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Divine Miracles:
Here are
some of my favorite Stunning Numerical and Scientific
Miracles in the Glorious Quran that are listed in
the main sections,
The root for message and all of its
derivatives, such as messenger and others
times throughout the Glorious Quran. The
Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names
(Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned
513 times
in the Glorious Quran. The detailed
breakdown of all of this is thoroughly
listed here.
of examples! [1]. (zip file).
Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. Stunning Prophecies [2] [3] 
The Great Miracle. Allah
Almighty in the Holy Quran called the Number
19 Miracle "One of the
Ones (Miracles)" (74:30-37)
See the 100s of Noble Verses that clearly
testify to this Great Miracle. Also,
did you know that Allah Almighty Said in
Surat Nuh (that's Noble Chapter Nuh (Noah))
that Prophet Noah lived for
950 years
among his people.
all Praise and Glory are due to Allah
Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah is
exactly written in
You can thoroughly see this in the scanned
images that thoroughly verify every single
Noble Letter, in the links. Click on
the links to see the many other Numerical
Miracles in the Holy Quran. Also, see
the Numerical Miracles
section along with all of the
other great sections. Also,
1,000s of examples in
zip &
PDF (fonts)
files all demonstrated in this
19 X 115 = 2185 Number 19 and BASMALA
Miracle. The total
numerical value of Noble Verses
74:30-37 themselves, which are
the heart of the Number 19 Miracle, has a
stunning Miracle in it. The value of
these Noble Verses matches the
multiplication of the BASMALA's number of
letters (19
Letters) and their total numerical values (115):
19 X 115 = 2185.
The Basmala, which full text in Arabic means
"In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent,
The Most Merciful"
is the Key to the Glorious Quran. It
is recited first before reading the Holy
Quran, and it is also obligatory upon every
Muslim to start with the Basmala before
starting any task. Again, 1,000s of
examples in
zip &
PDF (fonts)
files all demonstrated in this
4- The
Glorious Quran has 114 Chapters. The sum of
those Chapters is
(1+2+...+114 = 6555). There are also
Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran. Now, if
you add each Chapter's number with the number of
its Verses, then you get a list of numbers.
So 1 (first Chapter) + 7 (# of its Verses) =
8. Do this for all Chapters.
The sum of the odd numbers from the list =
6555. 2- The sum of the
even numbers from the list =
See the
XLS file for 100% confirmation. Also, see the ample STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran, with
1,000s of examples! [1] (zip file).. See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.
Please also checkout the many hundreds
(1,000s) of
Great Numerical Miracles, and the
many tens (10s) of other
Great Scientific Miracles:
Click on the following numbers:
Geology, Earth's spherical
expansion, formation, Mountains
and Oceanology.
The Universe,
Time, Astronomy, UFOs
and Space Shuttles.
Embryology, Human
Anatomy, Formation, and
STUNNING Numerical Miracles
in the Glorious Quran.
With 1,000s of examples!
[4]. See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.
Medicine, Humans, Insects
and Animals.
Life, Origins of life from
water and dust in the
Noble Quran, Plants and their
Archeology and History.
Great Web Sites and Online
General articles.
Divine Promises
to reveal the Quran's Miracles.
Stunning Prophecies [2] [3] 
Audios and
Bibles' scientific absurdities and Other. |
For example:
1- The explosion
of the Universe,
Galaxies and
Stars bring about
"When the sky
disintegrates, and turns
rose colored like paint
(The Noble Quran,
 As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day. NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode). It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.
Glorious Quran
declares that the
earth is
Allah Almighty
in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:
- Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1]. - Is rotating around itself. - Is moving in space in
curvy orbits [2]. - Is in constant motion. - Is suspended in space. - Is
swimming in space. - Is traveling through the constantly
expanding universe [3].
- The
North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran
He saw the
Aurora Lights covering:Aurora Lights Hadith 
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the
aurora lights covering the
horizons of space above the earth when he
was taken up to Heaven:
Abdullah: "Regarding
the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad)
did see. Of
the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!”
(Quran 53.18)
That the Prophet had seen a green
carpet spread all over the
horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."
(Translation of Sahih
Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456) Visit also: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.
Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said
this about his journey to the farthest
northern lands and people:
18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على
قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر
"Until he reached near
حتى اذا بلغ
where the sun is up
he found it above
وجدها تطلع على
whom We
made no cover for them from it
لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر.
(The Noble Quran, 18:90)"
Noble Verse(s)
18:91 |
Thus it was.
And we had
full knowledge
of the forces that were with him.
Arabic (Read from right to
left. Also, all png image files: [1]
[2]. Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):
18:91 كذلك
وقد احطنا
بما لديه خبرا |
Prophet Muhammad
"did see"
(Quran 53.18)
Aurora Lights
covering the horizons above the earth from
space. Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the
farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and
it was", Allah Almighty
completed the "full
knowledge" regarding
Dhil-Qarnayn's mission. This
further supports the story below about
Dhil-Qarnayn's journey
to the farthest northern lands and people (The
sunsetless [4]
North Pole Quran-miracle). They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says. They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93). For example, can you read or say this:
"Va lahei arvegavinnuverkf rageymslusk rslyklakippuhringurinn" ?? This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly. The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly. The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands: The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth. The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

 Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns" Dhil = One who has. قرنين Qarnayn = two horns. Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn). Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.
Noble Verses
53:18 and 18:91
are also prophetically linked together;
that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين
saw. Also visit:
Aurora Lights Hadith
 Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين name: Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.  (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)
Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:
Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456) Visit also: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.
The Glorious Quran also speaks about
many earths
and not just earth.
- The Glorious Quran
predicts 11 planets in our
solar system [6]. In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31). The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors". The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book. It contains no scientific error. Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles: 1- The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).
Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. Stunning Prophecies [2] [3] 
This is also all demonstrated in good
details in the following
video file
and articles:
I used seven encyclopedic dictionaries:

This is a picture of the
seven encyclopedic dictionaries that I
used that thoroughly demonstrate the Noble Words that contain
the Scientific Miracles in them, and how they were used by the
Arabs of old before and after Islam. Ample quotations, sayings,
proverbs and examples quoted from these dictionaries at:
The Glorious Quran's
Perfect Preservation
despite all of the
odds and the many challenges to corrupt It. 7- Prophet Muhammad, and Divine Islam, and the New Covenant from Arabia were thoroughly prophesied in previous scriptures.
The Scientific Miracles
will show
them Our signs in the
THEIR SELVES, until it will become quite clear
to them that it is the truth.
Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all
things? (The
Noble Quran, 41:53)"
The Scientific
Miracles in the Noble Quran are GOD
Almighty's Divine
Click on the following numbers:
Geology, Earth's spherical
expansion, formation,
Mountains and Oceanology.
The Universe,
Time, Astronomy,
UFOs and Space Shuttles.
Embryology, Human
Anatomy, Formation, and Creation.
STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the
Glorious Quran.
With 1,000s of examples!
[4]. See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.
Medicine, Humans, Insects
and Animals.
Life, Origins of life from
water and dust in the
Noble Quran, Plants and their
Archeology and
Great Web Sites and Online
General articles.
Divine Promises
to reveal the Quran's Miracles.
Stunning Prophecies [2] [3] 
Audios and
The Earth's
rotation, formation, spherical expansion, Mountains and Oceanology:
Geology of the Earth, its
Shape, its Movement in Space, its
Atmosphere, and the Formation of
Detailed meanings of the Scientific
Words in the Scientific Verses in
the Holy Quran using Lisan
Al-Arab (The
Arabs' (of old) Tongue)
Dictionary and
other similar dictionaries.
Middle Nation
Allah Almighty made the Arabs a
"Middle Nation" (Quran
2:143). Noble Chapter
2 is
made of 286
Noble Verses. Noble Verse
143 is in the exact Middle of
286 (2 X 143 = 286).
The article
also contains a small clip from an atheist who tried to refute the Glorious Quran.
He ended up mathematically proving that the
center (golden ratio's
latitude and longitude perfect
point) of the entire earth is in the center of Arabia (276 kilometers east of Mecca)
The Numerical and Geographic Divine
Miracle is clear, especially that we
thousands of them
in the Glorious Quran. So this
is no mere coincidence:

The miracle of earth's creation in
great details in the Glorious Quran.
There are
many earths according
to the Glorious Quran.
Also Visit:
Was Adam 90 feet tall? Science
supports Islam's claims.
Mankind multiplied via cloning from
Adam, not incest [1]: Evidence
that Allah Almighty created the
People of Adam through
Cloning. (html backup). Another
STUNNING Scientific
Claim from Islam.
Cloning: Evidence
from the Quran that Allah Almighty
Created the 7 Heavens and all of
their Earths from Cloning.
See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:
The Miracle of the Plate Tectonics,
mountains' formation, and the
earth's Spherical Expansion.
(Detailed proofs demonstrating the
miracle of the Word/Notion "dahaha").

Glorious Quran
declares that the
earth is
Allah Almighty
in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:
- Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1]. - Is rotating around itself. - Is moving in space in
curvy orbits [2]. - Is in constant motion. - Is suspended in space. - Is
swimming in space. - Is traveling through the constantly
expanding universe [3].
- The
North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran
He saw the
Aurora Lights covering:Aurora Lights Hadith 
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the
aurora lights covering the
horizons of space above the earth when he
was taken up to Heaven:
Abdullah: "Regarding
the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad)
did see. Of
the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!”
(Quran 53.18)
That the Prophet had seen a green
carpet spread all over the
horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."
(Translation of Sahih
Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456) Visit also: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.
Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said
this about his journey to the farthest
northern lands and people:
18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على
قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر
"Until he reached near
حتى اذا بلغ
where the sun is up
he found it above
وجدها تطلع على
whom We
made no cover for them from it
لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر.
(The Noble Quran, 18:90)"
Noble Verse(s)
18:91 |
Thus it was.
And we had
full knowledge
of the forces that were with him.
Arabic (Read from right to
left. Also, all png image files: [1]
[2]. Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):
18:91 كذلك
وقد احطنا
بما لديه خبرا |
Prophet Muhammad
"did see"
(Quran 53.18)
Aurora Lights
covering the horizons above the earth from
space. Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the
farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and
it was", Allah Almighty
completed the "full
knowledge" regarding
Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.
further supports the story below about
Dhil-Qarnayn's journey
to the farthest northern lands and people (The
sunsetless [4]
North Pole Quran-miracle). They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says. They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93). For example, can you read or say this:
"Va lahei arvegavinnuverkf rageymslusk rslyklakippuhringurinn" ?? This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly. The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly. The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands: The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth. The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

 Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns" Dhil = One who has. قرنين Qarnayn = two horns. Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn). Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.
Noble Verses
53:18 and 18:91
are also prophetically linked together;
that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين
saw. Also visit:
Aurora Lights Hadith
 Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين name: Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.  (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)
Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:
Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456) Visit also: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.
The Glorious Quran also speaks about
many earths
and not just earth.
- The Glorious Quran
predicts 11 planets in our
solar system [6]. In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31). The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors". The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book. It contains no scientific error. Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles: 1- The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).
Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. Stunning Prophecies [2] [3] 
The Glorious Quran predicts
11 planets in our
solar system.
The Cosmic Web Miracle in the
Noble Quran is confirmed by Science!
Thorough definitions from the
Glorious Quran Itself about
Heaven, which is referred to in the
singular سماء Sama,
and Heavens is referred to in the
plural سموات Samawat,
and what's the difference between
The Miracle of Light and its
Speed in the Glorious Quran.
Heliocentric System.
Evidence from the Quran that Allah
Almighty Created the
7 Heavens and all of their Earth
from Cloning.
The sun rays that we see during the
day are magnified and glowed by our atmosphere layer والنهار اذا جلاها and are different from the dark ones سكرت ابصارنا
in space - mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Miracle of the
atmosphere/Day-Layer magnifying the
sun rays to make them glorious and
bright as we see them everyday.

Our atmosphere scatters sunlight and
glows it.
"magnifies and glorifies its brightness" (The Noble Quran,
Miracle of the
Rain, Thunder
and Electrical "fertilization" caused by winds
in the Noble Quran!
Man ascending (going up) to
of Oxygen and painful low pressure in space.
Science confirmed the Noble
Quran's Divine Claim.
The formation of
continents and spherical
expansion of earth in the Glorious Quran.
Noble Verse
[013:004] And
in the earth are neighbouring tracts وفي
الارض قطع متجاورات
and many others are discussed.
Continents formation and reducing
land from its sides (اطرافها)
in the Glorious Quran.
Was earth a planemo planet according
to the Glorious Quran?
("...come willingly or
Middle Nation
Allah Almighty made the Arabs a
"Middle Nation" (Quran
2:143). Noble Chapter
2 is
made of 286
Noble Verses. Noble Verse
143 is in the exact Middle of
286 (2 X 143 = 286).
The article
also contains a small clip from an atheist who tried to refute the Glorious Quran.
He ended up mathematically proving that the
center (golden ratio's
latitude and longitude perfect
point) of the entire earth is in the center of Arabia (276 kilometers east of Mecca)
The Numerical and Geographic Divine
Miracle is clear, especially that we
thousands of them
in the Glorious Quran. So this
is no mere coincidence:

End of Times
Volcanoes will be caused
by the
of the earth's crust
- Mentioned in the Glorious Quran
and confirmed by Science!
Earthquakes occur
before volcanoes, and the rising of earth's core's heavy metals during
earthquakes, mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by science!
Several EARLY imams said the earth
is spherical through Noble Verse
Medieval Imams
agreed that the earth is round using
the Noble Quran.
The Earth is like a Rocking Cradle
- Mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science!
Which was created first, the heaven
or the earth according to the Quran?
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
The following articles are also important regarding the sun and the moon orbits
in relation to our planet earth in the Glorious Quran:
The sun rays that we see during the
day are magnified and glowed by our atmosphere layer والنهار اذا جلاها and are different from the dark ones سكرت ابصارنا
in space - mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Miracle of the
atmosphere/Day-Layer magnifying the
sun rays to make them glorious and
bright as we see them everyday.

Our atmosphere scatters sunlight and
glows it.
"magnifies and glorifies its brightness" (The Noble Quran,
Great Videos from Dr. Zaghlool
The countless orbits in
the Universe, and the day-layer reveals the sun's brightness [2]
This video is about Noble Verses 32:5,
34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج and معارج.
The day revealing the sun's
lights and the moon's timing.
(Does Quran 36:40 imply Geocentrism?)
(Does the Quran Imply Geocentrism?)
The Glorious Quran makes it clear that the sun and moon swimming
in separate orbits. Allah Almighty also talked about them being used for our
reconning (mathematical calculation of determining time and direction). Allah
Almighty talked about them in relation to our earth and what services they
provide for us and our life and survival.
As to geocentrism, everything in the universe is the center of
the universe. You are the center of the universe. Any object can be used as
the center of the universe if everything has to be measured by how far they are
from that object. The following scientific video demonstrates this in details:
Also, Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:
- Spherical: "egg-shaped".
- Is rotating around itself.
- Is moving in space in curvy orbits.
- Is in constant motion.
- Is suspended in space.
- Is swimming in space.
- Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe.
And we thoroughly see the Glorious Quran being proven to be a
100% Divine Book from Allah Almighty through Its STUNNING Numerical
and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies:
The Moon is moving towards the Sun,
and the Earth is moving away from
the Sun, and the earth's direction
of rotation is changing -
Mentioned in the Noble Quran and
Confirmed by Science.
The expansion of the earth
mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science.
The Earth
(pressed and expanded), and the
Bulging Miracle
- Mentioned in the Glorious Quran
and confirmed by Science.
The bringing forth of the
earth's waters (oceans,
seas, lakes, rivers, etc...)
after the expansion of the
planet earth.
A new scientific
video, from a Western
scientist, confirms the
stunning Scientific Miracle
in Noble Verses
79:30-32 regarding
Allah Almighty bringing
forth the waters (oceans,
seas, lakes, rivers, etc...)
after He expanded the earth.
Scientists have proven that
our planet earth, indeed,
was at one point all
covered with land with
shallow and limited bodies
of water. The
vast bodies of water that we
have today, where water
today covers more than 70%
of the entire globe,
happened after the
expansion of the earth --
precisely as Allah
Almighty mentioned in the
Noble Quran. Scientists
have only recently confirmed

Comets of Ice mentioned in
the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science.
Miracle of the
Rain, Thunder
and Electrical "fertilization" caused by winds
in the Noble Quran!
Cycle, and Rain from the Fertilizing winds (AUDIO).
are kept in the air by the winds, mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Ozone
layer is a protective ceiling to earth,
PRECISELY mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science!
Also, Ozone Layer as Green Carpet
covered here.
Aurora Lights Hadith

Geological Miracle in
Noble Verses 30:2-5 (the place where the Romans were defeated).
The lost civilization of the people
of Ad and Thamud was discovered.
Motion of Earth in the
Noble Quran.
Noble Quran confirms that the
earth is rotating around its axle.
reduction of earth's size in both the Noble Quran and
Water on earth shall vanish
- mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science!
constant reduction of earth's size: The
earth used to be 200 times bigger!
Earth is round according to Islam.
on earth in the Noble Quran and Science!
Man ascending (going up) to
of Oxygen and painful low pressure in space.
Science confirmed the Noble
Quran's Divine Claim.
breathing cycle during the day on planet earth
by the plants, humans and animals - mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science!
The north and south poles, colonizing
Mars, and prayer
and fasting times.
The sunsetless North Pole miracle in
the Glorious Quran.
Dhul Qarnayn's story. Sunrise
and sunset.
and not
Dhil Qarnayn's journey is detailed
with scientific and geographical
maps that are more 1000 years old.
The sun never ceases nor
disappears [1]

(Play video file:
Space, and the Properties of Earth
Regarding the iron Miracle, please visit:
amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.
came from space, and the Noble Quran mentioned it.
was sent down
to earth from space (AUDIO).
There are
many earths
according to the Glorious Quran.
origins of the Universe, Big Bang theory, Cosmic Crunch, and the
of the SECOND
EARTH after the second Big Bang in the Noble Quran and
Science. Also, Dr.
Zaghlool's scientific explanation of the earth and heaven
coming to Allah Almighty "willingly
or unwillingly" and how each
celestial object behaves differently depending on its mass.
The Miracle of the Space Fabric
Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and confirmed by Science.
The 7
properties of earth in the Noble Quran and Science.
Read the first
section of the article.
to the "Heaven" and "Stars in the lower Heaven" in Noble Verses
and 65:12. Read the "Rebuttals" section in the article.
This was an attempt to refute the fact that Allah Almighty
Claimed that He Created 7 Ozone Layers as well as 7 different Heavens.
The formation of continents and spherical
expansion of earth in the Glorious Quran.
Noble Verse
[013:004] And
in the earth are neighbouring tracts وفي
الارض قطع متجاورات
and many others are discussed.
Continents formation and reducing land from its sides (اطرافها)
in the Glorious Quran.
The dead turning into Fossils
and Iron. The Noble Quran Claimed it, and Science today Confirmed it!
Iron is
beneficial to the vision and eyesight - Mentioned in the Glorious Quran
and confirmed by Science!
Other supporting articles:
This article shows the Mathematical Codes of Iron in the
Noble Quran and Science, and shows how Science confirmed Allah
Almighty's Divine Claim in Noble Verses 17:49-50
about the dead converting into rocks and iron.
In case the web site is down, you can
the article on my site.
More elaborations on Noble Verses 17:49-51.
In case the web site is down, you can access the article on my site.
Living Creatures were sent down from
space. Science confirms the Noble Quran's Claim.
the earth from swaying while rotating around its own axle.
prevent the earth from swaying
- The Noble Quran claimed
it and
Science confirmed it!
in the Noble Quran - See the
Scientific confirmation.
Evidence from the Quran that Allah
Almighty Created the
7 Heavens and all of their Earth
from Cloning.
Geology of the
its Shape, its
Movement in Space,
its Atmosphere, and the
Formation of Rain.

Miracle of separating the salty seas'
waters from each others (with barriers) - Mentioned in the Glorious
Quran and confirmed by Science.
and other
reputable sources that prove the Glorious Quran's Miracle.
in the Noble Quran - See the
Scientific confirmation. The barriers between
waters in both science and the Noble Quran.
The barriers between the
seas' waters.
Seas don't mix, and the
earth's orbit in the
Noble Quran.
Great Videos from Dr. Zaghlool
The countless orbits in
the Universe, and the day-layer reveals the sun's brightness [2]
This video is about Noble Verses 32:5,
34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج and معارج.
The day revealing the sun's
lights and the moon's timing.
Seas do not mingle according
to the Noble Quran.
Click to
watch video:

Atheist Richard Dawkins
refuted by Muslim girls on
Halocline Phenomenon and
Scientific Miracle
in the Noble Quran.
Click to watch video.
in a

Miracle of separating the salty seas'
waters from each others (with barriers) - Mentioned in the Glorious
Quran and confirmed by Science.
darkness of oceans and
disappearance of light was mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed
by Science.
Darkness in
the seas and internal waves in the Noble Quran,
confirmed by science.
Earth's gravity and the
various gravities of the
planets mentioned in
the Noble Quran and
confirmed by science.

He raised the
Heaven far above,
and set up the
(of gravities and all pull and push universal forces).
55:7 والسماء
رفعها ووضع
Source of Energy.
Signs and Powers
according to Islam:
according to Islam.
Is the Tale of the Army of the Elephants being
bombed/struck by the
Sijjeel (سجيل)
Stones by the Ababeel (أبابيل)
a mere fable or a True Historical Event, in the Glorious Quran?
See the new archeological
Was earth a
planemo planet according
to the Glorious Quran?
("...come willingly or
The Universe, Time,
Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles:
Detailed meanings of the Scientific
Words in the Scientific Verses in
the Holy Quran using Lisan
Al-Arab (The
Arabs' (of old) Tongue)
Dictionary and
other similar dictionaries:
The Cosmic Web Miracle in the
Noble Quran is confirmed by Science!
Thorough definitions from the
Glorious Quran Itself about
Heaven, which is referred to in the
singular سماء Sama,
and Heavens is referred to in the
plural سموات Samawat,
and what's the difference between

Also Visit:
Was Adam 90 feet tall? Science
supports Islam's claims.
Mankind multiplied via cloning from
Adam, not incest [1]: Evidence
that Allah Almighty created the
People of Adam through
Cloning. (html backup). Another
STUNNING Scientific
Claim from Islam.
Cloning: Evidence
from the Quran that Allah Almighty
Created the 7 Heavens and all of
their Earths from Cloning.
See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:
explosion of stars (Solar
are shaped like roses -
mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science. Countless pictures of
exploded stars that
like roses are provided in
the article.

Video: [1]
The Glorious Quran 44:10 -
"Expect the day when the heaven brings obvious smoke."
44:10 فارتقب يوم تاتي السماء بدخان مبين
When Heaven brings obvious smoke Quran-prophecy.
The following articles are also important regarding the sun and the moon orbits
in relation to our planet earth in the Glorious Quran:
The sun rays that we see during the
day are magnified and glowed by our atmosphere layer والنهار اذا جلاها and are different from the dark ones سكرت ابصارنا
in space - mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Miracle of the
atmosphere/Day-Layer magnifying the
sun rays to make them glorious and
bright as we see them everyday.

Our atmosphere scatters sunlight and
glows it.
"magnifies and glorifies its brightness" (The Noble Quran,
Great Videos from Dr. Zaghlool
The countless orbits in
the Universe, and the day-layer reveals the sun's brightness [2]
This video is about Noble Verses 32:5,
34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج and معارج.
The day revealing the sun's
lights and the moon's timing.
(Does Quran 36:40 imply Geocentrism?)
(Does the Quran Imply Geocentrism?)
The Glorious Quran makes it clear that the sun and moon swimming
in separate orbits. Allah Almighty also talked about them being used for our
reconning (mathematical calculation of determining time and direction). Allah
Almighty talked about them in relation to our earth and what services they
provide for us and our life and survival.
As to geocentrism, everything in the universe is the center of
the universe. You are the center of the universe. Any object can be used as
the center of the universe if everything has to be measured by how far they are
from that object. The following scientific video demonstrates this in details:
Also, Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:
- Spherical: "egg-shaped".
- Is rotating around itself.
- Is moving in space in curvy orbits.
- Is in constant motion.
- Is suspended in space.
- Is swimming in space.
- Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe.
And we thoroughly see the Glorious Quran being proven to be a
100% Divine Book from Allah Almighty through Its STUNNING Numerical
and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies:
What about the sun
(different from the "sun's orbit" or
"orbit of the sun" in other Noble
Verses) in Noble Verse
in orbits [2]

Great Videos from Dr. Zaghlool
The countless orbits in
the Universe, and the day-layer reveals the sun's brightness [2]
This video is about Noble Verses 32:5,
34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج and معارج.
The day revealing the sun's
lights and the moon's timing.
The sun never ceases nor
disappears [1]

(Play video file:
The Miracle of Light and its Speed
in the Glorious Quran.
Heliocentric System.
The miracle of earth's creation in
great details in the Glorious Quran.
There are
many earths according
to the Glorious Quran.
The Miracle of the Plate Tectonics,
mountains' formation, and the
earth's Spherical Expansion.
(Detailed proofs demonstrating the
miracle of the Word/Notion "dahaha").

Evidence from the Quran that Allah
Almighty Created the
7 Heavens and all of their Earth
from Cloning.
The sun rays that we see during the
day are magnified and glowed by our atmosphere layer والنهار اذا جلاها and are different from the dark ones سكرت ابصارنا
in space - mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Miracle of the
atmosphere/Day-Layer magnifying the
sun rays to make them glorious and
bright as we see them everyday.

Our atmosphere scatters sunlight and
glows it.
"magnifies and glorifies its brightness" (The Noble Quran,
Pulsars are Knocking and through their
Gamma-Rays and high spinning speeds are Penetrating -
Mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed
by Science!
Star's death mentioned in the Quran!
And confirmed by Science!
Shooting Stars (Shahab)
Quran Miracle is confirmed
by Science!
This is indeed one of the Glorious Quran's Top Stunning Miracles! The
Gamma Ray Bursts and Cosmic Jets affirm to the Truth of Noble Verse 67:5 and the other ample Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran,
that I provided in the article. Also, the Miracle of Copper in
Noble Verse
also thoroughly confirmed with 10s of pictures, references, quotations and
proofs from ample Scientific sources.
Precise mentioning of
"Black Holes"
by their name and
in the Noble Quran!
I used seven encyclopedic dictionaries:

309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word,
and 309 and 300
lunar-solar years
and word-count Miracle in
the Glorious Quran.
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
moon's S-shaped orbit
around earth is shaped
like a branch of a date tree, mentioned in the
Noble Quran and confirmed by Science!
Space Matters and
Energies, Wormholes and
Gateways in the Holy
Quran: [1]
Space isn't an empty
void or space according
to the Holy Quran: [1]
file about going up to space with space shuttles in the Noble Quran.
By Sheikh Yusuf Estes.
The Scientific Miracles
Prophecy in the Glorious
(includes space travel
Earth's orbit around the sun
is like a Cradle, as
the Noble Quran mentioned.
Seas don't mix, and the
earth's orbit in the
Noble Quran.
Was earth a
planemo planet according
to the Glorious Quran?
("...come willingly or
The fate of the moon in the Holy
Quran and science.
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
The Moon is moving towards the Sun,
and the Earth is moving away from
the Sun, and the earth's direction
of rotation is changing -
Mentioned in the Noble Quran and
Confirmed by Science.
The Glorious Quran predicts
11 planets in our
solar system.
The miracle of earth's creation in
great details in the Glorious Quran.
There are
many earths according
to the Glorious Quran.
The Miracle of the Plate Tectonics,
mountains' formation, and the
earth's Spherical Expansion.
(Detailed proofs demonstrating the
miracle of the Word/Notion "dahaha").

Glorious Quran
also declares that the
earth is
Allah Almighty
in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:
- Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1]. - Is rotating around itself. - Is moving in space in
curvy orbits [2]. - Is in constant motion. - Is suspended in space. - Is
swimming in space. - Is traveling through the constantly
expanding universe [3].
- The
North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran
At the top of
the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I
showed the video for that, and also quoted the
scientific sources for that. Also in the lands
near by, it almost never sets either, and I
quoted sources for that as well, and also showed
pictures of the "polar
night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.
 (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)
They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says. They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93). Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly. The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.
He saw the
Aurora Lights covering:Aurora Lights Hadith 
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the
aurora lights covering the
horizons of space above the earth when he
was taken up to Heaven:
Abdullah: "Regarding
the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad)
did see. Of
the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!”
(Quran 53.18)
That the Prophet had seen a green
carpet spread all over the
horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."
(Translation of Sahih
Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456) Visit also: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.
Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said
this about his journey to the farthest
northern lands and people:
18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على
قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر
"Until he reached near
حتى اذا بلغ
where the sun is up
he found it above
وجدها تطلع على
whom We
made no cover for them from it
لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر.
(The Noble Quran, 18:90)"
Noble Verse(s)
18:91 |
Thus it was.
And we had
full knowledge
of the forces that were with him.
Arabic (Read from right to
left. Also, all png image files: [1]
[2]. Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):
18:91 كذلك
وقد احطنا
بما لديه خبرا |
Prophet Muhammad
"did see"
(Quran 53.18)
Aurora Lights
covering the horizons above the earth from
space. Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the
farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and
it was", Allah Almighty
completed the "full
knowledge" regarding
Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.
further supports the story below about
Dhil-Qarnayn's journey
to the farthest northern lands and people (The
sunsetless [4]
North Pole Quran-miracle). They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says. They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93). For example, can you read or say this:
"Va lahei arvegavinnuverkf rageymslusk rslyklakippuhringurinn" ?? This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly. The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly. The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands: The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth. The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

 Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns" Dhil = One who has. قرنين Qarnayn = two horns. Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn). Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.
Noble Verses
53:18 and 18:91
are also prophetically linked together;
that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين
saw. Also visit:
Aurora Lights Hadith
 Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين name: Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.  (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)
Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:
Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456) Visit also: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.
The Glorious Quran also speaks about
many earths
and not just earth.
- The Glorious Quran
predicts 11 planets in our
solar system [6]. In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31). The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors". The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book. It contains no scientific error. Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles: 1- The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).
Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. Stunning Prophecies [2] [3] 
Is earth the center of the Universe
according to the Glorious Quran?
The sun rays that we see during the
day are magnified and glowed by our atmosphere layer والنهار اذا جلاها and are different from the dark ones سكرت ابصارنا
in space - mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Miracle of the
atmosphere/Day-Layer magnifying the
sun rays to make them glorious and
bright as we see them everyday.

Our atmosphere scatters sunlight and
glows it.
"magnifies and glorifies its brightness" (The Noble Quran,
The skinning of the day from the night
The Glorious
Quran precisely predicts that our sun
will turn into a "White Dwarf" dimmed star, and Science has confirmed
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th
Word, and 309 and 300
lunar-solar years and word-count Miracle in the Glorious Quran.
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
The Lunar Calendar
(moon calendar) is the most accurate calendar - mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by
Science. Also the precise calculation of difference between the Gregorian and
Lunar calendars is demonstrated in the Noble Quran.
Moon is mentioned 28 times, exactly
as the number of days it appears per
month, in the Noble Quran!
Prophet Muhammad really split the moon according to the Glorious Quran and
Hadiths? Noble Verse 17:59 says no he
didn't. I added ample new proofs and a
detailed video demonstrating from both the Glorious Quran and the
Hadiths that:
- The moon wasn't split during Prophet
Muhammad's days according to the Quran Itself. A detailed rebuttal
from the Glorious Quran Itself by the Engineer Mr. Adnan Al Refaei [1]
المهندس عدنان الرفاعي
is included
in the video file.

- The
pagans dismissed the
Solar Eclipse Miracle as a magic by the Prophet.
- NASA has confirmed and proven that a
solar eclipse did indeed occur during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him.

The moon's crack in the Noble
Quran, and its appearance to
split through a Solar Eclipse.
Did Noble Verse 54:1 come from
Imru'u Al-Qays' (امرئ
cracking of the moon mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by
of the moon's fault line and ancient moonquakes
(earthquakes) that cracked it.
Swimming in Space by the
Gravitational Waves -
Mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science!
Scientific Evidence about earth did turn:
New Scientific Evidence
from physicist, Dr. Paul LaViolette
and other scientists about the
earth possibly did
turn upside down before, which
caused it to rotate backwards, and caused the
sun to rise from the West and set in the
East, is given below.
Please visit:
The sun will rise from the West Islamic End of Time Prophecy. |
Was earth a planemo planet according
to the Glorious Quran?
("...come willingly or
Pulsars are Knocking and through their
Gamma-Rays and high spinning speeds are Penetrating - Mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed
by Science!
Pulsars in the Noble
Black Holes and Piercing
Stars in the Noble Quran
were confirmed by
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
Prophecy about humans
traveling up to space in the Noble Quran (VIDEO).
By Sheikh Yusuf Estes.
The Scientific Miracles Prophecy in
the Glorious Quran.
(includes space travel Prophecy)
Man ascending (going up) to space:
of Oxygen and painful low pressure in space.
Science confirmed the Noble
Quran's Divine Claim.
prediction of the SUN
sinking into a black hole in Noble Verses 36:38
and 81:1!
What does the Holy Quran say about
black holes?
Noble Quran states that
the light of the moon is reflected light.
Miracle of the
Rain, Thunder
and Electrical "fertilization" caused by winds
in the Noble Quran!
Cycle, and Rain from the Fertilizing winds (AUDIO).
Water on earth shall vanish
- mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science!
Comets of Ice mentioned in
the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science.
Pressed/squeezed Clouds (المعصرات)
Miracle in the Glorious Quran.
The Miracle of the Sky's Cycles in
our Atmosphere -
Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and
Confirmed by Science!
are kept in the air by the winds, mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Ozone
layer is a protective ceiling to earth,
PRECISELY mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science!
Also, Ozone Layer as Green Carpet
covered here.
Aurora Lights Hadith

Our protective sky will
eventually "release" its gases into
The Ozone layer
is able to heal itself from damage - mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by science!
Ozone layer is raised to balance air pressure and temperature
- mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by science!
The Miracle of the Sky's Cycles in
our Atmosphere -
Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and
Confirmed by Science!
Evidence from the Quran that Allah
Almighty Created the
7 Heavens and all of their Earth
from Cloning.
The miracle of earth's creation in
great details in the Glorious Quran.
There are
many earths according
to the Glorious Quran.
The Miracle of the Plate Tectonics,
mountains' formation, and the
earth's Spherical Expansion.
(Detailed proofs demonstrating the
miracle of the Word/Notion "dahaha").

Some Scientists claim that the
Universe consists of 7 Layers and 7
This video was sent to me by brother
was sent down
to earth from space (AUDIO).
fine tuning of the Universe.
Atmospheric Layers in the Noble Quran confirmed by Science!
Creatures were sent down
from space. Science confirms the Noble Quran's Claim.
The Miracle of Light and its
Speed in the Glorious Quran.
Speed of Light in the
Noble Quran - A superb article by a Muslim Mathematician!
and the Speed
of Light precisely calculated and mentioned in the Noble
Speed of Light detailed article.
Man ascending (going up) to space:
of Oxygen and painful low pressure in space.
Science confirmed the Noble
Quran's Divine Claim.
Noble Quran and Astronomers
both claim that the Universe is 18 billion
years old.
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
Is it possible for the sun to rise from
the West and for the sun to swallow the moon?
Islam makes this
prediction! New Scientific evidences in text and
video, from Western scientific sources, about the planet Earth will turn upside
down, - as it already did turn and modify its rotation before during the ice age and before, -
which will cause for the Sun to rise from the West, was added.
Scientific Evidence about earth did turn:
New Scientific Evidence
from physicist, Dr. Paul LaViolette
and other scientists about the
earth possibly did
turn upside down before, which
caused it to rotate backwards, and caused the
sun to rise from the West and set in the
East, is given below.
Please visit:
The sun will rise from the West Islamic End of Time Prophecy. |
Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch
in the Noble Quran.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon
him predicted around the time when the Cosmic Crunch occurs, the Sun
would rise from the
Which was created first, the heaven
or the earth according to the Quran?
There are
many earths according
to the Glorious Quran.
The Miracle of the Space Fabric
Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and confirmed by Science.
origins of the Universe, Big Bang theory, Cosmic Crunch, and the
of the SECOND
EARTH after the second Big Bang in the Noble Quran and
Science. Also, Dr.
Zaghlool's scientific explanation of the earth and heaven
coming to Allah Almighty "willingly
or unwillingly" and how each
celestial object behaves differently depending on its mass.
[014:048] The
day will come when this
earth will be substituted with a new DIFFERENT غير earth,
and also the heavens, and
everyone will be brought before
GOD, the One, the Supreme.
14:48 يوم
تبدل الارض غير الارض والسماوات
وبرزوا لله الواحد القهار
For ample more, visit:
The Miracle of Earth and Iron in
the Glorious Quran.
Noble Quran on the Origin of the
Universe. This
article has pictures and quotes from
Western scientific books that accurately confirm the astronomical
claims of the Noble
Quran. The Noble Quran was the only book that claimed that
the universe originated
from Hot Gas or Smoke. Science proved that this claim is
explosion of stars (Solar
are shaped like roses -
mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science. Countless pictures of
exploded stars that
like roses are provided in
the article.
"When the sky
disintegrates, and turns
rose colored like paint
(وردة كالدهان)."
(The Noble Quran,

As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day. NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode). It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.
The Miracle of
Generation of
from the Explosions of Galaxies'
Stars in
- Mentioned in the Holy Quran and
confirmed by Science.

Video: [1]
The Glorious Quran 44:10 -
"Expect the day when the heaven brings obvious smoke."
44:10 فارتقب يوم تاتي السماء بدخان مبين
When Heaven brings obvious smoke Quran-prophecy.
between Allah
Almighty's claims about His
Creation, and the scientific discoveries that 100% agree with Him.
Claims such
as: The universe is expanding, the existence of the sun's
orbit, the protective
atmosphere to the earth, Embryology and many more.
Great Videos from Dr. Zaghlool
The countless orbits in
the Universe, and the day-layer reveals the sun's brightness [2]
This video is about Noble Verses 32:5,
34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج and معارج.
The day revealing the sun's
lights and the moon's timing.
Universe is "expanding" according to the Noble
Quran. Scientists already proved
this claim to be true.
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
The north and south poles, colonizing
Mars, and prayer
and fasting times.
"Clot" and the Creation of the
Universe in
the Noble Quran.
there mention of U.F.Os or other Human Planets in the Noble Quran?
does the sun orbit?
time relativity
in the Noble Quran.
Relativity in the Noble Quran.
The Lunar Calendar
(moon calendar) is the most accurate calendar - mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by
Science. Also the precise calculation of difference between the Gregorian and
Lunar calendars is demonstrated in the Noble Quran.
and the Speed
of Light precisely calculated and mentioned in the Noble
Speed of Light detailed
The Miracle of Light
and its Speed in the
Glorious Quran.
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
and Space Shuttles were explicitly
mentioned in the Noble Quran! Even the
communication with UFOs was prophesied in the Noble Quran.
and UFOs in
the Noble Quran.
Earth's gravity and the
various gravities of the
planets mentioned in
the Noble Quran and
confirmed by science.

He raised the
Heaven far above,
and set up the
(of gravities and all pull and push universal forces).
55:7 والسماء
رفعها ووضع
Is it
scientifically possible for the Hour
to come in an instant, as Allah
Almighty Claimed in the Noble Quran?
Embryology, Human
Anatomy, Formation and Creation from the time of sexual intercourse to
the time of birth:
Embryology of animals and humans.
Detailed meanings of the Scientific
Words in the Scientific Verses in
the Holy Quran using Lisan
Al-Arab (The
Arabs' (of old) Tongue)
Dictionary and
other similar dictionaries.
The Scientific Miracles
Sex determination and
human creation in Islam.
Noble Verses 86:6-7
are discussed here about man created
from between the Ribs and the Back
Bone. Science has confirmed
that. Allah Almighty and Prophet
Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's
ejaculated semen. Also, refutation to the anti-Islamics' lie about sperm and semen generation in the
Holy Quran.
What forms in the embryo first, the
muscles or the bones? Sex is determined by the
male's sperm is mentioned
in the Glorious Quran.
Why does Islam allow for cousins to
cloning, human-cloning, and
gender alteration prophesied in
Alteration of Creation
Prophecy in Quran:
The somatic cells from the ears are the most
preferred ones to make cloning:
cells from ear clippings
will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable." (Source,
pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article)). Notice the two
phases of satan's future temptation to mankind. Notice ولامرنهم (and I will command them) is mentioned twice for two different phases:
Noble Verse(s) 4:119 |
Arabic (Read from right to left. Also, all png image files: [1]
[2]. Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):
4:119 ولاضلنهم
ولامنينهم ولامرنهم فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق الله ومن
يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا
[004:119] and will lead them astray, and will stir desires within them,
and will command them and they shall cut the ears of animals (phase 1:
Dolly the sheep and cloning research); and I will further command
them, and they shall alter
the creation of God (phase 2: Cloning industry, LGBTQ, transgenders, Woke, gender
alteration, they-them, he-she, she-he, Ze/Zir, Xe/Xem, Sie/Hir, They/Them, (any animal)/human, (any it)/human, etc...)." He who taketh Satan
rather than God for his patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:
Cloning began with the
of animals' ears:
Satan's big battle with GOD Almighty is to cause so much evil, among them is to
the cattle's ears and to then further command them to alter the creation of Allah" (4:119),
i.e., cloning (as this is
how it began today)
Transgenders also began after
Dolly the sheep's
cloning. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) are covered
below in this
Today they're even researching making males get pregnant, or at least plant
fertilized female eggs inside them and grow the fetuses into babies.
The alteration of Allah
Almighty's creations indeed began with the cutting of the animals' ears and
extracting the necessary somatic cells from them.
Dolly the sheep was the first creation to ever be cloned:
was a female domestic sheep, and the
first mammal cloned
from an adult somatic cell,
using the process of nuclear transfer."
cells from ear clippings
will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable." (Source,
pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article))
Ample more quotes are below
in this
article. In the
file, we read:

Evidence that Allah
Almighty created the
People of Adam through
Cloning in
the Glorious Quran.
backup). Cloning is mentioned in
multiple places in the
Glorious Quran [1],
and is
one of the End of Times
Prophecies as
well. Cloning is
definitely NOT a foreign
concept in the Glorious
The Overwhelming
Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.
Quran's and Islam's Amazing Prophecies.
Allah Almighty quoted satan telling Him, the
Almighty, in the Glorious Quran the
ولاضلنهم ولامنينهم ولامرنهم
فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق
الله ومن يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا
[004:119] and (1) will
lead them astray ولاضلنهم, and (2) will
stir desires within them ولامنينهم, and (3) will
command them ولامرنهم and (4) they
shall cut the ears of animals فليبتكن
اذان الانعام; and (5) I
will command them ولامرنهم to
alter the creation of God فليغيرن
خلق الله ."
He who taketh Satan rather than God for his
patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:
Satan will:
1- Lead astray.
2- Stir desires.
3- Will command the evil ones.
4- They will cut the animals' ears.
5- Then proceed to alter the creation of GOD Almighty.
Notice the fifth "and":
(5) and I
will command them ولامرنهم to
alter the creation of God فليغيرن
خلق الله ."
Praised Incest:
Bibles praise fornications in
incest-like descriptions.
The brothers, little sister and mother sexing,
and the vaginas taste like "wine", and a praise for group incest rape in
the gospel of LGBTQ, Woke and porn:

Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1] (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed). See also the 39+ members of trinity. Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
Also Visit:
Was Adam 90 feet tall?
Science supports
Islam's claims.
Mankind multiplied via cloning from Adam,
not incest:
Evidence that Allah Almighty created the People of Adam
through Cloning.
backup). Another STUNNING
Scientific Claim from Islam.
Earth Cloning:
Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of
their Earths from
See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

Sex determination and
human creation in Islam.
What forms in the embryo first, the
muscles or the bones? Sex is determined by the
male's sperm is mentioned in the Glorious Quran.
The Male Sperm
the Sex of the Fetus:
The Glorious Quran says that
the male-sperm:
1. Is a piercing one.
2. It also determines the
And that HE creates the pairs, male
and female,
From a sperm drop when it that is emitted and
is penetrating تمنى;
53:45 وانه خلق الزوجين الذكر والانثى
53:46 من نطفة اذا تمنى
Was he not a drop of fluid, emitted forth (and is penetrating) يمنى ?
The he became a clot, then ALLAH gave him
shape and perfected him.
Then HE made of him a pair; the
male and female.
75:37 الم يك نطفة من مني يمنى
75:38 ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوى
75:39 فجعل منه الزوجين الذكر والانثى
Pay attention to the
definitions of تمنى
and يمنى.
Both are the same word. And notice how Allah Almighty said He created THE
He could've just said Mankind. But no, here Allah Almighty specified both
genders. And تمنى
يمنى is
used for:
2- Cutting through.
3- Piercing.
They even use the word for
farmers when they insert their arms
inside the cows' anus and
to help them with constipation and to artificially deposit semen for inseminate; for fertilization. The Arabs also
use it for stabbing and cutting with a blade! We know that the male sperm
is a piercing one. I even provided the pictures in the article.
This is why I find it
STUNNINGLY amazing that Allah Almighty said in the same Noble Verses that He
created THE
He didn't just say He created man as He did in many other Noble Verses.
Here He specified the genders.
Also pay attention regarding
Allah Almighty's uses of خلقنا
جعلنا .
Please visit: [2]
What forms in the embryo
first, the
muscles or the
(Sex is determined
by the male's sperm is mentioned explicitly in the Glorious Quran!)
Summary about Embryology in the Glorious Quran: [1]
- Man is created from the
purest and the best sperm (سلالة)
that is also
with ease (سل
And in another Noble Verse, sperm (نطفة)
is said to be a
piercing and penetrating one
(to pierce)),
which is
exactly how the male's sperm enters the female's egg - through piercing
through it.
The sperm (نطفة)
is injected into (في)
a secure and firm base (قرار
Read the following table:
- The sperm develops into a leech-like (علقة)
- Then the leech-like substance develops into a chewed-like (مضغة)
- Then from the chew-like substance bones (عظام)
are created.
- Then the muscles (لحم)
wrap around the bones.
- The fetus goes through "three Veils of darkness and Stages"
development. Science just confirmed it recently, and the Glorious
Quran mentioned it 1,500 years ago.

See also:
Sex determination and human creation in Islam.
Noble Verses 86:6-7 are discussed here about
man created from between the Ribs and the Back Bone. Science has
confirmed that.
Allah Almighty and Prophet
Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's
ejaculated semen. Also, refutation to the anti-Islamics' lie about
sperm and semen generation in the
Holy Quran.
The human DNA being 99% the same,
and the
DNA of the
pigs and monkeys being very
close ours are directly supported in
the Noble Quran.
Is it possible to
cross-breed (hybridize)
humans with chimps?

to play clip)
Humans and the Great Apes do
Self-Recognize in the
mirror while other animals do
A Youtube video.
Man is created from a "Speeding
and Struggling Sperm" - Mentioned in the
Glorious Quran and confirmed by
Sulalah in Arabic also means
"long fish," which
perfectly fits the description of
the male-sperm!
Man is created from only a single drop from
the entire SEMEN -
precisely mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by science!
Noble Quran on Human
Embryonic Development.
in the Noble Quran.
The three
stages of the fetus formation in the Noble
Quran and Science.
The Thyroid Gland (the "bird-shaped
gland inside the neck")
is precisely mentioned in the
Glorious Quran and is confirmed by
Muslim response to criticism of Embryology in the Noble
Quran. By Nadeem Arif Najmi.
in Islam is a crime after the first 120 days!
The fetus is a human
child in Islam.
Sex Determination Miracle in
The fetus is determined to be alive
after 120 days, as the Prophet of
Islam Said.
The Coccyx Miracle in Islam and
Mosquitoes and Humans both have the same amount of sensory hearing cells
- Supported in the Noble Quran and Confirmed by Science!
The formation
of milk from blood and FARTH (dissolved or digested food's material),
mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science!
circulation and the production of milk in the Breast: In the Noble
Quran and Science.
Contradiction in number of months for
pregnancy, gestation, breast feeding and weaning in the Quran? No
It's up to the father of the baby !
for 2 years in the Noble Quran. Science had confirmed Islam's
Divine Claims.
The Miracle of the Heart and
its Thinking
and Processing Capability
- Mentioned in the Glorious Quran
and confirmed by Science.
The Brain and Heart Miracle in the
Noble Quran Confirmed by Science.
Thinking With The Heart Besides The
Brain (PART TWO).
on the stomach is detested in Islam. See how
Science proved that sleeping on your stomach hurts your back, and is
also life-threatening for infants.
Peeing while sitting down benefits.
The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum:
is generated from the person's forehead.
What does the Glorious Quran say
and about
taking credit and recognition
for what you do not deserve?

The following article was taken from:
The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum:
is generated from the person's forehead.
What does the
Glorious Quran say about
lying and about taking credit and recognition for what you do
not deserve?
Lying and deception are generated from
the forehead:
Noble Verse(s) 96:15-96:16 |
[096:015] Nay! if he desist not,
We would will
certainly smite
his forehead,
A lying, sinful
[096:015] Kalla la-in lam yantahi
lanasfaAAan bialnnasiyati
Nasiyatin kathibatin khati-atin
Arabic (from right to left):
كلا لئن لم ينته
ناصية كاذبة خاطئة
According to
1. Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book
8, Page 750.
2. Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1229.
3. Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page 927.
4. Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section
[4], Page 1152.
5. Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr
dictionary [6], Page .
الناصية (al-naasiyah):
قال الفراء في قوله
تعالي" لنسفعن بالناصيه" ناصيته مقدمه راسه
The Furaa' said that in Allah Almighty's Noble Verse
" لنسفعن بالناصيه"
(we will certainly smite his forehead),
HIS NAASIYAH is the forehead.
قال الازهري: الناصيه عند
العرب منبت الشعر في مقدمه الراس
The Azhari said: THE NAASIYAH
to the Arabs
(of old) is the
place where the hair grows on the beginning of the head
(i.e., the forehead).

Figure 12:
Functional regions of the left hemisphere of the cerebral
cortex. The prefrontal area is located at the front of the
cortex. (Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and
others, p. 210.)
The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the
Noble Quran, which had
been Scientifically and
Psychologically proven to be True.
See why Allah Almighty is more
forgiving to those who are under the
age of 40, and how Science and
Psychology proved that people under
40 are less mature and tend to make
more irresponsible decisions (i.e.,
mistakes and sins).
One main reason is that the brain's "Frontal
Cortex", which is also called "The
Voice of Reason", develops last. The brain
takes a very long time to develop
which is a protective natural insulation that the body
builds for its cells. The brain not only doesn't
complete developing Myelin for its cells until the late
20s or
even past 30s,
but it develops Myelin for the Frontal Cortex last!
This is where people might appear to be physically built and
mature, while their brains are still underdeveloped:

to play video)
This video demonstrates the
Wisdom that is developed from the Frontal Cortex.
Allah Almighty spoke about the
Cortex function in the Glorious Quran.
Indeed, the ones who have developed Wisdom but still
deceive and
do evil are going to be punished severely.
Why did the Quran describe the front of the
head as being lying and sinful? Why didn’t the Quran say that
the person was lying and sinful? What is the relationship
between the front of the head and lying and sinfulness?
If we look into the skull at the front of the
head, we will find the
prefrontal area of the cerebrum (see figure 12).
What does physiology tell us about the function of this area? A
book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
says about this area, “The motivation
and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in
the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area.
This is a region of association cortex...” [1] Also the
book says, “In relation to its involvement
in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the
functional center for
So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible
for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful
behavior and is responsible for the telling of lies and the
speaking of truth. Thus, it is proper to describe the front of
the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin,
as the Quran has said, “...A lying, sinful naseyah
(front of the head)!”
Scientists have only discovered these
functions of the prefrontal area in the last sixty years,
according to Professor Keith L. Moore. [3]
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p.
211. Also see The Human Nervous System, Noback and
others, pp. 410-411.
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p.
(3) Al-E’jaz
al-Elmy fee al-Naseyah (The Scientific Miracles in the Front of
the Head), Moore and others, p. 41.
region in the brain
that controls our movements - In Noble Quran and confirmed by Science.
to Sam Shamoun on Semen Production in the Noble
does the Noble Quran,
while speaking about determination of the identity of the individual,
speak specifically
about fingertips?
The Noble Quran recognized that
finger tips (finger prints) are unique!
Finger prints
are unique - mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by science.
The whitening of the eye from sorrow
is mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science!
Iron is beneficial to the vision
and eyesight - Mentioned in the
Glorious Quran and confirmed by
What does it mean Created From
Was Adam 90 feet tall?
See how
and it
it kept

Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty
created the People (Children) of Adam
through Cloning.
backup). Another STUNNING Scientific Claim from Islam.
Mankind did not reproduce from Adam
and Eve's offsprings through incest.
Allah Almighty spoke about greatly
multiplying mankind's numbers
through cloning from Adam.
human body is made up of
360 joints.
See the different types mentioned in the Hadiths and Science.
* Science:
GENETICALLY, women are less interested in math, problem
solving and engineering than men.

to play video)
physiologically speaking, men are not smarter than women, but
genetically speaking, it's been scientifically proven that
women have LESSER
INTEREST than men in mathematics, problem solving and
Also, women in primitive societies were much more involved in
raising children, cooking, milking, harvesting, and taking care of
the family. Men were primarily more involved in
trading, commerce,
financial transactions, defense and all of the other
physical jobs, such as metal smith, harvesting, carpentry, and other
Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:
"O ye who believe! When ye deal with
each other, in
transactions involving future obligations in a fixed
period of time, reduce them to writing; let a scribe write down
faithfully as between the parties: let not the scribe refuse to
write: as God Has taught him, so let him write. Let him who incurs
the liability dictate, but let him fear His Lord God, and not
diminish aught of what he owes. If they party liable is mentally
deficient, or weak, or unable Himself to dictate, let his guardian
dictate faithfully, and get two witnesses, out of your own men, and
if there are not two men, then
a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses,
so that if one of them errs,
the other can remind her...."
(The Noble Quran, 2:282)
Does Science support the Quran's Claim?
These videos demonstrate the
Scientific Proofs for these claims from renowned
Biologist Dr. Lewis Wolpert and others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust)...
Related Articles:
between men and women in the Noble Quran by Dr. Tariq Al Swaidan.
Men and Women in Islam: Equal or Equally Balanced?
Is there equality between men and women in Islam?
"Two women equal to one man in Islam" is a lie.
Why Two Women Witnesses?
* Are women deficient in intelligence and religion?
Answer, No!
inheritance laws in Islam.
Women have no Inheritance in Islam?
Women's Rights in Islam.
* The
Bible does not prefer for women to be born, but Islam does.
The true meaning (tafsir) of the 'Daraja/degree' men have above women (Quran 2:228).
For ample more articles,
Women in Islam and the Bible section.
The STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the
Glorious Quran:
The Scientific Miracles
100% guarantee that the Quran is
from GOD Almighty.
1,000s of examples
zip &
files all demonstrated in this
See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse:

Allah Almighty Said that the Number 19 Sign is "One of the Greatest Miracles" (74:35)in the Noble Quran. This Miracle is thoroughly examined throughout this TV Program:
 Episodes of Program in Video: [10] [11]
100% guarantee that the Quran is
from GOD Almighty.
1,000s of examples
zip &
PDF (fonts)
files all demonstrated in this
Odd and Even Numerical
Miracle in the Holy Quran.
Divine Miracle! The Glorious Quran has 114 Chapters. The sum of those
Chapters is 6555 (1+2+...+114 = 6555). There are also
Noble Verses in the Glorious
CHAPTER # with the number of
its Verses, then you get a
list of numbers. So 1 (first
Chapter) + 7 (# of its
Verses) = 8. Do this for all
The sum of the odd
numbers from the list =
The sum of the even
numbers from the list =
See the
XLS file for 100% confirmation.
What does the Quran say about Scientific Research, Libraries,
Universities and
Documenting Knowledge of all fields (history, geography, science, math,
religion, archeology, etc...)? Is learning only limited to learning the
Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) only?
Message's root (ر س ل) and the
Messengers' actual names both occur exactly
513 times, each, throughout the
Glorious Quran's Verses.
The root for message and all of its
derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs
times throughout the Glorious Quran. The
Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names
(Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned
513 times
in the Glorious Quran. The detailed
breakdown of all of this is thoroughly
listed here.
of examples! [1]. (zip file).
Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. Stunning Prophecies [2] [3] 
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and 309 and
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious Quran.
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
Middle Nation
Allah Almighty made the Arabs a
"Middle Nation" (Quran
2:143). Noble Chapter
2 is
made of 286
Noble Verses. Noble Verse
143 is in the exact Middle of
286 (2 X 143 = 286).
The article
also contains a small clip from an atheist who tried to refute the Glorious Quran.
He ended up mathematically proving that the
center (golden ratio's
latitude and longitude perfect
point) of the entire earth is in the center of Arabia (276 kilometers east of Mecca)
The Numerical and Geographic Divine
Miracle is clear, especially that we
thousands of them
in the Glorious Quran. So this
is no mere coincidence:

Surat Al-Kawthar Number 10 Numerical
Jesus' (Isa) titles in the Quran are
33 Noble Verses, and
his age was also
33 years when he
departed earth.
The Miracle of Light and its Speed
in the Glorious Quran.
Numerical Miracles in
the Holy Quran.
Detailed meanings of the Scientific
Words in the Scientific Verses in
the Holy Quran using Lisan
Al-Arab (The
Arabs' (of old) Tongue) Dictionary and
other similar dictionaries.
on this site's Blog. He
has tons of discovered Numerical
patterns and Miracles in the
Glorious Quran.
Numerical miracle in the Quran
testable evidence:
facebook page.
Miracle of the number 19 in the Noble Quran.
This is
Fakir60's former website's material.
The number 19 is miraculous in the Noble Quran and was proven to be
essential in many of
the Scientific Theories and Discoveries.
Dr. Zaghloul Al-najjar has
proven the
Speed of Light in the
Glorious Quran:
and the Speed
of Light precisely calculated and mentioned in the Noble
Speed of Light detailed
The Miracle of Light and
its Speed in the
Glorious Quran.
Surat Al-Qadr's Numerical Miracle.
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
Moon is mentioned 28 times in
the Noble Quran, exactly as the
number of times and phases it
appears to earth!
The Lunar Calendar
calendar) is the most accurate calendar - mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by
Science. Also the precise calculation of difference between the Gregorian and
Lunar calendars is demonstrated in the Noble Quran.
365 times, and
12 times in the Glorious Quran!
I personally counted them and
listed them in this article!
Adam and Jesus have the same
occurrences in the Noble Quran.
What does the
Quran say about John 1:1? How was Jesus created and how did he come to
Includes a Scientific Miracle.
The following articles are also important regarding the sun and the moon orbits
in relation to our planet earth in the Glorious Quran:
The sun rays that we see during the
day are magnified and glowed by our atmosphere layer والنهار اذا جلاها and are different from the dark ones سكرت ابصارنا
in space - mentioned in the Noble
Quran and confirmed by Science!
The Miracle of the
atmosphere/Day-Layer magnifying the
sun rays to make them glorious and
bright as we see them everyday.

Our atmosphere scatters sunlight and
glows it.
"magnifies and glorifies its brightness" (The Noble Quran,
Great Videos from Dr. Zaghlool
The countless orbits in
the Universe, and the day-layer reveals the sun's brightness [2]
This video is about Noble Verses 32:5,
34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج and معارج.
The day revealing the sun's
lights and the moon's timing.
(Does Quran 36:40 imply Geocentrism?)
(Does the Quran Imply Geocentrism?)
The Glorious Quran makes it clear that the sun and moon swimming
in separate orbits. Allah Almighty also talked about them being used for our
reconning (mathematical calculation of determining time and direction). Allah
Almighty talked about them in relation to our earth and what services they
provide for us and our life and survival.
As to geocentrism, everything in the universe is the center of
the universe. You are the center of the universe. Any object can be used as
the center of the universe if everything has to be measured by how far they are
from that object. The following scientific video demonstrates this in details:
Also, Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:
- Spherical: "egg-shaped".
- Is rotating around itself.
- Is moving in space in curvy orbits.
- Is in constant motion.
- Is suspended in space.
- Is swimming in space.
- Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe.
And we thoroughly see the Glorious Quran being proven to be a
100% Divine Book from Allah Almighty through Its STUNNING Numerical
and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies:
Iron's atomic number is
perfectly mentioned in the Holy
The land-sea ratio Miracle -
Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and
confirmed by Science!
I personally calculated the
occurrences of the Words in the
Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran.
The Glorious Quran predicts
11 planets in our
solar system.
human body is made up of
360 joints.
See the different types mentioned in the Hadiths and Science.
Was Adam 90 feet tall?
See how
and it
it kept

Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty
created the People (Children) of Adam
through Cloning.
backup). Another STUNNING Scientific Claim from Islam.
Mankind did not reproduce from Adam
and Eve's offsprings through incest.
Allah Almighty spoke about greatly
multiplying mankind's numbers
through cloning from Adam.
How can the Jews and Christians
know FOR SURE that the Quran is
from GOD? Is there anything
from the Quran that guarantees this?
100% guarantee that the Quran is
from GOD Almighty.
Spherical Geometry, the
number 19 Miracle, the Inner-Nature
of the Planets' System, and the
Universe's function.
The Glorious
Quran Says that Number 19 is
الكبر "One of the Great Ones (i.e.,
(Numerical Codes in the Quran)
The above
PDF files
can also be
from this
site at:
Adnan Al-Refaei on the Miracle of
the number 19 in the Glorious Quran.
Arabic Video.
Adnan Al-Refaei "The Great
Miracle" Book on the Numerical
Miracles of the Glorious Quran.
653 pages in Arabic (if
you see gibberish, then install these
fonts & instruction. My Sony Vaio laptop didn't require
them. My other older computers did. The fonts on my Sony Vaio also
seem a bit better than these ones.
So please only install them if
you see gibberish).

1000s of Numerical Miracles in Quran
Brother Adnan's books in PDF:
Also Visit:
Was Adam 90 feet tall? Science
supports Islam's claims.
Mankind multiplied via cloning from
Adam, not incest [1]: Evidence
that Allah Almighty created the
People of Adam through
Cloning. (html backup). Another
STUNNING Scientific
Claim from Islam.
Cloning: Evidence
from the Quran that Allah Almighty
Created the 7 Heavens and all of
their Earths from Cloning.
See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:
5- Medicine,
Humans, Insects and Other Animals:
This section is mixed with articles
that deal with Islam's Miracles in
Medicine, Humans' DNA, Healing,
insects and animals.
Embryology of animals and humans.
Detailed meanings of the Scientific
Words in the Scientific Verses in
the Holy Quran using Lisan
Al-Arab (The
Arabs' (of old) Tongue)
Dictionary and
other similar dictionaries.
The Scientific Miracles
of 10,000 steps in Islam.
Top medical institutes also
recommend it. It's
equivalent to 1 1/2 hours of
walking everyday. It
is the top cure for
Type 2 Diabetes and
The gradual prohibition of
alcohol, in the Quran, is
fully supported by science.
formation of milk from blood and FARTH (dissolved or digested food's
material) - mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by
Animals' urine and it's relationship
to medicine in Islam.
Urine as Medicine [1].
Prophet Muhammad's saying was proven
to be correct.
Camels could help cure humans.
were scientifically proven to
fight poison as Prophet Muhammad
The Miracle of the Date fruit:
(1) Cures the wombs; (2)
Helps in regenerating lost blood in
the body; (3) Calms the nervous
system, and much more.
Scientific Miracles in the Quran
Regarding Mary eating Date.
Honey was proven to be a healing
medicine for humans
as was mentioned in the Noble Quran.
What do bees eat according to
the Glorious Quran?
In the article, you'll also see
the following video:
Do bees really feed off of
fruits and sweet things?
"all manner of
fruit (من
كل الثمرات)"
also means all sweet-tasting things, for bees pursue all natural-sugar-tasting
things, which exist heavily in fruits. Watch this bee eat from the fruit
in slow motion, along with other bees eating other fruits. This video also
covers the healing and medical benefits of honey, a "healing for men"
(فيه شفاء للناس):

to play clip)
The fly insect and its cure:
Mentioned in Islam and confirmed by
Science (Bacteriophages).
See the latest discoveries that
the Western Scientists have
reached. This is regarding
the Hadith of the fly.
The Fly's Digestive Miracle
- Mentioned in the Holy
Quran and Confirmed by
The Scientific Miracle of the Hijab
(women covering up their bodies
except for their faces, hands and
feet) and the sensitivity of
women's skins VS men's
- Mentioned in the Glorious Quran
and confirmed by Science!
Iron is beneficial to the vision
and eyesight - Mentioned in the
Glorious Quran and confirmed by
The human DNA being 99% the same,
and the DNA of the
pigs and monkeys being very
close ours are directly supported in
the Noble Quran.
Is it possible to cross-breed (hybridize)
humans with chimps?

to play clip)
Humans and the Great Apes do
Self-Recognize in the mirror while other animals do not.
A Youtube video.
More on the human DNA in the
Embryology sub-section.
Mosquitoes and Humans both
have the same amount of sensory
hearing cells
- Supported in the Noble Quran and
Confirmed by Science!
Sleeping on the stomach is detested
in Islam. See how Science
proved that sleeping on your stomach
hurts your back, and is also
life-threatening for infants.
Peeing while sitting down benefits.
The Mercy of Allah Almighty.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
said that Allah Almighty's Mercy is
100 Divine Levels, and only the
first level was shared with us,
which causes so much mercy that that
even the beasts are sometimes
merciful with each others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).
A shocking
video of a leopard showing mercy to
a new born baby-monkey who was
born while his mother was being
eaten, was added to the article.
The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the
Noble Quran, which had
been Scientifically and
Psychologically proven to be True.
See why Allah Almighty is more
forgiving to those who are under the
age of 40, and how Science and
Psychology proved that people under
40 are less mature and tend to make
more irresponsible decisions (i.e.,
mistakes and sins).
The Islamic Ablution (Wudu) prevents
Treating Sciatica with a sheep tail
Miracle in the Hadiths (Sayings of
Prophet Muhammad).
The Miracle of the Ants'
Communications in the Glorious Quran
is confirmed by Science!
Program (Video) by ABC:

to play video)
Ants do indeed talk to each others
as the Holy Quran Stated! Scientists recently discovered using
Advanced Audio Technology.
The Ants'
four Sequence of Communication
is perfectly mentioned in the Noble
Ants do recognize humans,
animals, friends and foes
- Mentioned in the Noble Quran
and confirmed by Science.
Ants bodies are crushed -
Do They not Look At the Camel.
The Fly's Digestive Miracle -
Mentioned in the Holy Quran and
Confirmed by Science!
The fly insect and its cure -
Mentioned in Islam and confirmed by Science. This is regarding
the Hadith of the fly.
The Miracle of
Locust Larvae staying underground
for 17 years compared to
Resurrection - Referenced in the Holy
Quran and Confirmed by Science!
Scientific breakthrough on animal
communication confirms the Glorious
Quran's Claim.
Researchers' Major Discovery
with Dolphins: [1]
First of all, Allah Almighty Said
in the Glorious Quran:
"There is not an animal (That lives) on the
earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings,
but (forms Part of) communities
like you. Nothing have We omitted From the Book, and they (all) Shall
be gathered to their Lord In the end. (The Noble Quran,
Researchers in
Russia have recorded two Black Sea bottlenose dolphins talking to
each other in a pool. For the first time, dolphins have been
recorded having a conversation "just like two people". In the
findings, the dolphin listened to a sentence of pulses without
interruption, before replying. Researchers say the two
dolphins Yasha and Yana, could create
sentences of up to five "words". However,
they do not yet understand the content. Researchers say it is
clear now that Dolphins speak their own language. And it is
time to start studying how to communicate directly with them.
Please watch the follow video:

to watch video)
You can also
watch it on this website's Youtube Channel at:
The Quran's
What also proves
the above to be a Divine Miracle in the Glorious Quran is the fact
that Allah Almighty spoke about the details of ants' communications,
which also were proven to be accurate by science:
The Miracle of the Ants'
Communications in the Glorious Quran
is confirmed by Science!
Program (Video) by ABC:

to play video)
Ants do indeed talk to each others
as the Holy Quran Stated! Scientists recently discovered using
Advanced Audio Technology.
The Ants'
four Sequence of Communication
is perfectly mentioned in the Noble
Ants do recognize humans,
animals, friends and foes
- Mentioned in the Noble Quran
and confirmed by Science.
Ants bodies are crushed -
Also Visit:
Was Adam 90 feet tall? Science
supports Islam's claims.
Mankind multiplied via cloning from
Adam, not incest [1]: Evidence
that Allah Almighty created the
People of Adam through
Cloning. (html backup). Another
STUNNING Scientific
Claim from Islam.
Cloning: Evidence
from the Quran that Allah Almighty
Created the 7 Heavens and all of
their Earths from Cloning.
See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:
6- Life,
Origins of life from water and dust
in the Noble Quran, Plants and their
Embryology of animals and humans.
Detailed meanings of the Scientific
Words in the Scientific Verses in
the Holy Quran using Lisan
Al-Arab (The
Arabs' (of old) Tongue)
Dictionary and
other similar dictionaries.
The Scientific Miracles
Miracle of the
Rain, Thunder
and Electrical "fertilization" caused by winds
in the Noble Quran!
What does it mean Created From
Life originated from water (AUDIO).
Life originated from water in the
Noble Quran.
Water is a must have for having life
in the Universe - Mentioned in the
Noble Quran and confirmed by
circulation and the production of milk in the Breast: In the Noble
Quran and Science.
What forms in the embryo first, the
muscles or the bones?
(Sex is determined by the
male's sperm is mentioned explicitly
in the Glorious Quran!)
Sex determination and
human creation in Islam.
Noble Verses 86:6-7
are discussed here about man created
from between the Ribs and the Back
Bone. Science has confirmed
that. Allah Almighty and Prophet
Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's
ejaculated semen. Also, refutation to the anti-Islamics' lie about
sperm and semen generation in the
Holy Quran.
Also Visit:
Was Adam 90 feet tall? Science
supports Islam's claims.
Mankind multiplied via cloning from
Adam, not incest [1]: Evidence
that Allah Almighty created the
People of Adam through
Cloning. (html backup). Another
STUNNING Scientific
Claim from Islam.
Cloning: Evidence
from the Quran that Allah Almighty
Created the 7 Heavens and all of
their Earths from Cloning.
See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:
Honey was proven to be a healing
medicine for humans
as was mentioned in the Noble Quran.
Water on earth shall vanish
- mentioned in the Noble Quran and
confirmed by Science!
Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty
created the People (Children) of Adam
through Cloning.
backup). Another STUNNING Scientific Claim from Islam.
Mankind did not reproduce from Adam
and Eve's offsprings through incest.
Allah Almighty spoke about greatly
multiplying mankind's numbers
through cloning from Adam.
Evidence from the Quran that Allah
Almighty Created the
7 Heavens and all of their Earth
from Cloning.
309 Lunar years is equal to 300 Solar years.
Lunar and solar years precise
calculations and Miracle.
300 years is 300th Word, and
309 and 300
lunar-solar years and
word-count Miracle in the Glorious
What are the odds? Quran and
moon landing. 54:1.
STUNNING numerical findings
date, rocks weight, and
time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
The Moon is moving towards the Sun,
and the Earth is moving away from
the Sun, and the earth's direction
of rotation is changing - Mentioned
in the Noble Quran and Confirmed by
Life and our physical bodies
originated from CLAY (dust)- The
Noble Quran Claimed it and Science
confirmed it!
Creation from clay (dust).
By Dr. Harun Yahya.
Science and Existence of
pairs - The Noble Quran claimed it
1500 years ago!
everything pairs are created -
Mentioned in the Glorious Quran and
confirmed by Science.
Hermaphrodite and Parthenogenesis
(asexual, sexless) species, and
cloning are covered in great
details, proving the Glorious
Quran's Divine Claims and Miracle.
cloning, human-cloning, and
gender alteration prophesied in
Alteration of Creation
Prophecy in Quran:
The somatic cells from the ears are the most
preferred ones to make cloning:
cells from ear clippings
will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable." (Source,
pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article)). Notice the two
phases of satan's future temptation to mankind. Notice ولامرنهم (and I will command them) is mentioned twice for two different phases:
Noble Verse(s) 4:119 |
Arabic (Read from right to left. Also, all png image files: [1]
[2]. Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):
4:119 ولاضلنهم
ولامنينهم ولامرنهم فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق الله ومن
يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا
[004:119] and will lead them astray, and will stir desires within them,
and will command them and they shall cut the ears of animals (phase 1:
Dolly the sheep and cloning research); and I will further command
them, and they shall alter
the creation of God (phase 2: Cloning industry, LGBTQ, transgenders, Woke, gender
alteration, they-them, he-she, she-he, Ze/Zir, Xe/Xem, Sie/Hir, They/Them, (any animal)/human, (any it)/human, etc...)." He who taketh Satan
rather than God for his patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:
Cloning began with the
of animals' ears:
Satan's big battle with GOD Almighty is to cause so much evil, among them is to
the cattle's ears and to then further command them to alter the creation of Allah" (4:119),
i.e., cloning (as this is
how it began today)
Transgenders also began after
Dolly the sheep's
cloning. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) are covered
below in this
Today they're even researching making males get pregnant, or at least plant
fertilized female eggs inside them and grow the fetuses into babies.
The alteration of Allah
Almighty's creations indeed began with the cutting of the animals' ears and
extracting the necessary somatic cells from them.
Dolly the sheep was the first creation to ever be cloned:
was a female domestic sheep, and the
first mammal cloned
from an adult somatic cell,
using the process of nuclear transfer."
cells from ear clippings
will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable." (Source,
pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article))
Ample more quotes are below
in this
article. In the
file, we read:

Evidence that Allah
Almighty created the
People of Adam through
Cloning in
the Glorious Quran.
backup). Cloning is mentioned in
multiple places in the
Glorious Quran [1],
and is
one of the End of Times
Prophecies as
well. Cloning is
definitely NOT a foreign
concept in the Glorious
The Overwhelming
Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.
Quran's and Islam's Amazing Prophecies.
Allah Almighty quoted satan telling Him, the
Almighty, in the Glorious Quran the
ولاضلنهم ولامنينهم ولامرنهم
فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق
الله ومن يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا
[004:119] and (1) will
lead them astray ولاضلنهم, and (2) will
stir desires within them ولامنينهم, and (3) will
command them ولامرنهم and (4) they
shall cut the ears of animals فليبتكن
اذان الانعام; and (5) I
will command them ولامرنهم to
alter the creation of God فليغيرن
خلق الله ."
He who taketh Satan rather than God for his
patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:
Satan will:
1- Lead astray.
2- Stir desires.
3- Will command the evil ones.
4- They will cut the animals' ears.
5- Then proceed to alter the creation of GOD Almighty.
Notice the fifth "and":
(5) and I
will command them ولامرنهم to
alter the creation of God فليغيرن
خلق الله ."
Praised Incest:
Bibles praise fornications in
incest-like descriptions.
The brothers, little sister and mother sexing,
and the vaginas taste like "wine", and a praise for group incest rape in
the gospel of LGBTQ, Woke and porn:

Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1] (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed). See also the 39+ members of trinity. Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
Also Visit:
Was Adam 90 feet tall?
Science supports
Islam's claims.
Mankind multiplied via cloning from Adam,
not incest:
Evidence that Allah Almighty created the People of Adam
through Cloning.
backup). Another STUNNING
Scientific Claim from Islam.
Earth Cloning:
Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of
their Earths from
See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

The Creation of Human Beings from
Water. By Dr. Harun Yahya.
The existence of microscopic life in
the Noble Quran.
The decomposed dead feeds life; food
cycle - mentioned in the Noble Quran
and confirmed by science.
The breathing cycle during the day
on planet earth by the plants,
humans and animals - mentioned in
the Noble Quran and confirmed by
The Source of Energy.
Miracle of 10,000 steps in Islam.
Top medical institutes also
recommend it. It's equivalent
to 1 1/2 hours of walking everyday.
It is the top cure for Type 2
Diabetes and Depression.
Scientific breakthrough on animal
communication confirms the Glorious
Quran's Claim.
7- Psychology:
The Scientific Miracles
The following article was taken from:
The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum:
is generated from the person's forehead.
What does the
Glorious Quran say about
lying and about taking credit and recognition for what you do
not deserve?
Lying and deception are generated from
the forehead:
Noble Verse(s) 96:15-96:16 |
[096:015] Nay! if he desist not,
We would will
certainly smite
his forehead,
A lying, sinful
[096:015] Kalla la-in lam yantahi
lanasfaAAan bialnnasiyati
Nasiyatin kathibatin khati-atin
Arabic (from right to left):
كلا لئن لم ينته
ناصية كاذبة خاطئة
According to
1. Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book
8, Page 750.
2. Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1229.
3. Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page 927.
4. Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section
[4], Page 1152.
5. Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr
dictionary [6], Page .
الناصية (al-naasiyah):
قال الفراء في قوله
تعالي" لنسفعن بالناصيه" ناصيته مقدمه راسه
The Furaa' said that in Allah Almighty's Noble Verse
" لنسفعن بالناصيه"
(we will certainly smite his forehead),
HIS NAASIYAH is the forehead.
قال الازهري: الناصيه عند
العرب منبت الشعر في مقدمه الراس
The Azhari said: THE NAASIYAH
to the Arabs
(of old) is the
place where the hair grows on the beginning of the head
(i.e., the forehead).

Figure 12:
Functional regions of the left hemisphere of the cerebral
cortex. The prefrontal area is located at the front of the
cortex. (Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and
others, p. 210.)
The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the
Noble Quran, which had
been Scientifically and
Psychologically proven to be True.
See why Allah Almighty is more
forgiving to those who are under the
age of 40, and how Science and
Psychology proved that people under
40 are less mature and tend to make
more irresponsible decisions (i.e.,
mistakes and sins).
One main reason is that the brain's "Frontal
Cortex", which is also called "The
Voice of Reason", develops last. The brain
takes a very long time to develop
which is a protective natural insulation that the body
builds for its cells. The brain not only doesn't
complete developing Myelin for its cells until the late
20s or
even past 30s,
but it develops Myelin for the Frontal Cortex last!
This is where people might appear to be physically built and
mature, while their brains are still underdeveloped:

to play video)
This video demonstrates the
Wisdom that is developed from the Frontal Cortex.
Allah Almighty spoke about the
Cortex function in the Glorious Quran.
Indeed, the ones who have developed Wisdom but still
deceive and
do evil are going to be punished severely.
Why did the Quran describe the front of the
head as being lying and sinful? Why didn’t the Quran say that
the person was lying and sinful? What is the relationship
between the front of the head and lying and sinfulness?
If we look into the skull at the front of the
head, we will find the
prefrontal area of the cerebrum (see figure 12).
What does physiology tell us about the function of this area? A
book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
says about this area, “The motivation
and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in
the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area.
This is a region of association cortex...” [1] Also the
book says, “In relation to its involvement
in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the
functional center for
So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible
for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful
behavior and is responsible for the telling of lies and the
speaking of truth. Thus, it is proper to describe the front of
the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin,
as the Quran has said, “...A lying, sinful naseyah
(front of the head)!”
Scientists have only discovered these
functions of the prefrontal area in the last sixty years,
according to Professor Keith L. Moore. [3]
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p.
211. Also see The Human Nervous System, Noback and
others, pp. 410-411.
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p.
(3) Al-E’jaz
al-Elmy fee al-Naseyah (The Scientific Miracles in the Front of
the Head), Moore and others, p. 41.
264 |
Do not be a narcissist. A narcissist is
one who is quite a negative person, wishes negativity upon the people around
him, and wishes ill to those around him. He constantly plays the victim
role, and always blames the people around him for his failures. He is
never wrong. It is always someone else's fault, and he is always right.
He also threatens and harms the people whom he has the upper hand on. He
is a bully and a repulsive person. He is dark and evil from inside.
He also lies a lot and spreads misinformation about people, and works hard to
remove the harmony and peace between people. The evil state of
Israel is
a narcissistic state. You also see the Jews constantly play the victim
role and lie endlessly. Israel is evil, wishes ill on everyone, spreads
ample lies and misinformation, makes up lies on its enemies, and threatens
people who disagree with it.
GOD in their Torah tells them
"Even from your birth,
you are liars"
(Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8).
Even evil Israel's media in the USA and Europe is now
threatening the freedoms and jobs of everyone who even dares to
show the slightest doubt towards its lies. Visit the ample videos the
expose Israel's ample lies at: Even it's so-called
40-beheaded-babies lie has been exposed, and the reporter who reported it
retracted from their position.
Almighty in the Glorious Quran forbade upon Muslims to be narcissists, and gave the healing from
narcissism in the Glorious Quran. We are forbidden from being a bad trial
to both non-Muslims and Muslims. Not only that, but Allah Almighty
promised a severe punishment in Hell Fire to those who do not repent from being
a bad trial to people, and commanded Muslims to stand up against narcissists and
to fight them until they stop. See the ample Noble Verses in the entries
#39, 40, 41, 42, 112, 125, 208, 213, 217, 218, 229, 237, 239, 243, 245, 259
Throughout the entries above, we've seen
how Allah Almighty commanded the Muslim men and women to:
1- Be always chaste.
2- To lower their gazes.
3- To never be sexually enticing or tempting.
4- To never even put disbelievers into any trial or temptation.
5- To always be upright and a great moral example to all of mankind.
6- To always do what is right and condemn what is wrong.
7- To never covet.
8- To never wish ill on people and to always be forgiving when possible.
9- To fight evil.
10- To always be just with everyone, and to always stand up for justice as witnesses to Allah, even if
its against ourselves, our parents or against rich or poor Allah Almighty
For further research, please visit the Glorious
Quran's Miracles in Psychology section.
See the ample Noble Verses in the
entries #39, 40, 41, 42, 112, 125, 208, 213, 217, 218, 229, 237, 239, 243, 245,
259 above. |
Miracle of 10,000 steps in Islam.
Top medical institutes also
recommend it. It's equivalent
to 1 1/2 hours of walking everyday.
It is the top cure for Type 2
Diabetes and
Western study shows that women in
Hijab are
more confident and secured.
The Scientific Miracle of the Hijab
and the sensitivity of
women's skins VS men's
- Mentioned in the Glorious Quran
and confirmed by Science!
Hijab cover is women covering up
their bodies except for their faces,
hands and feet.
Forgiveness according to the Morals
of Islam and its benefits on health.
See why Allah Almighty considered
forgiveness to be a
superior moral
Health benefits in forgiveness.
Also visit:
The Glorious Quran's Moral Code
(100s of them).
Good Manners,
Moral Code,
Ethics in Islam.
How Prayer accelerates the treatment
of the sick.
The Effect of Prayer on the Human
Stress and depression: The results
of not abiding by Religion.
The psychological Wisdom of Prayers
in Islam was proven in Science and
The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the
Noble Quran, which had
been Scientifically and
Psychologically proven to be True.
See why Allah Almighty is more
forgiving to those who are under the
age of 40, and how Science and
Psychology proved that people under
40 are less mature and tend to make
more irresponsible decisions (i.e.,
mistakes and sins).
8- Archeology
and History:
The Scientific Miracles
Prophecy [1]
The recently found
city of "Imad" or "Iram" was
only mentioned in the Noble Quran.
Quran decodes Hieroglyphics - Archeological Miracle.
Historical marvels in the Glorious Quran.
PDF explaining many miracles. By brother A.
Is the Tale of the Army of the Elephants being
bombed/struck by the
Sijjeel (سجيل)
Stones by the Ababeel (أبابيل)
a mere fable or a True Historical Event, in the Glorious Quran?
See the new archeological
Yes, the Jews did call
a special Son of GOD with
special Divine Connections.
The Building of the Pyramids of Giza Miracle -
Science in 1981 confirmed the
Glorious Quran's Divine Claim 1,400 years ago!
body preserved and found
as the Noble Quran Prophesied.
Western scientists proved
that the found body in one of the Pyramids was drowned and they strongly believe he is Pharaoh.
French scientist
Dr. Maurice Bucaille
(pronounced as boukay) embraced
Islam because of this specific
research on Pharaoh's body in
the Bible and the Quran [1].
The following videos are very
By Sheikh Yusuf Estes:
(6 minutes)
Dr. Maurice and the
Pharaoh - Qur'an &
Science. Minutes 42:23,
47:41, 49:11 give
Quran's Miracle: (1
Both above videos are also
on this
Youtube Channel.
Text article with image
and Research.
The Scientific Miracle of the People of Israel
in the Glorious Quran! The miracles that I listed
are the following:
(a)- Every
adult (male or female) Israeli is a soldier in Israel.
(b)- The Israeli nation is made up of
many ethnicities and nationalities.
(c)- Fighting from behind walls.
(ample pictures provided)
The Iron Gates during the Gog and
Magog days that were mentioned in
the Noble Quran had been found.
Winston Churchill of Great Britain
during World War II recognized the
"Iron Gates" built against the army
of Gog and Magog that was mentioned
in the Noble Quran and wasn't
mentioned in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
The Miracle and Prophecy of those
who Prostrate to Allah Almighty in
Mecca - Mentioned in the Glorious
Quran and confirmed today!
The black stone was proven to be a
Meteorite sent from space.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
him, claimed that the stone was sent
down by Allah Almighty to Prophet
Abraham and his son Ishmael, peace
be upon both of them, to give the
precise location of where the Kaaba
was to be built by them. We believe
that Prophets Abraham and Ishmael
built the Kaaba. Western
Scientists have confirmed that the
black stone, which resides
near the Kaaba in the Holy City of
is an outside meteorite object!
""Stars" falling from
the skies have been
known since ancient
times; rarely, stones
are found that were tied
to these "shooting
One such rock has been
venerated by Islam (in
its encased shrine in
Mecca) for more
than 1300 years.
By the 19th Century,
meteorites were
identified correctly as
samples from other parts
of the Solar System.
They are part of the
nearly 500 tons of
extraterrestrial rock
material that reaches
and enters the
atmosphere each day.
Most of that material is
burned up by friction
from the high speed of
entry but meteoric dust
can remain in the air
and a very few
individual blocks of
material survive this
passage to fall in the
sea or on the ground as
"The second city of
Saudi Arabia is
Mecca which
contains the holiest
shrine in Islam, a great
plaza with a rectangular
containing a
meteorite that is
considered to have
fallen into the Muslim
world directly from
Devout Muslims make the
Hajj, a pilgrimage to
this shrine required at
least once in a
lifetime (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus). Here it is as
seen in a Quickbird
Prophet Muhammad forbade us from
worshiping any stone:
Islam prohibits the worship
of the black stone, Kaaba, and/or
any other object beside Allah
Past or present tense regarding the
ancient ruins that the Glorious
Quran spoke about.
9- Great Web
The following external websites are
among the best that I have found on
the internet. Their sequential
order doesn't mean that one is
better than the other:
The Scientific Miracles
This website contains great
materials about the Scientific
Miracles of the Holy Quran.
This is a great website by
brother Zaid Qasim Ghazzawi.
A very rich website on the
Scientific Miracles in both the
Glorious Quran and the Sunnah of
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Sheikh Yusuf Estes' site.
He is an American convert to Islam.
on this site's Blog. He
has tons of discovered Numerical
patterns and Miracles in the
Glorious Quran.
What does the Quran say about Scientific Research, Libraries,
Universities and
Documenting Knowledge of all fields (history, geography, science, math,
religion, archeology, etc...)? Is learning only limited to learning the
Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) only?
Al-Samad means ABSOLUTE ONE for GOD Almighty. It is also a Scientific
Miracle, because Allah Almighty covers everything, even between the thread
and the pecking levels of an atom, as Allah Almighty described in the
Glorious Quran. Scientists have confirmed that the atom's quark
(bouncing back and forth inside the atom) and thread are
the smallest parts of the atom. This means even between the spaces between the threads
inside the atom, Allah Almighty covers it,
and Has Full Knowledge of it:

علي منصور كيالي
(Ali Mansoor Kiyali)
Great Miracles in the Glorious Quran by
Dr. Ali Mansour Kayali.
This is a blog of a Muslim brother
that writes great rebuttals with
thorough analysis.

Dr. Zaghloul Al-Najjar's English site is finally up and