Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1] Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind: 1- The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.2- Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters. You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples [1]. Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. |
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This article contains pictures of murdered humans. Viewer's discretion is advised.
By: Anonymous Muslim
The Scum that is
Pagan christian Pyschopathic, Genocidal U.S. Military terrorists
Link: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17074.htm
Killers in the Classroom
By Dr. June Scorza Terpstra
02/15/07 "ICH " -- -- During
a heated debate in a class I teach on social justice, several US Marines who
had done tours in Iraq told me that they had "sacrificed" by
“serving” in Iraq so that I could enjoy the freedom to teach in the USA.
Parroting their master’s slogan about “fighting over there so we don’t have to
fight over here”, these students proudly
proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis. They intimated
that their Arab victims are nothing more to them than collateral damage,
incidental to their receipt of some money and an education.
A room full of students listened as a
I knew in that moment that this was what the future of teaching about justice
would include: teaching war criminals who sit glaring at me with hatred for
daring to speak the truth of their atrocities and who, if paid to, would
disappear, torture and kill me. I wondered that night how long I really have in
this so called “free” country to teach my students and to be with my children
and grandchildren.
The American military and mercenary soldiers who “sacrificed” their lives did
not do so for the teacher’s freedom to teach the truth about the so-called war
on terror, or any of
Many of the classes that I teach now include students who “served” in the
Yet another soldier-student said that there would always be wars and someone
had to do it. The”it” is killing, rape, and plunder for profit. Some of the
soldier-students agreed that military terrorism was thrilling. Stopping and
killing people at checkpoints in order to maintain a comfortable lifestyle in
To be fair, in this week’s discussion in class there was some mention that some
of the student’s intentions had been honorable at the time that they joined the
military. They wanted to “help other people”. A few woman students who want to
join the military commented that they would be working to “free and defend”
people here and abroad. However, for the most part and by their own admission, personal financial gain was their main focus
in signing on. Their bottom line was getting the money and their thrills by
joining and belonging to the biggest terrorist organization in the world, the
What appears to trouble the soldier student is that the rhetoric of fighting
for freedom and democracy is a lie that cannot blanket the horror and guilt
of their terrorism. They do not want to hear that participation in invasion and occupation, murder and pillaging, is
logically inconsistent with any legitimate concept of freedom or liberation.
They know the greed and programmed lust for violence that motivates them. They
expect that if they can make it out alive, they get some money, a comfortable
lifestyle and an education. Their plan is to secure the oil, the diamonds, the
gold, the water, the guns, the drugs, and the bling for their masters, who they
hope will cut them in on the swag. They say that someone has to be on top and
they want to be on the side of the strong, not the weak. Robbing Hoods, not
Robin Hoods.
And now, here they sit in my course on social justice, terrorist war criminals, wanting
high paying “criminal justice” jobs in a university Justice Studies program.
They want approval, appreciation and honors for terrorism, torture, and murder.
They want a university degree so they can get an even higher salary terrorizing
more people around the world with security companies such as Blackwater or
Halliburton. They want that appropriately named “sheepskin” so they can join
the CIA, FBI, and other police and track
down and terrorize US residents here.
These military and mercenary
terrorist-students are trained in terrorist training camps all under the
There is a saying that “if you do the crime, you do the time”. My response is
that “If you do the war crimes, you will do time in hell, whether the hell of
war trauma and shock, of diseases such as those caused by depleted uranium, the
old-fashioned traditional hell, fire and brimstone assigned to malefactors…or
the hell of sitting in a social justice class and discovering what the hell you
are in hell for, or are about to be.
Please visit Dr Terpstras' website www.juneterpstra.com
This subhuman trash that is the
Zionist controlled
“Every time we do something,
you [Shimon Peres] tell me
-Quote from Ariel Sharon
(former Zionist “state” of “
Knesset, Tel Aviv, October
3, 2001
Israeli tortures to Palestinian Civilians:
The purpose of this article is to expose the uncivilized Jews in
Important Note:
Help Muslims world-wide
can donate money to help the orphans from Palestine.
Or you can call them at (800) 909-6822.
can donate money to help send Medical equipment to doctors in Palestine.
Or you can call them at (888) 256-2523
This little infant's head was cut off from the
Isreali rocket that struck the apartment building
that his family was living in, in Leabanon.
This little kid was also a victim of Israeli rocket attacks on Palestinian
Civilian places.
This old civilian was shot to death from Isreali
This woman was one of the many civilians who
were hit by heavy Israeli rocket attacks on civilians.
Another Palestinian Civilian victim to uncivilized
Isreali attacks on civilians.
Mass murder happened from Israeli soldiers on Palestinians and Leabanese
Civilians when the Israeli troops invaded a village in southern Leabanon.
The Israelis bombed this little girl's school bus. She lost one eye
and most of the students on the bus died.
This poor Palestinian kid had lost his family as well.
This is a baby who died from Israeli Rocket
explosion on civilian targets.
After incident
After treatment
Amar Emeera was eating lunch in his home in the West
A rare shot captured by reporters:
While the Israeli soldiers were not aware of any presence of reporters, a brave team of those reporters captured this event from a far away distance on their cameras. This is what the Israelis would do to the uprising Palestinian civilians (the rock throwers, who have no weapons) when no reporters are present!!
The kid is crying and father seeks help
Father sees the soldiers aiming
Soldiers fire at the kid
The kid is killed!! WHY????
Pictures of Palestinian little kids and teenagers:
What crime did this little kid do?
Look at the blood on this little innocent child's body.
The kid was shot to death by Israeli
This young civilian man was shot to death on his
head, neck and stomach
Other Related Sites:
The many
breeding grounds of terrorism. Chicago Tribune News Paper
states that more than 500,000 Iraqi children have died from the Sanctions on
Holocaust of the Iraqi people from the US and UN.
Rebuttal to those who claim that Deplete Uranium is not equal to small Atomic bombs.
Atrocities done to Muslims section.
The use of the "Deplete
Uranium Bombs" against the Iraqi civilians in
Note: Please don't forget to read the "Other related web sites" section at the end of this article. It has tragic statistic numbers that you need to be aware of.
The following pictures reveal the truth about the barbaric attacks that were
done by the
Rebuttal to those who claim that Deplete Uranium is not equal to small Atomic bombs.
The Iraqis did not have nor used any Nuclear Weapons against the
The following pictures were extracted from http://www.wakefieldcam.freeserve.co.uk/extremedeformities.htm. This site was sent to me by Noaman Ali; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him. You can also visit http://www.islamicparty.com/commonsense/iraq30.htm. The link is about showing statistical numbers about the hard times that the Iraqis had gone through for the past 10 years of Sanctions, and it was sent to me by Shakoor Ahmed; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.
"In an act of stark cruelty, the US dominated Sanctions Committee refuses to permit Iraq to import the clean-up equipment that they desperately need to decontaminate their country of the Depleted Uranium ammunition that the US fired at them. Approximately 315 tons of DU dust was left by the use of this ammunition.The Sanctions Committee also refuses to allow the mass importation of anti-cancer treatments, which contain trace amounts of radio-isotopes, on the grounds that these constitute '...nuclear materials..' (Ross B. Mirkarimi)"
And why is the Civilized United States until today (10 years after the war) is preventing Iraq from importing the "clean-up equipment" to clean its region from the Nuclear Radiation that is causing thousands of Iraqi kids to be born with its infection as shown below??!!
Other related web sites:
Holocaust of the Iraqi people from the US and UN.
The many
breeding grounds of terrorism. Chicago Tribune News Paper
states that more than 500,000 Iraqi children have died from the Sanctions on
My explanation to the "Attack" on the US from the Islamic perspective.
Rebuttal to those who claim that Deplete Uranium is not equal to small Atomic bombs.
Atrocities done to Muslims section.
May Allah(SWT)’s
Curse be Upon the Pagan christian
Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.
Islam and the Noble Quran: Questions and Answers.
The Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran.
Contradictions and History of Corruption in the Bible.
Anonymous Muslim 's Rebuttals section.
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Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1] Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind: 1- The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.2- Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters. You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples [1]. Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. |