Further Topic Research:

200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless |  Paul said he wasn't sure about Holy Spirit | Disciples called each other liars, satanic, false | Paul commanded women to not expose  sex predators | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube | |

Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


What does the Quran say about being dignified and begging people?

I have extracted hundreds of Moral Codes from the Glorious Quran that Command Muslims regarding Morality.  Among them is the following entry:

200 Be dignified!  Walk with dignity.  Do not beg for money or anything.  Do not act like one who is begging for money or aid:

[002:273] (Charity is) for those in need, who, in God's cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land, seeking (For trade or work): the ignorant man thinks, because of their modesty, that they are free from want يحسبهم الجاهل اغنياء من التعفف. Thou shalt know them by their (Unfailing) mark: They beg not importunately from all the sundry لايسئلون الناس الحافا. And whatever of good ye give, be assured God knoweth it well.

Now, it is ok to ask people for help when you need it.  Allah Almighty spoke about helping the needy and the poor in ample Noble Verses as shown in the entries above.  So if you are one, then it's ok.  But do not be one who begs.  Do not approach people from the status of you being beneath them.  Be dignified!

Do not be rude, brash or arrogant.  That's also amply covered above from the Glorious Quran.  Just be dignified.  Allah Almighty Said:

[063:008] They say, "If we return to Medina, surely the more honourable (element) will expel therefrom the meaner." But honour belongs to God and His Apostle, and to the Believers ولله العزة ولرسوله وللمؤمني ; but the Hypocrites know not.

2:273, 63:8

Please visit:

  • www.answering-christianity.com/quran_moral_code.htm




    JUSTICE, Mercy, Good Manners, Forgiveness, Moral Code, Ethics in Islam.

    Good Manners in Islam.

    The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 Wisdom in Islam, Psychology and Science

    What is the punishment for the Muslim who kills a non-Muslim?

    Laws of war and peace in Islam:

    Jihad section.

    Justice, mercy, forgiveness, good manners section.

    Laws, War, Captives treatment, Peace section.

    Slavery-ending commands, Equality section.  Slavery, Equality.

    Does Islam hate non-Muslims?  The word "hate" does not even exist in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty used "loves not" on both non-Muslims and Muslims.

    Does Christianity teach peace and love and Islam teaches war and hate?

    What is the punishment for the Muslim who kills a non-Muslim?

    Debate PPT Templates section.


    Can a Believer be unjust and an evil doer?  What does the Glorious Quran Say about this?

    Will Allah really weight our deeds or is it just metaphorical? [2]

    Ask me any question page.

    Back to Women in Islam and Christianity section.

    Islam and the Noble Quran - Questions and Answers.

    What is the place of Jesus, Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims in Islam?

    GOD Almighty supposedly Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).


    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


    Bible Hoaxes on GOD:  Rebekah's story is a clear and indisputable proof that many of the Bible's accounts are full of hoaxes!

  • Permission by GOD to bless through lying and deceiving?? [1]  I think these are man's lies in the Bible!

    MORE LIES ON GOD: Rebuttal to Jochen Katz on FOX News' lying on their motto (Balanced Lies Rebuttal).

    Who was the sacrificed son?  Isaac or Ishmael?  Even the altered Bible thoroughly supports that it was Ishmael [1] in many passages.  And in Islam there is no "El" (God) in names as in Ishmael or Gabriel in Hebrew?  Is the GOD of Islam different?  Allah Almighty allowed for His Holy Name to be shortened (as "El" in Ishmael, and Lillah for Li-Allah in the Quran, as in Alhamdulillah) in both Islam and Judaism [1].

    Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity.

    GOD became concerned that the Babylonians' Tower that they were constructing will reach Him???

  • And they talk about Taqiya??

  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

    Deuteronomy 4:2 says it is a lie to have a Bible.


    Also Read:

    Bible defines "Lying Spirits by GOD" to mean GOD MAKES YOU LIE; you have no will (2 Samuel 12:7-12).

    David's wives made prostitutes by GOD:

    Made to be prostitutes by GOD:  In
    2 Samuel 12:7-12, King David's wives were turned into ***** prostitutes by GOD Almighty [1] as a punishment for David's sins with Bathsheba.  This means that GOD Almighty can create custom Laws for punishment even if they fully contradict GOD Almighty's Moral Code on morality and chastity.  Also, seduction and RAPING of virgins isn't a physically punishable crime in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  See Deuteronomy 22:25-29, Exodus 22:16-17.

    Would GOD Almighty validate falsehood?  Yes.  In 2 Samuel 12:7-12, GOD validated and commanded open pornography.  See also Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor = عيسى

    "...are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow..." (The Noble Quran, 4:157)


    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    Upon Arabia:
    Arabia's honorable burdens from GOD Almighty; same burden upon the Prophets,
    Judges to judge right [1], and Believers to remain True  in many OT verses.

    Isaiah 43:18-19
    18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
    19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the desert 
    (desert; Arabia), and rivers in the desert (Arabia).

    Isaiah 30:6 The burden upon the south.

    Isaiah 30:27
    Behold, the name of the
    Lord cometh from far (Far from Palestine. 
    Mecca is 900+ miles far, and it is in the south), burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:


    Jeremiah 51:33  Arabia has not yet  met its threshold, and the time of her harvest shall come.  That is the fruits of GOD Almighty, Islam and Muslims, have yet to come from Arabia. [1]

    Tema in Hebrew means the "south country":

    in Hebrew means the "south country".
      We also know that Tema (Tayma) is in Saudi Arabia today, and Saudi Arabia is indeed south of Palestine and Jordan.  So, GOD came from the south Arabian country, and His holy one from Mecca is the future burden that Prophet Habakkuk saw.  300 years before Islam, paran.htm">Paran was Mecca

    Jesus and OT spoke highly of Palestinians and Arabs as great and genuine believers of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus had high regard for Palestinians and Arabs in general:

    1-  He will return an Arab ("for as lightening that comes from the east....")
    2-  Job in OT and Canaanite woman in NT were called Perfect.
    3-  Jesus' parable on being good neighbors parable, he used good 
    Palestinians as an example.
    4-  Jesus spoke about evil Israel prophecy in Daniel 11:45 in Matthew 24:15-18, and spoke about Judea being the good land, which is the Palestinians' West Bank.

    Even David Ben-Gurion, the founder of the state of Israel, admitted that the Palestinian people in Palestine are the original ancient Hebrews:

    Palestine 1948: The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy (Ezekiel 38:10-11).



    New Song from Arabia: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Jesus and OT spoke highly of Palestinians and Arabs as great and genuine believers of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus had high regard for Palestinians and Arabs in general:

    1-  He will return an Arab ("for as lightening that comes from the east....")
    2-  Job in OT and Canaanite woman in NT were called Perfect.
    3-  Jesus' parable on being good neighbors parable, he used good 
    Palestinians as an example.
    4-  Jesus spoke about evil Israel prophecy in Daniel 11:45 in Matthew 24:15-18, and spoke about Judea being the good land, which is the Palestinians' West Bank.

    Even David Ben-Gurion, the founder of the state of Israel, admitted that the Palestinian people in Palestine are the original ancient Hebrews:

    Palestine 1948: The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy (Ezekiel 38:10-11).

    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-32) will be replaced with Islam's Covenant: "a new covenant different from the one given after the exodus from Egypt"(Jeremiah 31:31-32).  Only Islam fulfills this:



    Burden is a monumental honorable thing from GOD Almighty.  Burden was used for Noah and other Prophets' tasks as well.  Visit section #2 in the following article about "2-  The honorable burdens throughout the Bible".  Notice in the following honorable burden how GOD Almighty will come from a far southern land, and from Teman and Paran in particular in Arabia:

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]
    Isaiah 30:27  GOD's Name will come from a far land
            Habakkuk 3:3  GOD will come from the southern (Tema) Arabian lands
    Isaiah 42:10-13  
    New Song from Arabia via the gentile Prophet who will come from the Jews' "brothers" (Deuteronomy 18:18).  Also in Jeremiah 31:31-32, it will be a new Covenant different from the one that was given to Moses.


    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.


    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    3-year old girls raped:

    Bible condones 3-year old girls were raped under the command of Moses and his men:

    "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him. (Number 31:17).
    [This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
    But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than
    three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]

    Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
    Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]

    See ample more quotes, references, and the bibliography here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?

    How big was the first New Testament?  The first 200 years of pagan Christianity was forged by the pagan churches that were appeasing the pagan emperors and societies.  7 Roman emperors have thoroughly burnt as much of early writings of believers as possible.  From this pagan churches were born and were allowed to be built and for pagan Christianity to spread.   But they are all false; unoriginal and not Islam as the original believers were in Palestine.  Remember, Jesus called them Muslims (Luke 6:40).



    Bible defines "Lying Spirits by GOD" to mean GOD MAKES YOU LIE; you have no will (2 Samuel 12:7-12).


    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    Upon Arabia:
    Arabia's honorable burdens from GOD Almighty; same burden upon the Prophets,
    Judges to judge right [1], and Believers to remain True  in many OT verses.

    Isaiah 43:18-19
    18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
    19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the desert 
    (desert; Arabia), and rivers in the desert (Arabia).

    Isaiah 30:6 The burden upon the south.

    Isaiah 30:27
    Behold, the name of the
    Lord cometh from far (Far from Palestine. 
    Mecca is 900+ miles far, and it is in the south), burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:


    Jeremiah 51:33  Arabia has not yet  met its threshold, and the time of her harvest shall come.  That is the fruits of GOD Almighty, Islam and Muslims, have yet to come from Arabia. [1]

    Tema in Hebrew means the "south country":

    in Hebrew means the "south country".
      We also know that Tema (Tayma) is in Saudi Arabia today, and Saudi Arabia is indeed south of Palestine and Jordan.  So, GOD came from the south Arabian country, and His holy one from Mecca is the future burden that Prophet Habakkuk saw.  300 years before Islam, paran.htm">Paran was Mecca

    Jesus and OT spoke highly of Palestinians and Arabs as great and genuine believers of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus had high regard for Palestinians and Arabs in general:

    1-  He will return an Arab ("for as lightening that comes from the east....")
    2-  Job in OT and Canaanite woman in NT were called Perfect.
    3-  Jesus' parable on being good neighbors parable, he used good 
    Palestinians as an example.
    4-  Jesus spoke about evil Israel prophecy in Daniel 11:45 in Matthew 24:15-18, and spoke about Judea being the good land, which is the Palestinians' West Bank.

    Even David Ben-Gurion, the founder of the state of Israel, admitted that the Palestinian people in Palestine are the original ancient Hebrews:

    Palestine 1948: The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy (Ezekiel 38:10-11).



    New Song from Arabia: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Jesus and OT spoke highly of Palestinians and Arabs as great and genuine believers of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus had high regard for Palestinians and Arabs in general:

    1-  He will return an Arab ("for as lightening that comes from the east....")
    2-  Job in OT and Canaanite woman in NT were called Perfect.
    3-  Jesus' parable on being good neighbors parable, he used good 
    Palestinians as an example.
    4-  Jesus spoke about evil Israel prophecy in Daniel 11:45 in Matthew 24:15-18, and spoke about Judea being the good land, which is the Palestinians' West Bank.

    Even David Ben-Gurion, the founder of the state of Israel, admitted that the Palestinian people in Palestine are the original ancient Hebrews:

    Palestine 1948: The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy (Ezekiel 38:10-11).

    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-32) will be replaced with Islam's Covenant: "a new covenant different from the one given after the exodus from Egypt"(Jeremiah 31:31-32).  Only Islam fulfills this:



    Burden is a monumental honorable thing from GOD Almighty.  Burden was used for Noah and other Prophets' tasks as well.  Visit section #2 in the following article about "2-  The honorable burdens throughout the Bible".  Notice in the following honorable burden how GOD Almighty will come from a far southern land, and from Teman and Paran in particular in Arabia:

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]
    Isaiah 30:27  GOD's Name will come from a far land
            Habakkuk 3:3  GOD will come from the southern (Tema) Arabian lands
    Isaiah 42:10-13  
    New Song from Arabia via the gentile Prophet who will come from the Jews' "brothers" (Deuteronomy 18:18).  Also in Jeremiah 31:31-32, it will be a new Covenant different from the one that was given to Moses.


    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.


    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    3-year old girls raped:

    Bible condones 3-year old girls were raped under the command of Moses and his men:

    "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him. (Number 31:17).
    [This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
    But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than
    three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]

    Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
    Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]

    See ample more quotes, references, and the bibliography here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?

    How big was the first New Testament?  The first 200 years of pagan Christianity was forged by the pagan churches that were appeasing the pagan emperors and societies.  7 Roman emperors have thoroughly burnt as much of early writings of believers as possible.  From this pagan churches were born and were allowed to be built and for pagan Christianity to spread.   But they are all false; unoriginal and not Islam as the original believers were in Palestine.  Remember, Jesus called them Muslims (Luke 6:40).


    Muslims are Commanded by Allah Almighty to show the Love of Allah to all of people through their treatment to them.

    What does the Glorious Quran say about lying and about taking credit and recognition for what you do not deserve?

    What does the Quran mean when It Says "Allah is the Greatest of all plotters"?  Does it also mean "Allah is the Greatest of all deceivers"?  Also, what does the Bible say about it?

    What is Taqiya?  Does Islam really permit lying?  Or is this another lie from the anti-Islamics?  Also allowed in the Bible's Old and New Testaments.  Jesus also in John 7:1-12 practiced Taqiya.

    Can a Believer be unjust and an evil doer?  What does the Glorious Quran Say about this?

    Can a Muslim purposely entice, tempt, or mislead a disbeliever into a wrongdoing?  What does the Glorious Quran say about this?

    What does the Noble Quran say about temptation in general, flirting and sexual enticement?

    What does Allah Almighty say about tumult?

    Are Muslims allowed to conceal or hide the Truth of Islam from anyone?

    "Balanced Lies" Rebuttal.

    Jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights from satan, which caused him to covet - a sin forbidden in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Also refutation to the "satanic verses" lie against Islam.

    Were the rubbish talk and and rubbish music of today prophesied in the Glorious Quran?

  • The Glorious Quran's Prophecies about satan and his evil are indeed amazing.  It is clear that satan's temptations and control over the evil ones from mankind will include:

    1-  Alteration of Allah Almighty's creations through cloning and making fundamental changes to Allah Almighty's creations.

    2-  Mass brainwashing to mankind through satan's voice through:

  • Corrupt and rubbish talk.
  • Corrupt and rubbish music.
  • Broken languages and words.
  • Broken manners and standards in how to talk.
  • 3-  Dominating and controlling mankind militarily and through power and might.

    4-  Share and control mankind's wealth.

    5-  Make false promises to mankind.  His heaven will lead to Hell, and his hell will lead to Heaven.

    Again, Allah Almighty Said:

    [017:064]  "Lead to destruction those whom thou canst among them, (1) with thy (seductive) voice; (2) make assaults on them with thy cavalry and thy infantry; (3) mutually share with them wealth and children; and (4) make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.

    Satan's threat is real!  We have to guard ourselves from him and turn to Allah Almighty in repentance and submission.  Indeed, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty alone for making the Noble Quran be the Perfect and Everlasting Miracle, for us humans, out of all of His Divine Miracles!  And may Allah Almighty send His Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon our Beloved and Blessed Prophet, Teacher and Role Model, Muhammad.  Ameen.

  • Send your comments.

    Back to Main Page.



    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


    200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
    What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless |  Paul said he wasn't sure about Holy Spirit | Disciples called each other liars, satanic, false | Paul commanded women to not expose  sex predators | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube



    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind.  For example:

    1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  See detailed listing here.

      See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

    3-  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].

    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]
    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day.  NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.


    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
    slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.

    Quran:  All Bibles are mostly of corrupt [1] قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    John 5:30  "I cannot do anything on my own."  (i.e., Jesus could not perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  I can not perform a single Miracle on my own!!  I am totally POWERLESS without Allah Almighty!

    John 5:31  "if I (Jesus) bear witness of myself, then I would be a liar!" 

    GOD didn't talk this way when He spoke to Moses.  GOD's testimony alone is always sufficient!  Jesus also bowed his face down to the ground, like we Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims do everyday, and prayed to GOD Almighty.