update: 29.July 2000 (see below: Words of the uninitialized suras)

Initials Name Sura No. Verses Words Letters with hamza Letters without hamza
  The Opening 1 7 29 139 -
A.L.M. The Cow 2 286 6117 25900 -
A.L.M. The Imrans 3 200 3481 14760 -
  The Women 4 176 3747 16086 -
  The Table 5 120 2804 12032 -
  Livestock 6 165 3050 12571 -
A.L.M.S  Purgatory 7 206 3320 14244 -
  Spoils of War 8 75 1234 5350 -
   Repentance 9 129 2498 10954 -
AL.R. Jonah 10 109 1833 7521 -
A.L.R. Hud 11 123 1917 7726 -
A.L.R. Joseph 12 111 1777 7203 -
A.L.M.R. The Thunder 13 43 854 3500 -
A.L.R. Abraham 14 52 830 3497 -
A.L.R. The Hijr 15 99 654 2829 -
  The Bee 16 128 1844 7723 -
  Bani Israel 17 111 1556 6565 -
  The Cave  18 110 1579 6488 -
K.H.Y.'A.S. Mary 19 98 961 3868 -
T.H. Taha 20 135 1335 5337 -
  The Prophets 21 112 1169 4981 -
    Pilgrimage 22 78 1274 5237 -
   Believers 23 118 1050 4399 -
  The Light 24 64 1316 5663 -
  The Statute Book 25 77 893 3825 -
T.S.M. The Poets 26 227 1318 5573 -
T.S. The Ant 27 93 1151 4746 -
T.S.M. The History 28 88 1430 5863 -
A.L.M. The Spider 29 69 976 4256 -
A.L.M. The Romans 30 60 817 3433 -
A.L.M. Luqman 31 34 546 2134 -
A.L.M. The Prostration 32 30 372 1542 -
  The Parties 33 73 1287 5675 -
  Sheba 34 54 883 3549 -
  The Originator 35 45 775 3184 -
Y.S. Yasin 36 83 725 3020 -
  The Arrangers 37 182 861 3828 -
S. Sad 38 88 733 3018 -
  The Throngs 39 75 1172 4786 -
H.M. Forgiver 40 85 1219 5041 -
H.M. Detailed 41 54 794 3336 -
H.M. 'A.S.Q. Consultation 42 53 860 3471 -
HM Ornaments 43 89 830 3553 -
H.M. The Smoke 44 59 346 1455 -
H.M. The Kneeling 45 37 488 2050 -
H.M. The Dunes 46 35 643 2627 -
  Muhammad 47 38 539 2389 -
  The Victory 48 29 560 2479 -
  The Chambers 49 18 347 1508 -
Q. Qaf 50 45 373 1488 -
  The Scatterers 51 60 360 1523 -
  The Mount Sinai 52 49 312 1305 -
  The Star 53 62 360 1422 -
  The Moon 54 55 342 1461 -
  The Most Gracious 55 78 351 1657 -
  The Event 56 96 379 1719 -
  The Iron 57 29 574 2505 -
  The Debate 58 22 472 2011 -
   The Gathering 59 24 445 1931 -
   The Test 60 13 348 1542 -
   The Column 61 14 221 945 -
   Friday 62 11 175 755 -
  the Hypocrites 63 11 180 787 -
   Mutual blaming 64 18 241 1072 -
  Divorce  65 12 287 1184 -
   Prohibition 66 12 249 1074 -
   Kingship 67 30 333 1330 -
N.  The Pen 68 52 300 1264 -
   Incontestable 69 52 258 1113 -
   The Ways of Ascent 70 44 217 951 -
   Noah 71 28 226 953 --
   The Jinn 72 28 285 1096 -
  Cloacked 73 20 199 850 -
  Wrapped up 74 56 255 1024 -
   Resurection 75 40 164 668 -
   The Human 76 31 243 1078 -
   Dispached 77 50 181 821 -
   The News 78 40 173 778 -
  The Snatchers  79 46 179 772 -
   He Frowned 80 42 133 546 -
   The Rolling 81 29 104 431 -
   The Shattering 82 19 80 329 -
  The Cheaters 83 36 169 744 -
   The Rending asunder 84 25 107 440 -
   The Zodiacal Signs 85 22 109 463 -
   The Bright Star 86 17 61 252 -
   Higher 87 19 72 296 -
   Overwhelming 88 26 92 380 -
  The Dawn 89 30 137 575 -
   The Town 90 20 82 338 -
   The Sun 91 15 54 250 -
   The Night 92 21 71 314 -
   The Forenoon 93 11 40 166 -
  The Expansion 94 8 27 102 -
   The Fig 95 8 34 157 -
  The Embryo 96 19 72 285 -
   Destiny 97 5 30 112 -
   Proof 98 8 94 397 -
   The Quake 99 8 36 156 -
   The Gallopers 100 11 40 164 -
   The Shoker 101 11 36 158 -
   Hoarding 102 8 28 123 -
   The Time 103 3 14 71 -
   The Backbiter 104 9 33 134 -
  The Elephant 105 5 23 96 -
   Quraish Tribe 106 4 17 75 -
   Charity 107 7 25 114 -
   Bounty 108 3 10 42 -
   Disbilievers 109 6 26 95 -
   Triumph 110 3 19 80 -
   Thorns 111 5 23 81 -
   Absoluteness 112 4 15 47 -
   The Dawn 113 5 23 71 -
  Mankind 114 6 20 80 -
  total 6555 6236 77432 326157 -
   + 112 Basmallats    + 112 + 448  + 2128  -
    6555  6348  77880  328285  -

Remarks about the counting of the Words and letters :

ما لم is counted  two words. The initials are considered as words. The accuracy of the counting is 99,9 %.

Concerning  the counting of the letters : we count all the Hamzat :

and " mad al badal" the long voyelle (a),  is counted 2 hamzat like in the word  الأخرة, here for example we count 6 letters. The accuracy of the counting is about 85 %.

The counting of the letters without hamzat will be later added in schallah. It is just to say that the both variante of the letters- counting play a role in the mathematical miracle.

I opted also to count the letters of the words without the hamzat because in the earlier Quran this letter was not present ( it was introduced later with the dots and vocalisations in order to facilitate the prononcation by foreigners)




Initials Name Sura No. Verses Words Letters
A.L.M. The Cow 2 286 6117 25900
A.L.M. The Imrans 3 200 3481 14760
A.L.M.S  Purgatory 7 206 3320 14244
A.L.R. Jonah 10 109 1833 7521
A.L.R. Hud 11 123 1917 7726
A.L.R. Joseph 12 111 1777 7203
A.L.M.R. The Thunder 13 43 854 3500
A.L.R. Abraham 14 52 830 3497
A.L.R. The Hijr 15 99 654 2829
K.H.Y.'A.S. Mary 19 98 961 3868
T.H. Taha 20 135 1335 5337
T.S.M The Poets 26 227 1318 5573
T.S. The Ant 27 93 1151 4747
T.S.M The History 28 88 1430 5863
A.L.M. The Spider 29 69 976 4256
A.L.M. The Romans 30 60 817 3433
A.L.M. Luqman 31 34 546 2134
A.L.M.  Prostration 32 30 372 1542
Y.S. Yasin 36 83 725 3020
S. Sad 38 88 733 3018
H.M. Forgiver 40 85 1219 5041
H.M. Detailed 41 54 794 3335
H.M.'A.S.Q. Consultation 42 53 860 3471
H.M. Ornaments 43 89 830 3553
H.M. The Smoke 44 59 346 1455
H.M. The Kneeling 45 37 488 2049
H.M. The Dunes 46 35 643 2627
Q. Qaf 50 45 300 1264
NuN  The Pen 68 52 300 1264
    822 2743 37000  

 =     40565     =    19 x 2135



Words of the Uninitialized Suras :

Name Sura No Verses Words  
الفاتحة 1 7 29
النّساء 4 176 3747
المائدة 5 120 2804
الأنعام 6 165 3050
الأنفال 8 75 1234
التّوبة 9 129 2498
النّحل 16 128 1844
اللإسراء 17 111 1556
الكهف 18 110 1579
الأنبياء 21 112 1169
الحجّ 22 78 1274
المؤمنون 23 118 1050
النّور 24 64 1316
الفرقان 25 77 893
الأحزاب 33 73 1287
سبأ 34 54 883
فاطر 35 45 775
الصّافات 37 182 861
الزّمر 39 75 1172
محمّد 47 38 539
الفتح 48 29 560
الحجرات 49 18 347
الذّاريات 51 60 360
الطّور 52 49 312
النّجم 53 62 360
القمر 54 55 342
الرّحمن 55 78 351
الواقعة 56 96 379
الحديد 57 29 574
المجادلة 58 22 472
الحشر 59 24 445
الممتحنة 60 13 348
الصّف 61 14 221
الجمعة 62 11 175
المنافقون 63 11 180
التّغابن 64 18 241
الطّلاق 65 12 287
التّحريم 66 12 249
الماك 67 30 333
الحاقّة 69 52 258
المعارج 70 44 217
نوح 71 28 226
الجنّ 72 28 285
المزمّل 73 20 199
المدّثر 74 56 255
القيامة 75 40 164
الإنسان 76 31 243
المرسلات 77 50 181
النّبأ 78 40 173
النّازعات 79 46 179
عبس 80 42 133
التّكوير 81 29 104
الإنفطار 82 19 80
المطفّفين 83 36 169
الإنشقاق 84 25 107
البروج 85 22 109
الطّارق 86 17 61
الأعلى 87 19 72
الغاشية 88 26 92
الفجر 89 30 137
البلد 90 20 82
الشّمس 91 15 54
اللّيل 92 21 71
الضّحى 93 11 40
الشّرح 94 8 27
التّين 95 8 34
العلق 96 19 72
القدر 97 5 30
البيّنة 98 8 94
الزّلزلة 99 8 36
العاديات 100 11 40
القارعة 101 11 36
التّكاثر 102 8 28
العصر 103 3 14
الهمزة 104 9 33
الفيل 105 5 23
قريش 106 4 17
الماعون 107 7 25
الكوثر 108 3 10
الكافرون 109 6 26
النّصر 110 3 19
المسد 111 5 23
الإخلاص 112 4 15
الفلق 113 5 23
النّاس 114 6 20
  5733 3493 40432


Note that in the Quran there are 29 initialized Suras and 85 uninitialized Suras.

 Quran has 85 suras where the word Allah occurs and 29 Suras where this word is absent..

Astonishing parallel.


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Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind:

1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.  This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.

2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].  Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.