Author Topic: Contradiction in number of months for gestation, breast feeding, and weaning?  (Read 7155 times)

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As'salamu Alaikum everyone,

Among the new additions that I added to the website is the following article:

Contradiction in number of months for pregnancy, gestation, breast feeding and weaning in the Quran?  No contradiction.   It's up to the father of the baby!  Please visit:

Feel free to comment.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline hilariousastal

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Thanks for the post brother! As always i have appreciated your work on Quran's interpretation. JazakAllah.
But related to above post, one thing that i get confused in is that as Quran's Allah's word then this ayah must be talking about something precise as Lord could never talk on the basis of estimations and all, He encompasses each and everything. And if its an estimate how could one differentiate between estimates and the precise words on Allah in Quran. And Also my thoughts on this ayah are that Allah Almighty is talking about precise 6 months gestation period and that is based from the time of conception and not from the time of last menstruation cycle of women as is usually is the case because humans cannot exactly estimate the exact day of conception. So based on that it amounts to around 25 and just over half weeks . Based on that it could be deduced that 25 and just over half week is the time period by which a child born is viable and he/she doesnt need any equipement to survive. Usually its after 24 weeks of gestation length that a baby can survive so adding for one or two weeks to convert this since conception, it goes the same length.

Pardon me for any error in the above as these are just thoughts on this.

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Thanks for the post brother! As always i have appreciated your work on Quran's interpretation. JazakAllah.
But related to above post, one thing that i get confused in is that as Quran's Allah's word then this ayah must be talking about something precise as Lord could never talk on the basis of estimations and all, He encompasses each and everything. And if its an estimate how could one differentiate between estimates and the precise words on Allah in Quran. And Also my thoughts on this ayah are that Allah Almighty is talking about precise 6 months gestation period and that is based from the time of conception and not from the time of last menstruation cycle of women as is usually is the case because humans cannot exactly estimate the exact day of conception. So based on that it amounts to around 25 and just over half weeks . Based on that it could be deduced that 25 and just over half week is the time period by which a child born is viable and he/she doesnt need any equipement to survive. Usually its after 24 weeks of gestation length that a baby can survive so adding for one or two weeks to convert this since conception, it goes the same length.

Pardon me for any error in the above as these are just thoughts on this.

As'salamu Alaikum brother Hilariousastal,

The following Noble Verse that is mentioned in the article answers your questions:

[002:233]  The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years (حولين كاملين), if the father desires to complete the term. But he shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms. No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear. No mother shall be Treated unfairly on account of her child. Nor father on account of his child, an heir shall be chargeable in the same way. If they both decide on weaning, by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no blame on them. If ye decide on a foster-mother for your offspring, there is no blame on you, provided ye pay (the mother) what ye offered, on equitable terms. But fear God and know that God sees well what ye do.

‏2:233 والوالدات يرضعن اولادهن حولين كاملين لمن اراد ان يتم الرضاعة وعلى المولود له رزقهن وكسوتهن بالمعروف لاتكلف نفس الا وسعها لاتضار والدة بولدها ولامولود له بولده وعلى الوارث مثل ذلك فان ارادا فصالا عن تراض منهما وتشاور فلا جناح عليهما وان اردتم ان تسترضعوا اولادكم فلا جناح علكيم اذا سلمتم مااتيتم بالمعروف واتقوا الله واعلموا ان الله بما تعملون بصير

Here are a few points that answer your concerns, which I've already mentioned in the Article:

1-  The two full years may or may not be completed.

2-  Mothers do vary in terms of being wet.  Some mothers go dry much earlier than others.  They all vary, and this had always been a known fact.  This is even mentioned in Noble Verse 2:233 that I just quoted.  Read the part about hiring a foster mother, if needed for those fathers who want to complete the full two years.

3-  Allah Almighty didn't give an estimate number out of confusion.  No.  Instead, Allah Almighty gave us, the children of our parents, a number that is close enough to give the picture of the type of hardship that our parents had to endure when we were babies.  Babies don't just eat any food, nor are they like ordinary children. 

4-  It is crystal clear from the Holy Quran that the total number of months for the pregnancy, gestation, nursing and weaning periods varies, and isn't a fixed number.

5-  Now, your thoughts are very interesting, akhi (brother).  But I personally still think that the number is just a picture.  But your point on the 6 months gestation period is also very interesting.  Jazaka Allah Khayr (may Allah Almighty bless you).  Ameen.
I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline hilariousastal

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Thanks for the post brother! As always i have appreciated your work on Quran's interpretation. JazakAllah.
But related to above post, one thing that i get confused in is that as Quran's Allah's word then this ayah must be talking about something precise as Lord could never talk on the basis of estimations and all, He encompasses each and everything. And if its an estimate how could one differentiate between estimates and the precise words on Allah in Quran. And Also my thoughts on this ayah are that Allah Almighty is talking about precise 6 months gestation period and that is based from the time of conception and not from the time of last menstruation cycle of women as is usually is the case because humans cannot exactly estimate the exact day of conception. So based on that it amounts to around 25 and just over half weeks . Based on that it could be deduced that 25 and just over half week is the time period by which a child born is viable and he/she doesnt need any equipement to survive. Usually its after 24 weeks of gestation length that a baby can survive so adding for one or two weeks to convert this since conception, it goes the same length.

Pardon me for any error in the above as these are just thoughts on this.

Thank you brother for your reply. Just to tweak my original post on this subject. I know its been long time,someone popped the issue again so i thought i should clarify my interpretation. Incorporating the new knowledge that i have gained recently, the Quran must be talking about 6 months of gestation period from conception which none knows but Almighty Allah. Considering that exact time frame for a mature pregnancy is taken as 40 Weeks so this makes 4.4 weeks per month.Therefore, 6 months equate to 26.4 months and adding two weeks for conception could put it 28.4 months. According to research here 96% of these babies could survive. Also to quote:"Babies born at 28 to 31 weeks are at risk for medical complications. However, when complications occur, they may not be as severe as those of babies born earlier. Babies born with a very low birth weight (less than 3 pounds, 4 ounces) remain at risk for serious disabilities.". Therefore in view of this, Quran must be stating the time period from conception until birth when a baby is healthy and he/she has no serious medical complications and could survive on its own, although it stills needs the oxygen as the above link explains.


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