allah]."
(Qur'an, Surah Taha(20):44)

Additionally, from the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad himself:

... So by mercy from Allah , [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter...
(Qur'an, Surah Al-Imran(3):159)

There is usually huge amounts of misinformation about every nation, some negative spread by inimical nations and some positive propaganda spread by the governments themselves. While most of it is because people are usually too lazy to actually do a deep enough study about something before making concrete opinions in their minds (one of the primary reasons for the hate regarding anything "Islamic"). In cases like these we should remember:

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
(Marcus Aurelius)

And follow the common-sense guidance from the Qur'an:

قُلْ هَاتُوا بُرْهَانَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ ...
... Say, "Produce your proof, if you should be truthful."
(Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqarah(2):111)

And when adequate proof has been provided, we should change our original positions or (because it is usually very difficult to do so) at the very-least take a neutral stand on the matter before things are said and done which cannot be "unsaid" and "undone".

I know that, you probably know all these things, but it was obvious that some things needed to be reminded.

Now, regarding Saudi Arabia, no country in the world is ideal. Every nation has its fair share of corruption and proud-full moments and I doubt Saudi Arabia is any different. The people there, whether they be the ruling monarchy or the common people also likely to have both, good and bad people.

There is a method in argumentation called Moral Reframing which is basically: Because of the reason different groups of people endorse different moral values to varying extents, it is effective to use moral arguments reframed to fit the moral narratives of the target audience.

As, obviously, you have huge difference of opinion on the matter of Al-Saud, I would humbly (very humbly) suggest that you make the Islamic ideals as the "moral narrative" to judge who is more right. (Remember neither of you are likely to be completely right or completely wrong about everything here).

I will start this discussion, by saying very respectfully to Osama Abdullah, to keep in mind the first two verses mentioned above. After this I will try to criticize a few of both of your points so that you can direct some of that "excitement" towards me instead of each-other.

To Abdullah Almadi,

I don't think any Muslim, who knows about history, does not appreciate the contributions of King Faisal. The Pakistanis changed the name of their third largest city after his name. His loss was indeed a great loss for the Ummah. But from the point-of-view of a comparatively objective, albeit ignorant, person; the question remains, why did the following rulers not pursue the policies with the same enthusiasm? I understand to some small extent the need to keep alliances with the US, and it would go against Islam for the Saudis to go against a covenant they might have made in the past with the Americans, but again from what I know of King Faisal he wouldn't have supported such alliances especially with the most important supporter of Israel.

Increasing the size of Masjid Al-Haram is of course a valuable contribution, but it would not be entirely correct to say that this is done completely altruistically. From what I understand the revenue generated by the in-coming pilgrims provides economic activity for the country.

Regarding Egypt (or any other country, for that matter) allowing alcohol and swine meat, as far as I have read about Islam, does not go directly against Islam as such things are allowed for non-Muslims living under Muslim rulers.

The Al-Saud's using their family name might not go directly against Islam, but it isn't idealistic either. Similarly, Islam might not explicitly and absolutely prohibit Monarchy, but it is definitely against the methodology set-up by the Rashiddun Caliphate.

To Osama Abdullah,

You gave a lot of statements but no references to back them up.

Regarding "... even if the ruler DOES LEWDNESS AND DRINKS ALCOHOL IN MECCA NEAR THE KAABA, his rule would still be valid." I believe the Sheikh was using the narrations such as the following as support for his ruling:

Prophet Muhammad said, “There will be leaders after me who will demand their rights from you but will withhold your rights from you.” They said, “What do you command us then O Messenger of Allāh” He said, “Fulfil the rights you owe to them and supplicate to Allāh for your rights.” He also said, “Whoever amongst you sees from his ruler something (objectionable), let him have patience with him for whoever separates from the main body by a handspan has thrown the yoke of Islām from his neck.”

He also said, “Whoever departed from obedience and separated from the main body will have died a death of Jāhiliyyah (days of pre-Islāmic ignorance).”

He also said, “The best of your leaders are those whom you love and who love you, and whom you pray for and they pray for you. The worst of your rulers are the ones whom you hate and who hate you, and whom you curse and who curse you.” They said, “Shall we not fight them?” He said, “No, so long as they pray”.

All of these traditions are in the Ṣaḥīḥ (of al-Bukhārī) along with other traditions like them.

I am having internet problems at the moment, so I am unable to search for the exact references.

Anything and everything I say could be completely and unequivocally incorrect, for which I apologize in advance.

And lastly,


Anas bin Malik told that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "(O! Muslims) Do not hate each other, do not envy one another, and do not be hostile to one another (standing back to back), rather be brothers (as) servants of Allah. A Muslim is not allowed to desert his brother (Muslim) more than three days." This means, as explained in the Sunan: To avoid whatsoever may cause hatred, and none of you should wish the termination of other's amenity, whether you wish it for yourself or not, and do not break off from one another more than three nights with their days.

It has also been stated in Sunan Abu Dawood by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "The Muslim is not allowed to abandon a Muslim brother more than three (nights). If three days pass and he meets him, he should greet him. If he (the other believer) returns his greeting, then they share the reward; but if he does not return it, he (alone) will incur the sin." Ahmad added: 'And the Muslim is then freed from the desertion.' In another Hadith (it says): "He who breaks off from his (Muslim) brother more than three and dies (during this period) will go to Hell." In another Hadith (it says): "He who deserts his (Muslim) brother for a year is like shedding his blood."


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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2016, 09:58:46 PM »
Bashar Al Assad aint killing any sunnis, thats a western media fabricated lie. The reality is most people who support him are the majority sunni muslims.USA,Israel and the west are funding ISIS to distablisie Middle East and kill Muslims in order to create the greater state of Israel. The leader of ISIS real name is Simon elliot an Israeli mossad agent, Even wounded ISIS soldiers get treated in Tel Aviv.

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2016, 10:06:48 PM »
Saudi Royal families are in reality crypto Jews and the wiki leaks proved their connection with Israel, they go visit the west and dine with roayla families who are also genocidal maniacs reponsible for the dissoloution of the Middle East.Not to mention the templar crosses the Suadi royal family were wearing on their visit. Also the Saudi princes go to London to commit acts of homosexuality whilst they behead homosexuals in Arabia. They also silence anyone in Arabaia that criticises their actions and have harsh laws against the people.SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY ARE PIGS PUT IN POWER BYA  BRITISH AGENT CALLED LAWRENCE OF ARABIA WHO HELPED DESTROY THE TURKISH CALIPHATE AND INDUCE RACE WARS. THEY ARE NOT MUSLIMS...PERIOD.

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Re: BREAKING NEWS: Saudi Press Admits: 9/11 was a False Flag
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2016, 11:10:01 PM »
Monarchy system is much preferable than modern democracy. You dont have the hassle of choosing popular 'CEOs' that can bring wealth to a country. You dont have to implant hate on any opposing factions.

Also the weakness of a leader , lewdness etc cant be inherited from a father to son/siblings/relatives. As e.g.60 years of lifespan diminish, those who replace the predecessor have their own ways of implementing Laws and governing.


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