Author Topic: Help PLEASE!!! Christians Claim to Call the Prophet (PBUH) a False One!! I need  (Read 28001 times)

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Offline Idris

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As-Salamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

In Revelation 19:15 there is a very specific detail which can describes only one person! I mean the fragment "A sharp sword comes out of his mouth to strike down the nations." The same detail - in a little bit different language - was ascribed to the Servant of God in Isaiah 49:2 which says in the beginnig: "He made my mouth like a sharp sword" Now, my question to those who are saying that the one who ride the white horse from Revelation 19:11-16 is Jesus:

"Why this particular detail can be found only in the Book of Isaiah as a reference to the Servant of God, and in Revelation as a reference to the figure riding white horse ?"

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

Please visit the following link to see the ample Biblical passages about the Glory of GOD Almighty will come from the East:

In there, you will also find a link that gives ample references about Islam in the book of Revelation.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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And dear brother Idris, according to Islam, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did ride the WHITE HORSE, BURAQ (Muslims with other dialects call it Barac, which is where the name Barack Obama comes from), to travel from Mecca to Jerusalem.  The Hadiths also say that the Prophet ascended up to Heaven on the White Horse and came down.

For more information, visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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How does it prove that the Bible is corrupt? Also, what I want a refutation of is the claim that "Allah hates the King of the Kings and the King of the kings is Jesus.

in the link
you can see even the bible made clear revelations that Jewish scribes made up false stories in their own scrolls. And hence the reason many prophets were sent to the tribes of israel to guide them to true path.

King of Kings is a title for Babylon king in jewish books.
In Hellenistic greek books, the greek authors made the title belonging to Jesus.

In Islam title of king of kings cant be applied to His creations.
And the teachings of Islam has influenced the Jews as well where the title king of kings belonging only to Yhwh.

Offline Idris

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And dear brother Idris, according to Islam, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did ride the WHITE HORSE, BURAQ (Muslims with other dialects call it Barac, which is where the name Barack Obama comes from), to travel from Mecca to Jerusalem.  The Hadiths also say that the Prophet ascended up to Heaven on the White Horse and came down.

As-Salamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

Correct observation brother Osama, that’s exactly what I wanted to indicate. Ineed in ahadith literature, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did ride a celestial white horse called al-Buraq which means “The Lightning” because it was moving so fast as far as his eyesight can go through. I've made some notes on the prophecy of Revelation 19:11-16. Let’s check some details:

a) “Its rider is named Faithful…”

It is commonly known that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) bearing this very title, i.e. al-Amin

b) “…and True”

Example of Quranic verse referring to the above fragment:

“How shall Allah guide those who reject Faith after they accepted it and bore witness that the Messenger was true (ar. haqq’un) and that clear signs had come unto them? But Allah guides not a people unjust.”
  (Quran 3:86)

c) “…and in righteousness he judges.”

"Now then, for that (reason), call (them to the Faith), and stand steadfast as thou art commanded nor follow thou their vain desires; but say: "I believe in the Book which Allah has sent down; and I am commanded to judge justly between you. Allah is Our Lord and your Lord. For us (is the responsibility for) Our deeds, and for you for your deeds. There is no contention between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is (Our) final goal." (Quran 42:15)

The Servant of God in Isaiah is described in the same way (Isaiah 53:11).

d) “and on his head are many royal crowns”  (See Revelation 6:2)

Only the Servant of God is described in a similar way (see Isaiah 62:3)

To understand who is the figure riding the white horse, you have to understand first who is the Servant of God mentioned in Isaiah. Unfortunatelly, it is so deceitful that this servant is sometimes identified as Jacob or Israel which is a LIE, and I will prove it insha'Allah in my book. Even the Christian scholars themselves denies that the word "Israel" was connected with the Servant of God. Do you actually realize that in the Old Testament there were made many modifications that are too deep to detect them ? It is confirmed by the Christian scholars of Hebrew. So you have to be carreful to which scholar you are listening, because some of them will take you away from the truth.

There are many amazing details about which I can't tell you now, since as I have said before, it would spoil my surprise.

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Idris

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As-Salamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

some of you might say: "then who is the lamb from Revelation if not Jesus (pbuh)" ? Again, this lamb is connected with the Servant of God (see Isaiah 60:19-20). Man, what a surprise heh ? 8)

If someone will find similar details, post it here and motivate our Muslim brothers and sister to do their own research.

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Idris

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As-Salamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

some of you might say: "then who is the lamb from Revelation if not Jesus (pbuh)" ? Again, this lamb is connected with the Servant of God (see Isaiah 60:19-20). Man, what a surprise heh ? 8)

If someone will find similar details, post it here and motivate our Muslim brothers and sister to do their own research.

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Sorry I didn't mention which verses: compare Revelation 21:23 with Isaiah 60:19-20. and many others detail explicitely shows that the lamb and the rider on the white horse is the Servant of God which is the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Idris

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King of Kings is a title for Babylon king in jewish books.
And the teachings of Islam has influenced the Jews as well where the title king of kings belonging only to Yhwh.

From where did you taken this information ? Brother submit, do you have some reference note to this claim ? I would require it in my study.

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Dear brother Idris

You said that you research on prophecies of Prophet Muhammad in the bible. Do you actually write articles on your work and publish them online.  If so can you provide the links. 

Thank you
Mohamed Saif

Offline Idris

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Dear brother Idris

You said that you research on prophecies of Prophet Muhammad in the bible. Do you actually write articles on your work and publish them online.  If so can you provide the links. 

As-aleikum aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

Yes, but I didn’t published any official articles on this topic, not yet. This is a big project which require a long time of research, but through the last two years I did many notes and observations that led me to discover amazing things, never noticed before by any Muslim. Alhamdulillah! I have some few people who helps me occasionally in my study, but speaking honestly, I’ve always dreamed of a Muslim team which would cooperate with me all the time.

I have at my disposal a huge library of e-books of many scholarly works: articles and books concerning the Bible history, rabbinic and patristic exegesis etc. (all the most important sources)

I know what to do, where to search, which info need to be checked etc.

So, everything is actually prepared, but the problem is that I’am alone. And this is too much for me. The works dealing with the Biblical prophecies of Mohammed (pbuh) written by our Muslim scholars in many points are not sufficiently explored, but at the same time I’am collecting every important info from their writings and adding my own, so the work is unique.

I can’t tell how much time it took before I publish my work. If I would have a few willing Muslim brothers which are passionate with this subject (and of course to whom I can trust), the work will gain a chance to be published much faster.

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun Alaikum dear brother Idris

Isaiah 49:3 says "thou art my servant, Israel". It doesn't speak of Prophet Muhammad. From what I've heard Isaiah 29 and 42 only speak of Prophet Muhammad.  Where am I going wrong?  Please help

Thank you
Mohamed Saif

Offline Idris

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Wa aleikum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh dear brother Mohamed Saif,

MS #96, according to Kennicot’s classification, lacks the word “Israel” in the passage of Isaiah 49:3 ! (See the critical apparatus in the link below, under VARIAE LECTIONES, p. 63)


Firstly, notice that in the same passage it appears a Hebrew word פאר for “glory, praise”, and it is most likely that the word ישׂראל (i.e. Israel) is an early interpolation inserted to the text of Isaiah 49:3. For the scholars themselves, the absence of ישׂראל in MS #96 plays an important factor. Secondly, Isaiah 42:1 according to LXX is talking about Jacob/Israel being a Chosen servant, while neither MT (Masoretic text), TJ (Targum Jonathan), SP (Syriac Peshitta), nor 1QIsa (The Great Isaiah Scroll) contains such words, so the Jews were certainly manipulating with these particular fragments. NO DOUBT!

Rabbi Ibn Ezra, a great Jewish scholar and author of the best exegesis on the Book of Isaiah, states that the servant mentioned in Isaiah 42:1-4, Isaiah 49:1-6, Isaiah 50:4-9, Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is basically the same person.

The Targum and some early rabbinic sources agree with that the Four Servant Songs refers specifically to the Messiah (i.e. the last and final Prophet). However, the Jews are an entrusted people – very few of them you will find honest – who for sure tempered their text, especially when the “Royal Messiah”, the long awaited prophet, came to them (and they refused him just because he was an Arab, and not an Israeli one)

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun Alaikum brother Idris

Does the same thing apply for Isaiah 60 and 62?

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Assalamun alaikum dear brother Idris

I checked about the Four Servant Songs. It is also called the songs of the suffering servant. According to some sites it says that it refers to the Messiah and some say that it refers to Jesus Christ.  But how does it refer to Prophet Muhammad? And what does suffering servant mean?

Thank you
Mohamed Saif

Offline Idris

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Wa aleikum, a-Salam wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh,

I don't know in what manner you are asking ? I did not analyzed passages of Isaiah 60, 62, but I encourage you to do your own research. If you are interested in Old Testament studies, then it is advisable that you should learn Hebrew, since without it you could be easily refuted by any person influent in Hebrew.

As to the Four Servant Songs, only Isaiah 52:13-53:12 has been identified as a "Suffering Servant". Early Jewish tradition from 200-500 A.D. apply this to the Messiah, but obviously they did not meant Jesus pbuh, since they have already rejected him. I personally do not understand this weird Jewish view of many messiahs. If there were indeed many messiahs, Allah would mentioned other than Jesus (pbuh). Even from the hadith, we do not heard of any Messiah beside Jesus (pbuh), so I think that, since Jews had such a powerful Kings like David (pbuh), after Babylonian exile, they started dreaming about a perfect Kingly Messiah, who will be a king, a priest, and a warrior-prophet, and who will be a saviour to them. When Jesus (pbuh) came, they were deeply disappointed, because he was weak, he did not like to fight, nor had some special authority etc. and after his ascension, they still have this weird idea about a Kingly Messiah (ironically even Muslims sometimes are forced to use it when they want to refer to Prophet Muhammad pbuh as a last of many messiahs). Therefore, I think that this whole concept about many messiahs - Royal and Priestly Messiah -  is merely a Jewish joke, a wishful thinking, a pious hope... In other words, if it would be true, I 'am sure that Allah or Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) would have spoke at least one phrase about other messiah - or anointed one - than Jesus (pbuh), but we have nothing, thus it is a Jewish invention !

As to the Suffering Servant from Isaiah 52:13-53:12 it does apply in many ways, but I did not finished my work on this, and it is in early stage of research, but there are some striking allusions which proves that the section of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is - or was - originally a description of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), and Allah knows best!

Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)


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