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Parameter: 67:25-67:29

Noble Verse(s) 67:25-67:29

Yusuf Ali:

[067:025]  They ask: When will this promise be (fulfilled)? - If ye are telling the truth.

[067:026]  Say: "As to the knowledge of the time, it is with God alone: I am (sent) only to warn plainly in public."

[067:027]  At length, when they see it close at hand, grieved will be the faces of the Unbelievers, and it will be said (to them): "This is (the promise fulfilled), which ye were calling for!"

[067:028]  Say: "See ye?- If God were to destroy me, and those with me, or if He bestows His Mercy on us,- yet who can deliver the Unbelievers from a grievous Penalty?"

[067:029]  Say: "He is (God) Most Gracious: We have believed in Him, and on Him have we put our trust: So, soon will ye know which (of us) it is that is in manifest error."

Dr. Munir Munshey (one of www.answering-christianity.com's authors):

[067:025]  They say, “When will that promise come to be, if you are truthful?”

[067:026]  Say, “That knowledge lies solely with Allah; in fact I am simply a warner!”

[067:027]  Actually, the faces of the unbelievers would distort (with horror) when they witness the torment in close proximity. They would be told “(this is the promise), this is what you had called for.”

[067:028]  Say, “Have you thought it over? Regardless of whether Allah destroys me and my companions, or shows us His mercy, (the question before you should be) who will shelter the unbelievers from the painful punishment?”

[067:029]  Say, “He is Rehman, (the most Merciful). We believe in Him! And in Him we trust. Very soon, you will find out who has committed the obvious (and the gravest) blunder?”


[067:025]  Wayaqooloona mata hatha alwaAAdu in kuntum sadiqeena

[067:026]  Qul innama alAAilmu AAinda Allahi wa-innama ana natheerun mubeenun

[067:027]  Falamma raawhu zulfatan see-at wujoohu allatheena kafaroo waqeela hatha allathee kuntum bihi taddaAAoona

[067:028]  Qul araaytum in ahlakaniya Allahu waman maAAiya aw rahimana faman yujeeru alkafireena min AAathabin aleemin

[067:029]  Qul huwa alrrahmanu amanna bihi waAAalayhi tawakkalna fasataAAlamoona man huwa fee dalalin mubeenin

Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2]).  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

67:25 ويقولون متى هذا الوعد ان كنتم صادقين

67:26 قل انما العلم عندالله وانما انا نذير مبين

67:27 فلما راوه زلفة سيئت وجوه الذين كفروا وقيل هذا الذي كنتم به تدعون

67:28 قل ارايتم ان اهلكني الله ومن معي او رحمنا فمن يجير الكافرين من عذاب اليم

67:29 قل هو الرحمن امنا به وعليه توكلنا فستعلمون من هو في ضلال مبين

Sher Ali:

[067:025]  And they say, `When will this promise come to pass, if, indeed, you are truthful ?'

[067:026]  Say, `The knowledge of it is with ALLAH, and I am but a plain Warner.'

[067:027]  But when they see it nigh, the faces of those who disbelieve will be grief-stricken, and it will be said, `This is what you repeatedly asked for.'

[067:028]  Say, `Tell me, if ALLAH should destroy me and those who are with me, or have mercy upon us, who will protect the disbelievers from a painful torment ?'

[067:029]  Say, `HE is the Beneficent God, in HIM have we believed and in HIM have we put our trust. And you will soon know who is in manifest error.'


[067:025]  And they say: When shall this threat be (executed) if you are truthful?

[067:026]  Say: The knowledge (thereof is only with Allah and I am only a plain warner.=

[067:027]  But when they shall see it nigh, the faces of those who disbelieve shall be sorry, and it shall be said; This is that which you used to call for.

[067:028]  Say: Have you considered if Allah should destroy me and those with me -- rather He will have mercy on us; yet who will protect the unbelievers from a painful punishment?

[067:029]  Say: He is the Beneficent God, we believe in Him and on Him do we rely, so you shall come to know who it is that is in clear error.


[067:025]  And they say: When (will) this promise (be fulfilled), if ye are truthful ?

[067:026]  Say: The knowledge is with Allah only, and I am but a plain warner;

[067:027]  But when they see it nigh, the faces of those who disbelieve will be awry, and it will be said (unto them): This is that for which ye used to call.

[067:028]  Say (O Muhammad): Have ye thought: Whether Allah causeth me (Muhammad) and those with me to perish or hath mercy on us, still, who will protect the disbelievers from a painful doom ?

[067:029]  Say: He is the Beneficent. In Him we believe and in Him we put our trust. And ye will soon know who it is that is in error manifest.


[067:025]  They say, when shall this menace be put in execution if ye speak truth?

[067:026]  Answer, the knowledge of this matter is with God alone: For I am only a public warner.

[067:027]  But when they shall see the same nigh at hand, the countenance of the infidels shall grow sad: And it shall be said unto them, this is what ye have been demanding.

[067:028]  Say, what think ye? Whether God destroy me and those who are with me, or have mercy on us; who will protect the unbelievers from a painful punishment?

[067:029]  Say, He is the Merciful; in Him do we believe, and in Him do we put our trust. Ye shall hereafter know who is in a manifest error.

Muhammad Al-Hilali & Muhsin Khan:

[067:025]  They say: "When will this promise (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) come to pass? if you are telling the truth."

[067:026]  Say (O Muhammad SAW): "The knowledge (of its exact time) is with Allah only, and I am only a plain warner."

[067:027]  But when they will see it (the torment on the Day of Resurrection) approaching, the faces of those who disbelieve will be different (black, sad, and in grieve), and it will be said (to them): "This is (the promise) which you were calling for!"

[067:028]  Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Tell me! If Allah destroys me, and those with me, or He bestows His Mercy on us, - who can save the disbelievers from a painful torment?"

[067:029]  Say: "He is the Most Beneficent (Allah), in Him we believe, and in Him we put our trust. So you will come to know who is it that is in manifest error."


[067:025]  They say, 'When shall this threat be, if ye do speak the truth?'

[067:026]  Say, 'The knowledge is only with God; and I am but a plain warner!'

[067:027]  And when they see it nigh, sorry shall be the faces of those who misbelieve; and it shall be said, 'This is that for which ye used to call!'

[067:028]  Say, 'Have ye considered, whether God destroy me and those with me, or whether we obtain mercy, yet who will protect the misbelievers from grievous torment?'

[067:029]  Say, 'He is the Merciful; we believe in Him, and upon Him do we rely; and ye shall shortly know who it is that is in obvious error!'


[067:025]  They say, 'When shall this promise come to pass, if you speak truly?'

[067:026]  Say: 'The knowledge is with God; I am only a clear warner.'

[067:027]  Then, when they see it nigh at hand, the faces of the unbelievers will be vexed, and it will be said, 'This is what you were promised.'

[067:028]  Say: 'What think you? If God destroys me and those with me, or has mercy on us, then who will protect the unbelievers from a painful chastisement?'

[067:029]  Say: 'He is the All-merciful. We believe in Him, and in Him we put all our trust. Assuredly, you will soon, know who is in manifest error.

Khalifa: (why is he here?)

[067:025]  They challenge: "When will that prophecy come to pass, if you are truthful?"

[067:026]  Say, "Such knowledge is with GOD; I am no more than a manifest warner."

[067:027]  When they see it happening, the faces of those who disbelieved will turn miserable, and it will be proclaimed: "This is what you used to mock."

[067:028]  Say, "Whether GOD decides to annihilate me and those with me, or to shower us with His mercy, who is there to protect the disbelievers from a painful retribution?"

[067:029]  Say, "He is the Most Gracious; we believe in Him, and we trust in Him. You will surely find out who is really far astray."


[067:025]  And they say, "When shall this threat be put in force, if ye speak the truth?"

[067:026]  SAY: Nay truly, this knowledge is with God alone: and I am only an open warner.

[067:027]  But when they shall see it nigh, sad shall wax the countenances of the infidels: and it shall be said, "This is what ye have been calling for."

[067:028]  SAY: What think ye? Whether God destroy me or not, and those who follow me, or whether he have mercy on us, yet who will protect the infidels from a woeful torment?

[067:029]  SAY: He is the God of Mercy: in Him do we believe, and in Him put we our trust; and ye shall know hereafter who is in a manifest error.


The number of Noble Verses returned: 65

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